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Posts posted by Johnny

  1. Not bad at all. Well presented anyway (ie not pixellated, render is fine etc etc), albiet not very complex/technical.


    I don't really like the font though, change it perhaps, and while your at it, try an effect on the actual text (the shadow thing is nice I admit). Maybe blend in the render with some brushing next time as well.




    Mike, I think by Robotron you meant Megatron, which is the bad guy. That's Optimus Prime. :)

  2. Holy jeebus! You ARE old... perhaps as old as I am?


    I really, really, (have I mentioned 'really') like the font! Although I do not know you well, I know of you. The font suit your personality, I suppose I can say that. I also like the denim like crossed stitched background. The render should be the dark one compare to the lighter version you posted.


    But what I can't figure out is what are that dark-red spots on the face? I can sort of see the one near the eye as "blood tear" representation (although I'm not sure even if that) but what's with the chin spot? Don't get me wrong, I still like it but it looks like she had this massive spaghetti dish and the sauce got over her face. No one sees that?


    I noticed it too. :)

  3. Dang it! This seems to be my worst sig ever. :) I think it's my best. The main problem seems to be the lighting on the render. I'll see what I can do.


    Oh, and Michael, I used a 20 px feather when I was blending the render.


    I think it's your best too, or at least high up there. I just would have gone with a better render.

  4. [1]Maybe he can't find this forum? He used to vote on the others before the big change, right?


    [2]You know, I was sitting around thinking how you're catching up to Brooks' post count at an alarming rate, and I now I know the answer: you make ridiculous posts like this. I'd do it, too, but I'd lose my moderator position.


    [1] No, KuBi's still here. He's been posting and stuff.


    [2] He's ALWAYS making ridiculous posts like that. He's a loser. And worrying about post count is lame. :)

  5. I take it you like airplanes. First one -- Looks great, but the font doesn't fit. 7.5/10.Second -- Not bad, but the text could be better, still don't really like the slices. The motion blur's nice though. 7/10.Third -- Best, IMO, but the blending's odd and it could use a better font again. 8/10.Sorry bro. Choose some better fonts and you should be good to go. That rhymed. Double time. ^-^

  6. 6 point frickin' 5?! Aww!


    And when did Brooks say it was flat? All he said that the render was dark. Unless you guys talked about my sig on MSN or something....


    I don't like blending renders in all the way because it just looks weird if the render's head or something is transparent. Don't you agree? Are you talking about a black stroke on the render or on the font?


    Edit: Added that last bit


    I never said it was flat. O.o


    And I agree about the render thing. I think it's blended pretty decent at the moment. And I'm pretty sure he was talking about a black stroke on the text.

  7. Hm...new guy huh? Don't worry about the tough criticism. You'll get used to it. :)Anyway, here's my input.#1 --- No border.- The bg has too much brushing in some parts.- Repeated brushes, if I'm not mistaken.- The bg color doesn't mix with the render's.- The render isn't blended.- The text is cut off.- The text is bevelled, I think, which doesn't look right. The stroke could be smaller too.- The render also looks bevelled, which is a no-no.- I think the render might also have an outer glow or stroke, which can go.#2 -- - Nice try with the halo font, but it looks pixellated, and the stroke could go or have lowered opacity.- The pixel text just doesn't fit.- Also needs a border.- Colors don't match here either.- Render should be blended too. And bigger.Alright, so, sorry if I sound like a *BLEEP*. Just trying to help out a fellow designer...you've already got some skill, apparently, so just work on it.And stick around. We always like more designers. ;)

  8. lame maybe but impossible no it would be a simpe plug-in that reconizes the brushes and colors and then randomly picks 3-4 brushes and 2 colors of course you woulhd ave to categorize them all into 4 groups so you don't come out with a grunge/tech in a ugly way.


    That wouldn't be an entire sig though. You'd still have to add the render, blend it, add text, make that look nice, and so on. It'd be VERY hard to make an entire sig automatically, without having it look the same every time.

  9. See? I knew I'm not the only one who don't consider Indians Asians! w00t.


    And just so you know, not all Asians are terrible drivers. All women are. My parents just hate all black people in general. I mean, they like Colin Powell, but they hate the obnoxious rappers who drive around in their car with the windows down and rap music blaring.


    Yeah, I meant to say that...apparently asian guys drive well. A few of my homies have tricked out racing cars. :)


    Lol @ Colin Powell.


    And I'm pretty sure people in general just don't like obnoxious rapper types. O.o

  10. [1]They're called typos. The things that make them are called "humans." ;)


    [2]You win a cookie


    [3]I got my brushes from this tutorial: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. Here's the zip file of the brushes: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/


    [4]You never know. Michael is weird in the head.


    [5]I actually won't care if you insult my sigs because I have Asian parents, and if you know anything about Asian parents, then you should know that they call you stupid and every other insulting stuff when you're not perfect. I've gotten used to it by now.


    [1] Never heard of them.


    [2] Chocolate chip, please.


    [3] Never heard of it.


    [4] I concur.


    [5] Yes, actually, I do know. :)


    Hahahaha, my parents love to point out that "my grades were not all high A's". My mom especially likes to say that my oldest brother is her favorite. It's rather annoying.


    And the funny thing is, even though my family's Asian (Indian does count as Asian for all you naysayers), we're composed of some of the biggest slackers on the face of the earth. Talk about irony :(


    Hm...I never really considered Indians as Asian, but hey, it's all good. :(


    But yeah, my ex girlfriend was Asian (Chinese) and BOY did she live up to the stereotypes. She was a terrible driver, had crazy parents that go nuts over low grades (and low for them is a strong A, apparently.), they hated me because I wasn't asian, and she worried about every little thing ever.


    But I still love her. :D

  11. Have you ever heard of the wonderful punctuation mark called the period? I could think of 1000 places in your post above where you could have inserted a period.


    [1] Michael, Mike, Mikey, if you have read Brook's tutorial like me, then you would know that the majority of the "steps" are actually different techniques of coloring. In other words, Brook's tutorial was not like the ones on good-tutorials where they show you step-by-step. He did not give specific settings to use. Brook's tutorial was more like a "choose your own ending" type of tutorial. If you'd read it, you'll know. :)


    [2] There is a spot on the sig where I played with lasso brushing. See if you can find it.


    [3] And yes, I know what came out was plain. New brush packs will probably make it not plain. We'll see.


    [4]And how is a ruler going to improve my brushing??


    [5]And Brooks, I was kinda making fun of strawberrie when I crossed out "made fun"... If you want to give me the cruel truth on my sigs, do so, but just include how I can improve.


    [1] Yes, I like to leave my tutorials open-ended, for the most part. And it's "Brooks", but that's not my name.


    [2] It's pretty obvious...it's just under your name there.


    [3] Yeah, I'm guessing you used a set of Lighting brushes, which unfortunately I don't think I went over in my choosing tutorial. They're too plain to be used as a background, but great for special effects.


    [4] I think he meant to hit you with the ruler. O.O


    [5]I know you were. And it's a little easier for me to be brutal, cause I can say exactly what's on my mind, and I think it might help more, but I know I personally don't like bad (well, not bad...but mean.) criticism that much, so I avoid giving it to other people.

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