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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. Hey - I am also new here and having a little trouble finding the right place for this: please someone show me where it should go.....B)When I try to log into myspace to change videos on my front page - AOL and /OR IE suddenly closes. I cant do anything with it.This has been going on and started about two weeks ago...Any clues? Anyone else having this problem? Is it thier servers or video codec servers?ThanksNecrite1
  2. Wish that poll had their number too (don't tell me, I could just count right? It's in that order?), since I didn't have time to view their profile, find out their name, etc, etc... just like all the girls I've been with (see I can't even say them by their names) ... jokes4, 10, and 21. If I can't vote for all 3, then I won't vote.... So I looked at their profiles, found their names, read what they said... umm... to be honest, none of them said anything that would get my vote, which backs up the reason why getting to know a girl is sometimes not a good thing, you both may end up not liking each other.Cheers,MC
  3. It's a good design, bit common though, and I feel it needs more, to make it appealing and to get across the point of what type of site it is. I think you need to lighten some of the colours, to make the text stand out more. Also throw in some more pictures (coloured of course, eye catchers really and to make the site a little bit more than just plain). Also if you want, how about making it appear as if it were a comic strip, by using blocks/boxes, characters, speech bubbles etc, or at least applying it as needs be, it's nothing new, but it's suited for your site. Here's an example from a friend of mine, it's just a pity he disregards standards, but it's still good to look at for inspiration http://www.lost.co.nz/ I think if you accomplished something like this, then you'd definitely have a site that captures what it's about. Also check this out from his site http://www.lost.co.nz/main/websites/this.html It shows the changes, in 2003, that look, even though simpler than now, I think is better than what it's at now, but it's mostly personal choice I think. Cheers, MC
  4. Actually, Alt= was intended to be a label for displaying when the picture is unable to display in all Browsers. Title= is the w3c recommended property for text labels. However, Internet Exploder uses the Alt tag for tool tips. The more compliant Browsers use title= to do the same thing. There is an extension for Firefox/Mozilla which will recognize the Alt= tag when the title tag is missing. Not sure if any other current Browsers also have extensions for them to do the same. For the best results, use both the title= and the alt=, then you avoid the Browser dependency issue. Notice from jlhaslip: Yippee! An Edit button...
  5. Yup, lottsa grey there. Change the background images to something lighter to add some colour and spice it up. Different backgrounds in the different sections. One for the main cntent and another for the sidebar, etc. Needs a bit of a dressing up. Won't be hard to do. Good luck with it.
  6. My choice would be {random(min=1,max=27)} ... pick one... All very capable contestants. And just a reminder that the visuals are only a single aspect of the contest. There will be several components to the process and beauty is only skin deep. (Ugly goes right to the bone, however) The remaining depth is important in the contest, too, so I wish them all well.
  7. for me the best movie is : gladiator
  8. To be fair enogh, the use of CSS to produce rollover images is a good lesson to study. But the importance of Javascript, so far as web programming is concerned, can not be denied as Javascript helps us to make our webpages more interactive. Because Javascript helps us to detect an event such as ,when the user clicks on a link or button, submits a form, moves the mouse, or loads a page and even unloads a page, Javascript detects such events and helps us to add interactivity in the wbpages accordingly. That is why, modern days website browsing has become much more interesting. So as I think, use of CSS and Javascript will go side-by-side despite of certain disadvantages like unavailibility of 100% Browser support in both the cases. I have found a well to read Javascript tutorial in http://www.pageresource.com/. So, if anyone wants to know more about Javascript, please check out that link.
  9. Ok, I'll give nine out of ten as Google seems to be the only search engine I have been using since the beginning of my online activity. And all of us know that Google returns the best relavant results from the internet out of millions of websites within a fraction of a second and thus makes our job simple. However, as Google takes some time to index pages of your websites completelely, so, sometimes, it becomes rathur frustrating to wait and watch after submitting the site to Google.
  10. Windows XP? Go into Control Panel | Administration Tools | Computer Management | and look for Disk Management, find the drive setup for it and Delete that partition that was formatted, RAW partitions is considered free space to Windows, your MP4 player will most likely only understand FAT formatting, which I think you might have done FAT32 formatting on it. Hopefully this did not contain information needed for your MP4 player, but most likely it's built in rather than on the disk. When removed, try FAT formatting also... You might also want to visit your Vendors website for your MP4 player and download any Utilities it may offer, which should be able to perform a low level format, normal format and quick format and maybe resetup your player. Cheers, MC
  11. BF got me confused a lot of time between Battle Field and Battle Front too :x Some people called it Battle Front and I was so off topic. But I digress.Counter strike, still playing it after about 6 years. One of my best FPS games ever. Source is ok, but 1.6, gosh just so amazing. I still remember the old days when I played with 200+ ping on 56k, owned, and got banned so many times >_< Now, I have cable, own even better, and get banned for 'hacking' to say. Haha, what is there not to be banned about? My friend started as a newb like everyone, and got banned 3 times for not doing good Haha, overall, great community to love and hate I guessSo, look for me sometimes, I'm in 3 clans haha. JS-[GnE][HST]Towelly is usually my name on 1.6. and random names on Source since I don't want to show my terrible skills while lagging.
  12. Portable potty IPod... Ok that was a terrible joke >_<I'm going along the lines that Ipod will team up with some phone company like maybe Verizon t mobile or something I don't know, and they'll actually have the ability to have Ipods make telephone calls! If Google can do anything, then maybe Ipod, which I don't really like Ipods for unknown reasons, can rise higher by being absolutely convenient!There's also the possibility of it searching the internet with nice speed, or take video shots of people and stuff. The Ipod has an emense ability of doing whatever they choose to do. I'm pretty sure they'll be a lot of companys backing the whole thing up if given the chance to do so.Money Money Money I tell you !
  13. CaptainRon, I have checked your site http://iron-eagles.tripod.com/index.html https://l''>https://l'>iron-eagles.tripod.com right now. Presently it is showing a PageRank of 3. As you have told, you have not updated your site for over 2 years, so , it may contain dead links. I have seen different other SEOs' are also suggesting to remove dead links to get a good Page Rank. So, check for the dead links first. As page ranks depends on the number of inbound links ( these are links from within the site and links from outside the site ), so, in the mean time there is every possibility that some of those links from the outside sites have become dead. So it does not entirely depend on your webpages alone. You may check out for the sites linking to you from this: https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&rls=GGLG,GGLG:2006-06,GGLG:en&q=link:KpkRioXCpdgJ:iron-eagles.tripod.com/ '>Sites that link to your site
  14. hey minnieadkins, This doesn't have tab stops, so lining up elements would be troublesome, but you can do: var tab = '\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003';var replacement = /\t/g;var string = 'this is a\t test str\ting'.replace(replacement, tab);alert(string); It's unfortunate that FF and a lot of other browsers remove this whitespace. Cheers, MC
  15. There's some known issues with this as well as improvements it will be undergoing, which can be found at https://www.hugedomains.com/domain_profile.cfm?d=antilost&e=com Please try out: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Test and Comment on anything about this (design, colour, etc), source is available from the parenting directory http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ but I don't recommend it as I'm constantly developing it, versioning won't change till I reach what I had aimed for, it's only being released as a test. When it gets to the stage I wanted, then changelogs and versions will increment. There's things in it that don't do anything, but are just place holders for things to come. Works on most modern browsers that support W3C DOM and innerHTML. Not tested on Safari, but if someone could verify if it works with it, it would be great. Also if you can paste error messages, that you get, since these things need to be resolved. Cheers, MC
  16. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Look what I found. Anyways. Its actually not a surprise to me that something like this was found. It's something that colts have been doing in some cases, but in different ways. So, finding something liket his in a tomb or pyramid or hidden villages or whatever, it's bound to happen in old religious beliefs.
  17. I actually recommend making your Virtual RAM/Paging File/Swap Partition FAT32 .It uses larger blocks (usually causes more wasted space for smaller files that leads to fragmentation), but for this, it's perfect, the larger block sizes means more chunk data and avoids some of NTFS added information and error checking/correction (if you're worried about corruption, then make sure you don't access this partition, make it only accessible by the system), what NTFS offers you, is not needed for the partition.Apart from that everything else you have done is similar to how I created my system, although I have more partitions to seperate my music, downloads, programming, my documents, etc.Cheers,MC
  18. Oh god my eyes. WTF is that >_< No, I don't want to scroll up and check it again. That was bloody terrible and I hope that picture burns, BURN BURN BURN I SAY!!
  19. I seriously have a ram problem with mine. This actually sorta helped it. So I'm using a few less than I really am now. YAY \ () /Hope this guide is sorta helping others too. I passed it around to some of my other friends who have fire fox slowdowns or want to fix things up to make it faster.
  20. If that's supposedly correct then this would be your method: <?phpif( isset($announcement) && !empty($announcement) ){ echo '<p class="announcement">' . $announcement . '</p>';}?> isset, checks if the variable is created, does not check it's contents, !empty checks for content. !empty, checks if the variable has information, if it didn't pass the isset it will not do this expression, so the variable must exist first. You should not do if($announcement), as you need to check if the variable exists before performing anything on it. This will result in a warning if the variable does not exist. Cheers, MC
  21. That's a cool story. Read though it all pretty well :)Yeah, it's odd thta not much people helped and no one called early ahead of time until one lady was nice enough. That's still scary though, most people probably thought that there's bound to be someone to help, that's why they didn't help too, or was just too busy as most people are. Thankfully they saw some good samaritans who were kind enough to lend the help, and the shoe lace.
  22. I think it's more reliable and also I believe there' ssomething like that in the making with like telephone access so you can call and talk without the bother of having to balance it on your shoulders like a cell phone. I guess that's more safe than a cell phone, and also the navigator-like abilities can really be helpful. I guess it's another way to make those calls, which should be more safer.
  23. I use XMPlay, its really small it has alot of different plugins u can use/download, lots of themes u can download and use, plus its not heavy on resources http://www.un4seen.com/ theres the link if u want it
  24. usually media players that support .avi format which alot do including windows media player that is allready on the computer can play it.
  25. ImageShack is ok, I wish they had an option of uploading more than 1 pic at a time, the hosted image urls are pretty long but then again which ones arent lol
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