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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. I wouldn't say Gmail was horrible or anything that close. It's pretty neat system to keep all your stuff, and the 2 gigs would hopefully be more than enough for your emailing needs. It just depends, do you already have an email that has storage that exceeds what you need? What if you changed email and someone didn't know and they kept emailing your old email, and you stopped checking it? It's really under your circumstances. What fulfills your needs
  2. i want a orkut invite plzzzzzzSridhar Yallasridhar2006@gmail.com
  3. The simpliest way to fix this is to rewrite the table cells so that the information has no whitespacing (there is a bug or a misunderstanding with W3C on this, so I'm not sure who is correct on this). I've written it out, making sure the cells (td) and contents are within the element with no unneccessary spacing. <table align="center" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="764"> <tr> <td> <table align="center" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td colspan="5"><img src="/images/quatrux-logo_header.jpg" width="763" height="143" alt=" Quatrux Logo " border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0"></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href="/browse.php/main.html" title="Main" onMouseover="main.src='/images/quatrux-logo_hmenu-main.jpg'" onMouseout="main.src='/images/quatrux-logo_menu-main.jpg'"><img src="/images/quatrux-logo_menu-main.jpg" width="106" height="76" alt=" Main " name="main" border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0"></a></td> <td><a href="/browse.php/about.html" title="About" onMouseover="about.src='/images/quatrux-logo_hmenu-about.jpg'" onMouseout="about.src='/images/quatrux-logo_menu-about.jpg'"><img src="/images/quatrux-logo_menu-about.jpg" width="115" height="76" alt=" About " name="about" border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0"></a></td> <td><a href="/browse.php/contact.html" title="Contact" onMouseover="contact.src='/images/quatrux-logo_hmenu-contact.jpg'" onMouseout="contact.src='/images/quatrux-logo_menu-contact.jpg'"><img src="/images/quatrux-logo_menu-contact.jpg" width="156" height="76" alt=" Contact " name="contact" border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0"></a></td> <td><a href="/browse.php/me.html" title="Me" onMouseover="me.src='/images/quatrux-logo_hmenu-me.jpg'" onMouseout="me.src='/images/quatrux-logo_menu-me.jpg'"><img src="/images/quatrux-logo_menu-me.jpg" width="61" height="76" alt=" Me " name="me" border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0"></a></td> <td><img src="/images/quatrux-logo_right.jpg" width="325" height="76" alt=" Logo " border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0"></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="5"><img src="/images/quatrux-logo_bottom.jpg" width="763" height="46" alt=" Bottom " border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0"></td> </tr> </table> And that will fix up the gaps. Cheers, MC
  4. Some of those commas, must be periods. You aren't concatenating the variables correctly, whenever you do something like: Taken from the first few lines, but this needs to be fixed throughout the code. if ($context['show_spellchecking']) echo ' <script language="JavaScript1.2" type="text/javascript" src="', $settings['default_theme_url'], '/spellcheck.js"></script>'; It should be: if ($context['show_spellchecking']) echo ' <script language="JavaScript1.2" type="text/javascript" src="'. $settings['default_theme_url']. '/spellcheck.js"></script>'; Notice where the periods are (src="') & (url']), whenever you break out of a 'string' and want to add a variable you'd do 'string' . $variable . 'more string' etc. Hopefully you can sort it, you can't just replace every instance of a comma with a period, so you must do it manually or write a regular expression to check whether a comma follows a variable with optional whitespace. Cheers, MC
  5. Astahost, as its giving away free hosting,no-ads,and for FREE
  6. Yeah, I hated additions to my toolbars, and the yahoo one is worthless compared to the google one. Still, I want only a few toolbars on my list, like the normal stop and back buttons, and the address bar itself. Also the file, edit, view, booksmarks, etc ones. That's basically all we need...
  7. I've played part one, it was pretty decent and I think free? I can't remember, didn't play it THAT long at friend's house. Anyways, I would play it, but I think time wise, there are lots of other games worth your time. Though it is a great game, and if this is free too it'll make it even more free, but there's a lot of games coming out and this is one of them that isn't on the top. Still, if it is 'FREE', then the people willing to find a game along these lines can always go here and play this You probably won't see me playing it though, but it's not like you would've seen me playing it anyways if I was XD
  8. Hi! Just dropped in from the Xisto for a minute, saw this topic and just wanted to say that i find the Xisto Forum to be of a rather good quality, in spite of all the spelling and grammar errors you have mentioned. Of course I spend a couple hours a day trying to read "Hey im g2g now. thx. im me asap.", so just about anything is an improvement. Keep up the good work.
  9. Hehe, lol, well if you ever do, and you want to try this outm, goto my site, or come here!, P.S Ny tutorials have hit the sky on GTAForums,GTA-Sa and GTAstunting!!
  10. Yeah its a nice site, i wouldnt use that layout on my own site thought, looks a bit....well.....scratty...sorry, but over all its cool.
  11. I use Google World, google it for the download, its a world wide 3d map
  12. Holy Comboozle! Cheers, this will help me with my Science
  13. I also prefer Godaddy, it is cheaper than most Domain hosts.
  14. It's not GTA3, Its Grand Theft Auto:Liberty City Stories, For PSP.
  15. I don't really like this new slim and portable DS. I mean, wouldn't that mean durablility would me minimzed now?! I thought the DS was slim enough, but now this huh... I don't know... Well, whatever makes the crowd think "oh, something new, I want!" If they decide to buy it, then whatever. Though I think it's replacing the old units right? Hm.. I guess it's best to have this big one that I have, the original one, than these smaller slim ones. And yes, they do make a killing doing this. GameBoy, SP, GBA, DS, and some other ones that I'm too lazy to mark down that I'm sure I'm missing. Micro I believe? Whatever. Have fun Nintendo, it's working haha.
  16. Fortran and Basic using punch cards in the early 70's, then tinkered with APL, Assembler and PL1 enough to know it wasn't for me. All that was at University. Worked at a Construction Company for 6 years during which time they elected me the Resident Wizard of Electrons since I knew how to change a Tape Drive (yes, a reel to reel). Fourteen reels and about 4 hours to do the weekly backup. A 400 Meg disk Drive was the size of an Office chair. Cobol was pretty big back then. Got involved with some Application Design and Coding there. Left in 85. Didn't touch the things again until a year and a half ago. I've learned some HTML in the past year and now its onward and upward into php and probably some mysql. Its like reliving your Youth.
  17. This was the code taken from that link: if(eregi('MSIE', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])){ echo '<div> Bla Bla Bla your text explaining why people should switch to Firefox. </div>';} This is how I would write it: if(strpos(strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']), 'msie')){ echo '<p>Blah blah blah your text...</p>';} There's other ways to do it, but I think it's overkill using eregi, which is the case insensitive regular expression function, preg_match is quicker than ereg. However I find strpos to be faster than both these, and all it returns is the position it found the string you were looking for, if the string however is the first element, it will not work, because position will be 0 and considered false. Cheers, MC
  18. Well, here are a few of my Tutorials, hope they help. Tutorial #1 - Make Text Appear At Bottom of Screen Before we get started, writing codes in GTA:LCS is in ASCII. So if you know ASCII or are Learning it, you will be a great Hacker/Coder for the GTA: LCS Hack team . Please only post the codes YOU'VE made or if you've had permission, a edited code (but put the original creators name next to it). I've cut this tutorial down to as easy as it can be, I've even incuded Pictues . I hope this Tutorial will help you get to know how to code on GTA : LCS, and if it does, I hope that you will code other great things for it too. Ok Go Here Write in what you want to appear in game and press "Encode" Copy the "Hex Value" and paste it into something like Notepad Now you should have something like this: Press Ctrl+H and fill in the form like the Picture below: After Youve pressed "Replace All" you should have something like this: Add your code to the cheat below: //by NAME#cheat CHEAT NAMEsetshort(08e4dac2, ENTER YOUR CODE HERE)setchar(08e4dac0, 0x01)#offsetchar(08e4dac0, 0x00) So for example my code will be: //by Biffaboy#cheat Hello Worldsetshort(08e4dac2,0x48 ,0x65 ,0x6C ,0x6C ,0x6F ,0x20 ,0x57 ,0x6F ,0x72 ,0x6C ,0x64 ,0x21)setchar(08e4dac0, 0x01)#offsetchar(08e4dac0, 0x00) Add to your Cheats.txt File Test That Code In Game Tutorial #2-Spawning Items Well, firstly you will need Edison Carters Cheat Device, get this Here., Install it and make a cheats.txt file on the root of your Memory Stick. Ok, now you've got the cheat device, up and running, let start by spawing a Airplane. Now, as you can see, there is now way you will no where abouts you are putting it, unless you no the Co-Ords allready. To find out where we are going to put this, go on GTA, and Turn on the cheat to Display Coordinates. now go and find a spot to where you would like to spawn the Airplane, i have chosen the Multi-Story carpark located just outside your Safehouse in Staunton. The Co-Ords here are, (287.33,-525.72,36.28) so lets imput them into the Object Creator! Now, lets see how the codes looks! Once you've put them into your cheats.txt folder, load up GTA and test the code. Ahh!, as you can see it spawned Half underground! To fix this, we need to lower the Z Cordinate. Right,lets update our Cheats.txt file with the new one, and lets see if that fixed it!. Nope, its gone even firther under! Lets Raise the Z Cordinate by 2 Now lets see if it has worked, Taa-Daa! now that we have got the Airplane back on land, lets try and roate it. Remember the rotation bit? now were going to use it, lets turn it 90° Ouch! as you can see its had a crash landing! Image 13 Now lets turn its X180° Y90° Z50° Image 14 And as you can see, its on a angle and has changed direction, Well, thats about all i can teach you, as the rest is self explanitory, just play around with it a little and youll get the hand of it. If you want to view the complete Item code list, click Here This is a item list, this has EVERY item in the game found out at the moment. ...............0x000................0000-0007: nothing0008: (CRASH)0009-0028: nothing...............0x100................ all values found017c-0186 nothing0187-018a part of railroad track018b-0198 nothing0199-019e crash019f-01a7 nothing01a8 metal wall01a9-01b6 nothing01b7 red metal (? garage door)01b8-01be nothing01bf grey wall01c0 crash01c1-01c2 nothing01c3 metal door 01c4 metal door01c5-01d4 nothing01d5-01da crash01db-01dd nothing01de keep out gate01df nothing01e0 taller keep out gate01e1 nothing01e2 nothing01e3 nothing01e4 tunnel shafting in progress with gate attached01e5 nothing 01e6 tunnel shafting in progress with wooden thing attached01e7-01e9 nothing01ea warning closed to traffic with 5 road blocks (? for bridge)01eb-01ed nothing01ee metal railing01ef metal railing01f0 smaller metal railing01f1 long metal railing01f2 metal fence01f3 metal fence with barbed wire on top01f4-01f8 nothing01f9-01ff nothing017b road with three yellow sqaures016c-017a nothing016B road0164-016A nothing0163 (CRASH)0148-0162 nothing013A-0147 part of a railroad track0132-0139 nothing0131 part of a bridge0130 nothing0129 (CRASH)0128 (CRASH)0127 (CRASH)0126 looks like the middle or somthing of a minigun0125 extremly small object0124 photo camera0123 remote detonator0122 looks like the bottom part of a minigun0121 looks kinda like a minigun0120 flame thrower011f rocket launcher011e newer looking sniper011d sniper rifle011c fourth uzi011b a third uzi011a differnt uzi0119 an uzi0118 some weapon0117 shotgun0116 different shotgun0115 normal shotgun0114 AK thinghy I think0113 colt?0112 handgun0111 rocket thinghy0110 moltov010F teargas010E handgrenade010D chainsaw010C sword010B shorter sword010A axe0109 diferent axe0108 basebal bat0107 knife0106 police bat0105 hockey club0104 knife of somesort0103 brass cnuckles0102 somthing0101 (CRASH)0100 (CRASH)...............0x200................all values found0200: nothing0201: nothing0202: red thinghy0203: nothing0204: a huge garage door or somthing0206: briefcase0207: buoy0208: not sure what it is...0209: fire hydrant020A: money020B: a bomb with a red light (o somthing like that)020C: a wooden box020D: a door (old objects also sticks with it if you change to this one)020E: nothing020F: a lamp for outdoors with a powerfull light10: a door0210: a door0211: a garage door0212: a different garage door (old objects also sticks with it if you change to this one)0213: telephone0214: rusty fuel can thinghy (old objects also sticks with it if you change to this one)0215: brown fuel tank thinghy0216: wood planks thing (old objects also sticks with it if you change to this one)0217: smaller box0218: box0219: red coal can thinghy021A: lamp post (old objects also sticks with it if you change to this one)021B: wooden box021C: red fuel can thing021D: different lamppost (old objects also sticks with it if you change to this one)021E: red fuel can thing with a thinghy on top021F: rusty trashcan0220: container0221: small roadblock0222: bus sign or somthuing (old objects also sticks with it if you change to this one)0223: half open box (old objects also sticks with it if you change to this one)0224: lamppost (old objects also sticks with it if you change to this one)0225: lamppost (old objects also sticks with it if you change to this one)0226: no parkikng sign0227: phone sign0228: trashcan0229: a invisible object022A: A fruitbasket full of somtig red022B: a buoy with a handle022C: a cone (old objects also sticks with it if you change to this one)022D: Information pickup (old objects also sticks with it if you change to this one)022E: health pickup022F: adrenaline pickup0230: grey thinghy0231: a package of somesort0232: a stack of papers0233: a broken part of asphalt (maybe)0234: a smaller broken piece of asphalt0235: a door or somthing0236: a door or somthing0237: a HUGE buoy0238: a half window screen0239: a wall with a door hole in iy023a: a green door023b: video game?023c: nothing023d: nothing023e: door023f: police bribe0240: a black thing0241: nothing0242: a dark thingh0243: nothing0244: roadblock gate thingh(old objects also sticks with it if you change to this one)0245: bomb0246: a large window (old objects also sticks with it if you change to this one)0247: an unused pickup (of a video camera)0248: rampage pickup - A rampage pickup can not be moved. You can change it's texture but it willl still play as a rampage.0249: fish024A: a traffic light024B: armor pickup024C: nothing024D: metal pole024E: top of a traffic light024F: top of a raffic ligh (opposite way)0250: top of one light traffic light0251: mummy0x252: nothing0x253: nothing0x254: light post (old)0x255: blue post office box or garbage can (old)0x256: news paper dispenser0x257: park bench (old)0x258: large rectangular basket with hay in it0x259: red rectangular thing (?news) (old)0x25a: fish stand (red)0x25b: bench with umbrella (old)0x25c: Expresso 2 go stand0x25d: light with two stands on it like -> /\0x25e: punk noodles stand0x25f: fish stand (red and grey)0x260: nothing0261: another streetlight thing0x262-0x265: nothing0x266: crash 0x267: crash0x268: tree0x269: huge tree0x26a: large tree0x26b: large tree0x26c: thinner small tree0x26d: thinner small tree0x26e: thinner small tree with metal fencing around it0x26f: thinner taller tree with metal fencing around it0x270: large tree0x271: medium tree0x272: medium tree planted in wooden box0x273: medium tree planted in wooden box0x274-0x27b: nothing0x27c: huge tree0x27d: thinner taller tree with metal fencing around it0x27e: nothing0x27f-0x2ff: nothing ...............0x300................all found0x300-0x368 nothing0x369 metal wall (?garage door)0x36a-9a nothing0x39b door0x39c-0x39f nothing0x3a0 regular garage door0x3a1-e4 nothing0x3e5 regular garage door0x3e6-0x3ff nothing...............0x400...............................0x500...............................0x600...............................0x700...............................0x800................0800-082a nothing082b: red garage door082c-0841 nothing0842 garage door with two fat red lines0843-084a nothing084b: garage door084c: container084d-08b5 nothing...............0x900................0x900 (CRASH)0x90f (CRASH)0x910-0x918 nothing...............0xA00...............................0xB00................0B62: Traffic light...............0xC00................all values found0xc00-0xc6f nothing0xc70 red garage door0xc71-0xc9f nothing0xca0-0xca9 nothing0xcaa-0xcb1 (CRASH)0xcb2 black double door0xcb3 dark garage door0xcb4,0xcb5 nothing0xcb6 garage door0xcb7-0xcbf nothing0xcc0-0xcc3 line with lots of chinese symbols on it0xcc4 wire with round lights on it (from china town, I think)0xcc5-0xcc8 nothing0xcc9 a square with garages and alot of stuff. lots of crowns on it. (unsolid) (it's kindof like a buildnig really)0xcca brickwall (?) shaped as a door0xccb,0xccc nothing0xccd door0xcce-0xcd0 nothing0xcd1 a watertank(?) with stripes on it0xcd2-0xcd6 nothing0xcd7-0xcdb black rectangle breakable glass0xcdc-0xcef nothing0xcf0 line with chinese symbols0xcf1 nothing0xcf2 line with chinese symbols0xcf3-0xcf9 nothing0xcfa-0xcfc clothing lines, with sheets0xcfd nothing0xcfe dark garage door0xcff nothing...............0xD00................ around 80 values missing0xd00-0xd09 nothing0xd0a wooden door0xd0b-0xd11 nothing0xd12 Large metal poles formed as a soccer goal0xd13-0xd19 nothing0xd1a large regular garage door0xd1b-0xd1d nothing0xd1e telephone pole0xd1f-0xd25 nothing0xd26-0xd2A (CRASH)0xd2F, 0xd30 (CRASH)0xd3e (CRASH)0xd40 (CRASH)0xd52 (CRASH)0xd67 (CRASH)0xd77 (CRASH)0xd90 (CRASH)0xda2 (CRASH)0xdab (CRASH)0xdac-0xdb5 nothing0xdb6 old burnt out car0xdb7 burnt bus0xdb8-0xdbf nothing0xdc0 tall lamppost0xdc1-0xdd5 nothing0xdd6 car crusher0xdd7 nothing0xdd8,0xdd9 (CRASH)0xde0 (CRASH)0xdee (CRASH)0xdf3 (CRASH)...............0xE00................12 values missing0xe00-0xe0f crash0xe10-0xe4c nothing0xe4d nothing(?)0xe4e fence0xe4f fence0xe50 nothing0xe51-0xe56 crash0xe57-0xe63 not tested (assumed crash) (0xe59 is crash)0xe64 crash0xe65-0xe7c nothing0xe7d crash0xe7e-0xe92 nothing0xe93 crash0xe94-0xe9b nothing0xe9c crash0xe9d nothing0xe9e-0xea5 crash0xea6-0xea8 nothing0xea9 dollar sign pickup0xeaa-0xeaf nothing0xeb0 spike strip0xeb1-0xeca nothing0xecb-0xecf black rectangle (?table top)0xed0 black sign0xed1 nothing0xed2 rusted barrel with wood in it0xed3 black sign0xed4 nothing0xed5 t-shirt pickup0xed6 black ramp0xed7 gate0xed8 window with papers on it0xed9 nothing0xeda bomb with keypad0xedb nothing0xedc road from the bridge0xedd-0xede nothing0xedf road (?part of bridge) 0xee0 nothing0xee1 bunch of horizontal poles0xee2 bunch of vertical poles0xee3 red net (?)0xee4 bunch of horizontal poles0xee5-0xef0 nothing0xef1 red net thingh0xef2 bunch of horizontal poles0xef3-0xf6 nothingoxef7 road from a bridge, with a hole in the middle0xef8 nothing0xef9 (CRASH)0xefa horizontal polesoxefb blue wires0xefc-0xefe nothing0xeff door with a round window...............0xF00................20 values missing0xf00 Bridge road block0xf01 'TUNNEL SHAFTING IN PROGRESS' road blocks0xf02 nothing0xf03 a folder(?) with the writing TOP SECRET on it0xf04 a small paper0xf05 red house pickup0xf06 green house pickup0xf07 explosion pick up (or somthing)0xf08 nothing0xf09 blue '+' pickup0xf0A blue '?' pickup0xf0b-0xf16 nothing0xf17 blue door0xf18,0xf19 nothing0xf1a wood door0xf1B-0xf24 nothing0xf25 ramp0xf26-0xf2a nothing0xF2B save CD0xf2c-0xf33 nothing0xf34 voting ballots0xf35 ballot printing machine0xf36 table0xf37 2 blue things0xf38,0xf39 nothing0xf3a (CRASH)0xf4c (CRASH)0xf4F (CRASH)0xf50-0xf73 nothing0xf74 radio0xf75 box of pizza0xf76 punk noodles0xf77-0xf8a nothing0xf8b inside of a building (?cutscene)0xf8c small red spot (?blood)0xf90-0xf93 wooden boards0xf94 nothing0xf95-0xf9b insides of various buildings (?cutscenes)0xf9c nothing0xf9d nothing0xf9e red car pickup0xf9f green car pickup0xfa1 rock star duffel bag0xfa2 cooking pot0xfa3 rock star duffel bag0xfa5 small building0xfa8 same small building0xfaa brown/green container0xfab,0xfac short wooden wall0xfae open breifcase0xfaf split fence0xfb0 fence0xfb1 fence0xfb2 keep out fence0xfb3 blue flag in blue bucket0xfb4 red flag in red bucket0xfb5 small white candle0xfb7 saw blade0xfb8 meat0xfbc tnt with timer0xfbd newspaper0xfbe airplane0xfc4 lcpd road block0xfc5 blue door0xfd5 wooden door0xfe9 package0xfea punk noodle packages0xff6 inside of salvatore's house (cutscene)0xff7 bird and window0xff8-0xfff nothing...............1x200................1202: (CRASH)...............1x300................1313: (CRASH)...............2x200................2218: (CRASH)...............5x200................5218: (CRASH)...............Cx200................C218: (CRASH)...............FxF00................FFFF: (CRASH) -----Posts merged-----szupie All tutorials Displayed Here Are From My Site, Proof, Location Here And A Image Of Me Using The FTP Client Here Just to make sure i dont get into any trouble. Sorry about the double post also, i cant edit my first post as it sais i have to many images.
  19. This is just generalised, there's more things that you may consider doing.First thing is, making sure that what you store can be consistent with what a user searches. e.g. having case sensitive is not a good idea, so it'd be best that keywords be stored lowercase and user's input will be converted to lowercase and searched in that form.What you need to do is manipulate your string you're given and working on your method for searching e.g.First search should be for the whole string php mysql, store the results of something that can be compared, e.g. the URL or something that is different from other entries but means only that entry. If stored in a database, what separates it from the rest so that it is different to the others listed in it.Once that check is over, whether it found anything or not, continue searching, this time splitting the string and searching for just php only, do the similar to the first step, then do the same with mysql.Next is comparing your results and picking which is better to serve, e.g. the first search contained the string as is, so should probably be considered the choice.You'll then look at the results of just php and just mysql, you'll compare them to see if they had same results (entries), if they do, they should be next to show.Then you can decide showing the individual searches of just php and just mysql afterwards.There's a lot more to this, but that's just the general idea, you can decide on how to handle this if you like and there's a lot more behind the scene things you would do too, just make sure entries don't double up.Cheers,MC
  20. EXACTLY! This guy had other problems that was given to him before he started playing the game. Maybe he played the game out of depression or something, who knows. There's more to this than the information given, I'm sure of that. If someone would be able to do a decent investigation on it they'd know the real truth. Maybe the police are getting paid not to say anything and make it seem like games are to blame Crazy world I tell you >_<
  21. iGuest

    Apple To Buy Palm

    Wouldn't this be expensive, I mean more than the IPod already is? I think all the gadgets on it will be nifty and very cool and all, but if it comes at a price many aren't willing to pay... I'm gonna pass on it. I really don't expect things to compete with others like in this case. Price will be a main reason why it may or may not fail.
  22. The greatest advantage of using Google Toolbar is that, it shows the PageRank of each url you browse without any extra effort. As we all know, Google awards a PageRank to each urls based on Google's own PageRank algorithm and PageRank is often judged as an index for quality of the very webpage. So far as "spy on you" is concerned, considering the reputation that Google has developed since its inception and recognised as the best search engine in the world, it is hard to believe that they will develop something just to "spy on us".
  23. As we all know, Robots are programs that traverse the Web automatically. Some people call them Crawlers or Spiders. Quite often, you need to restrict a robot lke (GoogleBOT) from crawling specific portion of your website. You can do it in two different ways. Firstly, it is done by including a specially formatted file on his site, namely robots.txt, in http://www.yourdomain.com/robots.txt. Also Robots META tag(" special HTML META tag") may also be used to indicate if a page may or may not be indexed, or analysed for links by a crawler. Usually, a combination of Robots META TAG and robots.txt file is used to get the best result. In a nutshell, when a Robot ( like GoogleBOT,msnBOT) visits a Web site, say http://www.yourdomain.com/, it firsts checks for http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. If it can find this document, it will analyse its contents for records. An example of a simple robots.txt file is shown below: The above line directs all the robots ( Google, msn, Yahoo) not to scroll, login.php file located in the root directory of your website. A detailed discussion on robots.txt file is available at Robotstxt.org Google has added a new feature to check for URLs excluded in robots.txt file. That is, you can check whether the GoogleBOT is complying with the instructions of the robots.txt file or not in a matter of few seconds. You need to have a Google Account to check for the robots.txt file of your website. Only thing is that, it is in BETA form, ( like Google Sitemap), but it may turn out to be pretty effective in near future.
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