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Posts posted by Johnny

  1. Okay guys, me and Mike were discussing some stuff last night, and I brought up the idea that we should have some kind of contest to kick things off with the gfx crew. So we went ahead and decided to have a tournament, in which anyone can compete, and the winner and runner up will recieve these prizes:Winner -- Custom sig to show they've won the tournament, and 30 credits!Runner-up -- Custom sig to show they've placed 2nd, and 10 credits!Tournament Rules Anyone may enter.Style: Single EliminationSig size min: 300x100 max: 450x150 Brushing: AnyText: OPTIONAL Render: OPTIONAL Border: OPTIONAL Theme: AnyEntry due date: 3 days Vote: Best of 7Once we have accepted all entries we will bracket them, to post your sig against your opponent. Sometime Friday, entries will stop. If you don't make the due date, you won't be competing. You'll be using the same sig throughout the tournament to save time and make things go more smoothly... the tournament will be just like normal battles, both opponents battle off, and anyone may vote, aside from the competitors. When a battle is over, just reply saying so, and I'll change the brackets accordingly, and you'll either go on to the next round, or be eliminated.The voting will be done best of seven, meaning if you get 4 votes total (first), you win.So just make a post with the sig you'd like to enter, and when we get a good even number of entries 8+, we can bracket you and start this thing up.

    Notice from Johnny:
    Sorry...there were some changed rulings...fixed.
    Notice from Johnny:

  2. What do you guys think of having themed sig of the week contests? Like one week the theme is cars, the next it's tekken, the next it's mario...or something like that? Or should we just have general ones each time?Let me know what you guys think...if I see a majority for either side I'll start doing SOTW accordingly.EDIT: And if you think it should be themed, suggest a few.

  3. ---SOTW Entries---



    If someones entree has a mistake or breaks the rules, pm him/her, post in the discussion thread, or pm me. Pm me also if you have questions or concerns.



    The winner of the SOTW will win a prize.



    1. The entry must be your creation. You may use outside brushes or renders, but no ripping sigs, and no collab sigs.

    2. One entry per person.

    3. You cannot change your entry when voting begins.

    4. Animation optional.

    5. Flash sigs (.swf) not allowed. Use only jpg, gif, bmp, or png.

    6. Keep the size reasonable. No wallpaper-sized entries.

    7. Your name must be on the sig somewhere.

    8. Nothing but entries in the entry thread. Discussion is for the discussion topic. Any other posts will be hidden, and your entry may be disqualified.


    When entries are finished, a new poll will be created where you may vote on your favorite sig. There will be no replies allowed, just votes. The people with the top 3 votes at the end of the week each get recognition, and the person with the most gets a prize.


    There will be one week of entries, and one week of voting. While the voting week is

    underway, the entries for next week will also be going on.



    ---SOTW Discussion---


    There will be a seperate topic for discussing the week's entries. Remember, do not post anything but entries in the entry topic. This avoids clutter and makes it easier to set up voting. No flaming or whining in either topic.


    I'll be starting up our first SOTW here soon, so sit tight.

  4. Okay, here you guys can request a collab project with another crew member, or even a member in general. Just post up saying you'd like to do a collab, and maybe some details on what kind, and if you'd like to join someone on one, let them know.

    As always, the chat room is available for discussing your project, and you can make a thread about how the project's coming along in this forum. So, that's about it.

    Have fun collaborating! :D

  5. Real Name (optional): Johnny Rockett
    MSN: theystolemyusername@hotmail.com
    AIM: tookmyidentity
    Email: johnnyboywonder@gmail.com

    Experience in graphics: 7-8 months.

    Areas of expertise: Sigs, renders, 3d abstracts, fractals

    Other graphics sites worked at(optional): Rendersdesign.com, Artstartshere.com, Digi-graffiti.net, Authenticeffect.com

    Past positions at other graphics sites(optional): Admin, Mod, GFX Crew

    Current positions at other graphics sites(optional): Mod, GFX Crew

    How much you can be on each day: It's summer, so I have lots of free time at the moment. When school starts up, I should still be able to get in an hour or two a day.

    How many templates/sigs/resources can you make a week: Sigs -- Up to 10. Other stuff varies.




    And most of the rest of my graphics stuff is also on my blog:

    Feel free to check it out.

  6. [1] Thanks for making me one. [2] Was this one made before the first one or after? [3] Because I kinda didn't see this topic. [4] Anwyays the font doesn't seem to match the theme but Ilike it anyways. Ilike the sparkly background but I want PINK... LOL.jk :D

    I think the two black 1px borders don't go and the girl is too shiney and like good-quality for the background if you get me.. because the background is kinda misty and it isn't merging in my eyes. The tech thingies are cool though.

    [5] lmfao you don't need to make me another one... (if you don't want to) [6] I haven't even started yours yet.. my programns have gone all rusty and old.. (i'm on hols)


    [7] btw: why are all the sigs given to me got a females on it..lol.


    [1] No problem. :(


    [2] This was the first one. The flower one was the second.


    [3] I blame Mike for burying it with less to not important stuff. :(


    [4] All that junk -- yeah, this sig was a bomb. Hence the second one.


    [5] Already did. You happened to see that one first though. And of course I'd want to. :D


    [6] Don't trouble yourself. You don't have to return in. I'm happy enough with the giving part. ^-^


    [7] Hey, for all we know that could've been a male flower in the other one. :(

  7. well to bad you didn't have these up 5 months ago i could have been better johnny you SCREWED ME OVER MAN!!!!! j/k :(


    but anyway the thing with brushing is that you have to find you style and thats the hardest part to do.


    [1] All part of the plan... :D


    [2] Very true. Develop your own style of brushing, and all parts of of sigs, really.

  8. Thanks for this great tutorial! I actually understood it and that's saying something! :( It is well written and very easy to understand. The images really helped me see the difference between the different types of sig brushes. Now I'll be able to put a name to some of the styles I've seen. I look forward to reading the next part. Woot, brushes here I come!  :(


    Yay! Glad it helped you out a bit. That's what I like to hear. :D

  9. Looks good. The bg is nothing TOO special, and the text, while inventive, is kinda odd, and the minor hair blending thing, but you did a nice job, especially for your first popout. Nice job buddy.BTW -- If you flipped that sideways, it'd be much taller than my spawn sig. And everybody knows vertical scrolling's cooler than horizontal. :D

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