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Posts posted by Johnny

  1. [1]You spend at least half and hour on a sig?! That's hardcore.


    [2]I have yet to see one like that


    [3]I think I was referring to Michael's scale...not yours, but thanks for the information.


    [4]That's what I kinda do....


    [5]I'm not sure either....Michael is cucoo for cocoa puffs.


    [1] Nah...that's normal.


    [2] If I find one, I'll show you.


    [3] I'm sure his varies the same way mine does.


    [4] Well alrighty then. :D


    [5] THAT'S for sure.

  2. [1] He meant instead of using your name, put the name of the dragon instead. It's a no-no to put text on a render...ever.


    [2] Wow, that looks good. It's not blended, but I think it looks better that way.


    [3] Well, not really. He just said it had to be the name of the dragon meaning you cannot put your name. He never said that it had to just be the dragon's name, but it would have been pretty funny if Mike was disqualified from his own challenge.


    [1] Well, at least you're getting it. :D But I don't think he was asking that...I think he was asking why he couldn't put his and the dragon's name...not his name on the dragon.


    [2] Lots of sigs do.


    [3] SSSHHHHHHH! You're ruining it!

  3. When I say Egypt, what comes to your mind? Sand dunes? Pyramids? Well, Egypt is more than that. It has cities just like in America or Europe. Well, it's the same in Antartica....except there are less cities. Anyway, I'm using 56K, so all I really need is a phone line. Not hard to get internet at all.
    That's not what Antartica is about. There's an actual supermarket where I go to get food, so I don't need to hunt. You guys watch too many movies.

    Well, I do think of sand dunes and pyramids, but I also know there's cities, of course. But how you got the phone line thing was my question. I guess you guys have your own power plants or whatever though. O.o Silly Johnny.

    And I think Biskie was being sarcastic to Mike at first.

  4. Oh, but according to Brooks' guidelines: "Never mix themes."*


    *Might not be an exact quote, but you get the general idea


    Nah, you can mix themes...but it just doesn't look as good. Or at least, I don't think so. There's always exceptions though, and as I said before, lighting, sparkle, and tech are detail brushes, and can be used with anything, really.

  5. Is THIS an improvment? Everywhere I've posted these...the red ones gotten more comments then anything else I've ever made o.o...so I might as well try and make it better...


    It's because the red's more bold. Bolder colors grab more attention, which is why all mine are loaded with color. :)


    Looks good, but lose the bevel. Bevel is only effective if your background is a wall or something. Your background seems to be air.


    8.5/10 on the new one


    Ditto on that.

  6. [1] hmmm 20px 10-15 would have suit ited more and then do a oval shape around the whole left arm.


    [2] its not your worse yet its just need more work me and johnny usually spend time on ours min 15-20 max 1 year, [3] also when brushing do the alternative of black and white brushes in a span of 8-10 layers, to get the depth going and to give you an idea how to work the brushes in and when your confindent enough trim it down to 3 4 laers of brushing and then alterniated with black and white on those layers [4] where it almost looks grey in color.


    [1] No.


    [2] Max 1 year? Highly unlikely, but my minimum is a lot higher than 20 minutes. Nowadays it's closer to 30-40 mins minimum.


    [3] Good advice, you should take it yourself. :)


    [4] Grey? Nah...it shouldn't look grey. It should be crisp black and white, for the most part.


    [1]No. I tried 10 px - 15 px. Too much blending for me.


    [2]Apparently it is my worst. You gave me the lowest rating you've ever given me.


    [3]How will making different brushing give it more depth?


    [4]If I trim it down, then what's the point of the 8 - 10 layers?


    All right, I edited the original doom sig. Here's the new one:

    Posted Image

    What do you think?


    Here's the old one if you want to look at them side-by-side:

    Posted Image


    Edit: Added the new doom sig


    [1] I know what you mean, but sometimes "too much" can look good. I've seen sigs that are so -bad- that they look really really good, if you get what I mean. But it's a rare thing. O.o


    [2] Scales change. I might give one sig a 6 and then one of the same caliber an 8 some other time. I tend to lose track of my scale sometimes.


    [3] Not different, but -more-. It's because if you just do one layer of brushing, it looks pretty flat, whereas if you go white black white black white black you get more and more...whatever the word is. Just try it, you'll see what he means.


    [4] I think he meant start doing a bunch of layers, and when you get better in designing you can use less layers...not sure though...that part confused me.


    The new one looks a bit better, nice job.

  7. Michael, Michael, Michael...what do you think you're doing bro? They're bad. That's right, just plain bad.1. The blur on Zim shouldn't be there, and him being the one place of color is odd. If you are gonna do it that way, put him in the center so he's the focus. Text works, I suppose, but it doesn't look "nice."2. Nice background, nice blending, too monotone, font's wrong, text is WAY too big. You put way too much text in your sigs bro...it always overpowers all the other elements.3. See #2.'Nuff said. :)

  8. Fine fine fine *cough*losers*cough*. I don't like voting because I like everyones sig and it's hard to judge and say "That's bad" when mine aren't any better. Meh. I'll vote though


    Johnny got my vote. Everything works, the bg is nice, rendder blends well.


    Sorry Phyre but the tank is really hard to see, same with the text.


    (and btw I know my way around the forum very well, I know this was here)


    EDIT: Forgot something


    You don't have to say it's bad...you just say which appeals to you most, and why.


    (I'd knew you did...you're a mod, after all. :))


    Meh, my post count is like 3 lol


    I bet neither brooks or Nguyen can figure out my name >:]


    Mike knows, but I'll burn him on a stake if he tells anyone :)


    George Lucas and/or Liza Minelli. :)


    Do you also not like responding to IMs? Because I IMed you like 60,000 times, but you never responded. You're now off my buddy list, by the way.

    What. a. random. post, but as always, I'll run with it.


    So Christopher Wilson, what happened to your other account? Hacked?


    By the way, Nguyen is my last name. Figure out my first name, and I'll give you a cookie.


    Haha, KuBi won't respond to you, but he ims me all the time. ;) I don't even have to im him first. :) We're homies.


    Your first name is Jesus.


    Does that apply to me too? :D I can probably guess....


    Anyways....we need to wrap this battle up :)


    Yep, we do. Wanna give me the win? :)


    no he cannot remeber is password to his account, hes got the save my name/password on his other computer, you know you can aah request your password they do have that wonderful feature.


    Yes, the admins have this neato little thing called the ACP, or Administrator Control Panel, where they can do all sorts of nifty little things, like change permissions, add/remove/rename forums, and even in this case, change passwords.


    This has been a message from Captain Obvious. Proudly sponsored by George Lucas, Liza Minnelli, and the Film Actors Guild, commonly known as *BLEEP*. :(


    [1]Whatever. Guess if you want.


    [2]How about we just end it now? No one else seems to be voting.


    I know, right? :(
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