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Everything posted by bishoujo

  1. Sorry about the gigantic images! I guess i was too used to broadband and I thought the forum script automatically resizes them. I've replaced them with smaller ones. I hope it loads fine for you guys. I'll change them to thumbnails if there are any more complaints. Sorry, I'm not too sure why they wanted to choose new ones. I think it is because there have been new monuments discovered since the choosing of the old ones, so it's only fair to re-decide. The new wonders were picked by people who voted online and through phone calls. I believe the procedures are written on New7Wonders.com I also agree that a lot of the old ones are more interesting, but it seems that a lot of people think otherwise. There have been some controversies about the voting and the decisions made, but that's off-topic already so I won't go on to that. To abminara: You must be kidding about the hotel. No offence, but that doesn't even qualify. It is obviously too modern. Besides, you're insulting the Incan ruins. Also, please count properly. I stated that there are SEVEN new wonders of the world. The Pyramids are the EIGHTH. And since this is a reselection, all selected entries, whether included in the old wonders or not, would still be considered new.
  2. Haha interesting! I thought this should be in the Jokes forum though. i can't imagine anyone having some of the above happening to them. Or do they? Besides, I do like George Michael and Elton John
  3. Oh lol I was too preoccupied with my multiple accounts to notice that you could sign up for gmail from the main page now. If you're using the accounts for yourself, I find sending invitations more organized though, cos' for example, you could send all the invites to your main gmail account and you'll be able to keep track of all your gmail ids. That's just for me though.
  4. In the middle of this year, the new Seven Wonders of the World have been decided by about 100 million Internet and phone voters around the world. 1. Statue of Christ the Redeemer, Situated in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil This statue is perched in a strategic position on Mount Corcovado, overlooking the city of Rio de Janeiro. It was inaugurated in 1931, took 5 years to built, and made of concrete. It was built with open arms to symbolize that God loves and embraces all who come to him. A main attraction about this site, other than its religious connection, is the magnificent view from the mountain top. 2. The Great Wall of China Construction of the wall already began over 2000 years ago. It was built to protect the land from invasion from troops on the outskirts. It stretches 6,400 km from Shanhai Pass to Lop Nur and has been hailed as the world's longest human-made structure. Because the wall stretches across different parts of China, you experiene different things at different spots. For example, from past experience. I don't like the section at Badaling because it is too crowded. I liked Simatai most because it is less developed and I can feel the long history of the wall simply by breathing in there. 3. The Colosseum, situated in Rome, Italy This Colosseum was built nearly 2000 years ago. It is Rome's largest amphitheatre and could sit 50,000 spectators. It was used for gladiatorial contests and public spectacles. If you watched Gladiator and are impressed by the set, you will be even more overwhelmed if you visit the Colosseum yourself. 4. The pink ruins of Petra, situated in Jordan These ruins are centuries old and comprise stunning temples and tombs carved in the rock. It was long-hidden and then discovered by a Swiss explorer in 1812. It was the location for the movie Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade. It is a great sight due to it's archaelogical background and desert setting. 5. The Taj Mahal mausoleum, situated in Agra, India Construction of this palace began in 1632 and ended in 1648. It is built of white marble and stands in formally laid-out walled gardens. It is very peaceful and quiet to just sit there staring at the monument when it is basked in the sun rise of the dawn. 6. The Incan ruins of Manchu Picchu, situated in Urubamba Valley, Peru Machu Picchu was built many centuries ago but only brought to international attention in 1911 when an archaelogist made scientific confirmation of the site. Perhaps due to its legendary temples, the place looks mythical. This is possibly the site of the Incas mentioned in Prisoners of the Sun, the famous Tin Tin series by Herge. 7. The ancient Mayan city of Chichen Itza, situated in Mexico Chichen Itza was built around AD500. There are four staircases of 91 steps that lead up to the platform, so there are 365 levels for 365 days of the year. The most imposing and we-inspiring buildings in the city consist of the pyramid, an astronomical observatory and the temple of warriors. The Pyramids of Giza, Egypt were listed as the Eighth Wonder by default. Everybody knows the pyramids, and because it is so amazing that it is hard to put everything about it in words, I will leave it to you to read up on the pyramids yourself. Note: The above info was compiled from personal experiences, travel guide and word of mouth. If there is any inaccuracy, feel free to point it out. I woild also appreciate your personal thoughts about the places, as I have only visited 2, 3 and 5.
  5. Genre: Music (couldn't find a music genre, so I thought simulation seemed like the next most appropriate) Platform: Nintendo DS Continuing from where the first High School Musical movie ended, this game tells of how Troy Bolton, Gabriella Montez and four of their friends from Albuquerque Eash High School advance from the local music scene to the national stage. If you have played Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan or its English sequel Elite Beat Agents, you will feel at home with this game. The basic game mechanics are similar. You tap on circles on the touch screen as they turn green in a clockwise pattern. The circles appear to the beat of the song, which you must tap to. So having a good ear and rhythm is a must. There are a few different modes. In the dance mode, you occasionally have to drag a basketball into the net or trace patterns in a notebook. The music mode has you switching instruments to change how your music sounds. If you know all your High School Musical songs, tapping to the beat would be lots of fun. Shooting hoops in the dance mode, however, is poorly implemented. The game counted only one of my attempts out of hundreds, in the 28 dance stags available. I'm still at a loss about how they calculate it. There is a also a video studio mode for you to play director - change camera angles, release fireworks and shine spollight on your stars as they bop along to the music. Accompanying to this fiesta are all the songs from the first movie - catchy tunes such as We're All in this Together and Breaking Free. A few songs from the second movie, such as 'What Time Is It?' which showed on Disney Channel last week, round up the selection. If you have caught High School Musical 2 and are still hyped up about the series, this game is a great buy that would provide hours of music-tapping fun.
  6. The first thing that struck me when I held up the Sony Ericsson T650i was just how tiny its keys were. In its marketing material, Sony Ericsson says that the phone designers took I found this rather exaggerated, but looking beyond the strange keypad, the phone is otherwise pretty well-designed. The top half of it is covered in stainless steel. The screen is made from scratch-resistant mineral glass. At 12.55mm, it's quite slim too. A rather fancy feature that the flashy users may like is that the keys light up in waves across the keypad, in line with animation on the screen. The animation on the screen are supposed to vary during special occasions. Like most phones today, it's a 3G phone that comes with a music player that plays tunes in several formats (Mp3, AAC, AAC+ and eAAC+). It has a built-in FM radio, push e-mail, web browser and a 3.2 megapixel autofocus camera with flash. I am generally happy with the phone's performance, but I found the keys too tiny to be effective They are also spaced rather far apart, so whenever I tried to type without looking at the keypad, I would be jabbing at the empty space between the buttons every now and then. It is frustrating when you are in a hurry. You certainly won't win speed SMS contests on this one. Also, the lens at the back of the phone protrudes so you need to watch that you don't accidentally scratch it. In conclusion, this model is rather well-constructed, inwardly and outwardly. However, if you often use the SMS function, you might want to think twice about getting this.
  7. Yes it sure does, just like watching tv. It is often advised that after looking at the computer for 45 minutes, you should rest your eyes, look at some greenery and then go back to your computer again. But I always forget and can't be bothered. Once you're on your computer, it's hard to get distracted. Is your eyesight bad enough for your to have to wear glasses? You should get your eyes checked at least once a year to monitor them.
  8. Oops you're both right. I forgot about the file limit. So I guess you can't back up large files like movies and videos unless you split them up, which can be time-consuming and not worth the effort. So far I only use gmail to store small files like music files, photos and documents so it's still good for me. In fact, I sometimes rely more on gmail than my thumbdrive. Like if I have a document, I prefer to upload it to gmail using the mail attachment method.
  9. You might want to try Usercash. They pay via Paypal and E-gold. Mind you, you can't get rich with it though, but still better than scams that promise large amounts of money and never pay eh? I myself have not received any payout yet, but I've seen some reviews where people do get paid. If all goes well, I ought to be paid by end of this month, and I'll let you know whether it really pays. If you can't find the website, you can PM me and ask for the exact url.
  10. Well I wouldn't say a product is bad just because it comes with poor customer support. Quality matters more to me than customer support. My very first computer was a Compaq and I do not recall having problems with it. I also second what the other say. Your notebook may have been damaged due to poor packaging, mishandling by the movers and even the technicians themselves. Unless my product is covered by warranty, I would hire someone to come to my house to repair the product, even if he is not from the company's support personnel, or I would try to fix it myself. Shipping results in a lot of complications
  11. So, ladies, take heart. If you want a nice-looking face and good skin, do not smoke!
  12. I came across this topic which basically says that you can use Gmail to store your files. If you're lucky, you get some free gmail invites to be sent to your friends when you open a gmail account. Now if you just keep sending the invites to yourself, you'll end up with lots more gmail accounts, isn't it? (I've tried it, you CAN create multiple gmail accounts by inviting yourself) And that means more storage space if you use each account to store 2 GB of things right? Could it possibly rival other premium data backup services online, most importantly for Free?Also, is using Gmail for storage and creating multiple gmail accounts acceptable by gmail policies? I've a feeling that creating multiple accounts is not, cos' I thought i read it somewhere, but a lot of people I know have multiple gmail accounts anyway.
  13. Oh I see. Yes my laptop is connected to the company network so that could be the reason. I've only heard a couple of colleagues complain, but maybe the others have gotten used to the slowness of the start up. I've never made a relation between the machine and a network, so this is something new to me.
  14. bishoujo


    Why should the majority require the setting up of these organizations? The main purpose of setting up those organizations for the minorities is meant to protect their rights. Judging from what you've written, you're probably White and Straight, constituting the majority group in your country, so you wouldn't understand the insecurities and discrimination they face. Being part of a large majority race in my country, I take it for granted that there is no discrimination of any sort. But my friend from a minority group tells me that despite the government's efforts to promote racial harmony and equal treatment for all races, she still feels ostracized by things that we the majority group do not give much thought to, such as when a potential employer tells her that they need a Chinese employee because the job requires you to speak the language.Also, it seems that racism is still rather prevalent. I don't read much about racism problems, but I remembered that match in Barcelona last year, or was it 2 years ago, where the spectators booed the Black players. It may have been a game tactic, but very thoughtless all the same. I think it is important that the minority groups have organizations to represent and speak up for their rights.
  15. The notebook at my office takes at least 20 minutes to start up after I log in! There will be a box that says 'Running startup script' before my desktop loads. Why is this so? I'm not the only one in the office with this problem though, so I thought it might be due to age or something, but even my PC at home which I've used for some 3 years doesn't take half as long. Since it's the office computer, people don't download things to it often, so it can't be a virus.Anyway, it's a Dell Latitude D610 and runs on Windows XP.
  16. I agree with you about this. My screen darkens and the annoying confirm screen pops up every time I try to install something, and I don't know how to turn it off, or if there is even a way to turn it off. Also everything loads slower than XP because it is so graphic intensive. However, to be fair, it does look sleek and quite nice. I only use Vista because it came with my new notebook, or I wouldn't dream of paying to upgrade.
  17. Yea a lot of people have misconceptions about anime, manga and cosplay. That's why I made this post. I don't know what you mean by magna movies. I guess you meant manga movies, which means anime to a lot of people. Most anime or anime movies are derived from manga. That means the storyline is taken from the manga but put on screen with animation, voice and color. Though you have exceptions like Full Metal Alchemist that didn't have a manga version. So these 'weird dresses' are actually designed by the artists who drew the manga.
  18. It's a nice idea, but it depends on the age range of children you are selling the product to. Children these days are getting smarter. I've seen children about age 10 and above in my country using mobile phones that are of even later models than my own.
  19. lol precisely! I use the computer everyday, for no less than 8 hours. The strange thing is, I didn't purposely cut down my time staring at the computer screen, but my eyesight still remained stagnant. I'm not complaining though. What I did do is decrease the light contrast on the screen.
  20. This sure took pretty long eh? Even in secondary school, I was already learning about how different types of metal can shield different levels of radiation, so I wonder why it took them 20 years to decide to use steel to cover the site of the Chernobyl disaster. Could be money issue, but still, strong radioactivity is very serious. Anyway, glad that something is finally being done about it.
  21. That's scary! I will never attempt to overwork my notebook ever again. My friend's PC fused too, but it was just the inside of the CPU that went pop. Didn't go up in flames or anything.The person who sold me my notebook told me that when I use the powerpoint for my notebook, I should remove the batteries so that they will not overcharge. I guess batteries get overheated easily if you keep charging them when they are full.
  22. Nice. It's heartening that there are people who care about these poor abandoned and cruelly treated animals. The only problem I foresee is that due to lack of information about the campaign and no affiliation to any official animal shelter, people may not feel safe about clicking a button to send money just because you ask for it. Too many irresponsible people have been scamming people in the name of various charitable campaigns, and there is no proof about whether the money will really benefit the animals. Good luck with the campaign. Kindness and enthusiasm will be rewarded.
  23. If I drink too much water before doing sports, I do get muscle aches and may feel a bit 'heavier'. I think it's a matter of making your body get used to it. Other than taking in water orally, you can also try spraying water on yourself periodically. Notice how those footballers on tv always dunk a bottle of water over themselves. It's to cool down and helps a little with hydrating too. Instead of doing this during the game, since it's going to cause you to keep having those annoying breaks, one hour before the game, you have some clean water in a sprinkler with you at hand, and every few minutes, whenever you feel like it, you can take it out and spray your face, hands etc to keep yourself cool before the game.
  24. If one has myopia, is there such a thing called stabilization, where upon reaching a certain age and degree, your eyesight stops worsening?Usually, my eyesight increases yearly each time I go for my eye checkup, by about 50 - 100 degrees. Some years ago, my eyesight was stagnant eventhough it had been a year since I went for eye checkup, and I wasn't even taking particular care of my eyes. This remained for about 3 years. Last year, when I went for my annual eye checkup, it was diagnosed that my eyesight increased by 100, much to my dismay. Then late last year to now, my eyesight didn't change again, and in fact reduced by a few degrees. Even my optician was baffled. What's going on? My friend thinks that up to a certain age, your eyesight will stop getting worst. Which doesn't exactly make sense since I'm only 21, and my eyesight is 300+ in the weaker eye.I had cornea infection about 5 years ago. There was a scar but it gradually went away. I wonder if that could have affected by eyesight in anyway.
  25. Wow technology is really fascinating! This will certainly be useful since a lot of old people are having eye problems related to old age.
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