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Everything posted by vujsa

  1. The cPanel password change works fine as long as you follow all of it's rules. It won't allow short passwords or passwords that are in the dictionary. This is for your protection. Additionally, if the password is a real word and number combination, it won't work. No part of the password can be idenitifiable. As far as the process page password change, this is really for people that have somehow lost their passwords and need to be reset with a new one. The process page uses your forum login to verify your identity when changing your cPanel login. This was done because of the large number of password reset requests that were being posted by members that had lost their password. If I remember, the next time I talk to OpaQue, I'll ask him to make a note about this on the process page to prevent members from wasting credits when they can change their password in the cPanel. Something like: "This Form Should Only Be Used If You Cannot Access Your CPanel - your password can be changed in the cPanel otherwise." Happy Password Protecting vujsa
  2. I think I know what your problem is but I'm surprised it is still a problem after all this time.When we (Hosted Sites) move from on server to another like we did a few weeks ago (upgraded servers), our data is left on the old server and copied onto the new server. The old server keeps whatever IP address it had while the nameserver is pointed to the new server's IP address. Usually, not everyones service providers, local systems, and cache get the new information at the same time so there is a chance that new information is added to the old server by some even though the new server should be running. Kind of like giving a change of address card to the post office but not getting any mail for the first few days at your new home while they figure out what to do with you mail.Now this is where things get interesting. If you access your FTP account via IP address and don't update that IP address when the server is changed, you can actually upload files to the wrong server. The same is true if you access the cPanel with an out of date IP address. You could actually be looking at the stats from your website as it is used on the old server which would receive 0 visitors because the domain should point to the new server.If you log into the cPanel and look on the left side, you will see the name of the server. If you see "panda", you are on the wrong server. We are currently on "gamma" server. Now here is the kicker, you may be the only one on the wrong server in fact, I even hesitate to suggest that this is the issue since it has been so long since we moved.Now if you are accessing the wrong server and if you can only access via the IP address, then you'll need to request that you service provider update their DNS information to fix the problem. You may also need to flush your DNS information from your local system.The fact that you get a "There is no website configured at this address." message leads me to believe that "panda" server is now offline so you can no longer access it. You need a way to point your system to the correct IP address for your domain name. Like I said everything you have described in your posts is a symptom of this problem but I can't believe that your requests are not being directed to the correct server yet.I can not give you the instructions you'll need to fix the problem but now that you know what the problem is, I hope you can find a solution.vujsa
  3. Well, the CGI Resource was listed: http://cgi.resourceindex.com/ But the same webmaster has a site for PHP as well: http://php.resourceindex.com/ These are the sites I use the most to find scripts. As for JavaScript, I think most people are well aware of the sites that are best and the list is available elsewhere on this forum but he is my short list: https://gen.xyz/ http://www.codeave.com/ http://www.webdeveloper.com/ http://www.javascriptsource.com/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ https://smallbusiness.yahoo.com/ http://www.lycos.com/ http://www.projectseven.com/ vujsa
  4. You can actually track where the email really came from. Every Email message sent is encoded with the route used to get the message from sender to receipient. This can be used to track down the spammer and get justice. You can either forward this information to your service provider or find a more inventive method of resolving the problem. vujsa
  5. Pretty sure that you just need to format the information into XML and provide a link to the XML document. Pretty sure you can set your system up to update the XML documnt when you update your news or announcements. Here is a sample: http://dp.g.doubleclick.net/apps/domainpark/domainpark.cgi?client=&domain_name=ww2.forum500.com&channel=&drid=&output=html <!-- generator="FeedCreator 1.7.2" -->- <rdf:RDF>- <channel rdf:about="http://fun.forum500.com"><title>Powered by Mambo 4.5.2</title><description>Mambo site syndication</description><link>http://fun.forum500.com</link><image rdf:resource="http://fun.forum500.com/images/M_images/mambo_rss.png"/><dc:date>2005-12-17T09:42:34+01:00</dc:date>- <items>- <rdf:Seq><rdf:li rdf:resource="http://fun.forum500.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1&Itemid=0"/><rdf:li rdf:resource="http://fun.forum500.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=2&Itemid=0"/><rdf:li rdf:resource="http://fun.forum500.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=3&Itemid=0"/><rdf:li rdf:resource="http://fun.forum500.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=4&Itemid=0"/><rdf:li rdf:resource="http://fun.forum500.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=5&Itemid=0"/></rdf:Seq></items></channel>- <image rdf:about="http://fun.forum500.com/images/M_images/mambo_rss.png"><title>Powered by Mambo 4.5.2</title><link>http://fun.forum500.com</link>- <url>[url="http://dp.g.doubleclick.net/apps/domainpark/domainpark.cgi?client=&domain_name=ww2.forum500.com&channel=&drid=&output=html"&;- <item rdf:about="http://fun.forum500.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1&Itemid=0"><dc:format>text/html</dc:format><dc:source>http://fun.forum500.com</dc:source><title>Welcome to Mambo</title>- <link>[url="http://dp.g.doubleclick.net/apps/domainpark/domainpark.cgi?client=&domain_name=ww2.forum500.com&channel=&drid=&output=html"&;- <description>If you've read anything at all about Content Management Systems (CMS), you'll probably know at least three things: CMS are...</description></item>- <item rdf:about="http://fun.forum500.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=2&Itemid=0"><dc:format>text/html</dc:format><dc:source>http://fun.forum500.com</dc:source><title>Newsflash 1</title>- <link>[url="http://dp.g.doubleclick.net/apps/domainpark/domainpark.cgi?client=&domain_name=ww2.forum500.com&channel=&drid=&output=html"&;- <description>Mambo 4.5 is 'Power In Simplicity'!. It has never been easier to createyour own dynamic site. Manage all your content...</description></item>- <item rdf:about="http://fun.forum500.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=3&Itemid=0"><dc:format>text/html</dc:format><dc:source>http://fun.forum500.com</dc:source><title>Newsflash 2</title>- <link>[url="http://dp.g.doubleclick.net/apps/domainpark/domainpark.cgi?client=&domain_name=ww2.forum500.com&channel=&drid=&output=html"&;- <description>Yesterday all servers in the U.S. went out on strike in a bid to get more RAM and better CPUs....</description></item>- <item rdf:about="http://fun.forum500.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=4&Itemid=0"><dc:format>text/html</dc:format><dc:source>http://fun.forum500.com</dc:source><title>Newsflash 3</title>- <link>[url="http://dp.g.doubleclick.net/apps/domainpark/domainpark.cgi?client=&domain_name=ww2.forum500.com&channel=&drid=&output=html"&;- <description>Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are,...</description></item>- <item rdf:about="http://fun.forum500.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=5&Itemid=0"><dc:format>text/html</dc:format><dc:source>http://fun.forum500.com</dc:source><title>Mambo License Guidelines</title>- <link>[url="http://dp.g.doubleclick.net/apps/domainpark/domainpark.cgi?client=&domain_name=ww2.forum500.com&channel=&drid=&output=html"&;- <description>Learn more about how Mambo is licensed and how this affects you. Mambo is released under the...</description></item></rdf:RDF> vujsa
  6. My suggestion for you is to find a decent wysiwyg editor and create a simple web page with it. Be sure to use ase many options as you can figure out just to give you a good variety of HTML to learn from Once you have your simple webpage created, print it out and then open the source file in any text editor like "Notepad". This will show you the code that the wysiwyg editor created. This is the HTML of the webpage. Once you have opened the HTML of the page, print it out. You can now compare the HTML to the output shown on the webpage. This may seem a little overwhelming at first but just go line by line and if you don't understand something, do a search for it on the internet or at one of the locations already provided. There are a few topics in the tutorial forum about basic HTML: HTML 101 - Web Design For Beginners : Absolute Basic HTML Writing HTML 102 - Web Design For Beginners : More Basic HTML Writing Good Comments Make HTML : Commenting makes HTML easier to write Some other online HTML guides I use: Webmonkey | Reference: HTML Cheetsheet Lissa Explains It All HTML Pit Stop HTML Goodies - HTML Primer A Few Useful Definitions: wysiwyg editor: What You See Is What You Get editor - A useful but usually limited program that uses a visual method of designing wbpages. Eliminates the need to know HTML or CSS. HTML: Hyper Text Markup Language - Method of adding some degree of formating to the text of a webpage and also allows for some dynamic attributes to be applied to the webpage in the form of links, forms, and images. CSS: Cascading Style Sheet - A method of applying the same formating and layout to an entire website by having all pages use the same style sheet which is usually a seperate file. This make the task of making all of the the pages in a website uniform and simplifies the process of changing the appearence of the website by only needing to edit a single file. Used as an add-on for HTML. [/hr] I hope that this will help you as you begin the journey of learning HTML and web page design. If you have further questions, please ask us. Nearly everyone that is active in the forum has some knowledge of HTML. Many of use have mastered HTML and moved on to more advanced web programing such as PERL, PHP, ASP, JavaScript, etc... So you should get many good and quick answers to your HTML questions. Good Luck vujsa
  7. Well, you really should start a new topic in the SMF forum about the template redesign for the Helios theme for SMF. That way you'll get better information and cause less confussion. Though I know what you'll need to do to get SMF to stop showing the information that is unwanted, I won't answe it i the Mambo / Joomla forum. As for the Mambo template adjustments, that will mostly be a matter of personal taste and trial and error with the CSS. I think you should start by printing out a copy of the source code for the Home page of your site to help identify which CSS class or ID is which. Next, you should print out a copy of the CSS and identify each of the colors used in the CSS. Just write the name of the color next to the hexidecimal value. (0000ff = BLUE) Even better, if you have some crayons available, use the closest color you have to identify the color code. This will give you the original color pallet used for the template. Then using the same system to identify the color pallet used in the SMF theme you will use, you can adjust your colors to blend the two together. Just replace the darkest Mambo color with the darkest SMF color and the the next darkest and so on and so forth. This will give you a very good start to editing the Mambo template to match the SMF template. Just adjust the path to a few key graphics to use on both systems and you'll be nearly set. Most people would be set at that point. [/hr] Before you start editing your Mambo template and CSS, make a copy of it first. Just download the entire directory of the template to be modified and rename the local directory. Now open the "templateDetails.xml" file in a text editor and change the name of the template to the new name. Then upload the renamed directory. You'll then have the "new" template available to be used in the Admin control panel. You can now work away at your new template without the risk of messing up the original which you'll need to use from time to time as a reference and probably leave it as the default template untile the new one is ready. Most of the graphis used in the Mambo template you will use should be pretty easy to modify or duplicate using the new colors. I'm sure you can get help with more advanced graphics if you need. Go ahead and install ythe SMF theme you will use and let users choose which theme they will use for now so you can deterimine if the colors are working together correctly between the two systems. Hopefully these pointers will save you some time in the task before you. Let us know if you have any questions. vujsa
  8. To select which pages the module will be displayed on, you'll need to edit the module settings.Administration > Modules > Site ModulesSelect the module to edit and either click on it's name or check the box and click the edit button.Now on the right side of the module edit screen you'll see the header " Pages / Items "This is a list of every page (component) in your Mambo / Joomla website. If you select "All" (default) the module will show on every page. If you select "None" it won't show anywhere. If you select the individual pages to display on, you have to hold the "control" (ctrl) button to select more than one item and it will only show on those pages.Additionally, you can have different module only disply if the user is registered or if the user in a staff member. This is controlled with the "Access Level" option. I usually set the Admin Menu (Other Menu) to "Special" so it only shows up for me. No reason for everyone to see that link and it adds a second layer of protection to the Admin directory.[/hr]If you want a module to display in different places depending on which page in being displayed, you need to create a copy of the module and edit it to do as you want being sure not to overlap a page that already has the original module on it in the other position.So you can have the log in module on the left side on the home page and then have the log in module at the top on every other page. Each module will have a different name but you can use the same display name for as many modules as you would like or even turn the display name off.[/hr]You may find that after you get things set the way you want in Mambo / Joomla, the template may not need too much redesigning other than editing the CSS which holds all of the color, font, size, position, and image information for the template.With Mambo / Joomla, two people can use all of the same modifications and templates but have completely different looking websites if the change where their modules are displayed and the graphic / color information.Let us know if you have any more questions, I could talk about Mambo for hours and never get bored. :)Enjoy you installation of Mambo. ;)vujsa
  9. One additional state should be added. - Error / Unknown / UnavailableIn the event auxilary credit display script which I assume you are using is offline, your scipt may be very upset about it. I didn't program the credit checker for the Free Web Hosting application script to deal with that well and it has caused a bit of a stir.vujsa
  10. I reccomend using the SMF login and registration form instead of the Mambo form. SMF asks for more information than Mambo so the user will have less to fill in in their profile after they register. Also, if you are looking for templates for mambo, the place to go is MamboHut. http://www.mambohut.com/ I suggest a variable width template that will allow plenty of room for the forum when in use. Also, you can turn certain menu items and modules on or off depending on the component being used so there isn't any need to have the SMF login module open when in the forum unless you remove it from the forum. One you get your templates working correctly and all of your mods and add-ons in place, I'll show you some of the more interesting aspects of Mambo. Also, I suppose you'll need a new install of the shout box at some point in time. LOL Glad you got everything installed. We'll see if we can salvage your old database at some point. Talk to you later. vujsa
  11. Actually, the browser shouldn't matter at all. The entire application form is server side based and the outputted HTML is pretty generic on purpose. I wanted to be sure that the application works in all cases so it is ugly but practical.I know about the "File Not Found" error and will add a bypass for such situations when I update the script next time.Sorry for the inconveinience.vujsa
  12. I tend to write a perfectly good function for one use. Then later when I need a similar function, I just modify the first function. Then later, I need yet another similar function and repeat the process. I tend to write very complex functions as a result which are able to handle several different requests and then the function call is very simple to write as a result. Since most of my database functions are all-in-one, I just need to use the same call each time with different variables. Then I tend to name my function something like deal_with_the_db() which is what it does and I don't have to think about the DB anymore. LOLI tend to get frustrated with the mySQL commands so I remove myself a little. By the way, why is it so difficult to get information out of the database even if you have all of the required information and you only want one entry. :)vujsa
  13. Well, I just tried to do the same install with the most recent version of Mambo and SMF 1.1 RC1 I got install errors on the Mambo-SMF Forum 1.3.0 final for the SMF Package installer. I can only assume that the bridge is not compatible with SMF 1.1 RC1. Went back to mamboforge.net and checked for the newest version of the bridge and downloaded it. Mambo-SMF Forum 1.3.3 has been installed and is working fine now. I'll need to do some more testing but I should be ok. You will need to be sure that both Mambo and SMF are using the same database. This will not work otherwise. If you are having trouble getting the components installed in Mambo, you may need to manually uninstall the component file which is difficult. [/hr] Otherwise, once you install the bridge files, you need to properly configure the Mambo-SMF Forum Component for Mambo/Joomla. I'm also giving some thought to upgrading to Joomla myself. Let me know if you have any more difficulties. vujsa
  14. So basically, you are trying to write a Bulletin Board Code Parser. You want to have buttons that when clicked will transform the seleced text into the proper BBC to display as bold italic or underlined. If you are outputing to a textbox, then after each line, you'll need to use the new line code \n If you are outputting to the HTML body, you'll need to use the non-breaking space code That will get your line spacing correct. Otherwise everything will show on one line and wrap around to the next. Now in your script, you'll need to use a switch to change between /n and depending on whether or not you are outputting to a textbox or the the document body. [/hr] Now the parser creation that has been explained works like most forum BBC. It changes the [b]Whatever[/b] to <b>Whatever</b> That is all it does. You type the BBC in the textbox and the correct HTML is then displayed in the body. The data is stored in the BBC form and parsed every time it is displayed in the document body. [/hr] This doesn't explain how to create the required buttons and links for your users to simply click on to surround the selected text a with the correct BBC. For that, you need to use JavaScript. This JavaScript would change all of the text in this forums post reply box to red. java script: window.document.REPLIER.Post.value='[color=red]'+window.document.REPLIER.Post.value+'[/color]';window.stop();Just type that into the address area of your browser and the text will be coded to red or create a link with this command: <a href="java script: window.document.REPLIER.Post.value='[color=red]'+window.document.REPLIER.Post.value+'[/color]';window.stop();">Red</a>Clicking on this link on a page with such a textbox would code the text in the textbox for the color red. Instead of applying the BBC to all of the text in the textbox, you'll want to write a JavaScript link that will only encode the selected text. I'm not going in to how this is all done, that would be better suited for the Javacript Forum instead. I hope this begins to answer this rather general question that you have asked. vujsa
  15. Okay, there are a couple of ways to reach your forum @ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ by typing http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ First, if you don't want to move the forum software to the root directory, create a index.html file in the root directory that simple has a redirect command. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/85352-topic/?findpost=1064313274 Second, you can create or modify your .htaccess file in the root directory and have it forward all requests of the root directory to another domain, directory, or file. You can access the .htaccess file in the cPanel > Site management Tools > Manage Redirects option. Hope this helps. vujsa
  16. I didn't look closely enough to see that there was both INSERT and SELECT commands being sent as a result, the very least you should use a different function for each type unless you are pretty good with your function writing. vujsa
  17. So Houdini's question was the first one I had too the first time I looked at this. Next time be sure to include any external code that we may need to help debug. Next I found another problem. You run an mysql query on $sql but $sql doesn't exist. You actually need to run the seperate querries on $sql9, $sql3, and $sql4! I suggest writting a function that could be generic enough to handle any variable. Maybe: function boogy_down($sql){ $result = mysql_query($sql); if (!$result) { echo "Please Try Again"; } else { echo"Thank you for sign up"; }} With the funtion call of: boogy_down($sql9);boogy_down($sql3);boogy_down($sql4); Now keep in mind that that particular function will output "Thank you for sign up" 3 times if successful. It would be better to put the variables in an array and add a loop to the function then if all commands are successful, echo "Thank you for sign up"! I'm not going to write the whole thing for you but this should at least get you back on track. Hope This Helps! vujsa
  18. OK, I fixed the problem sort of with the log in screen.The url used for the image is invalid to begin with as the image doesn't seem to exist in the directory specified after decoding the url that was given.The url that was given inluded the port specification for the cPanel (2082) which is why the log in screen was popping up. I cleaned the link to the image up but I could not fine the actual image. Hopefully it will get reposted correctly so everyone can see the end result.vujsa
  19. Did you geta reason from the installer? Did you get all of the old files deleted first? How much disk spcae do you have left? vujsa
  20. So to reinstall phpBB, you'll have to manually delete the origina; one first along with it's DB. That data seems to have not made the shift from the old server.Basically, just delete alll of the unwanted files.Next tiime ebesure that the mode is compatable with your current version and template.vujsa
  21. Well, At the time of this posting, the migration has been completed so if your databases are working like mine are, then you have nothing to reconsider. The change to the new server was completed about a week ago. vujsa
  22. This is an intermittant error during the credit checking proceedure. It should let you go now. sorry about the bug. vujsa
  23. Leaving the computer on 24/7 - Actually, computers left on have fewer issues which is why most companies leave their systems on 24/7. There are a few reasons why turning the computer off creates problems. The cooling fans manage to keep the flow of dust moving out of the system and also in but as long as it doesn't coat everything, it usually is harmless. There are a few exceptions of course. Settling dust can fall into places where the system would otherwise not collect dust. Basically, dust settles, sticks and won't leave. Condensation forms on warm computer parts without a flow of air when the internal temperature starts to fall. The air usually cools more quickly than the parts.. Probably don't need to explain the problems involved with water and electricity. Expansion and contraction occurs during the warm and cooling cycles which can cause some components to work their way out of their slots. Usually, this just results in the component needing to be firmly reinserted but it could cause a short or other misflow of electricity through either the component or the motherboard. This could leave you with an unusable component, motherboard or both. Voltage usually spikes when a power source is first turned on. It takes a microsecond for the power to stablize at the right voltage. In this microsecond, a lot of damage could occur not only to the power supply but to the system as well. This is the same reason that light bulbs burn out when you turn the light on. The use of power is very high during startup. Most of the disk drives are running to see where the OS is and run a check of the system This sends test data to the memory, hard drives, floppy drives, optical drives, input output devices, among otherthings. This large flow of energy can actually shorten the life of you power supply. Also, the massive activity on your storeage devices can cause mechanical failures in the units. Power consumption can be managed with your system OS. you can have various components turn off or hybernate when not in use. For security, you can disable your internet connection when no in use to prevent outside corruption of your system when not at home even though most systems get infections and security leaks because of the direct actions of their user. (Downloaded a virus ladden file or installed the latest spamware convieniently dressed as a media player.) Screen savers - Let me try to explain what the burning in process actually does. Have you ever moved a piece of furnature that was on a piece of carpet an noticed that there is an impression in the carpet of the feet of the piece of furnature. This was because the piece of furnature never moved. If it had been moved a centimeter every day, it wouldn't have left an impression. This is the same as some of the items on your computer screen like the start button. It NEVER moves. As a result, the coating on the back side of your monitor screen gets worn unevenly and leaves a shadow of the stationary item. When you turn thr monitor off, you'll see the al of the stationry items on your screen in black and white. Here is another example of how this works with light instead of a physical object. Look at a light for a few seconds without moving your eyes. Now close your eyes and turn away. The light is still there right. This is because you burnt it in before you closed your eyes. It wouldn't have happened if you had been moving your eyes or if the light was moving. The screen saver actually tries to evenly wear the monitor screen. Which basically conceals all wear on the monitor. The screen just gradually gets darker over time but there aren't any shadows (ghoasts) of the statonary items on your screen. LCD screens are much more sensitive to this wear and as a result more apt to be burnt into. Hope this helps. vujsa
  24. I'm not real good with regular expressions so I can't really answer your problem directly. I usually use two arrays to work my preg_replace magic like I learned in this topic: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/83250-topic/?findpost=1064298940 Here is a more recent and simpler example: I placed certain keywords in strings in my database which are to be replaced by other database entries dependant upon the user. '@&rank_suffix@si', '@&rank@si', '@&size@si', '@&username@si', '@&personal@si', '@&timestamp@si' ); $replace_string = array ($race, $rank_suffix, $rank, $size, $username, $personal, $time ); $output = preg_replace($search_string, $replace_string, $sig_text_item_row[$x]['text_value']); linenums:0'>// Keyword replacement array here. $search_string = array ('@&race@si', '@&rank_suffix@si', '@&rank@si', '@&size@si', '@&username@si', '@&personal@si', '@&timestamp@si' ); $replace_string = array ($race, $rank_suffix, $rank, $size, $username, $personal, $time ); $output = preg_replace($search_string, $replace_string, $sig_text_item_row[$x]['text_value']); This is about the easiest example I could even think of which just happens to be the one I did today. Anyway, if the following is true: $race = "human";$rank = 10;$rank_suffix = "th";$size = 12000;$username = "vujsa";$personal = "My personal message!";$time = mktime();AND $sig_text_item_row[$x]['text_value']) = "My name is &usernameand I am currently ranked &rank&rank_suffix with an army of &size &race soldiers. <br>&personal<br> Page generated at UTC: &timestamp."echo $output; Would return this: So for your particular example, here is what I would do. '@bdc@si', '@bd@si', '@bgc@si', '@cp@si', '@cs@si', '@\]@si' ); $replace_string = array ("<", "bordercolor", "border", "bgcolor", "cellpadding", "cellspacing", ">" ); $output = preg_replace($search_string, $replace_string, $txt); linenums:0'>// Keyword replacement array here. $search_string = array ('@\[@si', '@bdc@si', '@bd@si', '@bgc@si', '@cp@si', '@cs@si', '@\]@si' ); $replace_string = array ("<", "bordercolor", "border", "bgcolor", "cellpadding", "cellspacing", ">" ); $output = preg_replace($search_string, $replace_string, $txt); Note: I had to change the order of the array items so that "bdc" would not be returned as "borderc" instead of "bordercolor" because "bd" was found first. Also, I had to escape the brackets. I think that if you used the same method for your replacements, it would be easier to accomplish your goal and easier to spot any bugs that you may have. Also, because this replaces what you know you will have instead of ignoring what you don't know you will have, it requires you to anticipate fewer posibilities in the end. Additionally, the array can be enlarged to allow for other replace requests as well. I like one size fits all functions and routines. Harder to set up I know but easier to request later. I hope this helps some. vujsa
  25. OK, lets take this step by step. First, MS Publisher does have the capability to produce web pages but lacks the ability to create a script to handle the form request. Actually, Publisher does a fairly decent job of outputing HTML especially for new website creators. It It is very limited in it's overall usability but if you don't have a better wysiwyg and don't know HTML, go with what you have. Second, "--WEBBOT-SELF--" is more than likely a prompt for the actual file that should be used to handle the request from the from. Otherwise, it is an internal script engine designed to perform simple and common form requests. Whatever the reasoning for Publisher inserting that command there, it really should be the file path of a working script that was designed to handle the form request. Third, you'll need some type of handler in nearly all form requests. This is usually some file that resides on your server that is expecting the various information that your form will send to it. Any information it isn't expecting will simply be ignored in most cases. There are a few ways to use JavaScript to handle the from request and output a result but this is infrequent. [/hr] Here is a baisc fow of information through a form. The web page with the form on it is loaded. The user fills in the form and clicks the submit button The form sends all of the information that the user filled in to a script on the server that was writen to handle that specific form. The script on the server gathers the information sent by the form and prepares it for processing. The script then performs whatever task it was designed to do with the submitted information and returns a result. The result may be to send an email, load a new page with the user submitted information, save the information to a database or file, or a combination of those options. [/hr]As an example of how all of this works, I'll describe the process of posting a reply in this forum. Member reads a post and then clicks the reply button. The reply button is actually a renamed submit button for an invisible form that already contains your username, the name of the topic, and the post that is being replied to. The invisible form then sends the reply request to a PHP script on the server and forwards all of that invisible information to the script. The script then generates the reply form and inserts the quoted post from the post being replied to if that option was used. The member fills in the form with his reply, and chooses whatever options he wishes. Then when the submit button is clicked, the reply and all of the other information is sent to another PHP script that adds the reply to the database, increases the members post count, informs topic subscribers of the new reply, moves the topic to the top of the list of topics in the category, increases the members hosting credits the correct amount for the size of the post and then generates the new topic page with the reply at the bottom. [/hr]As you should realize by now, if you don't have some type of script at the end of that request, nothing will happen. It is like calling another house that doesn't have a phone connected. You'll just ring and ring but the server won't answer. If you want to be able to use forms on your website to allow users to send you information, you'll need to do one of two things. Learn to write the kind of scripts required to handle form requests. Find a prewriten script that will handle the form requests. Since I assume that you are still kind of new to the world of web publishing, I think it would be best for now to locate a prewritten script for your needs. There are hundreds of scripts other people have already written that are free to use if you know where to look. For Perl scripts, I suggest the CGI Resource Index: http://cgi.resourceindex.com/ For PHP scripts, I suggest the PHP Resource Index: http://php.resourceindex.com/ There are other places to get scripts but you should find what you need here. I recommend going with PHP because it will be easier for you to learn from and Perl scripts are less likely to be supported by your service provider. [/hr] These scripts can be very simple for a mailto script that just emails the information to you or very complex for a database program that adds, modifies, searches database entries. I hope that this will give you a better idea of what you'll need to successfully add forms to your website. [/hr] Good Luck. vujsa
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