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Everything posted by faund

  1. I think Goole will be more strong by the time passing.Many more applications will be moved to internet rather than running in local computer, such as office suite which is the most used software and make most money for Microsoft now.We can see Microsoft is doing hard work with keep up internet's step.Who will win the race is not so clearly now.
  2. It seems that girls are running away :PWhy so much difference between the numbers of boys and girls?
  3. LOL, although I will not get one email from they, but I like the idea.
  4. Bk2070, thank you for tell me this infomation.I think what we make will be more cartoon and more fit child character.And can you tell me who made the dragon phone?
  5. Yes, good question!More fan you used in your PC, the more noise you will hear.After understand this, I just reduce my PC's configuration.I changed video card with a no fan one. Changed CPU to INTEL which one not generate more heat, so that I can use a small CPU fan more silent.The bigest noise maker is the power, So, to choose a silent power is importent.After doing that, my PC is now quite silent.
  6. I don't believe it at all.As the Chinese saying goes " It will be real if you believe it and it will not be real if you don't believe it".May I translate is not good, but the mean is that if you believe friday 13th will brings you bad luck, you will get some impression of it and will do something wrong.
  7. I have an idea that making a cellphone for child.This phone have only 2 buttons, one is "father" the other is "mother". There should be icon on both of buttons and the buttons should be biger than usual.And for security reason, only 2 certain phone number incoming call can be made, any incoming call from other phone number will be ignored. The 2 certain phone number is for father and mother.the phone number of father and mother (or other family member) can be set up when first time use.Will you buy this cellphone for your child(ren)?by the way, My writen English is poor, any correct will be welcome.
  8. Sometimes I get this feeling. I think many people have had this feeling. Maybe this is what enlighten the writer of "Matyx" that says Neo lived in a big game.But that's only a feeling, we have no any evidence for it. And if you say we are living in a big game, that everyone in the game is the player who controling himself I think.
  9. I don't believe this. Where whales live where comes whale fishers. Whale fishers knows more than scientist that how many whales are there.
  10. Window Media Player I use.Reason is Window Media Player need not install and it features is enough.
  11. It looks nice!I used to proceed graphs with photoshop, and I want to learn GIMP now.
  12. I think what delivi said is right. Because if it's the problem the monitor itself, power off computer and turn on will still get a monitor off status.syncn21 Please tell us about what do your monitor be when you follow delivi's way.
  13. So many questions.But I think most people in my country include me have not thought about these questions.All we want is get money to buy food, clothes. If we not work hard, the basic material to keep life going on will lose.To me, life continue commonly is my luck. No any other wishes.
  14. How about to take a long-distance running and push-up more than 100 times every day? I am taking this way to gain muscle, it seems works.
  15. Hello everyone.I live in a Chinese city which is a home appliance manufacture base.A lot of plants here produce home appliance such as loudspeaker, shavers, fan, hair dryer, hand dryer, blender... etc.I have seen much people export these products to foreign country, So, I want to be involved in this business too.I have some questions here.1. How can I be found by the buyers, This question can turn to "how buyers find their supplier". If they find supplier through internet, where they get infomations.2. What if I act as a virtual agent for these buyer?3. I can only read & write English, is that enough?
  16. If you want to get start quickly, I suggest you should take a look at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. That is ajax for asp.net 2.0, it's really easy to use. I am looking for some good ajax develop environment for php but not find yet. If anyone finded it, tell me please.
  17. hello buddys here.I come from China, and the search engine I often use is google(https://www.google.de/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=BwkjVKfAD8uH8QfckIGgCQ&gws_rd=ssl & https://www.google.cn/) and baidu(http://www.baidu.com/search/error.html).When I want find information in Chinese I used to go baidu, sometime I use google Chinese site.When I want find English pages, I only got google, so I want to know what search engine do you use, and I will try it.
  18. I think AJAX will be a wide used technology very soon. The asynchronous communicate ability between browser and server can bring a lot of benefit of user's experience.As I know, some famous service supplier is using this technology now such as hotmail, google, alibaba.In a word, this technology can sent requests and get responses with out have to get whole page refreshed. So, it get more rapid response and lesser network bandwidth needed.
  19. I come from a coastal city in China.I give out 7/10.Good: The country have been changed better than past.Bad: The country is not changed enough.
  20. Avertisement is very important. Let people know you and offer good service they will buy. I can only give advice like this if you can't tell us what software business you are running.
  21. Does Unreal Computers means virtual host?
  22. Yes, it does make sense!There is difference between school and hospital , so their web is different too. Make yourself strong in a certain field instead compete with others for all kinds of client.I wish you will win in the race.
  23. I prefer to GIMP rather than photoshop. Not because photoshop will cost some money, but I believe that GIMP generate better result than photoshop do.And why not put a live camera on your web?
  24. What a funny topic.Let me see...I would like to be a predictor. So, I will buy a lottery ticket which will make me a millionaire.
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