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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. IT SUCKSHalf life to: BAD: Blatantly overrated, people who say this game's plot is good is lying to themselves. You get almost no answers to the ones posed in the original, and honestly thats all the game has it going for itself-the plot of the first half life. The AI is retarded and it plays like Half Life 1. Manhacks, Zombies (all types), antlions, headcrabs, enemies that account for HALF of this game's foes employ the same 1998 logic of rushing and whacking. The only enemies that provide a semblance of AI are the soldiers. THE ONLY PROBLEM IS THAT THEY ARE NOT GOOD. CLUSTERING AROUND EXPLOSIVE BARRELS, almost NO use of cover, STANDING STILL WHEN I GOT A FRIGGIN ROCKET TRAINED ON THEM. DISAPPOINTING DISAPPOINTING DISAPPOINTING. IS THAT WHAT VALVE SPENT SO MANY YEARS DOING?! CREATING A HALF LIFE WITH BETTER GRAPHICS???????Good: The multiplayer is o.k but it gets stale quickly. The gravity gun is fun, especially when its super charged. Striders make for cool encounters. Scripted sequences provide adrenaline rushes, something few games do. Physic puzzles are o.k. OVERALL: Half Life to was a major disappointment. I played the first Half Life. It was fun and brilliant FOR ITS TIME. However Half Life to just recycles the elements in HL1 and makes them prettier except with a physics engine. There are no new weapons except for the gravity gun and honestly, I felt as if I was playing HL1 again.-lolwut
  2. I think that the song brick by ben folds five is pretty much the most depressing song I've ever heard.
  3. Technology- human ideas put to use to make life easier. to create comforts and enjoyment and humans less and less useful valuing our creations more then our selfs and making our selfs more vulnerable to nature. Technology can be dangerous to it can go wrong and do us bad but also the planet which wouldn't even matter if it would for human existence so it doesn't make sense to destroy it and set our consequences on the billions or species that inhabit this earth.(but hey whatever we change and destroy can be fixed by technology detect the sarcasm)But we cant help it after all if humans never had ideas we would be extinct already.technology these days is evolution, and iff the world explodes as a result then who would care. were all deadBut really it is true we rely on thing such as computers but if computers never existed we wouldn't be so reliant on them-saskia
  4. It depends what you mean by "many years". It probably wont be as long as most people think. major things are happening now. In Australia we're going through the worst drought on record, and there aren't any signs of it ending any time soon. We are burning more and more oil and coal, putting more and more CO2 and greenhouse gases into the air. We are doing this faster and faster, and when we don't have any more left to burn, there will be a major crisis. Many people just don't realise how much we rely on oil and non-renewable energy at the moment. If we all switched to Solar energy and started using environmentally friendly products, this wouldn't have as big an effect.
  5. Guild wars is a AWESOME GAME, its really different then other games... example: line age, 1 moons, WoW, Fiesta all play solo... but in GW... its always in a team winch I find is great. the PvP is great! the players are friendly and very funny... Its so worth the one time payment of 40$ and if you wanna buy the expansions... they come out around once every year. I suggest trying it to everyone-Jak929
  6. OMG dude what up wit no love 4 fox, Fox owns I bet I could beat you all wit him, hes faster than Falco, the only real advantage falco has is that his gun does to more damage. But honestly speed kills and if you know how to shift all over the place FOX OWNS!!! But Super Smash Owns and its gonna be sweet for the Wii I Hope; it will honestly be the only reason I buy a Wii, too bad its like coming out in February now.But seriously Fox does own if you can learn how to dodge efficiently, I can go through a lot of ppl without really gettin touched and still landing some big hits: Plus Fox has great kill shots and Fire Fox owns .
  7. I've locked my memory card and I don,t remember thepassword.Moreover I've flashed(formatted) my phone memory also.Please tell me if there is a way to unlock it or not.-S.Vashisth
  8. Well personally, I think that there's a fair amount of love for both genres. I personally prefer rock/metal (being a guitarist). I don't hate rap in general, just what it's become. I'm more for old school/underground rap with meaning. mainstream rap has become too alike. it lacks fresh ideas and has become really low musically (in my opinion anyway). Some rap, though, is really cool and it's unfortunate that mainstream rap has given the genre such a negative connotation for many people. it's also unfortunate that most people don't hear some of the really good rock/metal because most of the really good bands happen not to prefer too wide of an exposure like mtv/radio (dream theater, symphony x, etc.). In fact, mainstream rock (fall out boy, my chemical romance, etc.) has also become really low musically (again, only in my opinion)... and that's where I stand on the rock/rap issue. it's good to be open-minded.
  9. Evanescence: missinglimp bizkit (or the who): behind blue eyesSystem of a Down: Solider SideJem: Missing You
  10. I hate my job!!!!!!!!!! The money is great but I'm thinking more and more everyday that it's just not worth it. I have to put up with a know-it-all who knows nothing. I have more experience in my little finger than he has in his whole body with the business. This is not an opinion or being egotistical, it's the straight truth. This makes it even more frustrating. It's a granite/marble counter top business which is hard, heavy, nasty, cold, dusty, work. This stuff averages 20 lbs a square foot...imagine a 40 square foot top...800 lbs!!! I'm getting way too old for this crap! I'm a shop manager which means nothing,I still have to bust my you know what and after two years of false promises about that office and desk I am just so sick of it! The problem is that it pays better than almost any job in my area. Stuck and Frustrated!!!!!
  11. Well I definitely think the 4th is Naruto's father,because they look so alike.But ive always been wondering who is Naruto's Mother.-Sauskefangirl246
  12. The internet may have only been created in the 90's but there were usenet and many other before the internet so a form of the internet was about in the 70's google still has usenet pages go look them up its basically news feeds from pure text-dado
  13. Hi, there is a virus spreading across MSN messenger. if you get a message from the people on your MSN list saying that they want to put there photos/pictures on your friendster/facebook/bebo/myspace, be aware that it is not the people you know. it is a virus, the message will send you a file called "image23.zip". don't accept (save as) this message. if you already saved this on your computer, don't double click it. just highlight it & delete. once you double click it, the virus is activated & it will give the same message you received to your freinds on MSN. This is not HOAX. I don't know what this virus is, I think it may be a keylogger or admin password stealer, so beware. PLEASE post this message to everyone-Mark
  14. If you can't access gpedit, you can do it with the registry editor. Run "regedit" (without the quotes), open HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > Microsoft > Windows> CurrentVersion > Policies > Explorer. Right click on "NoControlPanel", then set the value to "1", which will then disable the control panel for the current user. If you want to enable it, just reset the value to "0".-John
  15. McDonalds person: you rock. Wow, did that series events suck or what? Anyway, chin up, you're needed in better jobs out there. As for me, my job sucks (whine whine) because my best efforts are often rewarded with some kind of undeserved suspicion or something. Is it me? I don't know. I work like a dog (usually) and get heat anyway. I'm trying to change my ways to swim with the current and not against it, but when I feel this discouraged, it's a complete fight. Oh well, back to it. Power to the people!-witheld
  16. Well,I started using linux to years back,when windows slacked like anything on my comp,started with mandriva then to fedora and now to ubuntu.Just installed gutsy gibson edition of ubuntu,It's great.Thanx to all the coders out there working for the people to get open softwares.I just like the way it works from installation to features.I usually do a lot of programming and the tools provided in linux destros help with that without extra softwares which I have to download in windows.To birudagmawi :Well you see linux was made by programmers around the world who thought that it's inappropriate to spend money on an operating system when they can build one of their own.Linux was never made for normal user it was made by people who have the zeal to learn for those who want to learn .But due to the growing popularity of linux it became a buzz word among common Pc users also.Thats why it's becoming as simpler as it could be to the common user with each realese(you should see the installation feature of the ubuntu,windows cant be compared with it).It takes time to bring a change. And regarding the viruses,Ya I surely agree that viruses are going to increase in linux,but it will not increase at rate with which it increases it increases in windows because linux kernel is much better built than windows.And as far as your concern for hacking linux is concerned I should give you example of APACHE web server which is an open source web server and is much more popular then windows counter part in terms of security, Open source doesn't make software vunerable to hackers it is the software design which matters more.Well I see my friends who once were addicted to windows have started using linux they like the idea of having the orignal copy without paying a single penny and too less configuration needed,Although they had problems in the beginning.And dell policy is not a public stunt it's a demand of the people which has made them to bring out a laptop with ubuntu so that they can capture linux users also and decrease the price of laptop to remain competitive.-AcumenWorks
  17. I am confused as to how to make movies? I have made cut scenes by using long lists of commands with movements, and messages, so on and so on, but what do I do to make a movie? Is it the same as the way I make a cut scene or do I have to do something special?-Orphax
  18. I use ColdFusion here at a department within the University of Maryland, and I'm perfectly satisfied with it. I have managed web sites as an intern and professionally for the last 7 years. I learned ColdFusion relatively quickly after only skimming through sections of O'Reilly's "ColdFusion."I've had to do various transitions such as importing data, setting up tables, switching database formats, re-programming apps from the ground up, writing a search engine, adding new apps, etc. Our site now hosts 600 pages, and about 300 of them are CF-driven. If I had to re-write the code for all those pages in another language just because my boss wanted to save money I'd quit my job. Re-writing several years' worth of code is an elephant of a project no matter how good you are.Regardless of how much support PHP has out there, you'd have to learn the new language syntax from scratch and THEN re-write everything. If you're dealing with a lot of pages, it'd cost your boss just as much money to pay you to re-write the code as it would to just keep CF. To be perfectly honest, if cost is really a problem tell your boss not to upgrade the server software. Problem solved.JoseI know-Jose Galdamez
  19. I have a legit version of Xp pro but when I log on it says I need to activate, after it checks it says my version is activated press ok to continue but it takes me back to the log on screen and the cycle continues. Now the windows key changer doesn't work in safe mode so I need a way to get in normal mode in order to re enter the key.
  20. 0kay...laptops suck I hate them eww http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I have desktops,because they don't break so easly yay for desktops.My mom wants to buy me a laptop idk...I do not like them very much they tend to get on my nerve plus there super small well for me that is.I just like you know the old fashion way just sitting at the computer you know just typeing away.Why in hell would I want heat on my lap and an annoying moouse that goes everywhere.I just wanna keep it simple thats just me...-Jessica
  21. Please please help me I have a 54-level game and now when I open it it says 'Unexpected File Format' please help me by the way-I have rpgmaker xp-when I just load up the game it works through all the levels so why not when I try to change it!thanks in advance!-louaes
  22. Are we really sitting so high on our high horse that we feel that we can call people out on their lives and their beliefs? Does it make people feel better to point a judgmental finger at someone as if you live a perfect and moral life. It is in our nature to sin, what ever it is; homosexuality, adultery, casting judgment on someone. However, God knew this and has given a way out, Matthew 5-7 Jesus' Sermon of the Mount clearly gives insight on how to live better lives. Whether you believe in a higher power or not, you can see throughout human history that looking down on people and cultures because of being different has bitten society on its pretensions butt. Because I am sure that a Gay woman or man wants to willingly be immoral, gross and evil; because we all strive for it, more so than striving to achieve that goodness that we were created with.-Danielle
  23. Cody, I'm in the same situation as you. And honestly most people just can't understand how we feel. Of course the way each of them loves you is different, and of course your afraid to hurt either one of them. I have known and cared deeply for one woman for about 7 years, and the other more than 5. I've been playing the "I'm too young to settle thing" but I'm getting older now and it's really not fair what I'm doing. And I don't claim to be enough man for the two of them - I know I fall short of a lot of things with them, but they both still love me deeply - and I truly do love them both. Good luck with you choice... if you find a solution - let me know.-Battousai
  24. My opinion is that I think it shouldn't be moved up!because not all of the accidents are happening because of young people.so why take the age limit away from us?!-Aishlene
  25. What a lot of rubbish I've just read. My religion is better than yours, no its not, yes it is. Deary me, try reading some real history and you'll soon become aware of the real truths behind everything you're babbling about. The bible was pulled together in the year 255 A.d. by the Council of Nicea. Emperor Constantine presided over the council and although a worshiper of the sun god Sol Invictus, he was also a shrewd politician and decided the best way to control and unite the people was by forming a universal religion (universal and catholic are synonymous terms). He drew together all of the religious leaders in the Roman empire at that time and they debated everything from the divinity of Jesus to the calculation to work out the date of Easter. Eventually following a close vote, Jesus was deemed to be divine, so everything that contradicted that opinion was cast aside (cue the burning of the library at Alexandria) and everything that supported the new dogma was included. There is a flood legend in most ancient civilizations so there probably is some form of truth in the Noah story, although names dates and actual events vary from place to place. If more people would open their minds and eyes to the world around them they might see that all religion is another form of control and whilst it does teach a moral code it has caused more strife that it has cured.-Candyman
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