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Posts posted by Johnny

  1. [1]Dude, that has to be like 400 MBs. Why don't you save them all to a disk?


    [2] What Brooks said. It's monotone, and it's kinda hard to tell what's happening in the background. It looks like there's a tiger floating by the render's arms.


    [3] If you're gonna put text on your sig, make sure it's not too transparent. I always use 60% - 80% opacity for my text.


    [1] Nah, it's much much bigger than that... probably around 800-900. But that's not really that much, compared to the countless gigs of movies and games and music and such I'm always downloading.


    [2] Haha, yeah, it kinda does.


    [3] I usually use 40-60% fill on my text, but make it visible with other things like underlines, shadows, and strokes, mainly.

  2. [1]Michael may be great in graphics, but sometimes he makes ridiculously ugly sigs. Makes me wonder what's in his head. [1.5] By the way, his templates uses tables for positioning, and that's a big no-no.


    [2]It's jay kay. Two words. If you're gonna do it, do it right.


    [3]Gotta love freeware. Thanks for the link, I'll try it out.


    [1] Tell me about it. It scares me sometimes what he considers good. O.o


    [1.5] Hey, I never said he makes GOOD templates, he just makes them. I don't. And I had to have an excuse to give the guy more than ONE point, or my theory would be ruined. :D


    [2] :(


    [3] I didn't give you a link, just a name, but no problem. :D

  3. What program was used to make those? I knew of a program that can do something similar, but i forgot the name of it...


    It's a secret. Mainly from Mike. I don't want him showing me up in yet ANOTHER area of graphics. :D


    Here's how the scores tally up.

    Sigs -- Johnny

    Renders -- Tie

    Templates -- Mike

    3D artwork -- Johnny

    Fractals -- Johnny


    So, that leaves it 4-2, with myself with a strong lead. If I were to let him in on fractals, he might pass me up, and I'd be back to a small lead, which would make me look...well...less than godlike. :(


    Jaykay though. It's called Apophysis. It's free, you can download it from their website. I know right now I'm probably letting all you guys in as competition for me, so I'd better get a head start. :(


    (BTW guys, you actually probably should do fractals...might help you in your sigs. I know it just made 3 nice gift sigs pretty easily. :D)

  4. ALWAYS save the psd. For exactly this reason. I have like 400 psd's sitting there, and occasionally I'll go back and edit older ones to make them better...and I always have to go back and fix stuff on recent ones. O.oAnyway, not a bad sig, but the render does kinda ruin it. It's monotone, and doesn't really fit. And again, the text ain't so great. =/If you're gonna use a default Windows font instead of a downloaded one, it's best to use small text, so you don't have a big ugly font sticking out like a sore thumb.That's just my input though.And the link you posted is the same thing. O.o

  5. There...are no renders, and no Gift from Johnny/Brooks, but it's an awesome sig nonetheless. Is that all brushing?


    *adds to collection of rotating sigs*


    The entire sig is a render. A fractal render. Kinda like sigs with C4D renders in them. And no, none of it is brushing, and yeah, I forgot the gift from...but meh, guess I don't need it if it's obvious that it's my fractal. But I dunno if it is. :D


    I love how it looks like a spider web. I don't really have anything bad to say about this one, except the text could be bigger (it's probably just me).




    That's exactly what someone on dA said. Spider web. Anyway, yeah...pixel text seemed to be the best fitting font for it...not much fits with fractals. Thanks though. ^-^

  6. Beautimous! I love how they all seem to exude a different tone. My definite favorites are the blue and red because they seem so vibrant. Did you make these yourself?


    I love them all equally. They're all my sweet little babies. :D


    Yes, I made them myself, because I'm one three three seven like that.


    @Nguyen -- No brushes.

  7. [1] I know I spend half an hour or more on most everything I do in Photoshop. I also waste about twenty minutes finding out what to do in the first place.


    [2] Also, there's no way Michael can have that motto. I am the queen of sugary chocolate cereals, most especially Cocoa Puffs :(


    [1] Just go with the flow. Unless you dunno about the flow, then you won't know where you're going to go with the flow that you're flowing with what you dunno. :D


    [2] Cocoa Puffs suck. Three cheers for Lucky Charms! Hip hip hooray!

  8. Okay guys, being the jack (and KING) of all trades that I am, I just today stepped into a new field of art...fractals. :(

    So, here's my first few, and I have some other VERY nice ones on the way.


    I'm posting them as links because they're all relatively big.

    So, check them out, tell me what you think, what I can improve, all that good stuff. :D

    (If you haven't noticed, these are the three fractals I used for DJLuki, Snlildude87, and Seńor Maniac's new gift sigs. Easy, yet stylish. :D

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