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Everything posted by faund

  1. you are crazy, but do what you want to do anyway or you will mad.Go and find her, say what you said here, tell what you are thinking to her. GO!!
  2. I don't think so, on the contrary, the purpose of maintaining virginity is for men, and this cultural is not respect woman. Because the virginity of a woman regarded as some property of man. As I said before, I just wondering the difference of diffecult culture, nothing else I want. thank you for tell me about your opinion, So, I think the openess of sex is the direction of my country, because everything in my country is changed more like western world.
  3. I go to bed at 10:30 pm and get up at 7:00 am everyday, about 8.5 hours per day.some area, people get a noon sleep from 12:00pm to 2:30pm, but I haven't got a noon sleep for a long time.
  4. Counter-Clockwise for me.but I don't think this result means anything. because my toilets flush has a water flush hole at the left side in the bottom.
  5. I can only say that I do not believe in God now, but I am not sure if I will or not believe in God in future. Because there is no evidence for there is someone effects anything in anyway. But I am not sure that there is nothing watching over us.I think people began to believe in God in some different way, someone may "see" God himself, someone just follow his parents, someone believe in God just because he met something can't explain in science.World changes a lot, only those religons keep advancing will alive.Anyway, I think to believe in God is benifit to one himself and to all of society.
  6. I am just curious, wondering if other country have same or difference opinion about virginity.My country it's very important. Though it is a little open about sex now a day, but most man still care very about his mate is a virgin.
  7. I think the foxmarks is a extension which most meet my require.it can keep bookmarks same in diffrent computer.
  8. try to disable firewall, see if problem resolved.why don't you use ftp to share files. I don't think to use microsoft file share is a good idea.
  9. A better tomorrow -Good story about friendship, good action for gun battle, have nice picture.Back to the future -A good word " It means your future hasn't been written yet.","Your future is whatever you make it.So make it a good one." I really like it very much.Lord of rings -I like the story about what will we do when man have to face death.
  10. No matter how I am now using both hotmail and gmail. But the reason of using hotmail is just because I used it before Gmail is released.Hotmail is something more like outlook, but it's too slow to me.Gmail is a good email service regard emails as some threads like forums, this feature catched me, Browse email that way is more clear than before.And Gmail has good technology to deal with spam, it's better than most email service I used before.
  11. I use MSN and a local service of china named tencent QQ same time. From the beginning, I only use MSN, but most people I want to contact use tencent QQ, the situation compeled me to join tencent QQ to keep contact with them. So I quite agree with what DeMOnFiRe said:
  12. It's something like faint I think. The difference is you will never awake after faint. Death means much more to who alive than who dying because of dread. I admire who not afear death for his courage such as Forest Gump's mother, She let Forest know that death is not so bad thing and not to afear it. I really affected when I hear Forest's mother say in peace:
  13. I googled psp, 99 percent of the result is about sony PlayStation Portable. If Pascal Server Pages want to do something, I think a new short name can't identify itself will be wanted.Finally, I get some information about Pascal Server Pages by search in keyword "Pascal Server Pages", and I got a page of sourceforge.My first programming language taught in college is PASCAL, and I turned to C later. I think PSP will be a good choice of those people like PASCAL or Delphi.The problem is psp is not supported as widely as php or asp. I think it's very hard to find a free web hosting support PSP.
  14. I used FILEZILLA for a long time.It's an open source software, and it's standard based.The best feature of FILEZILLA I think is multithread, you can't upload or download multiple files in the same time, this feature will speedup the upload.But I think if you are uploading CMS in separate files, it will really spend long time because of the directory access. I think it is a good idea to get files zipped as one file, upload the zipped file, than unzip it using Cpanel's file admin tool.
  15. I quite agree with this word. No one will send his army only for humanitarian reason. If there is no oil to gain, President Bush would not try hard to let world believe that Iraq has ?Weapons of Mass Destruction? which is not exist from the beginning. And if China has such a power to opposes any action, the war of Iraq will not happen. So I think the very point is the benefit not the opposes from China or Russia.
  16. It will be a terrible thing when intervening became a pretense of war.There is only one rule that stronger hit weaker, all other words is lie.Don't put the ideology to other country because you are the stronger, I still remember the Eight Power Allied Force attacked China, burned palace of Tsing Empire, robbed cultural relic from China.What word They said that time? To liberate people or to bring democracy?Look at Iraq, isn't it a big slapstick?I think any country have it's own freedom to do what they want, Any other country or organization have no right to intervene when it do nothing endanger anyone else.
  17. I'd heard that people like to resolve problems by suing in USA, but it is really a strange thing to sue God. I don't think God will appear in court any way.People don't like go to court, they would rather negotiate about problems. It's still too expansive, too time wasting. And even court made judgment of a civil action, mostly it will not be executed.Only important case will be sue such as murder, robbing etc,.Maybe that's the difference.
  18. I think it's not Pirate Bay fault if someone share copyright videos or something else illegal. Pirate Bay is the one who only provide file share service, It do nothing else, all files shared is from it's users, all, illegal and legal, copyright and copyleft...baiting people is not moral and not legal, there will be a better way to get people stop share copyright materials, but not return like for like.
  19. I think to allow site in Chinese be hosted is not a good idea.As I know, most of free hosting is denied by the Great FireWall and can't be visit in China. The reason is that the Chinese GFW is sensitive to Chinese content, anything what GFW think is not good will be simply banned. GFW ban IPs these site hosted.So. If you want Xisto will keep on be visited in China, you'd better not allow site in Chinese.
  20. Yes, the Earth is really flat!Who sailed around world only sailed a circularity on a flat, because they didn't really find a correct direction, we never found the border of earth, because compass is also part of the conspiracy.The other side of flat earth lives some life which have big buoyancy like balloon, they keep the flat earth not to sink. We called that kind of life as Balloon Tortoise.We also have a sphericity sky, it around us, and sometimes leak waters down.
  21. The best paying job is in some monopolistic trade such as electric power, telecom here.Most civilians work for government get paid 14 thousands per year, a common staffer do some low level work for electric power company get 20 thousands per year. As a result, some consensus leaded by civilians request an investigation of the payment of those monopolistic trade companys which holding by country.So. I think the best paying job is working for those company.
  22. I think you don't need to get paint shop, because photoshop CS3 is good enough, I think photoshop is the industrial stantard in image processing field.In fact I am using GIMP, it's open source, and It's features is enough to me.Why not get a trial version if there is one, it's a good ideal to get it after trying for some while.
  23. It's depends on the situation. Who is supposed to be the visitor of the website is very important to me to choose what way to design my website.In general, I take care for things in order of importantion below:1. Standard. I want my website will be in same appearance with popular browsers.Because I can't decide what browser my visitor will use. To keep my website standard, I will refer to W3C, Never use "advanced" features from any single browser.2.Low traffic When I browse a website in very long load time, I will simply leave it. I think who visit my website will do same thing like me. So, it's important to keep quick response at least for the home page. I think using AJAX is a good idea. And when I write code, I will pay attention to optimize it. Even when the browser not load all code, something will be displayed as soon as code be part transfered.3.Style I want my visitor will remember my site when he see some special recognizable signal. I think that's what we call style. whole site with a consistent style show some culture to visitor.
  24. https://sourceforge.net/projects/shipsclock/ I am not so happy that, It doesn't work for me, when I start the clock, nothing happens. You may tryout this one, as the brief says
  25. I don't know whether SONY have got enough evidence on reverse engineered PS2.I think that pirating have harmed the Software companies of China, and also have prevented open source movement to diffuse in China.I think some "great company" like m$ is glad to see that their software be widely pirated in China, that is a way to gather potential customers. When people use office much more than Openoffice, use Windows much more than Linux, Who will laugh loudly?And as I know, m$ is only prosecute big enterprise for using illegal software, it is hardly to not think that m$ is a pisciculturist who will glad to see fish grow and then catch the bigger one.An interesting thing is Windows XP is more expensive in China than US.I think if the pirate problem have been well controlled from the beginning, the most widely used system will be linux not windows, the open source movement will get much more effect now a day in China.
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