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Everything posted by iGuest
Google meansWhat's Google Mean?The meaning of google is an old name of a pailot glsses.(aviation word).-reply by Naji
desktop shortcut- show and hide desktop taskbarHow To Create A Show Desktop Shortcuthow to create desktop shortcut for "show and hide desktop taskbar"? ...And also shortcuts for safety remove of USB FlashDrives without downloading some program. Is it possible? amm I'm Using windows XP.?
I will agree Runescape is horrible.The best MMORPG I've played and, infact, am still playing is Perfect World. I love that game. I think it's superior to WoW, and it's a freebie. -reply by MetroidJunkie
hi I'm looking for a free english version of RMXP (RPG Maker XP) if any one has one please send it to me
Editable textareaOnclick Image ->> Add Text To Input(text)field?I was searching for an editable (html) textarea and landed on this page. The "Word" looking text editor that this question is created in is exactly what I'm looking for. Can anyone tell me where to get more info about it? ==================== Admin Reply - Is this what you were looking for? The ultimate textarea replacement.http://www.openwebware.com/Finally, a free cross-browser WYSIWYG editor that's packed with every rich-text editing feature you need to make your content management system that much better. TinyMCE - Javascript WYSIWYG Editorhttps://www.tinymce.com/TinyMCE is a platform independent web based Javascript HTML WYSIWYG editor control released as Open Source under LGPL by Moxiecode Systems AB. It has the ability to convert HTML TEXTAREA fields or other HTML elements to editor instances. TinyMCE is very easy to integrate into other Content Management Systems.
Tray info messageTray Info MessageDid you ever find a answer to your question? Hi!I'm doing VB for some time now and for last two days I'veBeen looking for a tutorial which would show me how to create some kindOf notification that would pop up from lower-right side of my screen,Where the clock is... You know, just like.. When a contact comes onlineOn MSN etc.I realized that there's no way to make a balloon popUp like the one in the image but is there a way to make anything likeThat..It doesn't have to be a balloon. A little square in the rightSpot would be good as well Thanks in advance, Matt. -question by George
Know Of Any Online Games Like Runescape Or Ragnarok?
iGuest replied to iGuest's topic in Computer Gaming
habbo hotel sherwood dungeon bobbalodge all I can think of xDD -reply by Crazy -
Skateboarding Mmorpg Looking for a Skateboarding MMORPG
iGuest replied to seez's topic in Science and Technology
there is one skating mmoSkateboarding MmorpgWell, I know one MMO skating game for kids only. Its on http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; . Its a new game and there is nobody. Well, thats what I know. -reply by Klayayaya -
They got you...get over itReservation Rewards - A Scam!You are all a bunch of cry babies. This company is low yes... But you all are to blame for not reading what you are agreeing to. You are all suckered in by a free $10 in product... And they got you hook line and sinker. I'm glad that you all are getting your money back... But I'm also glad you are having to go through the work to get it back. Maybe next time you will actually ready what you are clicking on before it's too late. And yes they do spell it all out in their agreement. Any educated person would see it for a scam based on the fact that they mention all the great discounts they can get you... But no actual examples of real companies the discounts might be offered at. I just got the $10 pizza bucks offer on a Pizza Hut on line order. I'm also sure that each individual vendor is not to blame for "partnering" up with Webloyalty. It is, more likely, whatever company each online store has chosen as their online collection bank. The end vendor prolly has little choice in the matter. So yeah go ahead and ***** to them, but don't accuse them of being partners with a lowlife like Webloyalty.Bottom line is Use Your Head! (and take some responsibility when you don?t)
Replying to alex7h3pr0gr4m3r It is possible for you to die in a dream trust me. Say your falling off a cliff, and about a second before you hit the ground you wake up. That happens with most people. But with some people they would hit the ground in the dream, and die. In real life, the brain would send shockwaves, and whatnot, telling your body to shut down. Thus killing you. Anything could happen. Nothing has been proven yet. -{GOR}GoSu
iGuest replied to OpaQue's topic in Alerts, News & Announcements
gold memberALL NEW & EXISTING MEMBERS!I want to have a free garena gold membership...-reply by Gordon Nee -
In all do respect to everyone on this website, who is anyone to judge what another being prefers? You like chocolate better than vanilla, or vice versa. Its not really personal preferance in my opinion though, because I think all gays would prefer to be straight to "live the right way", but they can't help the way they see and feel about the same sex. No one has to agree or disagree with my opinion, because thats exaclty what this is...My opinion. What I think is wrong, is when people are close minded. Don't make this a big debate or anything, but for 10 seconds, pretend that being straight isn't considered "right". Try to have feelings for the same sex. Now that probably won't feel right and thats probably how gays feel. No matter how much people talk about all the **** in the bible or how we are supposed to reproduce, people aren't able to change the way they feel. THATS A SCIENTIFIC FACT. I'm sick of hearing bible, science, and other non-sense about homosexuality. Live your life and no one elses and you'll be fine. If anyone wants to argue this, don't bother to get a response out of me, I'm doing a one shot post here and I'm out...These discussions are stressfull. -reply by guest55
Magical Ball *psi* How to make a magical psi ball.
iGuest replied to lemonwonder's topic in Health & Fitness
awsomeMagical Ball *psi*Ight I have been trying out telekenises and psi balls for some time so I have already a empty capless water bottle attached to a peice of sewing string taped to my ceiling. I had my bottle chillin in mid air. I when I make psi balls don't imagine hot or cold or fire or electric I let the energy start to take shape then I either feel hot, cold, tingling, ect. If its cold I know its an ice or cold psi ball, hot is warm or fire ect. But tonight after reading this I used my right hand only and started forming a psi ball. My hand felt super heavy like a dense pure lead ball was in my hand. I then decided to test this new sensation. I threw it at the completly still hanging water bottle and had the bottle start swaying like it was hit by a huge guest of air. I am a purly scientifi person and these "psi balls" are made from energy. We are made from energy, we convert energy every time we move our muscle. So this is simply a way to convert our energy into air particles or molecules in a desginated spot into a desginated form of energy. (fast moving particles =hot, slow moving particles =slow, desnly packed particles= heavy, highly charged particles = electric or tingling. Ect.)-reply by hunter -
only feedbacker has senceRpg Code And Rpg ToolkitRpg maker xp sucks, ruby scrpiting is a waste of time, spemd time on c++ or c or c# or even basic but not rpg maker. It is good and worth the time to get you so far. After that it is like a dead end. It has nearly no capabilities and because of that I say you are wasting your time. Runescape is a fun game and I believe that it is entirely written in java. Rpg games are fun and easy with that language and program but it will only get you so far ad if you want to make something reallygood get a group of people and study one language. And make it a complete language, not part drag and drop and part code. The only way to make a great game with programming is to learn a big programming language and learn it. Do not use drag and drop stuff, Also, I like pickles! rpgmakerxphater
000webhost Review Review of the hosting
iGuest replied to Mike90014's topic in Websites and Web Designing
000webhost Is A Scam000webhost ReviewIf you think you're going to make money with their affiliate program, boy are you in for a surprise! As soon as it's time for you to be paid, you get a note saying that they have increased the "wait time" to 60 days instead of 30 days. When you complain, they simply delete your affiliate account. Not one single person has EVER received even a single penny from their affiliate program. I repeat not one single person has EVER received even a single penny from their affiliate program! Absolute TOTAL scam! -
help me out with thisAdvice On Girl ProblemsHi , My name is nick 24 yr, I have a relation with my girlfriend from last 2 1/2 years, the story beging , we were working together in the same company , she purposed me for friendship but I hav't gotten any love opinion for her, but we were good friends, she has some problem one of her ears, she is not able to hear properly, she explained me everthing at the begning of the relationship, becoz of this problem I attached with her and I fell in love with her, I took her to some of doctors, everthing was going smooth,, after 8 months of our relationship her parents forced her to marry some other guy ,, then immediatly I took her to meet my parents and I told them she the girl to whom I want to marry, my parented were intrested, but she said I m not able ot convience my parentes,,, I said its okay I dnt wana create any problems in your family, so you can go and take care of your parents decision, now she came back after one year with the same love , now we were together for sametime but I was not getting that response what I used to get in intial days, she did't get time to meet me , we talked over the phone for sometime ,, now she syas she is not able to give me her attention , she is tryinng to go out from my life ,, but I loved her alot I cant lived without her ,, I want trying go forget her , but I m not able to ,,,Please tell me what I have to do -reply by nick carter
Error 28 (on Phpmyadmin) What does this error message mean?
iGuest replied to mrdee's topic in Web Hosting Support
Storage space Error 28 SQLError 28 (on Phpmyadmin)Error 28 SQL is an Storage space error. I am no expert.. But I belive this:- Seaching produces results, if there are too many results for RAM, (memory), then they are written to the hard drive, (server), usually in the /tmp folder on the server. If results are too big for this then... Crash!. Error 500, etc... A biigger hard drive, (server), may help. Also the /temp folder may bey used for other stuff and a clean out could help. -reply by SQL Error 28 -
Batch .bat Files not sure which subforum this would go in
iGuest replied to AlternativeNick's topic in Programming
um potatoes and actually its just the obsolete version of dos it is for back up perpouses only if you really want to mess of have fun with something just use regular dosit is really kind of useless unless you want to back up some files or recover them also it is the "quick and dirty way" to edit txt files -
Ups Vs Fedex A vent concerning postal shipping.
iGuest replied to Cerebral Stasis's topic in The Vent
Replying to Cerebral StasisI have actually had this happen also but after looking into the matter each time the packages were not processed at its retail locations so none of the blame belongs with the carrier but instead with the retail locations. -
how do i edit my server?Runescape 2 Private Server: Code/guide 1OK I got 3 maybe four problems/questions: 1: What do I use to edit my server? 2:When I enter my server my acc is not saved 3:What code do I use to load objects? I can load npc's and items but like I said it wont save =/ 4 :when I load or use a certain spell my char gets locked out from my server until I quit out and restart it and yes I am using Moparscape -reply by Armageddon
just happened to me..Have You Ever Had A Broken Heart?My girl of almost 1 year 5 months just dumped me..We had a long distance relationship, she lived in Vegas, me on the Gold Coast..Far I know, but we tried to make it work..Anyway, lately we've been fighting, mostly because I wanted to do online threesomes and stuff, and once said I wanted to sleep with a real girl, but I didn't do it, even when she said I could..So then about a week ago..She said we needed a break..So we did..I broke down and cried, heavily, at work..On the bus..Everywhere..Then we talked again like..5 hours later and she wanted me back..Then the next day I talked to her and she had kissed another guy..A guy who I didn't want her around cause I feared of exactly that..So she dumped me..But I made her agree to think it all over, so she took a night, thought about it and wasn't too sure, so we tried being friends, but just by tickling her stomach a little I got her wet..Which was one of the problems, she thought I didn't love her and just wanted sex, since after a stressful day of work, I'd want sex (I'm an Apprentice Chef, so ya know..) which is really funny, cause she use to want it 24/7 anyway..So she dumped me for real..And I haven't talked to her for a few days..It hurts so bad..I, don't know if I can actually go on..I've tried getting her back..But with her in Vegas, it's so hard..Breaking up..Really sucks -reply by Spav
Data Transfer Between Laptop And Desktop
iGuest replied to sandeep1405241520's topic in Hardware Workshop
How do i transfer data from a laptop that has a blank screen?Data Transfer Between Laptop And DesktopAM trying to transfer data from a laptops hard disk to a desktop but my laptopsScreen is distorted so I cannot c anything,its completely blank. Again am also thinking of getting a crossover but I don't knw how its gonna work?help me out. -question by robert -
try pirate king online you can party up with people and they help you lvl the armor and weapons are cheap.And some is expensive its easy to make money easy to lvl you can go to pvp bar to challenge other players or have team battles training and lvling is easy theres and even every weekend monsters drop things and armors and weapons there is things that happen everyday lyke chaos argent(get high lvl armor and challenge other players) mini sacred war/sacred war(mini for lower lvls/sacred war for high lvls/navy vs. Pirate guilds) there is server vs server and etc go to youtube and look up pirate king online