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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. My opinionPC Games, worth your money?, Hardcore gamers read thisWell its true most of the new games out need all the ram and a decent graphics card.. But I bet you would save a **** load of money when it comes to games on PC.. You can easily save alot by just downloading the games off the net. And for those who complain about having to upgrade your PC everytime awsome games come out.. Save up and build your own.. Its cheap and you get a better pc. I saved up $1450 working at McDonald's and probaly wont have to add anything to this for a good 5 years.I'm running an E8400 OC @ 4ghz on a Gigabyte p35-ds4 MoBo all cooled in an Antec 900 case w/ Ultra 120 Extreme heatsink, 9800GTX, 2x DVD multi and a 500gb HDD. You just need to know where to look and how to get what you want. Best thing bout PC games is its soo easy to get them without having to pay for most games. Borrow a game off a friend and just crack it... EASY! And... Personally I would never spend money on a console .. Its not the same. Soo easy playing action games on pc then using a small controller with limited buttons and the comfort of playing it on pc is soo much better like COD or CS:S. Example why complain bout the price of games.. You spend about $700 for a PS3 console and then for all the new games your looking at around $90 atleast for 1 game. Same with XBOX 360 about $300 for a console now and then $70 minimum for latest games. This is all my own personal opinion.. Its up to you what you like and what you think! -reply by Elias
  2. i am not able to format my seagate hard disk please help me ....Help For My Seagate Sata Hard Drive! well the problem is that whenever I tried to format my hard disk, at frist the blue screen appears and it start to load the operating system but after a while it suddenly shut off the pc by itself ,what could be the problem please help me ... -question by jakho
  3. iGuest

    Red Vs. Blue

    "What is it? Basicly an animated sit-com, but instead of using cartoons or CGI, they use Halo and Halo 2 multiplayer to animate thier characters. Then add voices which really make the series shine. This is was got me into Halo in the first place." its called a machinima Reply from Jrhero
  4. Question regarding z-tokensAdventure Quest Tip: "farming" For Z-tokensI read your description above about z-tokens and was wondering why not go to the crossroads and take the Northlands Road. You will always get z-Tokens from 4 if you beat a minor level monster to 9 at the end when you beat a minor monster with a few more hit points. I am a level 75 so I beat most of them with one blow. It takes from 1 to 6 minutes to get your z-tokens from 4 to 9 so on an average, that is 6 z-tokens every 4 minutes which comes to about 85 z-tokens per hour. Probably even low level players can do the same though it may take them longer to fight. You mentioned above that you got 79 Z-Tokens in 5 hours so I thought I would pass this along. This is very boring doing it this way and also, I do not kill the last monster even though you get z-tokens for killing him because the star changes color on the sign that says Northlands each time you complete the challenge and I don't know if it closes off after you beat it so many times.Out of curiosity, would you know if a player beats the Northlands to many times, does it close down so you can't play it anymore and loose access to a lot of z-tokens for farming?
  5. ya my gmail account is acting up too! Whenever I try to log in, it redirects me like 10000000000000000000000 times then it tells me to delete my cookies. What are cookies (in computer terms obviosly)
  6. I died in a dream!Death Or Unconsciousness In Dreams "Also, one of my friends said that nobody's ever really died in their dream (if they have, they were still sort of there, watching the aftermath, like a ghost), and if you die in your dream, you die in real life. Anybody heard anything similar?" Wrong...I died in a dream before: In the dream, I was sitting in the pickup truck on the Air Force base flightline (I was in the Air Force before). Suddenly, a single balloon drifts down. Then the balloon lands and three aliens appear. They move toward my truck in a zig-zag fashion, moving in complete unison. They don't use their legs per se, they just hover about a foot off the ground. So, I crouch down on the floor, hoping they won't see me. My head is down by the truck gas + brake pedals, and so the passenger door is in my line of sight. Suddenly, the passenger door starts slowly opening! A gun barrel appears, and starts pointing in my direction as the door opens further. I cannot see the alien shooter, because he's croutched on the outside of the passenger door. Finally, the gun goes off and I feel a burning in my chest and feel the impact of three fatal rounds hitting my chest point-blank, then it fades to black. /txtmngr/images/smileys/smiley6.gif -reply by oldfella
  7. I am being executed dream!Weird And Scariest DreamsI am involved in some type of incident at an arcade/amusement park.Next thing I know, I'm in handcuffs at a big library looking place.I find out I'm on "the list" of people getting executed (via death sentence) for my crimes. No trial, no prison time - just handcuffed and executed the same day!Small world, because who else is on the list but my step-brother! (In real life, he's a career criminal, and in-and-out of prison a lot). He was in some other part of the library/holding cell, but his name is on the roster of who will be killed.Aparently my parents are aware of our upcoming execution, and are on the "guest list" that day. I think it's cool that I get a chance to see my folks, but sad that it's under these circumstances.Then, I run into a guy from my last Army unit before I retired. He's a mellow dude and I'm surprised to see him. I ask why he's on the list, and he mumbles something and I don't catch what he says.Next, I have to piss. I tell the people in charge that I will piss my pants if I can't use the toilet. Finally, I piss my pants. The staff gets mad, and says "now the electric chair won't work as effectively."Now I'm getting nervous. I assumed I'd get lethal injection. Who the hell uses "the chair" anymore these days? So now all I can think about is how painful it wil be!So I'm sitting around eating snacks and reading magazines. An old librarian says "follow me" and we start going through hallways and whatnot. She doesn't have a gun or walkie-talkie, and even wearing handcuffs I could try to escape. But I figure why bother - I don't want to make a big scene..I'm a grown man - I have dignity.Now I'm in a big helicopter hangar, and have to help some old guy build the electric chair! It's part of some plastic model kit like you'd buy at Walmart. I'm laying out all the parts, and I look up and see my dad! The media is there, and they ask him how he feels about my upcoming execution.He says "whatever it takes to keep the Detroit Lions from winning the football game."Anyway, about that time, it hits me that I will not exist at the end of the day.I start thinking deep thoughts- like the universe has been here for billions of years, and will remain billions more. So technically non-existance is the norm, because I won't exist for much, much longer than I will exist. Also, my consciousness cannot continue if my consciousness (whether awake or dreaming) still must have an actual live brain to produce it...So where would my thinking reside if not a brain? Because thinking is a product of the brain itself!Anyway, I woke up before I had to "ride the lightning."Any thoughts? -reply by oldfella1962
  8. outer space limitsOuter SpaceThe simple fact is, that there is no way the human mind can grasp the immensity of outer space. When you think of how far just one light year is and then try to get a handle on thousands or millions of light years your brain throws in the towel. The human mind depends on dimensions. Height, Depth, Top, Bottom, Left, Right. Space and it's contents apparently has no beginning or ending. It seems likely that it goes on forever. We humans cannot cope with such a concept. One may hesitate to predict the possibility of exploring outside of our solar system. If you had lived only 1000 years ago and predicted what man would have accomplished by the year 2000 the authorities would have assigned you to the loony bin. However, even if we were able to travel at the speed of light, a human life span would limit travel to a relatively short distance in terms of outer space travel. Another limitation is determining on which space object should we attempt to find life. Assuming that life could only exist under conditions similar to earth that narrows the field considerably. First we need to find a sun that provides the heat life requires. Then we must find a planet that has water and oxygen and is close enough to the heat source (sun) to provide a hospitable environment. Finally, it must be close enough for our means of transport to reach it in a reasonable length of time. With the problems we confront on earth today, perhaps we should focus our resources closer to home. -reply by old chuck
  9. well it depends whether she is away or with you... you cn hug or wipe her tears...Or cn try funny things to make her smile...Like crazy dance or smthin... but if she is away...Tn it bcm a lot tough. but you cn still make her feel better by tellin smthin worst tht happened wit you or sm1 you knw... I hope it ll help. -reply by Rocky
  10. JDK problems Runescape Private ServerI put in Set pro=%programfiles%Javajdk1.6.0_05 <----Set pro2=%programfiles%Javajdk1.6.0_05 <---- but it still dosent work it still comes up with you do not have JDK 5.0 or JDK 6.0 go to mod tahrok's tutorial on the moparscape tutorial section for step-by-step instructions , link to download the newest JDK update , whats wrong with it? -reply by TROUBLE
  11. I'm from Cairo, EgyptI saw what happened on TV in 9 11What happened is something very sadI'm sorry for what happenedBut its not Arabs or Muslims faultThis subject is in ArabicAnd Because I have feeling It's not trueI did a research on googleAny way I found this page and I wanted to tell My thoughts on thisI hope Someone read this and I wish to know who did this horrible thingI am a girl by the way My name is may or maiIn the end I Send my prayers to the families of the Victims
  12. iGuest


    Hi all, Im new here.Found the website when searching for something on google, and the answers actually gave me the answer, so I joined to check it out.Anyways, Im 21 year old male from Egypt, and first of all, I hope that this place is still up since it was online since 2005 I guess.Anyways, hope to enjoy it here, and same thing to you.AMG.
  13. can i joinJoin {sas} Cod Clan Today! I want to join sas but I have problem in tdm and search and destroy I am all time in first3 but I don't know my rank where I can see that and can I join???? -feedback by Joining
  14. why am I being billed $19 when I signed up today for a 7 day free trial?Download Songs From Mykazaagold.comI just signed up through this site today for a 7 day free trial and I was billed today $19? I would like my money back as it states a 7 day free trial period with the right to cancel at anytime. Please make this right.-reply by Mike
  15. yes? hahaHow Do I Make Gold Fast In Runescape/umm ya I kno a pretty good way killing roaches makes me like 175k a trip but I'm allso a cb lvl 118 so all I need is salmon but the best place I make money at is zamorak warriors I make 300k a trip and they are low levels all they drop is rune daggs and scimm and all I bring is salmon and thats how I naturaly got my bgs and full bandos don't take long it just comes natural -reply by number2stun2
  16. can i play this gameKing Of The RoadI thought Icould play this game without instaling or using acomputer game cd -feedback by chris
  17. drop down script JavaScript: Simple Dropdown MenuHello All, I need an ssiatance from you all,I need a java script with php code drop down menu that loads option for 3 to four drop down when I you clcik on one drop dwon it loads to the second one when you click on the second drop down it loads to the third when you click on the third it loads to the fourth and also fetch from the database ..Thats the challenge I have now . Thanks Andrew Jebose -reply by andrew jebose
  18. how to work xamppPhp Scripts On The Computer?How exactly does xampp work, I've been trying to figure it out but it seems so confusing. How do I access all the files and everything that I need?
  19. Games for girls xbox 360Xbox Games For Girls?My boyfriend is an xbox 360 nerd lol and I watch him play it 24/7 some girly games I have tried myself are things like :- Viva Pinata there is 3 kindsof this game - a party one, a grown your own garden one and a new one which I have yet to play. also Playboy the mansion is available for the first xbox but can be updated on the 360, this is a good sim game. Beautiful Katamari is a really good game, where you roll around collecting items. Fable 2 I have yet to play but from what mt friends and game shop people have said that it is good. You can be a girl, have a pet and raise a family etc. Guitar Hero well all of these rock and are amazing, I love this game and have just bought my bf guitar hero world tour with the complete band set ! and lastly ... Lips is set to be the new singstar which will beawesome !! Gotta wait till Xmas for mine tho Anyway I hope this helps coming from and 18yr old Xbox girl ... I usually only play really really girly games on the DS and stuff ... I do think Xbox should bring out something more appealing to girls but hey who knows lol. Monica x -reply by Monica
  20. TroubleRunescape Private Serverhey .. Do I need JDK 6.2 or can I hav the latest version of java because when I try and compile it it says I don't have JDK 5.0 or JDK 6.0? , Matt -question by Matt
  21. Breakup after 5.5 years togetherDealing With A Long Term Relationship Break Uphey I am writing to you from South Africa. I thought I am the only person who has experienced such a thing, until I read your story. I was dating a guy for about the same period, we had also set a wedding date, picked out name for our kids, his family loved me and I was convinced that I would like to grow old with him. I was conviced that he is the one in this lifetime and the next. One day we had a fight, he was in the wrong, he did not apologise and let me leave at 3am in the morning, driving about 250 km to where I lived (we were in a long distance relationship). To say I was shocked is an understatement. We have never spoken since then. I even went to hospital for some health issues recently and I thought he would come to visit me in hospital. He did not even come. Can you believe that. Anyhow I still cry about the relationship sometimes. But I read somewhere that it will take almost 2 years before you can move on from the relationship. So give yourself time and stop being so hard on yourself. -reply by mpho
  22. Full-time Housewives Much More Than Top-Level Luxury In Economy Crisis By:ReplicaEstore.com Japan is among the countries that have the highest living expense in the world. The housewives in Japan all have a knack of housekeeping, but in the likely persistent economic recession, it is getting more difficult to make ends meet on one single income and therefore many housewives might have to go out and look for a job. A full-time housewife has become a luxury that Japanese husband can’t afford. According to Reuters Tokyo, living expenses in Japan rank among the highest in the world. Housewives in Japan have got talents for housekeeping;since the economy may fall into a long recession, they now have to fully display this talent and cut costs. There are 17 million housewives in Japan whose husbands’ monthly salary is 270 thousand yen on the average. For many of them, it is no easy job to keep house on this money. The 27-year-old Suzuki Asuka, who lives in the northern island of Hokkaido with her husband, says that she has to pinch pennies and resist the temptation of spending to control the monthly food expenses. “Sometimes I do feel a bit disappointed,” Suzuki Asuka says in the email interview, “because I cannot buy clothes I like, go travelling, nor have interests that would take a lot of money. But I plan to buy an apartment in the future so I must try hard to save money.” Before she goes out to buy food, she will search the internet for all local supermarkets’ promotions, check the stock in the refrigerator, and then come out with a week’s food purchasing list. After, she will put just enough money in her wallet --- bring no credit cards with her---and go to the supermarket on a bicycle, if the weather permits. Suzuki Asuka is only one of the hundreds of housewives described by Charming Housewife, a monthly magazine which recommends people all kinds of frugal tips, from saving electricity by turning off the television to the reuse of the water after washing rice, with other advices including making cushion covers using old clothes, making toy houses for children using carton boxes, and etc. Food is the largest item of expenditure for many Japanese families; even the thriftiest housewife would pride herself in providing different dishes every evening. Department stores’ sales drop as customers begin to abandon high-priced goods and turn to promotion stores. Compared with the same period last year, this October’s sales drop by nearly seven percent, which is in low for the eighth month; while the sales of Uniqlo, a chain discount couture house, increase by over 30% in November and some online retailers like ReplicaEstore.com are lauching promotion by heavy discount. Some specialists also say that although these thrifty housekeepers try their best to cut the cost, it is more and more difficult to maintain a house relying on one income and they may have to find a job. “It helps to alleviate the pressure of household expenditure even though they only get 50000 or 60000 yen per month”, says Haruko Hagiwara, a financial reporter who has written books on how to plan budget and lower costs, “A full-time housewife has become a luxury unaffordable for the Japanese.”(Louis Vuitton e-Store ReplicaEstore.com)
  23. WorkingEnchancing Your Grand Theft Auto: San Andreashey I extracted both dll's to gta folder we extract both right..And when I try starting .. Nothing comes upPlease help thanks -reply by ©Bob
  24. this song is amazing if you like depressing songs shinedown call me
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