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Everything posted by Johnny

  1. The real input should be coming through words...ratings are just numbers, and don't actually make you a better designer. That's why I've been leaving all my number ratings out lately. My suggestions on it would be to drastically fix up the text (Better placement, size, effects, colors, blending...), and some minor touchups on the bg and render blending.
  2. Says the guy who barely even hangs in the graphics forums. Anyway, today's the day voting begins, I never said it would be EXACTLY at the beginning of the day...and I have a real life, that happened to make me busy all day. I'll start everything up in the morning...busy...
  3. Shhhh....don't let them find out I suck at text. (See, I keep telling you guys I'm still a siggy n00b...I suck at text, my coloring's always the same, I always avoid having to blend, my backgrounds are never special...the list goes on and on...) Thanks for the input/comments everybody. EDIT: Oh, and I downloaded Gunz yesterday, it runs just fine (some "clutches" here and there, but nothing major. LIKE DOOM 3.) Anyway, I love that game.
  4. Hm...you do realize any game (even if it's 2d) requires a LOT of graphics work? Not to mention the game itself...Anyway, I doubt I'd be able to help...I just don't have the time. And if it's 3d, I can't do realistic modeling to save my life.
  5. Ah....I thought I recognized him from FLCL, just never knew his name. :DAnd about the blue, this time it wasn't actually my doing. KuBster colored it.
  6. Hm...CD Covers? Pretty cool...can't find anything wrong with any of them...Snoop's face in that last one is funny though.
  7. *sigh* KuBi, lighten up. You said it yourself -- They're guidelines. Not the word of God. He can make a request however he likes, and it'll be up to the challenger to accept the battle.
  8. OH whoops, my bad, I thought we were talking about Frozen here. Silly Johnny.
  9. Yes. You have to be xtr33m 1337 llama h4x pr0zac ninj0r.
  10. I'll have you know that there is a drop shadow on the render and there is blue AND cyan... (Okay, so it's completely unnoticeable. Sue me. )
  11. Thanks guys, and actually I haven't even heard of Gunz Online before. I just saw it on the topic title for the render at gamerenders. I plan to check it out sometime though...hopefully my compy can support it.
  12. Yesh, he goes by FroZen, because, as everyone knows, he's the Zen master of fros.
  13. Hence the "BAH. I hate it. Probably gonna update it later..."
  14. BAH. I hate it. Probably gonna update it later...-YOUR HEAD A'SPLODE!-Sig removed because it sucked more than....something that sucks. A lot. Sucker fish? Vaccuum? Nah...more than that. This sig's been banished to the bowels of someone's bowels.
  15. Holy CRAP I can't believe this is still going. VOTE!And you know, biskie and fusion, you guys don't seem to care much... X.x
  16. Hey there. Pretty nice...guess I'll just post what I see...1st sig -- Looks sweet. Love the background, and the film effect is cool. Only things I don't like are the text and the quality -- probably cause it's saved as a gif.Current -- Also cool. You must be a Final Fantasy fan. Only problems I can see are that the text can be better, and the Cloud on the left looks too transparent (you can see through his face. )Anyway, those are pretty darn good. Look forward to some more stuff from you. ^-^
  17. Uh oh...sounds like trouble. I'd say do what you want, just be cautious.(Man...I wish some girl would write Hi Johnny on her boobs for me...)
  18. Hmph. My first kiss was completely lame, let's leave it at that.
  19. What he said. Don't quite like those scanlines on top of the name either. =/ Not bad though. Least it's not a photomanip.
  20. Yikes. That's um...very pink. :)Not bad, I suppose, just not the normal sig style. And I can understand PSP's limits, I guess.
  21. Call it simple and I'll bite your face off. Took an hour.Thanks.
  22. I do C4D, but I listed it as 3d Abstract, cause I don't do realistic renders or whatever. And I can use Terragen, but I'm not like, great at it, so I left it out.
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