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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. vb codeText File Operations VB.NETDear sir/madamCan you please assist me with a visual basic code that will enable me to extract data from a text file and display it in a tabular form in a visual basic window.I wont to be displaying names, date and location.It will be of much help to me and a pleasure as well.Thank you in advance -question by stanford bonongwe
  2. 2 questions,please answer them:(Assembly Language Tutorials1. Switch statements are particularly challenging to reverse engineer fromThe object code. You are given the following scenario,The Turkish alphabet is composed of 29 letters based on Latin alphabet. Six of theLowercase letters (I.E., ?c, ˘g, ı, ?o, ?s, ?u) are encoded as Unicode characters but theRest alphabet is encoded as ASCII characters. The table below illustrate Unicode ofEach one and the location in the alphabet.Table 1: Lowercase Turkish AlphabetLetter ?c ˘g ı ?o ?s ?uUnicode 231 240 253 246 254 252LetterNumber4 9 11 19 23 26Based on the preceding information, the code below is partially given. In the followingProcedure, the body of the switch statement has been removed but the correspondingAssembly code is given below:Typedef enum{C04=231 ,C09=240 ,C11=253 ,C19=246 ,C23=254 ,C26=252} Lowercase ;Int identify_six_lowercase ( Lowercase letter ){Int result ;Switch ( letter ){:/ body of the swi t c h /:}Return result ;}Assembly code for the given functionLC6: .Ascii "invalid letter0"LC4: .Ascii "23th letter in the alphabet0"LC0: .Ascii "Fourth letter in the alphabet0"LC1: .Ascii "Nineth letter in the alphabet0"LC3: .Ascii "19th letter in the alphabet0"LC5: .Ascii "26th letter in the alphabet0"LC2: .Ascii "11th letter in the alphabet0"_identify_six_lowercase:Pushl %ebpMovl %esp, %ebpPushl %ebxSubl $4, %esp movl 8(%ebp), %ebxLeal -231(%ebx), %eaxCmpl $23, %eaxJa L9Jmp *L10(,%eax,4).Section .Rdata,"dr".Align 4L10:.Long L3.Long L9 .Long L9 .Long L9 .Long L9 .Long L9 .Long L9 .Long L9 .Long L9.Long L4.Long L9 .Long L9 .Long L9 .Long L9 .Long L9.Long L6.Long L9 .Long L9 .Long L9 .Long L9 .Long L9.Long L8.Long L5.Long L7.Text .P2align 4,,7L9:Movl $LC6, (%esp)Call _putsPopl %edxXorl %eax, %eaxPopl %ebxPopl %ebpRetL7:Movl $LC4, (%esp)Call _putsPopl %edxMovl %ebx, %eaxAndl $3, %eaxPopl %ebxPopl %ebpRetL3:Movl $LC0, (%esp)Call _putsPopl %edxLeal 0(,%ebx,4), %eaxPopl %ebxPopl %ebpRetL4:Movl $LC1, (%esp)Call _putsPopl %edx movl %ebx, %eaxShrl $2, %eaxPopl %ebxPopl %ebpRetL6:Movl $LC3, (%esp)Call _putsPopl %edxLeal -4(%ebx), %eaxPopl %ebxPopl %ebpRetL8:Movl $LC5, (%esp)Call _putsPopl %edxMovl %ebx, %eaxPopl %ebxPopl %ebpRetL5:Movl $LC2, (%esp)Call _putsPopl %edxLeal 4(%ebx), %eaxPopl %ebxPopl %ebpRetFill in the body of the switch statement with C code that will have the same behaviorAs the assembly code. question2: 2. Assume that you are charged with maintaining a C program and you come acrossThe following code:Typedef struct {Int left ;A_struct a [ and ] ;B_struct b [ M ] ;Int right ;} c_struct ;Void test ( int I , int j , c_struct c ){Int and = c−>left + c−>right ;Int m = c−>left − c−>right ;A_struct a = &c−>a [ I ] ;B_struct b = &c−>b [ j ] ;A−>x [ a−>ix]= and ;B−>y [ b−>iy]= m ;}You are unable to access the C code segment in which the compile?time constant andAnd M and structures a_struct and b_struct were defined. However, you have anAccess to disassembled code given below. Using the reverse engineering skills, deduceThe following:(a) The value of and and M.( Complete declaration of structure a_struct and b_struct. AssumeThat there are two fields in a_struct are idx and x. Similarly there are two fieldsIn b_struct (I.E., idy and y).Explicitly indicate each step in your solutions. Disassebled Code:01-00000000 <_test>:02- 0: 55 push %ebp03- 1: 89 e5 mov %esp,%ebp04- 3: 83 ec 0c sub $0xc,%esp05- 6: 89 1c 24 mov %ebx,(%esp)06- 9: 8b 5d 10 mov 0x10(%ebp),%ebx07- c: 8b 45 08 mov 0x8(%ebp),%eax08- f: 89 7c 24 08 mov %edi,0x8(%esp)09- 13: 8b 4d 0c mov 0xc(%ebp),%ecx10- 16: 89 74 24 04 mov %esi,0x4(%esp)11- 1a: 8b 93 ac 00 00 00 mov 0xac(%ebx),%edx12- 20: 8d 04 c0 lea (%eax,%eax,8),%eax13- 23: 8b 33 mov (%ebx),%esi14- 25: 8d 04 83 lea (%ebx,%eax,4),%eax15- 28: 8d 0c 89 lea (%ecx,%ecx,4),%ecx16- 2b: 8d 0c 8b lea (%ebx,%ecx,4),%ecx17- 2e: 8d 3c 16 lea (%esi,%edx,1),%edi18- 31: 29 d6 sub %edx,%esi19- 33: 8b 50 04 mov 0x4(%eax),%edx20- 36: 89 7c 90 08 mov %edi,0x8(%eax,%edx,4)21- 3a: 8b 41 70 mov 0x70(%ecx),%eax21- 3d: 89 74 81 74 mov %esi,0x74(%ecx,%eax,4)22- 41: 8b 1c 24 mov (%esp),%ebx23- 44: 8b 74 24 04 mov 0x4(%esp),%esi24- 48: 8b 7c 24 08 mov 0x8(%esp),%edi25- 4c: 89 ec mov %ebp,%esp26- 4e: 5d pop %ebp27- 4f: c3 ret -reply by erdem kaya
  3. About the non christian's salvation(from wikipedia, I hope is correct):Orthodox Christians hold that man was originally created in communion with God, but through acting in a manner contrary to his own nature (which is intrinsically ordered to communion with God), he disrupted that communion. Because of man's refusal to fulfill the "image and likeness of God" within him, corruption and the sickness of sin whose consequence is death entered man's mode of existence. But when Jesus came into the world He Himself was Perfect Man and Perfect God united in the divine Hypostasis of the Logos, the Second Person of the Holy Trinity. Through his assumption of human nature, human existence was restored, enabling human beings, and the fulfilment of creation, through participation in divinity by incorporation into Jesus Christ."The Word of God came in His own Person, because it was He alone, the Image of the Father, Who could recreate man made after the Image. In order to effect this re-creation, however, He had first to do away with death and corruption. Therefore He assumed a human body, in order that in it death might once and for all be destroyed, and that men might be renewed according to the Image [of God]." St. Athanasius, On the IncarnationSalvation, or "being saved," therefore, refers to this process of being saved from death and corruption and the fate of hell. The Orthodox Church believes that its teachings and practices represent the true path to participation in the gifts of God. Yet, it should be understood that the Orthodox do not believe that you must be Orthodox to participate in salvation. God is merciful to all. The Orthodox believe that there is nothing that a person (Orthodox or non-Orthodox) can do to earn salvation. It is rather a gift from God. However, this gift of relationship has to be accepted by the believer, since God will not force salvation on humanity. Man is free to reject the gift of salvation continually offered by God. To be saved, man must work together with God in a synergeia whereby his entire being, including his will, effort and actions, are perfectly conformed with, and united to, the divine."God becomes powerless before human freedom; He cannot violate it since it flows from His own omnipotence. Certainly man was created by the will of God alone; but he cannot be deified [made Holy] by it alone. A single will for creation, but two for deification. A single will to raise up the image, but two to make the image into a likeness. The love of God for man is so great that it cannot constrain; for there is no love without respect. Divine will always will submit itself to gropings, to detours, even to revolts of human will to bring it to a free consent." Vladimir Lossky, Orthodox Theology: An IntroductionThe ultimate goal of the Orthodox Christian is to achieve theosis, or Union with God. This is sometimes expressed thus: "God became Man so that Man might become God." Some of the greatest saints have achieved, in this life, a measure of this process. The individual who achieves theosis never realizes his accomplishment, as his perfect humility keeps him blind to pride. Salvation therefore is not merely an escape from the eternal bondage of death, but an entrance to life in Christ here and now.
  4. From ?Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future?By Seraphim RoseThe Monotheistic Religions; Do We Have the Same God That Non-Christians Have?By Father Basile Sakkas"THE HEBREW AND ISLAMIC PEOPLES, AND CHRISTIANS... These three expressions of an identical monotheism, speak with the most authentic and ancient, and even the boldest and most confident voices. Why should it not be possible that the name of the same God, instead of engendering irreconcilable opposition, should lead rather to mutual respect, understanding and peaceful coexistence? Should the reference to the same God, the same Father, without prejudice to theological discussion, not lead us rather one day to discover what is so evident, yet so difficult ? that we are all sons of the same Father, and that, therefore, we are all brothers?"Pope Paul VI, La Croix, Aug. 11, 1970On Thursday, April 2, 1970, a great religious manifestation took place in Geneva. Within the framework of the Second Conference of the "Association of United Religions," the representatives of target religions were invited to gather in the Cathedral of Saint Peter. This "common prayer" was based on the following motivation: "The faithful of all these religions were invited to coexist in the cult of the same God"! Let us then see if this assertion is valid in the light of the Holy Scriptures.In order better to explain the matter, we shall limit ourselves to the three religions that have historically followed each other in this order: Judaism, Christianity, Islam. These three religions lay claim, in fact, to a common origin: as worshippers of the God of Abraham. Thus it is a very widespread opinion that since we all lay claim to the posterity of Abraham (the Jews and Moslems according to the flesh and Christians spiritually), we all have as God the God of Abraham and all three of us worship (each in his own way, naturally) the same God! And, this same God constitutes in some fashion our point of unity and of "mutual understanding," and this invites us to a "fraternal relation," as the Grand Rabbi Dr. Safran emphasized, paraphrasing the Psalm: "Oh, how good it is to see brethren seated together..."In this perspective it is evident that Jesus Christ, God and Man, the Son Co-eternal with the Father without beginning, His Incarnation, His Cross His Glorious Resurrection and His Second and Terrible Coming ? become secondary details which cannot prevent us from "fraternizing" with those who consider Him as "a simple prophet" (according to the Koran) or as "the son of a prostitute" (according to certain Talmudic traditions)! Thus we would place Jesus of Nazareth and Mohammed on the same level. I do not know what Christian worthy of the name could admit this in his conscience.One might say that in these three religions, passing over the past, one could agree that Jesus Christ is an extraordinary and exceptional being and that He was sent by God. But for us Christians, if Jesus Christ is not God, we cannot consider Him either as a "prophet " or as one sent by God, "but only as a great imposter without compare, having proclaimed Himself "Son of God," making Himself thus equal to God!" (St. Mark 14:61-62). According to this ecumenical solution on the supra-confessional level, the Trinitarian God of Christians would be the same thing as the monotheism of Judaism, of Islam, of the ancient heretic Sabellius, of the modern anti-Trinitarians, and of certain Illuminist sects. There would not be Three Persons in a Single Divinity, but a single Person, unchanging for some, or successively changing "masks" (Father-Son-Spirit) for others! And nonetheless one would pretend that this was the "same God"Here some might naively propose: "Yet for the three religions there is a common point: all three confess God the Father! "But according to the Holy Orthodox Faith, this is an absurdity. We confess always: Glory to the Holy, Consubstantial, Life-giving and Indivisible Trinity." How could we separate the Father from the Son when Jesus Christ affirms I and the Father are One (St. John 10:30); and St. John the Apostle, Evangelist, and Theologian, the Apostle of Love, clearly affirms: Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father (St. John 2:23).But even if all three of us call God Father: of whom is He really the Father? For the Jews and the Moslems He is the Father of men in the plane of creation; while of us Christians He is the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ by adoption (Eph. 1:4-5) in the plane of redemption. What resemblance is there, then, between the Divine Paternity in Christianity and in the other religions?Others might say: "But all the same, Abraham worshipped the true God; and the Jews through Isaac and the Moslems through Hagar are the descendants of this true worshipper of God." Here one will have to make several things clear: Abraham worshipped God not at all in the form of the unipersonal monotheism of the others, but in the form of the Holy Trinity. We read in the Holy Scripture: And the Lord appeared unto him at the Oaks of Mamre... And he bowed himself toward the ground (Gen. 18:1-2). Under what form did Abraham worship God? Under the unipersonal form, or under the form of the Divine Tri-unity? We Orthodox Christians venerate this Old Testament manifestation of the Holy Trinity on the Day of Pentecost, when we adorn our churches with boughs representing the ancient oaks, and when we venerate in their midst the icon of the Three Angels, just as our father Abraham venerated it! Carnal descent from Abraham can be of no use to us if we are not regenerated by the waters of Baptism in the Faith of Abraham. And the Faith of Abraham was the Faith in Jesus Christ, as the Lord Himself has said: Your father Abraham rejoiced to see My day; and he saw it and was glad (St. John 8:56). Such also was the Faith of the Prophet-King David, who heard the heavenly Father speaking to His Consubstantial Son: The Lord said unto my Lord (Ps. 109:1; Acts 2:34). Such was the Faith of the Three Youths in the fiery furnace when they were saved by the Son of God (Dan. 3:25); and of the holy Prophet Daniel, who had the Vision of the two natures of Jesus Christ in the Mystery of the Incarnation when the Son of Man came to the Ancient of Days (Dan. 7:13). This is why the Lord, addressing the (biologically incontestable) posterity of Abraham, said: "If ye were the children of Abraham, ye would do the works of Abraham" (St. John 8:39), and these "works" are to believe on Him Whom God hath sent (St. John 6:29).Who then are the posterity of Abraham? The sons of Isaac according to the flesh, or the sons of Hagar the Egyptian? Is Isaac or Ishmael the posterity of Abraham? What does the Holy Scripture teach by the mouth of the divine Apostle? Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed: which is Christ (Gal. 3:16). And if ye be Christ Is, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise (Gal. 3:29). It is then in Jesus Christ that Abraham became a father of many nations (Gen. 17:5; Rom. 4:17). After such promises and such certainties, what meaning does carnal descent from Abraham have? According to Holy Scripture, Isaac is considered as the seed or posterity, but only as the image of Jesus Christ. As opposed to Ishmael (the son of Hagar; Gen. 16:1ff), Isaac was born in the miraculous "freedom" of a sterile mother, in old age and against the laws of nature, similar to our Saviour, Who was miraculously born of a Virgin. He climbed the hill of Moriah just as Jesus climbed Calvary, bearing on his shoulders the wood of sacrifice. An angel delivered Isaac from death, just as an angel rolled away the stone to show us that the tomb was empty, that the Risen One was no longer there. At the hour of prayer, Isaac met Rebecca in the plain and led her into the tent of his mother Sarah, just as Jesus shall meet His Church on the clouds in order to bring Her into the heavenly mansions, the New Jerusalem, the much-desired homeland.No! We do not in the least have the same God that non-Christians have! The sine qua non for knowing the Father, is the Son: He that hath seen Me hath seen the Father; no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me (St. John 14:6,9). Our God is a God Incarnate, Whom we have seen with our eyes, and our hands have touched (1 John 1:1). The immaterial became material for our salvation, as St. John Damascene says, and He has revealed Himself in us. But when did He reveal Himself among the present-day Jews and Moslems, so that we might suppose that they know God? If they have a knowledge of God outside of Jesus Christ, then Christ was incarnate, died, and rose in vain!No, they do not know the Father. They have conceptions about the Father; but every conception about God is an idol, because a conception is the product of our imagination, a creation of a God in our own image and likeness. For us Christians God is inconceivable, incomprehensible, indescribable, and immaterial, as St. Basil the Great says. For our salvation He became (to the extent that we are united to Him) conceived, described and material, by revelation in the Mystery of the Incarnation of His Son. To Him be the glory unto the ages of ages. Amen. And this is why St. Cyprian of Carthage affirms that he who does not have the Church for Mother, does not have God for Father!May God preserve us from the Apostasy and from the coming of Antichrist, the preliminary signs of which are multiplying from day to day. May He preserve us from the great affliction which even the elect would not be able to bear without the Grace of Him Who will cut short these days. And may He preserve us in the "small flock," the "remainder according to the election of Grace," so that we like Abraham might rejoice at the Light of His Face, by the prayers of the Most Holy Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary, of all the heavenly hosts, the cloud of witnesses, prophets, martyrs, hierarchs, evangelists, and confessors who have been faithful unto death, who have shed their blood for Christ, who have begotten us by the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the waters of Baptism. We are their sons ? weak, sinful, and unworthy, to be sure; but we will not stretch forth our hands toward a strange God! Amen.Father Basile SakkasLa Foi Transmise, April 5, 1970
  5. I'm on this beat like weezy be but I'm not weezy I am me I'm aaron hires I am runnin I'm on fire I roll smoothe like michelin tires I go hard but I am white ***** you doubt me then lets fight ill knock you out turn off yo lights I ****ed you ***** damn shes tight my flows so sick ill make you cough talk some **** you get popped off throw the pass you get picked off ill run it back and then ill score and the ill **** you ***** just once more I eat you fake *bottom* rappers for lunch then I **** yo girls a bunch *BLEEP*s hatin on race I just came on yo girls face yo ****in clique it is so fake I ate yo ***** like ice cream cake this rap it is about done did you have fun? I'm comin back for one more line you finna get murked just one more time. -reply by WhiteBoy
  6. resuming of autumn semester 2010Free Study In SwedenHello I am from cameroon,I just registered at studera to study in sweden in autumn semester 2010,I will like to know when the autumn semester comenses and which date for internationals student to arrive in sweden,I really like to know the month and how much can the rent,food and books cost (in euro).I will like to know this so that I can start preparing for my self finance-question by bona
  7. LISTVIEW PROBLEM.VB.NET: Problem With Listview Controls Hi. I have a problem regarding listview control in asp.Net and vb.Net. I'm developing a web based application wherein the user will search for a topic and the search results will be displayed and bind in a listview. There's a link in a listview where users can click to view a file. I want to get the selected value of each item in a listview after the user click the link. Anyone knows how to do it? Thanks.. You can email me here: norbs_27@yahoo.Com Thanks a lot and godbless! -reply by Norbs
  8. my fav moviesA List Of Great Movies!The Shamshank Redemption. One of the best movie of hollywood..[hatsof].. Comedy: life of Brain,Fat pizza.Thriller: ventage pont, The bank job... Drama: Perfume, Forest Gump, All tom hanks movies.-reply by mohd sharjeel khan
  9. Much easier way to embed images in gmail email messagesHow To Create Embed Image Mail In GmailDiscovered this by accident while copying some text from a website into an email I was writing. By mistake, I copied an image from an HTML page. Doesn't matter where as long as it is on a web server on the internet. Select the image, use Control C to copy it, Go back to Gmail in compose mode and use Control V to paste the image in. Wonderful, glorious, so elegant since it copies both the image and the absolute http address of the image in a flash.
  10. increasing my staminaRunning, Jogging, TrainingThat's true that running is best form of exercise. I go to gym for 5 days a week with 2 days rest in between. My workout starts with running on treadmill for 20 mins, then another 20 mins other free hand cardio exercise. Only after spending 50-60 mins in cardio area do I enter gym area and work out one body part each day. I forgot to tell you guys that I am suffering from Ashtma and my daily exercise has helped me to keep off of medicine. So running is a great form exercise for stamina building and to keep illness at bay. -reply by Asif Rehan
  11. can u help me pleaseFlashing Your Motherboard's Bios[*]I have dell inspiron 1420 vindow vista home premium . I want to upload window 7. But system is giving me following message.[*]Windows cannot be installed on this computer with the current systemBIOS version. Contact your computer manufacturer for a BIOS update,Install the update, and then start Windows installation again.OEM Name: Dell Inc.;OEM Model: Inspiron 1420 ;BIOS Version: Phoenix ROM BIOS PLUS Version 1.10 A03;BIOS Date: 20070925000000.000000+000thank you fazi -question by fazi
  12. Byethost free hostingByet Host Is Bad!Yes friends I use several free hosting plans but byethost giving for there free hosting user large number of webspace with bandwith and two thing I like databases and multiple domain host which is 50.. So I am using byethost last 1.5year.. During this time I found 0% downtime.. Yes I found ftp some time not working properly but site does not affect wile ftp is not working so folks honestly speaking Byethost is Byethost Thnkx Mohummad Abdullah -reply by abdullah
  13. I Miss Wamu :-(Chase-good Example Of Bad BankingLast Wednesday I had about $400 in my checking account. I spent around $120 on two transactions and checked my account Thursday which showed the two transaction had posted and taken from my balance. I have direct deposit on my paycheck, and has always posted Thursday at midnight. Thrusday afternoon I wrote a check for my rent. Granted it was floating, and I wouldn't be upset if they charged me with the overdraft on that. What they did do however, was remove the two previous withdraws that were done earlier that week, pended my paycheck, and posted my rent check first, making my overdrawn, the reposting the previous two transactions that were suppose to be already cleared and posted, which clearly SHOWED on my statement when I checked online. This cause three overdraft charges at $35 a pop. My direct deposit was still pending the next day. They have NEVER pended my direct deposit before. Now I will take blame when blame is due. But for them to repost cleared transactions and hold a direct deposit is just shady. After calling India, hoping for an explanation, and maybe a reversal on at least two of the fees, I was told that nothing could be done and I did not have proof that the two previous transactions posted, and that they automatically hold any deposit for at least 24 hours, which is a lie! I hung up and filed a case with OCC. Chase is nothing but a bunch of liars and thieves. Looking quickly now for a new bank! -reply by Kristi
  14. vista on my mac os xTo Install Windows Xp In Pendrive Or Flash DriveUsing Bootcamp, can I install Vista on a 16 g thumb drive rather than my hard drive? -question by michael
  15. I agree with the gentlemen that Dish Network scams and liesDish Network - Scam Scam Scam! Do Not Trust Them!What I agree to in the verbal phone agreement was not what I received. I agreed and verified that I was getting a programming package of $50 plus tax. The installer of the equipment said without a phone line it was $55.00 a month. IT TURNED OUT TO BE OVER $90.00 PER MONTH. The sales person or someone else at Dish Network added other programming package without my permission. They gave me a tiny credit. I asked them to listen to their recorded phone conversation of the contract agreement, but they said they don't keep all of them. That tells me they keep some at least, but I suspect they keep all of them as required by law, but tell people that ask they don't keep them all. They treated me as a liar. They don't want to know the truth, but just bend us all over and take all then can steal. There are many other big corporations that try to cheat us. America, Inc. This was a great country years ago, but those days are over. -reply by Mark
  16. theres a easyer way.. Re-Enable 2.0 google it! -reply by tangomouse
  17. Riddle1. Andrew or Drew.2.Both because what he is telling the person would have 2 b a lie.3.Because the man said if he write "your exact weight on the paper". He wrote the words "your exact weight" in words and not numbers.-reply by A Guest
  18. depresssing songsDepressing Songs1-until the day I die 2-if only by hoobastank 3-what hurts the most by boyce avenue 4-only hope by mandy moore/switchfoot 5-here without you by 3 doors down 6- collide by howie day 7-don't forget me by red hot chili peppers 8- everything reminds me of you by elliott smitch 9- let me go by 3 doors down 10- low by kelly clarkson -reply by maxtraxer
  19. Cant get computer out of BIOSHow To Reset Your Bios (guide)When I start my Dell C840 it goes to boot and screen says media test failure. I changed my hard drive but still having problems. Please help! -reply by Mike
  20. kno wat u doinRap LyricsI kno wat I'm doin when I go on the streets I don't think u do because u got no heat ooh u got beasted u sure yur feet is u gotta live free or die hard or u gonna play yur money up thats how we do thats how we groove we ride impalas wit high hydralics twis t rims u kno how I shine we will see eachother we will be bestfriends and remember this is not the end because I will see u again -feedback by Ajkiid
  21. What should I do about this girl? How Do You Know If A Girl Is Lying And Just Playing You?On October 24th I was invited to a costume party. I really didn't know what to expect once I got there but as the party progressed I noticed this girl in a french made costume. We made eye contact and there was an instant attraction towards one another. That night we exchanged numbers and in the following days we would have general conversations in which I got to know a lot about her. On one occasion I asked her if she was seeing anyone and she said no. The following week on October 31st we met up at another party and we danced all night. Everything felt so right, so perfect with this girl, even our long make-out sessions were full of passion. 2 weeks later, thats right, 2 weeks later I saw her again for the first time since that Holloween day. She claimed that she had to go to New York the week prior with her mother and best friend. I ate it up, I believed her and continued the night with her at a bar-club dancing salsa, having a few beers, and sharing some hot kisses. After that day I realized she was being evasive. She wouldn't call me for days at a time and would call me only if she missed my calls. She was acting really strange and distant. Well too make a long story short, I found out through a friend that she was seeing another guy behind my back and that she had even traveled to NY with him...WOW...That was a shocker to me. I cut her off completely, I stopped calling her and before you knew it, she was blowing up my phone like a blow-up-doll, leaving voicemails, text messages and all that. I was strong enough not to reply to any of it, I guess she got the hint because she stopped calling. It hurts because I was ready to poor my heart out to this girl and to think that she was lying all along. Well I was invited to a party tonight and I heard she was going to be there...Should I go? What would you do in this situation if you were me?...Please respond guys, I need some advice. -reply by LVPerry
  22. what happend to those processes?What Happens To A File When You Delete It From Windows ?Ok so my computer was being REALLY REALLY REALLY slow. So I hit Ctrl Alt and Delete so I could end the programs that wern't responding. That didn't work out so well. So then I clicked the tab 'Processses' and started to delete the majority of those. Next thing I notice the background has nothing on it. Like, no icons of anything. Did I delete those icons and completely wipe them clean from my computer?!?! If I did,how can I get them back?!?! -reply by Miyu
  23. $$ Money Tips $$How Do I Make Gold Fast In Runescape/Well... Here is some money making tips. 1) It may take a while but if you have a brass key go to a little west of the G.E and kill the hill giants to make around 15k-22k a trip. Each trip will probobally be around 5min-7min and I raised over 1 mill by doing this over and over again. 2) Fishing is also a good skill to raise and a good one to make money on. When you get 40 fishing buy a lobster pot and fish lobsters in karamja and when you get a full invty just sail back to port sarim and go to the draynor bank and keep repeating this. When you get 50 fishing fish sword fish. I made 130k with like 200 lobsters and I never even made it to level 50 catching that many! 3) Wood cutting is also good until you get level 60 woodcutting. When you are able to cut yews try to cut them around 10 o'clock in the morning because you get all the trees to yourself. Each log is around 400gp each. Get around 1000 yew logs and you will make a lot of money -reply by Naomiwa
  24. Animal testing is Wrong.A Debate On Animal TestingAnimal experiments are supposedly necessary in order to make the products we use safe and to find new therapies for sick people. However, they are in fact not suitable for judging the effects and hazards of substances for humans. Scientists, politicians and citizens are now increasingly recognising that animal experiments don?t fulfil what they promise, and that their results are not directly applicable to humans. Animal experiments are immoral. Animal experimentation is not compatible with ethically justifiable medicine and science. -reply by user
  25. just answer the question Java Script To Hide The Url In Address Barwell, anyway, I tried to do this with a frameset with 2 frames and IT WORKS ! One frame with size zero and no source (src=''), and the other one with size=* and source pointing to your real URL. �I use to point 3 customer support system URL's to a single url. Thanks a lot !! -reply by Mario Restrepo
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