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Posts posted by Johnny

  1. (I'm posting it over here for you so it's not in the planning topic.)


    Forum Name: Frozen

    Real Name:Zack





    Experience in graphics:4-5 Months


    Areas of expertise:Signatures in general, and Tutorials.


    Other graphics sites worked at(optional):Authentic Effect, Element Designs, Fear Designs, Haze GFX, The-Eminence.


    Past positions at other graphics sites:Moderator, Designer, Tutorial Writer.


    Current positions at other graphics sites:Head Designer, Moderator, Tutorial Crew


    How much you can be on each day:Whenever. It's summer. Baseball is out. Pretty Active everywhere.


    How many templates/sigs/resources can you make a week: 10-30 Sigs a week. 3-5 Tutorials a week.


    Examples of your work:

    Posted Image

    Posted Image

    Posted Image

    Default Brushing Only


    Thanks for viewing, Frozen.


    Notice from Johnny:
    Remember guys, this is Frozen's app, I'm just reposting it for him. And it'll be closed until we start doing applications.

  2. Okay, I guess this will make an okay gfx crew app...
    Real Name (optional):

    Experience in graphics:

    Areas of expertise:

    Other graphics sites worked at(optional):

    Past positions at other graphics sites(optional):

    Current positions at other graphics sites(optional):

    How much you can be on each day:

    How many templates/sigs/resources can you make a week:

    Examples of your work:
    And you can enter more than just sigs. If you do any 3d stuff, renders, brushes, etc etc., go ahead and link it.

    I think 6 votes sounds like a reasonable amount to get in? We have more than 6 active designers around here (I hope.)

    I think we should also put a limit on the initial team...maybe a leader (or not, if you guys don't like that idea), and 5 other crew members. Then later on we can accept more.

    If anyone objects to any of this, or has something to add, let me know. This is just what I think would work.

    And don't go posting apps yet...we still have to sort a few things out. If you post an app I'll just close it till we get everything all running smoothly and such.

    And drop by the chat room to discuss any of this:

    (I might've forgot something somewhere...If I find it, I'll edit it in.)

  3. That sig is like...at the same caliber of my sigs.




    I think.


    Hmm, since Brooks joined, should we close this thread?


    Oooh, nice thank-you sig. I like how you made the gloss at the top. Hmm, is that an example of a good no-blending sig?


    I personally think it's a bit better than yours Nguyen, but don't take that the wrong way. He just had better brushing and text.


    I'll close it up after this post.


    And I think mine was the first one, for him giving good comments on my stuff or something. I forget why.


    And I think it's a good example...most people that commented seemed to like that one. I can't really say myself, because I love most of my work that seems like trash to everyone else. :D

  4. Haha, you have to be invited. And we already have plenty of staff. And you're brand new here. :DJust give it some time, post a bunch, help people out. There's your ticket.Not much special about being staff though. Just take care of reported posts and spam and such.Oh, yeah, but there's that super secret omega laser video game party we have on weekends, but ehh...you wouldn't be interested.

  5. Give me an example/time/post of when I did that...BESIDES the one I just made.


    Can't find one. That's because I don't "always" do it. Only this one time.


    Hm...let's see...how bout the box, pillow, and flashlight thing? It was a ROBOT, man. And most robots aren't made of boxes pillows and flashlights. :(


    And you often ask who characters are...do you get any good video games or tv shows in Antarctica? :D

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