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Posts posted by Johnny

  1. Wow, I never knew the quality even went that high, I'm rendering all mine at about 300 on the quality at 1280*987 resolution, and they each take about 15 mins. I suppose I can spare a little bit more of my time :D How long did each of those take to render?


    I did those ones at 800x600 with 3000 quality...each took about 2 hours.

  2. OK, my comments:


    1. I think the gradient should go the other way, e.g. starting with bright yellow in the middle and going out to orange.


    2. Excellent, but perhaps use the zoom to get a close up of the brightest part, as it looks slightly odd where it repeats itself on the right hand side.


    3. Brilliant, cannot see any problems with this one :D


    4. Again, no problems, but I can spot a slight tinge of blue right in the centre. Perhaps change the gradient to remove it.


    5. Maybe zoom in more on the main spirals, but otherwise its great.


    One general comment: try to render them as large as possible or use a higher quality (200 - 250) as they all look slightly blurred, but great work otherwise.



    My Fractal Gallery


    Wee! Thanks for all the input. And those were all rendered at 2000 quality... O.o I'm bumping the newer ones up to 3000 though...if that's not enough I'll raise it. :(

  3. I didn't know anyone else on here made fractals! I have been making some in Apophysis for a few weeks, but I don't think they are as good as Johnny's.


    My Gallery


    I still have some more to upload so watch that space. I also made the gallery with the help of some tips on the web.


    Any feedback or comments welcome, good or bad :D


    Holy joobies! Those are all pretty sweet. You've definitely got me beat so far...my favorite's this one:



  4. [1]Hey! That's the amount of time it took me to make it! That means that this sig was made for you. :D Your welcome.


    [2] Why would I put your middle name on the sig? Silly Brooks, Trix are not for Nguyen (it has a crappy taste).


    [3] Yeah, but I was trying to make it look like a sea of jellyfish. I'll try your program to see what I can come up with.


    [4] Yeah sure.


    [1] Errr....k?


    [2] Because it's my REAL name.


    [3] I hate jellyfish. :(


    [4] Are you REALLY sure?

  5. [1] I know that, but one of my brushes came with it....


    [2] Tricky Brooks


    [3] Yeah sure whatever don't mention it.


    [1] Well one of your brushes is a butthead! :D But nah, it's all my doing. Which is why I posted these in Photoshop and not the other graphics section. And of course, none of those EVER get any activity anyway.


    [2] SSX Tricky is fun game.


    [3] *mentions it.*

  6. ^ what he said, but an extra thanks for no apparent reason.

    Did you just quote yourself?!


    Maybe why my scanlines are dominating the sig is that the opacity is set to 100%....I'll try to apply some at 20% - 40% to see what happens.


    Yes, because biscuit commented on all 3 (the fractal ones) that the text was too small


    And that's pretty much what I said...fill and opacity are similar. See, fill changes the opacity of just the one element, in this case scanlines, whereas opacity changes the entire layer's opacity, including layer effects and such.

  7. Half a frickin' hour?! I spend like 5 minutes on mine, and there are no thinking. I just do whatever looks good. :-/ Go with the flow, but if you flow too much, you might end up on a waterfall, and that's no good.


    The more techniques and styles you get, the more time you spend picking out which looks best. And you use more of them in a sig. :D


    But in rapping, the more you flow the better it is, so waterfalls are great. :(

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