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Posts posted by Johnny

  1. Hello Guys I like the way you work with graphics.  Can I ask you favor?


    Please do funny obra maestra with this picture attached to this post of mine. 


    I want something funny picture to put in my website so that when my friend visit my site they will laugh at me and remember me everytime they surf...


    here is the link...


    Posted Image


    Thanks for those who will do this for me... :D


    Don't request graphics in the middle of a battle topic. That'll be your verbal warning.

  2. i see we been in some heavy discussion about this.


    ok so the voting goes best 6 out those who applyed for the initial crew.  ok thats all fine and dandy but then what do we do with the people who appllied but did not get in? thats going stunt this idea like coffee does to growth, when start doing the profile ideas. later on.


    me and johnny figured out about 10% of the whole plan and thats the setting up the crew and the forum changes that will be done eventually, but we will figure that out once the crew has been inducted.


    other then that we just wait i guess.


    arms everything about that sig is all wrong text render and the brushing not going well with each other.


    Okay, scratch that. We've decided that me and Mike are just going to go ahead and lead it, and let people apply and vote, then after a week we'll take 4 or 5 of the highest voted people and add them to the crew.

  3. Not a very good rip anyways, I believe you have the right to warn him?


    No, I'm not gonna warn him...this topic should serve as a deterrant and an embarrassment. And I don't want to give anyone the impression that I'm warning him for personal reasons, rather than because he ripped.


    @Nguyen -- He posted a couple times in the crew topic. Asked me to rate that same sig. :D

  4. My sig for my tutorials pt. 2 (coloring):

    Posted Image


    His ripped sig:

    Posted Image


    It's a completely obvious rip of the background, with added contrast, as I put the PSD with each seperate layer available for download...he simply took my background layer and used it for his. I specifically said that the PSD was for demonstrational purposes, and not to be used in your own work. He broke that.


    So, this is a public declaration that ArMs is a ripper, and you should be careful leaving things available to him.


    ArMs, ripping is bad. You should make your own work, and not rip from others. Keep that in mind next time.

  5. [1] lol this thread is out of control. *nudges everyone back to the main topic* [2] I think this tutorial is great. [3] I especially like the pictures since I, for the most part have no clue what you're talking about. :( I'm pretty noobish when it comes to Photoshop, but I plan on working on my lewt skills with the fine tutorials here. [4] Anyway, I do have one suggestion. Pictures of you actually working in Photoshop would be awesome. Like pictures of all of the thingamabobs that do cool stuff in Photoshop. For example, a photo of the control box for creating the mulitcoloring effect. [5] Perhaps this tutorial is a bit too advanced for me since I don't even know what you mean when you say "brushing."  :( Although I can take a guess that it means applying a brush stroke to the image? *Scurries off to see what noobie tuts she can find*


    [6] Forgot to ask: Do you need a good snapshot program? I use MWSnap. This is a great program for capturing images for tutorials. It's completely free and will take snapshots of your desktop, active window, or a specified rectangle whenever you press a hotkey combo.





    Notice from Johnny:
    Merged the double post.


    [1] Very true. If you'd all excuse me for that...


    [2] Thankies. :(


    [3] Don't worry. You'll get it. ^-^


    [4] Hm, I'll try to do that next time. For my old old tutorials, I took a ss of the entire screen...but it was a little too big, but maybe now I'll just do "selective" captures.


    [5] Haha, you can check out http://www.good-tutorials.com/ or http://www.pixel2life.com/ for some half-decent tutorials, some are better than others. My next tut here will be on actually using the brushes though, so you can get my personal methods.


    [6] Actually, yeah, I do. And thanks a lot, I'll go dl that now. :D

  6. Johnny, i really liek ur idea, i think we can full it off, and i really liek ur sigs, mines are ok, even. An i think i can learn a lot more from u. lol so lets do this. And Rate My Sig.


    Thanks. I hope the crew will be able help you guys out.


    About rating your sig, you should make a post in the 'rate the sig above you' topic or make a new topic for it, but I'll go ahead and tell you that it's a little too big, and I'm not a fan of the text or brushing, but it's definitely not bad. I think it needs a border though. :D

  7. If we had people make new sigs for the application, one member might get lucky and make a really nice sig, but be unable to continue that when they're in the crew, or a really good sigger might have a bad day and thus be eliminated. I think if we submit a bunch of our already made stuff, we'll be showing the skill we have regularly, you know?

    Why not do one of both? One "This is the piece of work I'm most proud of..." and one "Here's one I made today....".


    Another way to ensure that the results aren't biased would make it so that so that you must give a reason for why you voted. Or (if you were actually doing a proper) poll, run the voting for this just like you would for battles. Make the voter state you he's voting for, why he's voting for who he is and the current score at the end.


    Sounds good to me. :D

  8. I like all of them, but they seem very typical to me. Something that you would see all over the net. I think with your talent you should go for something more unual that would catch people's eye. You've proved that you have talent now i think it's time to see a real personality come through in your designs. I hope i don't sound harsh cause it's not my intent at all.



    You have a very good point there. I think I might need to follow that advice too. I don't really have a certain style myself...I sorta bounce all over the place.


    I mean, I guess that makes me a jack of all trades, but I dunno.... :D

  9. Nah...I think just using the stuff they've already done is fine. I don't think there will be too many bias problems...I was planning on submitting some of my c4d abstract stuff, and it's pretty obvious that stuff is mine...open voting should be fine.If we had people make new sigs for the application, one member might get lucky and make a really nice sig, but be unable to continue that when they're in the crew, or a really good sigger might have a bad day and thus be eliminated. I think if we submit a bunch of our already made stuff, we'll be showing the skill we have regularly, you know?Just my 2 cents.

  10. [1] Your original plan of giving a time allowance would work greatly with this plan. Let's say you give two weeks for other members to vote. After the end of two weeks, you first pick the top 3 candidates and you work yourself down to the next 3 with at least 5 votes. If there arent enough votes or there's tie, start a sudden death challenge or tie breaker post. LOL this is going to turn out like the Olympics or sports events where athletics are fighting for the 4th or the 5th place.


    [2] Yeah, if you can't decide the rest of the crew, just perform a tie breaker challenge. I guess the question is: is two weeks enough? A month is too long?


    [3] Edit: Additionally, candidates would submit their work to you directly and you can start a topic with polls set to the works selected by you. For example, Member A submitted two works and you select one from that. And then you would start a topic with the poll A, B, C, D, E, F with the art work by A, B, C, D, E and F respectively. I think you can actually omit the candidates names this way, so that voting is really unbiased. Yeah, I think it'll work out well.


    [1] I dunno, I don't think we should wait two weeks. I mean, people quit voting on battles after about 3 or 4 days...maybe one week is good for applications? Or am I just being impatient here? :D


    [2] Tie breaker. Sounds good.


    [3] But most of the works would have the person's name on them, so I dunno. O.o

  11. Johnny, I like the revised crew logo. Nice!


    Regarding how to pick the number of members and who to pick:

    Pick the first 3 or 4 on the bases of poll popularity. So if a member A, B and C received 13 votes, member D at 7 and members E, F, G at 5 each respectively, you would then pick members A, B, C, D, E and F. So the first one to reach 5 votes after picking the top 3 or 4, to become the crew member, would be easier than having to include everyone who reaches 5 votes.


    [1] Thanks. :D I still like Truefusion's better though.


    [2] That sounds like a good plan, but when should we stop voting and grab those top people?

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