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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. Definately it will work in firefox. try this code function closewindow() {var answer = confirm("Are you sure want to close this window ?"); if (answer){ netscape.security.PrivilegeManager.enablePrivilege('UniversalBrowserWrite'); window.close(); } else{ stop; }}
  2. DarwinismThe Next Stage Of Human EvolutionI have read a few posts here where people keep saying that we evolved from apes and are confused by the population of apes that did not evolve into humans and why. The answer is quite simple and I will attempt to clear it up for you confused individuals. Evolution is most definately controlled by environment. As the early ape forms migrated in search of food, they spread themselves out all over the world, which at one point was one giant "super-continent" named Pangaea that existed during the Paleozoic and Mesozoic eras about 250 million years ago, before the component continents were separated into their current configuration. With that said, a number of species branched from the Ape tree. I can name 6 ape species right now off the top of my head that all evolved from the "original" ape species, Gibbons, Chimpanzees, Gorillas, Bonobos, Orangutans and Humans. As each species evolved, it adapted to the best of its ability to its surroundings. Had our mind not evolved in size and ability, we could still be vegetative dwellers like the rest of the five ape species I mentioned. Hope that helps clear up your confusion.
  3. The I/O features of bz2 does not have the ability to delete any file, it is only able to overwrite any file if permissions allow it to.The above program opens the file we want to compress in read-only mode, then reads the whole file into memory and then passes that information to bz2 to be compressed into it's bz2 file that has write mode. Reading the whole file into memory can later cause issues if you have very large files to compress. This is why you need to understand bz2's ability, as I believe it splits it's data up into 900KB chunks for it's compression, so you'll be better off streaming 900KB a time to it to be compressed (please check that up though).Cheers,MC
  4. How to create a password reset diskThe Run CommandHI, I'm only on the login screen can't go any further...I'm only give the Administrator login and I don't have the password for that. I have tried rebooting the system to cmd prompt but can't get it. It will just reboot straight back to the Administrator login screen...Can someone help please..Also how can I download a password reset disk and how to do it? step by step please Thank you. -reply by Robert
  5. Yo, okay men, please, stop the arguing. I bet your all adults, yeah, alittle retarded all coming on here and speaking your mind. making a few words sound the same, and calling it a rhyme. c'mon this isnt how the games works. try to have some meaning. or are you all brainwashed to be jerks? Man, i aint hating y'all for what your trying do. your the same as me, just spittin' out a few verses or 2. but i understand if your mad, a 16 year old boy, throwing out a rhyme and making y'all sound daft. All this shits just off my head, gimme alittle more time, i'll make you wish y'all were dead. peace out! ( ps. only clowning y'all... looking for someone to gimme some ideas here and there to make a few rhymes up. would appreciate the email thomasjenks@hotmail.com thanks ! )
  6. Bamboo Pen and Touch ResolutionBamboo Pen And Touch Graphics Tablet I am very annoyed with purchase of the Bamboo Pen and Touch because I have stuck with this thing for months, hoping my coordination or style would improve, but it has not, and now I am literally stuck with it. Three major problems cause this device to be unusable for anyone other than a child of 5 to 7 years of age. First is the horrendously low resolution - Due to it's microscopic size no doubt. If you used a compass to draw a circle with this thing, it would still look jagged. Second is the extremely light-weight pen/stylus. A heavier pen, according to common sense and current laws of physics, could only help to smooth-out the movements and clearly would have improved the overall performance of this unit. Third major problem is the usability of the pen switch... Annoying placement in the wrong location causing endless miss-clicks and inadvertent triggering of unnnecessary behaviors! Value at $99??? ZERO! Save your pennies for a pro model or better yet, get a decent mouse that actually moves in ever direction, has incredible resolution and uses already known and well understood left and right clicking! -reply by Pete
  7. iGuest

    Excel Question

    Comparing do columns of data Excel QuestionThe main objective is to compare Column A to Column B by saying, find XYZ in column A and if it appears in Column B then output the Value of Column B in Column C.If you could provide a short example, I would very much appreciate it. Regards, -question by Stephanie
  8. To simply bzip a file with python #!/usr/bin/env python# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-import bz2FILE = 'file_to_bzip'bz2_file = bz2.BZ2File('%s.bz2' % FILE, 'wb')data = open(FILE, 'rb').read()bz2_file.write(data)del(data)bz2_file.close()print '%s has been compressed and saved to current working directory.' % FILE This is just simple example to just demonstrate how to bzip a file. Because it's only simple, you as the programmer needs to work on improving it. Cheers, MC
  9. 1. Blazblue (like Guilty Gear, but more smooth and challenging) 2.Guilty Gear or Marvel vs Capcom series (craziest fighting games!) 3.Melty Blood (calm, smooth fighting game to me.) 4.Street Fighter series, Tekken series, Touhou series, or Eternal Fighter Zero (I couldn't choose!) 5.Samurai Shodown (NOT Samurai Shodown SEN!)
  10. This is how it goes I go to school with my hick suit on Living like those kids from Eragon You guys are our krypton Tell us to leave and were never be gone We might not have the name of John I and my friend are never agreed upon We are like the devils spawn These hobbies will never be foregone We walk through the streets like a muted swan I don?t get my clothes from a salon There not from the capital of Azerbaijan When I go to sleep, I feel like a prawn sleeping through the dawn Not giving a dam if I?m gone If you care then come-on What happens here is always looked upon We might seem as small as an exon But at least we role like an axon
  11. Nod 32 is the bestNOD32 vs. Kaspersky: Which Is Better?I have already used both.. The kaspersky and the nod 32 for evaluation, and I found out that Nod 32 is better. It cleans the system fast and really work well with USB or removable devices. -reply by Nhez
  12. animating a stringVB.NET: Rotating Label & Angled Text Controlhow can I make animation of string using visual studio 2008. how to make my on-screen keyboard response to any key press from my keyboard using vb 2008. creating games using vb 2008? -question by umar abubakar
  13. SOLUTION to Windows Not Recognizing IpodWindows Not Recognizing IpodReplying to iGuestI FINALLY found the solution Bobbi!! :DI had an incomplete update (of the Ipod software) because of which the iPod software was not fully functional. I downloaded the software again (the option automatically shows on itunes when u plug it in). Make sure u do not disconnect your ipod while the software is being downloaded and installed. Once it has been done your problem should hopefully be solved.However if it still isn't u can try following these steps given online by some computer expert"Hello,No.1 My guess is that unfortunately you only have a partial (as opposed to a full and complete update) update & that means now your iPod software is not fully functional. Basically if you are unable to re-update your iPod it might require its base operating system software wiping and re-installing.No.2 This sounds very much the case if its still stuck in recovery mode & this means it cannot fully recover nor can it work as normal either.No.3 Your iPod must be fully identifiable by your computer & the windows operating system via uPnP (universal plug & play) BEFORE it can then use your internet connection >>to connect to the iTunes site and before you can download anything else.However, if windows cannot correctly detect your IPod its because the devices software is not now installed correctly. The Ipod needs wiping & re-installing sadly I doubt there is much more you can do yourself it needs an Ipod expert to fix this for you.Hope that helps?Kind Regards IvanComputer veteran."[ https://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090212012658AAg7UVC ]This is where I got my solution from.. Hope it works!!Good luck mate (Y) -reply by SOLUTION
  14. SOLUTION to Windows Not Recognizing IpodWindows Not Recognizing IpodI FINALLY found the solution Bobbi!! /txtmngr/images/smileys/smiley4.Gif I had an incomplete update (of the Ipod software) because of which the iPod software was not fully functional. I downloaded the software again (the option automatically shows on itunes when u plug it in). Make sure u do not disconnect your ipod while the software is being downloaded and installed. Once it has been done your problem should hopefully be solved. However if it still isn't u can try following these steps given online by some computer expert "Hello,No.1 My guess is that unfortunately you only have a partial (as opposed to a full and complete update) update & that means now your iPod software is not fully functional. Basically if you are unable to re-update your iPod it might require its base operating system software wiping and re-installing. No.2 This sounds very much the case if its still stuck in recovery mode & this means it cannot fully recover nor can it work as normal either. No.3 Your iPod must be fully identifiable by your computer & the windows operating system via uPnP (universal plug & play) BEFORE it can then use your internet connection >>to connect to the iTunes site and before you can download anything else. However, if windows cannot correctly detect your IPod its because the devices software is not now installed correctly. The Ipod needs wiping & re-installing sadly I doubt there is much more you can do yourself it needs an Ipod expert to fix this for you.Hope that helps?Kind Regards IvanComputer veteran." [ https://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090212012658AAg7UVC ] This is where I got my solution from.. Hope it works! Good luck mate /txtmngr/images/smileys/smiley4.Gif -reply by SOLUTION
  15. Setup access connection to vb.netVB.NET: MS-Access Interaction Tutorial (Part I)'Import the following libraries Imports System.Data.OleDb Imports System.Data Public Class conf 'Class name Dim cn As OleDbConnection Dim dbconn As SqlConnection Public Function conDb() cn = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; DataSource=give the path to your acces databaseHere;") cn.Open() Return cn End Function End Class 'Access your data using the followingCode Try sqlStr = "select * mas_user where email ='" &TxtUserID.Text & "' and password = '" & txtPwd.Text & "'" 'Define your query onHere Dim scmd As New OleDbCommand(sqlStr, con.ConDb) dr = scmd.ExecuteReader If dr.HasRows Then Me.Close() Else MsgBox("invalid User name or Password") Me.Close() End If Catch ex As Exception MsgBox(ex.ToString()) End Try http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/-reply by menuka
  16. Although Han was able to use Luke's saber to cut the Tauntaun open to keep Luke warm. ( off topic but I always wondered what did Han do to survive the cold.) So as far as the story line goes the force is not necessary to use a light saber. In the books following ROTJ it is suggested that the sabers are powered by some type of crystal, ( consequentially the color of the crystal influences the color of the beam allowing Mace's purple or Leia's yellow sabers.) If nothing else we've found a common ground between Star wars fans and Trekkies... They both use Dilithium crystals lol. But seriously Plasma could be used and constrained using a magnetic field, the problem there is generating a typical magnetic field strong enough would add a lot of weight. I don't believe a diamagnetic field would be strong enough to constrict plasma but would be light enough to use in a hand held weapon. Maybe some kind of electromagnetic field would work. I have never heard anyone propose an electric solution, electricity like Tesla's death ray could theoretically produce a beam of pure energy. If you put any stock in Tesla's work the power is already present in the environment. However the heat produced kills this theory, it could produce a functioning saber but unless your hilt is 10 miles long you'd melt your hand,( and everything else), off -reply by The Yetti
  17. iGuest


    Can u be a dental hygienist after expunging ur record?
  18. do people juz get on out of no where 2 rap? cuz ima do dat and sho nighas how a beast is made, nighas caint fuk wit me, yal outa ma grade,betta not get in ma way,paypa chasin muney runnin like andaley,ma rap so sick ya cant handle ma days,coughin out lyrics i dnt write dem down,diss me and youl end up unda ground,shud no how i roll im frum chi town,and i keep a hammer do u wana get nailed down,better kneel down,cuz i am a god,i am da hardest muthuhfukuh,to try it before,ma diet is yal,i riot and war,fightn em all,bytin em all,giant oh small,i am a dawg,i can smile at dumb *BLEEP*es and brighten dem all,i am a hog,ridin em all,i just lay dat pipe and im off,call me plumber, leave yo girl ma number,humber...
  19. Screen goes black in Fullscreen Video:One solution, along with disable the hardware acceleration, is to reduce the screen resolution.My default resolution for a 24" Sceptre LCD monitor with onboard ATI Radeon HD 4200 grahpics is 1920 x 1200.However, reducing resolution to 1440 x 900 solves the problem, although I feel that it is an unacceptable solution.I may contact ATI, because there could be an overlay problem, or something, especially for ATI 4XXX graphics.Any other ideas out there?!?
  20. Problems With Erasing CD DiskProblems With CD DriveCan someone help please. When I want to erase a re writable disk my Nero 6 says :No Recorder Available That Supports erasing disk. Thanks. -question by scorpion
  21. Exec. timePhp Script To Download File From Another Siteput set_time_limit(0); at file start after php tag. This will resolve exec. Time issue -reply by Azghanvi
  22. Thanks for the code man.........i really appreciate it............
  23. Your answer did not fulfill part (f): The person who smokes Pall Mall rears birds-reply by guest 123984
  24. Im 13 years old so dnt make fun of my freestyle.ok...... imma go get it,ya know what i mean, imma go get b*tch- esssss yes it's a given, but i got that this *BLEEP* on thanksgivin,you got it for christm-essssuhhhhhBut i gotta get this wingotta finish the record good and dnt forget to clean the dishesIm the best rapper alive, Wait!!!! and imma be the best rapper to dieif you n*ggas wanna trygo head, get yo shirt tie-diedwhat da F@Ck am i talkin bouti cant believe i said thatdamn, whereis my muhh- f*qqin head atexcuse my language, it comes naturaland ill beat any B*tch in a rap battleAnd if you disagreeeeeeetell me yo name and numberill get it set up and we will seeeeeeeee
  25. http://www.engine001.com/ The best I've ever used. I've tried just about every game maker out there and this one is by far the best and easiest. It comes with a wide range of pre-made graphics to use, but it has the most versatile resource importer ever. I personally use 3D renders made in Poser for my graphics to make the 2d engine actually look 3d. Probably the only RPG maker that has vehicles too.You can do pretty much anything with the scripting once you figure out the odds and ends of how it works too. The scripting is done visually by selecting premade scripts from a list, editing them to your liking, and connecting them in a bubble flow chart. You don't have to write a single line of code, just drag and drop. Even though it's that simple, you can still do just about anything with it that you can do by typing out massive lines of code, just without the headache or the need to learn a scripting language.For the person who said they wanna make a Zelda type game, this is perfect for you. If you make the most basic type of game in the engine, with out any scripting, just placing bad guys on a map and giving your player a weapon to fight them with, the result will be exactly like old school Zelda games with better graphics.
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