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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. Don't fight him you will get your *bottom* kicked iam also a black belt but also when you do try to fight someone you will succeed but when your ganged up your screwed don't risk it you will be beaten up i am living proof.
  2. Don't fight him you will get your *bottom* kicked iam also a black belt but also when you do try to fight someone you will succeed but when your ganged up your screwed don't risk it you will be beaten up i am living proof.
  3. Yahoo is the largest PHP powered website in the world, according to facebook.com's jobs section (which is the second largest PHP site, facebook also uses MySQL DBs). Also, if you go to yahoo and search their jobs (I did this just in case facebook is wrong) they have several PHP jobs up for grabs.-Corey
  4. I'd recommend Web CrossFTP Pro at crossftp.com/web.htmIt is a powerful tool and works directly in browser or on desktop!
  5. The books are more than a detailed reading version of the game.They tell you the story off not only Master chief John-117, but also about the people that he meets, how the story develops and how sargent johnson got back in one piece.It also actually predicts the return off at least 1 spartan in halo 3(yes I know this is a spoiler, but heck I haven't played halo 3 myself yet).So if you think you're a big halo fan,...GO GET THOSE BOOKS SOLDIER!!!
  6. In my country, The Philippines, it�s just a usual job but for sure you can get a good salary I can't tell you how much because it will hit the currency you have and for sure you might think its lower or higher it depends your currency type. But for us, it�s really good money, not the best but its good. As you can see like India or other Asian countries we are also into BPO. Europeans, Americans, Australians or even some Asian nation outsource their business to us and that could only mean one thing.... JOBS! In our country a 100 percent of IT population consists only of:10 percent are programmers40 percent are technical supports in a call center20 percent are network administrators and DB Administrators and 30 percent are Associate IT (working on sales shop assemble and trouble shoot PC) in that estimate developers really in demand since Western companies in the Philippines need to establish systems on their business to grow. Its a Law of Supply and Demand, and developers are in Demand.We developers are not treated as Gods here or something, were just ordinary employees that can be fired whenever you have low performance or the company is in a danger of losing a client. If that happens we developers will not worry about it since lots of companies here in NEED OF DEVELOPERS.As for your country, maybe it�s not yet the time for your government to open you country into BPO or maybe they just outsource their systems from other countries like India or us. When time comes that your country opens up an IT business then maybe it�s an opportunity to you as developers.
  7. Well I use both Photoshop CS3 and Fireworks 8 and I have to say both are equal. The were designed to do different task so depending what you are doing one is going to be better then the other. I have beta tested these programs for a while and I know what they can do and there both great. On every website and nuke template, game graphic, flash graphic. I seem to use both programs.-coRpSE
  8. I saw the movie (House of Flying Daggers) and immediately went to Amazon to get the OST. There are a few songs in there with the same title/melody, but in different flavours.Absolutely gorgeous!-Jorge Ribeiro
  9. Please send me audio driver for ibm thinkpad t30 I try to download drivers all drivers running completely but audio don't came out if any one have driver cd of ibm think-pad t30 please send attachment on desire email id brainscrew1983 at gmail-brainscrew
  10. Don't be foolish, China and India will never be Super Power. They are third world countries and will stay like that. Don't forget China export most of their weapons from France and India nuclear program in under british control. so they are still some colonies where you can get cheap labor. Its obvious France and Germany will form one nation, the US, Uk and Canada another. Thus isolating Russia. Russia will become a third world countries in the next coming years since the oil wont have an economic impact no more.
  11. You're really great....it really works...thanks a lot....without ur help I need to restore d whole thing......thanks again.....-QQimQT
  12. Alternative fuels aren't exactly hard to switch to, I mean, we've all heard of cars that use vegetable oil for fuel, and one person invented a car that ran off water. He sold the patent to a big car company (Can't remember which one), and what did they do with it? They burnt all the plans and everything. It could have put them out of business. I found this really good site that'll show what places will be like if the sea levels rose, it uses Google Maps, so you can look at pretty much anywhere. http://flood.firetree.net/
  13. I do not believe that Dog should lose his job over a mistake. I forgive him for it and I think everyone else should to. Name one person that has not said something in there lifetime or even done something in there lifetime that they do not regret now? I know I have. What is wrong with Dog saying this when you listen to every rap song and they use it? Even Emeinm Does. You tell me how come no one goes after him. The N word is use more than people realize. The N word is use in movies, songs and use by people themselves. Dog seems like he is very sorry for what he has said and I really think people should get over it. If he uses it everyday I�m sure that he will stop now that he has realized that it has hurt so many people in his life and so many others. And you can see that Dog is trying to make everything right. This should of NEVER left his family and now that it has, the whole thing makes me really sad. You have only one father in your whole life. Why would you do something like this? Why would you go into the media and tell everyone that your father is a racist over money. Your family should have talked it out instead of messing up everything going great in his life.Dog I support you and Im sure there is many of others who do too. Don�t let this mess up your family. You fought one battle and won and Im sure you will will this one also.A&E I hope you realize that Dog does a lot of good in this word and I hope to god you take the show back. We love Dog so much.And as for Tucker, I hope you make this right with your father and spend as much time with your father as you can. Life is to short to lose your father.-Jessy
  14. He is the man who inspired freedom in this country he gave the poor hope and put troopers to their deaths but overall he was a good man (SUCH IS LIFE)-ADAM
  15. Sounds like you have problems with your host file. You can get this from spyware. Try going to: "C:WINDOWSsystem32driversetc" and open "hosts" in notepad. There should only be one line at the bottom, and it should be the example. If there's anything else, erase it, and save.-Brittnay
  16. Hello I have seen every episode ever and I know Yondaime ,the fourth hokage, is Narutos father
  17. Well RapidShare got 4 PB which is bout 4,000,000 GB (TB is smaller than PB its like coppering MB to GB)and I'm sure that there are bigger hdds than that-Rafal
  18. Well I think it should not be ileagal but if a person wishes to be cloned they should .-NiiCOLE
  19. Just undergone this experience of being betrayed. Read about my experience at loyalfreedom.blogspot.comLife must go on and do not allow them to affect us. They will have their day of retribution-Randy
  20. I need to MAKE a proxy. I cant just download proxies, theyre all blocked.I wanna know how to make one.-Steve Colby
  21. This has NOTHING to do with FTP; this is just a way to connect to ANY server running NetBUEI-Beermonster
  22. As we speak I'm backing up an AComdata 320gig drive that's started acting really funky. I've had two IBM deathstars blow up on me, and I generally smell the death as its coming, and it come come quick, so you always have to act quickly. At this point, I've had maybe one cd/dvd fail out of hundreds, so I'm going back to burning discs. THis HD crap is out of hand. Its good to have external hard drives and burn backups if you're someone with data that can not be lost. This is the absolute achilles heel of digi photo. With slides, and negs, you always have the originals, unless they burn up, much less likely than fricking HDs, which I think by nature will all fail after 5 years. My Acom320 is less than a year ago. I'm not impressed.
  23. To HellFire121 -I play WoW and RS, I actually prefer RS as its a lot less repetave.To Orca239 -You make it seem like a BAD thing that it takes a long time to walk.. you have to walk everywhere in everygame for everything, its unovidable (mispelled). Theres a lot less people in 1 area if you pay for it.Now I've been playing RS for over a year now, and I still like it, (even though wow is better, RS is more fun imo). I don't think I'm going to be quitting for a long time.. To all those who havent started, please do, its not as bad of a game as people say.-Spike Retold (lvl 86)
  24. Great but how can I find the e-mail adress of someone who is disturbing me!
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