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Indentity teft and fraud- been scammed for years from Reservation Rewards- webloyalty.comReservation Rewards - A Scam!Reservation Rewards is A SCAM.It is beyond me thatthere are people there being paid to scam others and THEY are OK with it. Funny that they are brave enough to place their indetity on the internet, who knows when thesame will happen to them. The tough ecomony is not an excuse to scam people. And some of us can read and udnerstand their bills where elderly can't or wont pay attention. Only the thought of it is repulsing. I just found out today that Reservation Rewards has been billing me for 3! years from my saving account, which I don;t ususally touch. The way they obtain or are being sold your personal information is illegal by all legal criteria. Do not expect to see " Terms of Conditions" as there is NONE. After I called them and being transfered back and forth, Reservation Rewards emails me " Unauthorized Charge Affidavit" which I am suppose to sign ir order for thethem to refurn my money- we are talkin in the hudnreds here! TO start there is no company information on the Affidavit. The detaisl of the party responcible for the unauthorized Charge are not reported. It is not clear which LEGAL ORGANISATION yo uare submitting your AFFIDAVIT to. In Secsion 3 of this shady absolutely illegal document they ask you to answer and SIGN underneath : Have you recieved a credit or refurn for the unauthoriezed charges? The catch is that they agree with the fact that you did not authorise the charge- admitting that THIS IS in FACT FRADULENT charge and refund you the last two billing cycles- which in my case is $ 9.00 per month or total of $18.00. Why do they refund your moeny immediately? Because thery have stolen the money from your account without your knowledge, and by refunding the ammount they admit to the teft of Your Identiy and the teft of the Money from your account. The problem is that if you " tick" the box next tothe questions " Have you recieved a credit of refund for the unauthorised charge, you basically " close your case" and wash their hands clean, becuase you sign that you have recieved refund for the change, so they have done well by you. But if they have been charging you for 3 years or 3X12X9 = $324, and they refund you lets say 2 billing cycles of 2X9= $ 18 BUT! if you sgin that you have received a refund and date this FAKE AFFIDAVIT, they - Reservation Rewards do not have to refund the WHOLE ammount they have stolen from you.. Further Reservation Rewards ask if , quote " Have you reported these events set forth in the affidavit to the police or law enforcement agency?" Makes you think, why do they need ot know what have you done so far, right? And further Reservation Rewards asks, again quote " Do you know WHO used your information and payment methods to obtain services or merchantise from Reservation Rewards?' YES, I DO know why used my information as it is stated in my bank atatement. The tief is " REservation REWARDS' IT is they who stole my information and it is Reservation Rewards who has been stealing money for 3 years without my consent or knoweldge rom my account. Not onloy that, but they know very well that at no time have a obtain ANY services from them or any merchantise from that matter. Further on Reservation Rewars( aka WEBLOYALTY.COM) has placed a " Disclaimer and Signature" text which isby far the most hilarious, illiterate" legal" nonsense I have come across. mind you this is a disclamer for you - the victum of THEIR Crime to sign in order to obtain the money stolen from YOU: The comments in brackets are made by this author) " If your ( the victim) claim is approved, credit will be issued to the account number set forth above within approximately 30 days. Credit will not be considered for Non- Sufficient Fund (NSF) or charges that were not billed by RP. I state( this is you- the victim of their crime) under the penalty or perjury of the United States, the State of Connecticut, and the state in which this affidavit is executed ( The Affidavit does not ask that You sign it in front of notary, which is the only way to prove taht it is in fact " legally biding document" that the information provided herein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that neither I, not anyone authorised by me, not anyone with myknowledgeor consent, recieved or recieve any benefit or value as a result of the transactions referenced above. I understand that RP (so far nowhere in this affidavit is explained what RP stands for as it should be in LEGAL document) may use the information provided herein to investigate the charges, to notify financial institutions and other potential fraud victims (like as IF theyr were to call a fraud investigations upon themselves!) and to refer this matter to authorities for prosecution. I agree to cooperate in the prosecution of any individuals charged with unathorised use of my payment methods. ( YOU BET I WILL cooperate in the prosecution). Upon receipt of this Affidavit, WEbloyalty.Com, Inc., the company that owns and operates RP, will aslo block future memberships from being registered on the credit or debit card provided above. If YOU- ( since it is I that am signing the Affidavit, WHO am I talking to you??) have any additional memberships with Webloyalty.Com, ( I don't know. Do I ? have you sign me for anything else,hwere else you are stilling from me- why don't YOU -webloyaly. Com tell me?).. A separate Affidavit with respect to each such additional membership must be completed" Then you- the victim must sign and date the above " affidavit'. I tell you what, let take this to the news. People must know and webloyalty.Com , Reservation Rewards or whoever is behind this national fraud can onse and for all be stop. -reply by Lena
Sherwood Are There Any Cheats For Sherwood MmorpgSherwood DungeonQuick Sand:-----------4 quicksand go to the end of the island then it'll keep you fromMoving go back 2 steps. Then go ford and sink man sink.Note: This will count as a death and respawn u. Fore the easy Slide glitch rapidly tap the up arrow (it looks like this ^ ).Dark Overlord:--------------Unlockable How to unlock-------------------------------Good rank - find charlieprince in either chatroom 45 or 1Recomendation - find and destroy a randome clan in chatroom 99A frost overlord - go to the frost placeA water guard - your station is under the bridge if you get thatA castle guard - the best rank you can get in a warTeleporting:------------To teleport type in these code http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ is sherwood castle/teleport2 is haunted palm island/teleport3 is frost bite island/teleport4 is the water island/teleport5 is ancient sherwood/join1 takes you to chatroom 1, change the number to anything less than 100 to go to that chatroom /level1 is dungeon level 1. Change the number for a completley Different dungeon. Note: You must type in a number equal or less than Your level when acsessing dungeons.Dancing works:--------------Dance with the ring of 100% healing ,while in battle, with a sheild In one hand, and a power weapon in the other hand, and your healing Time will double. If you use the amulet of speed while doing this, Your healing time will be 10 fold.Dungeon walls:--------------Ok go to a dungeon (any of them!) well this isn't excatly a code butIf you scroll down while wlaking against a wall u can go thru it!Unlockables:------------Talk to ladymarianUnlockable How to unlock---------------------------------Enemy characters - /roiLevels - /mamaWalktrough - /papaPotion - /kuyaItems - /jeromeDragons - /akoBounce - /wanwanGlitch - /ninyoRichest ever:-------------OK so type /LeveL250 into the chat bar and it will take you there pick upSome stuff. Then type /LeveL1 and go to that guy who sells stuff and he willBuy it 4 30k!Loads of Money:---------------Submitted by: ben davisonthis is for loads of money (((I mean loads)))first type in /level999,then get as much items (((not runes))) as u can hold,then Type in /level1 then go up the stairs,now go to the merchant thats above you now,Then sell all items that say level999 u will get bout 126457 gold off only 1 item.Cheats:-------Submitted by: NURDI0021Code:-----Telepor http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ cameraPlayeur online:/whofps:----/fpsCheat:------Submitted by: KILLAOk so 1st u type /level 500 in your chatbox and then pick up about until your inventory is Filled actualy and then type /teleport 1 then go to the merchent he will take it for 90k each item. Massive damage:---------------If you go up to an enemy and get them to attack you, just guard (shift and ctrl) for aWhile (maybe about 25-30 seconds. Then attack. If you hit him the first time after Blocking, you will do extra damage. -reply by Legendary
Password Protecting A Flash Drive AKA A USB Memory Drive
iGuest replied to Albus Dumbledore's topic in Software
You can loose important data if you forget your password to your zip/rar/file storage. If you loose the password to encrypted data you will not be able to get it back. Another form of password protection would be a program called USB Lost and Found. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ You can setup your flash drive to autorun lock down and it requires a password and denies user access. -reply by SolidReviews -
1 Firefox 2 Thunderbird 3 Word 4 Gimp 5 Ypops /txtmngr/images/smileys/smiley2.Gif -reply by Mozzilla
I Like:I tried- Bone thugs 'and' harmony feat. AkonPaparazzi- XzibitJust a moment- NaS feat. QuanSnow (hey oh) - Red hot chili PeppersDo for Love - TupacSomething to believe in- The RamonesThe sound of silence- Simon & GarfunkleGone so young- Amber pacificNever took the time- AkonThe war - Angels & AirwavesIf I were a boy- BeyonceMaria- BlondieTha crossroads (DJ U-Neek's mo thug remix) - Bone thugs 'and' harmonyDon't fear the reaper- Blue oyster cultStay wiv me - DJ ironikHurt- Johnny CashLike Toy Soldiers- EminemThe man comes around- Johnny cashShe- GreendayI should be so lucky- Kylie minougeThe rest of my life- Les than JakeIn the end- Linkin parkSouth side sotry- lloyd BanksWest side story- The GameThugz Mansion (and.Y.) - NaSGame's Pain- The Game feat. Keyshia ColeI'll be missing You- P. Diddy feat. Faith evansSOS (rescue me) - RihannaAnd so on... -reply by Peter_Leeds
Comments on COBOLAn Introduction To COBOLThere seems to be a little confusion out there about COBOL. First, COBOL is far from a "dead" language. Were it so, you probably COULD find a free compiler, but most compilers are quite expensive, and only Fujitsu Cobol has a free compiler with all the bugs removed. Unfortunately, it is based on an old standard, and contains little of the modern capabilities (screen handling, class and property, etc. Handling). For these capabilities, find a deep pocket. There are an estimated BILLION lines of cobol being used every day. Thousands of front and back ends written in basic, C, C++ provide interactive capabilities to these old work horses, and there has yet to be a better business language developed. When you talk of handling, as an example, a quarter of million transactions a week, as many COBOL systems do, no other language can provide the speed and sheer processing power of COBOL. There are a number of sites out there that are COBOL cognizant. Google "COBOL FAQ" and watch. The compilers and the language have evolved with the times. There is very little you cannot do with COBOL, and as for the "translator" type compilers than generate C or C++ code from COBOL code, the exercise defeats the entire purpose of COBOL. COBOL stands for Common Business Oriented Language. 'Nuff said. -reply by Dale Hermann
unable to create a restore point in System Restore. - Group PolicyHow To Increase Windows Shutdown SpeedI am unable to create a restore point in System Restore. I get a message saying 'Restore Piont Creation Disabled By Group Policy. I am not computer savvy therefore I need very basic help. This appears to have manifested itself around the time I installed SP1. Hoping for a speedy, step by step cure. Best Regards, Garth (Dance).
tanking??Guide To Killing AviansiesI go avianses alot...I make 3m plus a trip ... This is because of tanking, for this id recommend torag helm, armadyl pendant, torag legs, saradomin d'hide, accumulator,granite shield,rune c bow,zamorak vampbraces and broad tipped bolts(cheap)/emerald (e) boots depend if you walk or teleport, for walking climbing boots for teleporting dragon boots.. Thisis a good combo if you have 75+ defence and 75+ ranged. The main difference is you use bones to peaches (tabs reccomended)and don't use prayer potions.Use this with the guide above to get serious profit. heres my last trip result, 1208 adamant bars 4 grimy rannars lvl 3 clue scroll 176 blood runes 256 nature runes ps: nice guide for the prayer method
Re: my usb flash is dead! is there any way to fix? - Formating Usb Flash Drivemy usb flash is dead! is there any way to fix?Replying to (G)amin Try "HP Drive Key Boot Utility". It has worked for some people with inaccessible USB drives (even if the drive is not from HP).
You don't have to reinstall XP, you can do a repair install if you really think you have to do that. I have a similiar problem, but I get past the welcome screen. I'm gettin stuck when the background comes up, no icons etc. However its not doing it every time. -reply by Dingdong
MovieMaker2.1Free Video Editing Software HelpYou can do that with regular Movie maker 2. As long as you have Windows XP or higher, you just mute the video clip, and import the sound file. -reply by Buck
The Mayan calendar predicts an "end" of the workd as we know it on Dec 21, 2012. It also says that it will be catacysmic..And many scholars predict it will be by flood again..They say thats how the Mayans predict it will end almost all life and begin a"new earth", a healing process FOR the earth. It shouldn't take a rocket scientist to know that WE ARE causing great harm to this planet that we depend on for survival..The oil, natural gas,coal,water,salt,whatever we "mine" from it, possibly disrupts its normal living cycle, even if it is a small degree. This planet provides us exactly what we need to survive and we rape it. I am no tree hugger, no environmentalist, no scientist, just a human being that knows we could survive on so much less than we do. Its our greed that will ulitmately do us in as a species. We'll **** this planet completely dry of it nutrients and then we'll die..Unless "God" does step in and stop us short of doing that. -reply by chicken
Pro Tools or Logic 8?Pro Tools Or Logic 8? Melissa- Shoot for Pro Tools 8. I have been working with Logic Pro and Garageband for about 8 years now and LOVE them (I know them both inside and out), BUT in the work environment just about everyone is using Pro Tools. I GUARANTEE Sonar would be useless (mainly because no one uses it, and if you decide to use it it takes up A LOT of memory with the whole "64-bit" quality thing). If you know Logic well all you will have to do in Pro Tools is get acquainted with where all the tools and plug-ins are located. Cubase could be another option, if you want to be advanced, because they partnered up with Celemony to give you a Melodyne-type pitch correction. But I suggest Pro Tools 100% if you want to make a career out of recording . -reply by Tim Homan
yaya, I like this game coz I'm nearly a pro. you don't need the lvl, all you need is the stuff. mostly pro uses shotgun. if you want to play a no cheat gunz they try elite gunz @ http://www.elitekingdoms.com/ -reply by Owninnnngg
I thought the game was alright, but the only fighting game I've ever truly loved was Super Smash Bros Brawl. Heh, anyway, when I played I was best with Forest Law if I remember correctly, he makes the funniest noises in the game!
Soccer CleatsNike Vs Adidas?I personally think AdidaS owns in soccer cleats. They have way better quality. They make leather, and not just fake rubber cleats. In my opinion Nike has better basketball shoes, Adidas better cleats. :) -reply by Soccer Star
whether wwe is fake or real Is wwe wrestling Real or Fake ??????I think its sports game like boxing and karate but boxing, karate have limited rules but here no limits rules. The program main ethic is to entertain the people. -reply by nareshraj
Next RiderNew Eragon BookHi guysI think that a dwarf will become the next dragon riderBecause Orinexplains to eragon that they where cut out off the packt between humansand Dragons because they don't like the dragons. So maybe in the fourthbook the will get back in the path again and the last egg will hatchfor a dwarfThink about it!!Eragon:human he has a dragonElf's: have a dragonBut the dwarfs don't have a riderLet me know what you thinkGreeting-reply by Some1
Replying to pat23 The best anitivirus software is KASPERSKY. For the nod32 users, yes it don't eat your ram and stuff. But does it block annoying banners?.. Two way firewall? (it has personal firewall but not sufficient), quick and hourly updates?, parental control?, application filter?, vulnerability protection and scan?, virtual keyboard for anti-fraud?, these are some cons of nod32 against kaspersky.. So kaspersky would be the best rather than other stuff.But norton products would not make you feel protected.-reply by killaaa
The best anitivirus software is KASPERSKY. For the nod32 users, yes it don't eat your ram and stuff. But does it block annoying banners?.. Two way firewall? (it has personal firewall but not sufficient), quick and hourly updates?, parental control?, application filter?, vulnerability protection and scan?, virtual keyboard for anti-fraud?, these are some cons of nod32 against kaspersky.. So kaspersky would be the best rather than other stuff.But norton products would not make you feel protected.-reply by best of the best
Replying to iGuestIf Arya becomes the new dragon rider it's going to complicate things even more, when it comes to their relationship. Eragon has to become her teacher...I hope the vault of souls contains thousands of dragon hearts, so Eragon can CRUSH Mertag and Galbatorix.
PS3 beats XBOX 360 the most piece of **** ever.PS3 rulz the graphics are better than any console, in fact it is the best.It looks as if it is real.PS3 has free online.Whereas you need to pay and buy a **** device for internet in xbox360.Ps3 has in built WiFi system which the xbox360(piece of ****)doesn't.Ps3 has motion sensitive controllers the SIXAXIS and the DUALSHOCK3.PS3 supports BLU-RAY.It supports the highest definition gaming 1080i/1080p.So this shows PS3 IS THE BEST
n00bs, the new nano uses flash, it has 8gb standard, although you can get them in 4 or 16. And 4gb is 8 times what their dad had... It was only a 500mb. About the compression issue, there is no issue, movies take up around 400mb for the ipod. The battery life is amazing, lasts a good 24+ hours during playback, and can go over a week on standby with minimum playback. The only issue I've had with it, is taking music off of it in windows vista. The old way was to go to the drive, type ipod_controlmusic, and pull all of the audio files off... Now that folders empty on a half filled ipod. And vista doesn't show hidden files or folders. And watching movies on it is cool when you're riding passenger in a car.