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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. Light Sabre PhysicsPhysics Behind The LightsaberThe physics involved are a bit more complicated than it might seem. A laser simply won't work for this as light has a tendency to travel, barring a deflective medium, of course. The only alternative would be to project a portable singularity a set distance away from the hilt of the device that would absorb the light being emitted. Such a thing, if it could even be created, would pose a grave risk to anything in its field of effect. A plasma field, however, could be made to fit the requirements. However, the technology as it exists, is a bit subpar for this. Generating a focused plasma field involves a tremendous expenditure of energy...Too much so to be hand portable in quite the manner as would fit a swordlike device. Containment of the field would be the next hurdle to deal with, and a magnetic "bottle" might possibly accomplish the task. Still, a means to project that "bottle" from a remote location would be the issue, and as things are, such containment fields are more easily generated surrounding the plasma, instead of projected around it from a singular point. If this hurdle can be overcome, then one could suppose that the repulsion quality of a light saber would not be generated from the plasma itself, but rather from the "bottle" used to contain it. If the field were to be compromised in some fashion (collision with another like field of the same wavelength/ properties, for example), then the contained plasma would spill out in an uncontrolled manner, necessarily being as damaging to both wielder and target. Curiously enough, if such a containment field could be generated that met the characteristics needed for such a device, "stabbing" a target with that field might be a trivial matter. Such a containment field, really, wouldn't need to be used to contain a plasma at all, but could be more effective as the intended weapon in it's own right. Lastly, you have the small matter of radiative effects. Fact is, a plasma field generally emits heat. A lot of heat. In order to handle such a device, you'd need to wear asbestos garments so as not to be burned to a cinder. The light emitted would also be considerably bright, perhaps even blindingly so. Even with all this against it, it is not impossible to consider the possibility of eventually creating a "light sabre" device using plasma and an associated magnetic bottle field. I rather doubt, though, any of us will be around to see such a development unless we live to be rather old.
  2. I actually DO believe in dragons. I have done extensive research and have come to the conclusion that dragons did, and very well still may, exist. You probably think I am some raving middle-aged woman, but I am actually a child genius at the age of 12. Do not take into account the word child, as I do not doubt I have a greater intellect than most of you that are posting. If you doubt my words, visit http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ . Despite the fact they made this video for less-than-scientific reasons, they were actually quite close. Thank you to Snake_Eyes36 for his very reasonable approach to the subject.
  3. while writing dvd.. after 50% its coming burning failed & dvd ejecting....like this am wasted above 50 dvds... please solve this problem...i checked all connections inside.its properly connected. please help me... and please inform which is best configuration for assembling multimedia PC...kindly i request you
  4. I think you should get ZenOK Free Antivirus it's very easy to download. It also gives the option to backup data . I would say this one will work well for unexperience people, because is very easy to handle -reply by Ballack78Keywords:
  5. PLOBLEM WHILE INSTALLING ORACLE 10G IN WINDOWS XP2Oracle 10g Install IssuesI GOT THIS ERROR ON ORACLE 10g INSTALLATION IN WINDOWS XP2 ERROR : Eoracleproduct10.1.0db_1javavmadminclasses.Bin [invalid distance code] so please reply the solution, thank you. -reply by rajesh
  6. Why does no one mention the Zelda series!? COME ON! But I must say Valkyrie Profile is good. So is Star Ocean. Oldies are Donkey Kong and Mario. Ah the memories. Pikmin. The Sims if you're just THAT BORED. The Fullmetal games. Katamari Damacy. Rune Factory. Atelier Iris. Just go to your local gamestop orlibray and start reading the backs of games. Does in intrigue you? Try it!
  7. how about these ideas?I Need Game Ideas Plzname:terrorism of the 3rd kind platform: Windows, Macintosh, Linux and most Portable devices when this game comes out) plot: so your a terrorist that well does what a terrorist would do (kill people). on the website that you post this application on, you will not only have to post the game but the content packages that will be made to unleash hell on victims. When download the game, you cantry to start a game but, a message will pop up that says that you do not have maps to launch. The content packages you can also download, will come with maps, weapons, tools, vehicles, players (victims we call them or so I think we do...) and much more.This game will also allow you to edit maps inside you packages. Later on you can test and save your edited maps. You can also start from scratch a new map (this may take a while though. Sorry) please make this game free and a full version only. Many people would like to have applications like this and I feel that the makers of these games should re-post them completly free and no demos or trials and crap like that! -reply by taylor
  8. Ree, You said, "I myself am a mixture of just about all* of the religions. I believe that, there is a "Supreme Being" no matter what *ever* you want to call Him/Her" I found your thinking very "politically correct". No offense to anyone there. You are a mixture of just about all of the religions. You do believe that there is a "Supreme Being" no matter what "ever" one wants to call Him/Her. /txtmngr/images/smileys/smiley1.Gif From this, I assume you are a young female/male or what "ever". You don't seem to have much of your own opinion and you're somewhat of a non-thnker. /txtmngr/images/smileys/smiley3.Gif(no offense) You do want to be a part of what's going on so you just go along with what "ever" so you will be accepted. That is a very "safe" way to play it but you won't get too far with that kind of an attitude. Now, remember I said, "no offense", and quite frankly, I meant it. I know you will probably be a little offended, though, and I really am sorry. I just wanted to make a point and hope it sticks with you for a long time. Did you ever suppose that this "Supreme Being" that YOU said YOU believe is there, might WANT you to know WHO He/She is and that He/She has more of a plan for your life then WHATEVER? Or do you suppose He/She is just there in oblivion hanging around with WHATEVER, wondering about WHATEVER, doing WHATEVER?? IF you really BELIEVE there is a Supreme Being don't you think you ought to find out what this SUPREME Being wants. Just the SAME way YOU would not want to be identified as female/male or what"ever", and just the SAME way YOU would not want someone to just randomly think WHATEVER about you (like I did above) could it be possible that this Supreme BEING might want us to take time to know Him. Could it be that this Supreme Being actually CARES about people and WANTS them to get to know Him so He can help them, direct them, etc. after all He is a SUPREME Being. He's a BEING not an IT and He has feelings and cares for us/YOU. I just thought maybe you should investigate a little bit more and find out for yourself. He's ALWAYS there to answer your questions. Don't just go along with the crowd, they don't know where they are going anyway. Be strong, be an individual and find out for yourself. You just might be very pleasantly suprised for the rest of your life!!/txtmngr/images/smileys/smiley1.Gif
  10. Using iframe with xhtml 1.1 strictMixing XHTML 1.1 And iFrame This will conform to w3c standards. <p><iframe src="yourpage.Html" width="500" height="500" scrolling="0"></iframe></p>I know this is an old post but maybe it will help someone.-reply by Mike
  11. Irish Ghost, English Accent http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  12. Another reason to disable restoreDisable Crash Recovery Restore Session Option On Firefox 2It is also a good idea to disable this just in case you come across an infected web page. This happened to me and is why I searched for this solution. If I see something trying to install without permission I go for the PC reset button. This is usually after my AV says it blocked an attempt to infect with a Trojan or other malware. If the session restore is not disabled, then when Firefox is opened again it reopens the page/site that contained the infection. -reply by KrisInFla
  13. ZombieMod ServerCounter-Strike Source Clans - Post Your Server IPsGame server title: |24/7|ZombieMod|Props|QuakeSounds| Server ip: Game server type ( TF2, Cs 1.6, CS:S... ): CS:S Gameserver mod ( Zombie, Gungame... ): DeathMatch Server location: United Kingdom, London Player Slots: 16 Public or Private: Public
  14. BSNL 3G Data Card Review in Bangalore.Bsnl India Broadband - Best And Low Cost Hi All,I am from Bangalore and stay near Majestic area. I too bought a BSNL 3G with a Data card after Diwali. The signal strength in my area is almost 98-100%.Considering this, I get an average speed of 1.5 - 2 Mbps.The maximum file download speed which I observed while downloading a file form Oracle website was 360 KBps. Remember its KBps and not Kbps with a small 'b'. So that was truly amazing.The least speed observed in the same site was 120-140 KBps with a slight fluctuation.Torrent downloads with 4 file simultaneously, the total bandwith for download nearly reached 390-400 KBps, and upload was 1-1.5 Mbps.This is truly amazing provided u have sufficient signal in your respective areas.The only doubt I have here is whether the 4200 Rs, plan for 6 months is really unlimited or is there any cap on the usage which they call as "Fair Usage Policy".One more question please.Am using Huawei data card, model no e1752, which I purchased for Rs 3800/= Is this the correct price? Or have I paid more for this ?Any body who knows about this or who want to know anything about BSNL's 3G experience can drop me a mail to mohammedbit@gmail.ComThanks,Mohammed P.
  15. iGuest

    Slow Motion Video

    This Is Anwer That How To Slow Motion Video?Slow Motion VideoThis Will Help You http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ -reply by KxNTeam
  16. ebay.in scamsEbay Sucks!Replying to akijikanFees are too high for sellers so u can buy items cheaper on other sites - To India customers I reccommend ebay as a research tool thats it!! Paisapay has 0 guarantees u will find out soon! More mature buyers/sellers can be found onEbid.Net ( click India location when u enter the site).I also like buynsellindia.Com ( this site has Times of India Guarantee if item is not received, or not as described etc. And its quick and friendly to use unlike paisapay which is your enemy - and quikr.Com ( for local shopping). -reply by akki
  17. yes very easy 2How Can I Play World Of Warcraft For Free ?yes there is its called a private server u can do blizzlike which is like retail or u can do fun server or modded severs like instant 80 or x500 U must go online find a server that u like sign up go to your wow files located where u downloaded them(must be full you can get at for pc: bigdownload.Com) and then go to data enus and go to realmslist open wid notepad or whatever u call it the site should say some like (example) Set realmlist mmopro.Host.Game.Com. Then you need to go to your wow game and play alot of steps but fun. I recommend mmoprowow the realms list I gave u is not the real realms list for it u need to go to its site(only play mmo if u want a rigged 1 wid best armor givin at beginning and instant 80) or u can go wowbeez thats fun 2 and that has alot of um like funserver and x500 so have fun -reply by derrick reed
  18. looking for free lie tetectorLooking For (free) Lie Detector Software.Kal is the most correct about the subject. They make a lie detector you can use by using it straite person to person, on the phone, on a recording, even on TV & radio. To start with get a general short chat that is the truth with that person that 's being tested. The micro chip will set a frequency of his vioce. Now that this is set automaticlly, when he or she tells a lie the concience or a different part of the brian takes over that is a different frequency and making the person uncomfortable is a plus too. When this happens the micro chip will do an algorithm with the previous frequency. The farther from the previous truths at the first settings, the more likey it's a lie! Language has no effect. Nether does sore throats. It's all in the mathmatics of the frequencys. Even in all of this it's still not 100% especially if the person in question is a compulsive lier anyway.
  19. Disorder | RatingParanoid: LowSchizoid: ModerateSchizotypal: HighAntisocial: HighBorderline: ModerateHistrionic: LowNarcissistic: ModerateAvoidant: LowDependent: LowObsessive-Compulsive: Low
  20. Hi..I dont have "Install a New Theme" option at all !!I know where it should be,and i have watched many tutorials about instaling a new theme but that option dont exist on my forum !Pls help !
  21. Hi thank you for the great tut,I am just having one error every thing is working well except that am getting the password as a huge number in my database sorry am newby I never used datbase b4. Pls help me
  22. What do you mean by the planet "knows" too many people are there? I honestly think natural disasters such as hurricanes are just natural, not having anything even remotely to do with overpopulation. Also, the government spends billions of dollars per year on cancer research. Maybe you yourself should do some research before posting.
  23. It is very difficult to earn through internet. Many website are available for giving money but no-one of them provide work as we think. They only gives fraud work and gives you money initially and makes the limit for payment. For getting money you have to earn minimum amount which will never reached or very difficult to reach. If website go on giving money easily to other then what is the benefit for that website. Website only can give money if you are able make profit to corresponding website. For example. If you build a website or software as per instruction given by company through website then that website may gives you money for that work as company is beneficial from that work. Otherwise website don't give you money. Website only gives money if they are beneficial from themself through your work. If you see website is not beneficial from your work but also giving money then you have to think that it is fraud.
  24. check this exampleMySQL Database Problemsuse this syntax to create the database mysql_query("CREATE DATABASE my_db",$con check this link related to this problem //https://www.mindstick.com/forum/61/there-are-some-problem-in-creation-of-database -reply by Raj dube
  25. My Pc shutdowns ....Computer Suddenly Turning OffRecently my pc started behaving in a strange and unfamiliar way. Sometimes while working on the pc it automatically sutsdown I mean the power goes off while still I cn see the green light on the motherboard on. Then when I push the start button nothing happens and I hv to switch of the main power supply to my pc and wait for 5-10 mins. Sometimes the power light will blink for 1/2 sec and den again my the same problem occurs My configuration is intel core 2 duo 2.98 Ghz , 1 300GB hdd and 1 250 Gb hdd , 1 dvd writer , geforce 9600gt GPU, asus MB and I-BAll 400W PSU. Please sujjest an solution Please!! -question by Ankur Jalan
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