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Everything posted by heavensounds

  1. Well Brandice I cannot agree with you! PRO-CHOICE is something that makes this illusion that women can make a choice only if abortion is allowed! The truth is, that women have THE CHOICE of letting get pregnant or not!!! And this is important here because it is not talked about very often, because everybody is just talking why abortion is Ok and why not!Let us not forget the we first have to have SEX to get pregnant (when it comes to raping, that is different and is a part of different discussion). And this is where our mentality should change - we can have fun without having sex unprepared for children!!! There are many ways for that! BUT if we have sex we take the responsibility of having a child (maybe)! Another thing that i find interesting is, that doctors determine the size of the fetus and say YES NOW IT IS TOO BIG AND DEVELOPED TO BE KILLED!?!?! C'MON!It is like that....nothing grows without life in it!! And this is why life starts as soon as the sex was succesful and something starts to happen! Life does not come three weeks, 7 hours and 23 seconds after that moment, because DR. SMITH said so!!!So ABORTION IS MURDER! AND THE ONLY THING ONE HAS TO DECIDE IS if the baby will die 3 months old or maybe 80 YEARS old!!greetz
  2. Well that sure is a good thing for users, since it will finish complications with downloading two messengers beacuse your friend like Yahoo!M more....Otherwise i agree with you mayank. This is a move which had to be taken to prevent Googles monopol, but in my opinion they won't be succesful, because Google is far ahead than both of them in that kind of services, although we are quite comfortable with MSN Messenger because we use it for a few years now.If we compare Yahoo! Mail and Gmail I think it is absolutely certain that Gmail is better! I think the same is about to happen in this MESSENGER WAR greetz
  3. Galahad I totally agree with you! I think that with heloween it is the same as with harry potter! All those thing are made to entertain and not to spread evil or something...Even if you are a cristian you shouldn't just blindly follow something that someone who is also christian says! you should listen to your own heart, because GOD is in everyone of us in the same amount and we ourselves know the best if something is good or bad! If heloween makes yuo feel bad and you find it evil than don't support it and if you heart tells you it is ok, than enjoy it!I think that is the only thing that we should consider here!What you feel in the deepest part of your heart, that is GOD in you!
  4. Well there might be several reasons for this! First of all you should scan your computer with antivirus software and adware or similar program to detec spyware on your computer! Then if that won't help I suggest you to format the drive on which you have windows installed - backup all the important files first!! When you format your computer all software-driven problems will be gone and this way you'll find out if there is software that causes your system to work like *BLEEP* and crash! If that won't help then the only thing i can suggest to you is that you take it back to where you bought it and request help there, beacuse there is something wrong with the hardware or the setup of it...i hope it helps...greetz
  5. Well thats WRONG! How can someone be so evil to do that...TRAP17 is the best free service you can find on the web and someone still wants to destroy it! I just can't help it, but to feel the desire to kill those poeple..
  6. Well I think it is one of those days that we celebrate but not think about anything very religious! Its roots are in some sort of witchcraft, but the whole meaning of this day is to FIGHT EVIL and darkness, eventhough it is totally popularized and that it is still a nice thing i guess - i love it, maybe that is so, because I have birthday on 31 of October
  7. Hm..I also set this question to myself many times! I always wanted to know hot to make programs, but as soon as I started learning anything just a lil bit I was dissapointed as it is so hard to learn how to do that! I stopped then thinking about it :POtherwise I alwas enjoyed making websites and I must say that in all these years of using interface-programs I leanred html and php quite lot, mostly because I needed to as I had to correct a mistake, insert JAVA or something..That was not acctually an answer to your question, but it is helpful beacuse you know that you are not alone with this problem :huh:greetz
  8. well I think it was 2000! I used those windows on my old computer because it was to weak to run XP and I never had any problem...when things got slow a bit, i cleaned the registry and defragmented the disc - things were the same as it was! XP have to many bugs and are too popular with hackers and stuff so it is hard to be the most stable - 2000 was more of a proffesional version of windows and it was not that widespread because everybody wanted XP so hackers wasnt so interested in it....Yeah my vote is 2000!!
  9. well...give me a call and I'll come and help kill em'!!!!
  10. I use BSPlayer for divx because it is the fastest and works without pauses..I am proud of it because it was made by an Slovenian author.. For DVDs I use PowerDVD...Nothing special i guess
  11. I think it is important for you to know what kind of girl is she! If she is all fancy and stuff than normal teasing just won't work. Usually you can feel if she is into it or not - I myself know that in the first few minutes of talking or just being together. Maybe I go wrong sometimes but it is not wrong to try!!! So I'd suggest you to make yourself visible and later do something for her that she will never forget. With making visible, I mean that she has to notice you around and pay a lil' attention to you..When you start talking to her, try to be different than all the others she talks to and she'll soon have interest in you! Than you must be careful...make her lough but don't make an *bottom* out of yourself - if she loughs than you are 3/4 way through...now it is all about the simpathy! I think that wouldn't be the problem eh Greetz and good luck with that gurl!
  12. I looks a bit strange but I'd have it beacuse it is sure cheaper than gas - cars You know there are many new technologies that would do just fine and replace gasoline, but that would mean that Bush's attack on Iraq was without any meaning because oil wouldn't be needed anymore. There is also car-industry behind all this and you can imagine what would happen if all their produced autos wasn't neeed anymore. It is all business and money - very sad for our lil' earth that really can't take it anymore and it shows us in many different ways (hurricanes, tornados, earthquakes,...) but all the leaders on this planet are totaly unaware of the consequences of their actions...Every civilization went down and so will ours...too bad!
  13. I have a question!Is it possible to uninstall this 7 beta version and dowgrade it back to 6?? Because I really wouldn't like to take that risk...Thanks for answers
  14. Hehe...very nice idea to spice up everyday life! Google proved once again that they have a hell of a team. A few days ago I read a magazine about computers and stuff and there was the whole google history and that. All their workers are dollar-millioners and they still ride to work with bikes They have free meals, fitness, sauna and i don't know what else..And this is all just for imporving workers efficiency - as we see it is working and enviroment plays quite a significant role to improve the work of people - it can stimulate or work in the other direction - google is more than aware of that and so there are so many good ideas by them!greetz
  15. I have to agree that there are billions of uses of computer, but I mostly use it to produce electronic music - you can visit my page --> LINK: Mark Elgan I also use it for downloading music, progs and other stuff. One of the most frequent uses is also chatting with friends over MSN Messenger... AmandaB78 said, that there ain't a thing on this planet that you cannot experience over a computer. Well I think you can't meet people face 2 face like you can in the real world, because with a webcam you always see just what this person shows you - partial reality. There is also a problem that you can't get phisical - hold hands, kiss, ... This is a major flaw in computer world, but for almost anything else it is a very nice tool!
  16. Hey man, I really like your page!! Nicely done and what matters the most, you have good contents..Today it is less and less obvious that there has to be something more in this world than just pure materialism and your page talks about something more. I am not christian, but I respect every religion because in their essence they share the same idea - DO GOOD, AVOID EVIL, PRACTICE LOVE AND COMPASSION! This is also the message of your site so this is why i like it...Keep up the good work mate..
  17. I think this is another prove that we do not live only one life! There were kids that knew how to speak as soon as they were able to open their mouth. This can only be explained through reincarnation and some people remember what they did in their previous lives. I think that she is a miracle in a way that she remembers what she did in previous lives...These things happen to show us that there is more than just this life, but we are so unaware of our existance that most of these examples just passes us by and this is the only thing we should worry about..greetz
  18. I think it is not right to say that geocities is sooo bad, because I know I started my "web-creating" with them and it is very good for beginners! It offers simple and easy tools and you don't have to know nothing about html or any other programming language. Those pop-ups or whatever you call them are really a bit anoying, but there is a trick which you can use to get rid of them...If you wnat something more proffesional you go to either Xisto or some paid service which offers better services...Thats what i think according to my experiences..
  19. Thank you very much for the tip...I have just protected myself :PGreetz
  20. I must say that this is awsome!! I liked the whole principe of Xisto from the first time i saw it...I didn't really know if I'd be able to post enough, but now I see this ain't a problem, because there are so many nice ppl around here who now a lot and this makes it a loot easier to communicate and post...I think that Xisto is about to have 10000 in the next year! Anyone wanna bet??
  21. I always thought that they wright names the same as we do...Never thought that my name would look different in their language..I am also interested, if they acctually have characters in the same way as we have, because i heard somewhere that they use symbols which have ceratin meanings like i dont know "& for a dog" and they just put those symbols together to form a sentence..If anyone knows how this things work there, please say it here...I am visiting that site in a moment:)Greetz
  22. A few months ago Phillips informed, that they are developing a new tipe of screen, which will be made in a way, that one would be able to roll it up like a paper. They said that they'll need aprox. 2 years till the first prototip, but they shortened this time A LOT and the first prototip is here.Screen works in rolled-up mode too and if we want a bigger surface we just enrole it. It has 5 inches and it uses 320?240 resolution. It is 4-color black and white and the whole thing is only 10x6x2cm big so you can put it in your pocket.This new machine, named Reader, is according to Phillips Polymer Vision, manufactorer of this thing, not ment for mass market but only to demonstrate how capable this screen is. Target group are mobile phones and that sort of "machinery".
  23. Informations are coming and coming every day so we know more about this chip every day. According to Warp2Search, HKEPC got a few examples of the so-called ATI Radeon X1800, which is about to use R520 GPU.The fastest model of ATIs GPU is coming in three versions - with 16, 24 and 32 pipelines. There are only about 10 examples of processors with 32 pipelines in the world!
  24. This is another thing in a row of things you don't need at all! First of all the person you loved is not in that ash beacuse you are not the body!! And this is why it is the same as if you would put any other material in that diamond...It is like treasuring his chlotes not himself! I really feel compassion for those people who feel the need to use this sort of things and I am ashamed of my human identity, because one of my kind was so "smart" that he found another way to make money on peoples sorrow!!!This is not OK at all!
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