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Everything posted by clagnol

  1. clagnol

    What Program...

    I use Winamp 2.91. It is fast, versatile, and doesn't deluge me with features I don't want, like visualizations, advertisements, minibrowsers, video players, or anything else unnecessary. It doesn't ask me if I want to upgrade to an expensive version, it doesn't connect to the internet to deliver anonymous usage statistics, and it doesn't tell me that a file's copyright protection prevents it from playing. It does exactly what a music player should: it plays music.Those Nullsoft guys got it right it with version 2.91. They should have just quit then.
  2. I dig the red wallpaper but the bright blue color of the second wallpaper hurts my eyes. They're kind of small for wallpapers; don't you have any bigger versions for download?
  3. If that doesn't solve your problem, there are other possibilities. Perhaps the image is flawed. Which program did you use to create this GIF?
  4. It's a nice sketch. Much better than I can sketch. You're noticing all of the right things about the anatomy; musculature, subtle curves, and the like.A few critical points: the line indicating the spine seems a little too far to the left and the spatial relationship between the arm and the shoulder blade seems slightly skewed.With a little refinement and smoother shadowing, this could be top-notch work.
  5. I need 30 hosting credits to upgrade my hosting plan, but I can't see that information anywhere. Where Xisto used to display my hosting credits, it now displays the number of days I can go without posting. How do I find out how many credits I have? Or do I need to build up 30 days of credit?
  6. Mythology never dies, it is merely reappropriated. Mary is Mary of biblical fame, but she is also Isis, Demeter, and a host of other goddesses that represent motherliness (or concievably, chastity). Folks educated in this realm will notice the similarities between depictions of Isis with her son Horus and depictions of Mary with baby Jesus. The Roman Catholic church has integrated all sorts of non-Christian mythology into its tradition over the centuries, and like all traditional Catholic beliefs, it doesn't die easy. These beliefs are rationalized by the idea that Mary was an extraordinarily holy woman, and therefore has clout with the big guy(s) up there. So, if you pray to Mary, she can intercede on your behalf. Ever wonder why Catholics pray to saints, who were merely human, after all? Same concept. However, I infer that you subscribe to a more Fundamentalist Protestant view of religion. As such, your church probably takes most of its cues directly from the Bible, which has its own fair share of non-Christian-influence (and I'm not merely referring to Judaism here). Furthermore, an analogy can be made to Islam. According to Muslim beliefs, Jesus was a great prophet, not the son of God. Mohammed was an even greater prophet. Therefore, your asking why a Catholic would make such a fuss over Mary when he should be focussing on Jesus is like a Muslim asking a Protestant why he is making such a fuss over Jesus when he should be focussing on Mohammed. Except that Protestants never integrated Mohammed into their mythology, but whatever, you see my point (I hope). One last note: you call him "Our Lord And Savior" (capitalizing the "And" for some reason), which is quite presumptuous. While I acknowledge completely that he is your lord and savior, I take issue with the declaration that he is lord and savior to us all. Thankfully, I have no lord, and the only savior I can think of is my ex-uncle's Mormon girlfriend who pulled me out of the water when I was drowning in her pool as a kid.
  7. Notice from NilsC: This ninny tells you to stay on topic or I will give you a warning Or it's a way for some ninny to tell you that they don't like you. The reputation system motivates users to refrain from saying anything controversial, to keep everything very vanilla, and avoid stepping on toes. "To hell with honesty, I have a reputation to look after!" I hope that future versions of the Xisto fora omit reputations.
  8. Tasteful uses of the <blink> are rare, but I find that Superbad does a pretty good job. If you want blinking text that will work in all browsers, you'd have to use animation, such as in a GIF image or a Flash movie. It might be possible to use javascript to do it, also, but I wouldn't know where to start. To make it work with a GIF, you could take two approaches. One, create a GIF image with text that flashes on and off. Two, create a gif that alternates between the background color and being completely transparent. Then, using CSS, position the blinking GIF over text so that it alternates between showing the text and covering it. So that's how you could do it. It's really not worth the trouble, if you ask me.
  9. I use a nifty little program called "Artcursors" that works with .ico, .gif, .cur, .jpg, .png, and .rc files. If you're looking to create or convert icons, I recommend this program.
  10. What do I think, Argoth?I think I've been waiting for this technology to mature since I was 3. Who doesn't want to be a cyborg? Right now it's a cursor that is controlled, but in a few years, it might be a fully-functional leg or a gun for an arm. Yes, this technology could transform daily life into a video game, and I, for one, am all about that.Weak? Buy robotic limbs. Impotent? Get a robotic penis. Bored? Install a wireless ethernet card in your brain.This is perhaps the coolest thing to ever happen to the human race. Cyborgs will be our best defense against the robots when artificial intelligence becomes such that the robots initiate war against us. Supposing we don't get wiped out by a plague or meteorite first, that is.Pretty standard scenario, really.
  11. I think it's funny that you made the latino the bad guy, even though you're Mexican. Do I detect a self-hating latino? Nah, I'm just kiddin' ya, pal. Nice song.Is a "pully" the same thing as a "hoodie"?
  12. I like your work. My favorites are Sig VI (because it's so intricate), the Spiderman sig, and the fire sig. I also think the Viridian sig would look better without the check mark. Excellent job, overall.
  13. You know minds. They have minds of their own!
  14. Some of you mentioned that you prefer Internet Explorer because Firefox doesn't render certain pages properly. I maintain that this problem is, in fact, Internet Explorer's fault. The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) creates standards, which, I might add, to which Firefox generally adheres. Internet Explorer, on the other hand, flips the bird to the W3C by creating its own standards which work with no other browsers.And some of IE's ideas are pretty snazzy. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) filters, for instance. Want to make your image or text fade from opaque to transparent? You can do that with CSS filters! But only Internet Explorer users will see the effect. Another way of creating this effect is to produce a PNG image with fading transparencies. Internet Explorer does not support this kind of image, whereas Firefox does, because it is a W3C standard. If IE would just adopt the PNG image format, designers could do much more with graphics. But as it stands, PNG is being held back by Internet Explorer's unwillingness to cooperate with standards. Too many of the Internet's denizens are IE users. Thus, one who explores the power of the PNG risks alienating a large percentage of his/her user base.Another IE peculiarity is the colorful scrollbar. It generally looks like crap, and doesn't match the rest of the IE GUI (Graphical User Interface). No loss there.There are plenty of such quirky features, but no others that immediately come to mind. So this is where I speak of IE's actual rendering flaws.One thing that has always annoyed me about IE is its refusal to display divs correctly. If you specify for a div to be 100% wide, Firefox will spread it across the screen, while IE spreads it about 95% across the screen and then gives up. You have to specify something like 105% just to make it look right.I am SO tired of writing two versions of a page and then writing a javascript to redirect the browser to make up for Internet Explorer's terrible rendering jobs. It's enough to make me shout out promises of foul things I'll do to William Gates III's tender areas for ever daring to start the worthless company that Microsoft has always been.To recapitulate: Internet Explorer is abominable refuse, and Firefox is the thinking man's browser; a portal to the Internet for the modern sophisticate.
  15. There is no "big question". And this case isn't that important. It would have become important if Terri's family had won any of their cases, as that would have set some precedence. However, the law is pretty clear on these matters, and as such, the husband won every legal battle. The only battle he lost was for the hearts and minds of the religious right. And who wants that?
  16. Some of you seem to be under the impression that the MPAA, RIAA, and individual studios are interested in suing everyone who uses their copyrighted material equally. They're not. Even though they can't sue everyone who downloads one particular file, they can sure as hell sue you for downloading it. And one file is enough. Their goal is to scare off pirates by suing a small number of people for ridiculously large sums of money.Fairness has nothing to do with these lawsuits. I myself was threatened by MGM studios for downloading several episodes of "Dead Like Me" over bit torrent. These episodes were not available on DVD, and my dormitory cable doesn't come with HBO, so piracy was my only means of seeing this show.Rationalize it any way you want, but if you download content illegally, there's a good chance you'll get caught.
  17. I'm a little confused. When you say you work in the adult industry, does that mean you have sex on film? Or are we talking fluffer here? Or perhaps something like a cashier at a fetish outlet? Concievably, someone who bakes erotic novelty cakes could be considered a hard-working cog of the adult industry. Just what do you do? Notice from NilsC: You need to grow up and read the posts, the issue at hand is not the one you are responding to. What a person wear or the job they have are not what is the issue here. What happended is when someone insults you should you expect support from family / friends and people you are with.By not reading the post, or by reading it you got this morbid urge to to ask questions that has nothing to do with the issue at hand.Nils
  18. I don't mind lazy internet-speak so much when it is used in grammatically correct sentences. "R U a sk8er?" sounds so much better to my ears than "Chat room or IMS is just full of this nasty wordz". Syntax, anyone?And to the author of this thread: were you going for irony when you misspelled "retarded"?If the goal of this thread was to point out the idiocy of those who deprecate the English language, I must congratulate you on a job well done.
  19. Hahahaha! Do you not see the inherent contradiction in these statements? You can't have your cake and eat it, too, fellow. Either you stop with the melodramatic similes or you admit that you are judging the first group.
  20. The United Nations is not about making states repent for actions that happened decades ago at the behest of former leaders. The United Nations is all about fair representation in the global community. Japan is a powerful nation, and very influential in the world economy. Why shouldn't it have a say in matters that affect it?I'm guessing that the original author of this thread is either Chinese or Korean. Why else would someone hold such a grudge?
  21. I could go on for hours about tables, and my love/hate relationship with them, but for brevity's sake, here are a few tips that have helped me with tables in the past. 1. If you're trying to arrange slices of an image into one seamless image with tables, make sure you include "cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0" in the <table> tag. This will avert one hell of a headache later on. 2. If you want to make an image or other element lie in the absolute middle of the page, do something like this: <table width=100% height=100% border=0> <tr> <td align="center" valign="middle"> <img or whatever you want to align> </td> </tr> </table> 3. Sometimes it's much easier to use CSS to position elements than to use tables. I hope these tips help someone.
  22. Starving is only an unpleasant sensation to organisms that can feel. I imagine Terri Schiavo's pain was approximately equal to that of a dying tree. I'm sure many people of the conservative Republican persuasion will argue that she could feel and laugh, and dance the Charleston. But this is simply false. The lady was a vegetable, and the only ones in pain were her family, especially her husband, who has been unforgivably impugned by her misdirected parents.
  23. I was considering submitting some of my creative writing to this forum, but it tends to contain adult themes, naughty words, etcetera. I saw that one guy used "bleep" in his song to mask curse words, but I would never censor my own art. So, am I able to express myself here freely? Or do restrictions apply?
  24. You're looking at the situation as a Martian would see it, to borrow an expression from my sociology professors. You're not taking into account the implications of evolutionary theory and the subsequent politicization of this theory.The fact is that the whole notion of evolution undermines Christian fundamentalism. You can either accept that organisms have always been the same, as the Bible suggests when read literally, or you can accept that organisms, generation by generation, change into other organisms. You cannot believe both.Perhaps you would prefer "evolution vs. creationism" be replaced with "empirical knowledge vs. biblical literalism"?
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