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Everything posted by Johnny

  1. YES! That's the game! I love you lezzer!I tried giving you credits for that, but it seems something's odd with the system. I'll make a note and try again later. :lol:Now if only I could remember why I wanted to know the name...
  2. Sounds fairly interesting. I say trapgfx. Just sounds better, IMO.I don't like the slogans too much though. Trapped in a world of graphics makes it sound like a bad thing, and trapfastic is just a silly word.C'mon Mikey.
  3. Nope. I'm almost certain it was Genesis-only.None of those you suggested...and it only goes side to side.(tried looking it up on Wikipedia's list, but none of the names looked familiar.)Maybe I should look for a list that includes pictures of the games.
  4. I already had a topic about this, for the most part. =/People shouldn't rank their own knowledge, btw.
  5. That was um...interesting. :PI was "luh mow" if you get my drift.Loving the appearances by your avatars, and who can resist dear gay-spidey, am I right?
  6. "simple yet elegant"Taking hints from dear old Johnny?It looks pretty good.
  7. I never said ANYTHING about emulators. @Shengeta -- No, it's not like streets of rage. It wasn't really a side scroller. Think Marvel vs. Capcom, minus superheroes.
  8. Sega Genesis. 2d. Fighting game. All I remember was that there were different characters and different levels...and when you started the game up one of the characters ran past the Sega logo, or shot it up or something. There were also sorta like, stage fatalities...I remember one stage was like a white marble balcony thing, another was like an alleyway with papers flying around...there was another with like a fire and you could like knock people into it and they burn up...there was also like a training room level with like, little things that shoot at you and such...HELP ME REMEMBER! It's driving me bonkers.
  9. My advice -- Just breathe. So some people play their music louder than others. So maybe you can hear what's on some other guy's headphones. Big deal. It's not going to kill you. He's not walking around with an entire sound system...nobody even carries boomboxes anymore. So you won't die. And I take it you heard it in a public area...even at regular tones people can drown out music in your headphones. So maybe it was turned up a bit.I agree with the "why do you attack rap" type post. If anything, I'd say [good] rap has some pretty low beats, whereas things like heavy metal blare like no other.*also enjoys just about all music*
  10. Catch me on AIM. I'm always set to away, but I'm usually there.
  11. Nguyen's got it. Not enough entries, but it's the best of the three.Mike -- What's wrong man? You haven't been improving much, it seems. Nguyen on the other hand...is getting much better. :ph34r:Sang -- Look back at your very first one or two sigs. Are you at the point where you can call them crap? The first step to getting better is admitting you did wrong in the past. :DAs soon as I started noticing the flaws in my earlier junk, that's when I started doing better stuff. Which I think is what you're doing.*rants for 3 more pages*
  12. GFX crew is on standby or might be stopped soon. Members can talk to me and we can try to figure something out.
  13. I know...I said that this one wouldn't be noticeable in a sig, but I was also saying that choppiness matters if it's to the point where it throws off a sig's overall look.
  14. Silly Nguyen...even if you don't know Japanese you can look it up. It means "You're a fool."
  15. Giving me that typical user posted image dealie...I'll check back again later.
  16. Ehm...where did sexual come into the conversation? I was saying the grade of sigs here needs to be upped a bit...most of the sigs seem to be a bit lacking. I know T17 isn't a graphics/sig oriented site like gamerenders or whatever, but I'm sure we can all do better.
  17. Borders are essential, nuff said.The white one doesn't really look good...I'd stick with a regular 1px black/white or a 3px with the middle invis or colored.
  18. Comments and CRITICISM.Tekken 5 is the game, and it's been done before. Regardless, nice cut. Easily used in a sig.
  19. For the last time Nguyen, you do not tell me what to do. @Microsoft -- Hm...looks like dA changed or removed the page...they do that from time to time. Sometimes you'll also get that if the servers are acting up.
  20. I'm already aware of the matter, thank you. We do our jobs. As for this, it's not Warez. Warez is illegally licensed and distributed software. This is simply redistributed public domain resources. In other words, it's already free, so nothing illegal or wrong is going on. No piracy involved.
  21. Hm...choppy at quite a few places, but it wouldn't be noticeable in a sig. Nice job.
  22. 30 minutes? You're lagging mike, lagging. X.xNot bad. I could see myself using it sometime.
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