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Everything posted by heavensounds

  1. Well i was thinking that it would be very nice if printer had this sort of mechanism that would prevent Inkjet Cartridges to dry out.I thought that printer would just let a little little bit of color through the cartridge every time you'd turn it on and it would than go in a special box from where you could refill with the refill-injection set that you can buy in stores...Maybe this has not been done because companies want these cartridges to dry out cos' that means business...what do you think??
  2. Well usually people think that YOGA is just some sort of practice - i mean phisical practice, but it is far more than that. Yoga is the most prestigious field of spiritualism..people think about 6 wheels (Chakras) or lotus flowers present in the spinal card, which are not seen by the eyes...They are imaginary and so they carry some inner meaning!! And this is very important concept that is often forgotten...
  3. Hm this is a good question..I think it is the same reason why people bungee jump of the bridge!? It is all adrenaline and our evil lil' thing inisde of us that enjoys when we are making something bad - this is what should be avodied at all costs to live good live(s). Well as I was young i trojaned a few computers pretending i was a hacker being very smart (acctually stupid ) and it did make some sort of joy...it is a mix of adrenaline and these dark side of us. It is also curiositiy i think, because you can see in someones computer, steal their pictures and mp3s and stuff. I hope that explained a lil' bit why people are doing it...mostly these people are teenagers who are curious and wannabe hackers Real hacker have other ways :Dgreetz
  4. Yes, this is known for quite a long time...I think I heard it here on Xisto a while ago too...It is very interesting to me, how many things are invented nowadays and their only purpose is to entertain people who are technology freeks, because I really can't think of any good use of a car that would also be a boat. OK we could drive and go to water and then drive again..BUT think about the money that would have to be spent for us to own such a thing and the traffic that would make beacuse these cars wouldnt be fast and so on...I think building bridges is still the best way to do it;) Old fashioned..hehegreetz
  5. Hm..I wouldn't say i hate it, because it worked good for me for all those years when there were not any better option. But nowadays i use Opera, cos' it really loads pages faster, works faster and also invented tab-browsing which is the best in this browser..So, Internet explorer is good, since it is quite a STANDARD and this makes it useful on collages, libraries and all that...there is also one other usage of it..if something doesn't work in Firefox or Opera, you always have good old ie which works all the time with everything you want!I don't know, ithink it is far too underrated as it should be since we are all using it at least a lil' bit and it is quite logical that most of the viruses were made for it since it is the most widespread browser on the net..my opinion..nothing more..
  6. There are quite a few programs on the web that are said to make your internet connection faster, but this is ALL SCAM IMO, bacuse this is just not possible..you have the amount of bandwith you have and thats it! There is no way someone can change that using software..tweeking programs is another thing and making your pages load faster and stuff like that is possible by turning of image loading, using lots of offline(synchronization) cookies n' stuff like that...that is all you can do!
  7. hehe..good question! Well i think that this really depends on what is someones personal interest! I personaly like to play tennis but i only watch those big games like Wimbledon, Paris and other Grand Slam tournaments. Lately I enjoy watching snooker since i found out about the rules and all that and although it gets boring after a while, it can be pretty interesting. Well of course there is soccer, which is one thing that is really exciting to watch bcause here in our country this is almost a national sport. THE BEST to watch is ice-hockey, because there is reall lots of action all the time and it pays of, everytime you watch it! I also like to play street-hockey and maybe this is one of the factors that hockey is interestin' to watch also..A few sports that i really hate to watch are: figure-skating, dancing, balet and other stuff like that that is realy not in my interest at all..well thats me, but as i've said it is a very personale choice and mostly a question of taste!greetz
  8. Yeah I mostly agree with the answers above. The things is in practice or lets say experience! If you won't start talking to oposite sex than there will always be a myth around it in your head. From my own experience, I was a very shy guy and i cannot say that now I am not shy anymore, but I learned through all these years that you can overcome that and now if I say to a good female friend of mine that once I was a very veeeery shy person, she won't believe me - I managede to get the necessary self-esteem and you should do that too. Girls are very interesting creatures;) and you'll have to look for signs if one of them likes you...Certainly there are girls in your class or something, that are easier to talk to - go to them or go home together or something..If you want to become less shy, the only thing you can do is say to yourself: I AM COOL, I HAVE NOTHING TO LOOSE AND THERE IS CERTAINLY A GIRL THAT FITS ME OUT THERE!Good luck mate
  9. Women are very complicated This is just the way it is...the basic difference is that they are a lot more emotional than we are. We put rational part first and they mostly! put emotional part first....This is just so you'll understand why things are not easy with them!About your "problem"...first of all it is something common - we all went through something like this and it is still happening to everyone The thing is that you are sure in yourself that you want to be with her and that means - you should give it a shot!! Just step up to her, ask her to go for a drink and then very easily and smoothly tell her that you like her and that you feel that you should be more than friends...the thing is that if she rejects you there is no problem - you'll know where you are and how the situation is and if she acceppcts than congratulations :lol:This is a win-win situation if you go to her because you'll stop thinking what could be, what blabla....it is better to have things sorted out than leave them open for a long time cos' it'll bother you forever and maybe without any good reason...you'll even miss another nice girl maybe because you won't be open to new relationships in a state like this..SO, go to her, tell her about your feelings and BE COOL whatever she answers, because that will give you advantage- you'll be a cool guy with guts to ask her and she'll think "he is not all winy because I said no" -- you'll grow in her eyes for sure!Good luck mate
  10. Well as we all should know, MEDIA IS VERY POWERFUL these days but very few people are acctually aware of its constant influenece on people. The thing is that it is easy for us to say how american people are stupid and stuff like that, because they voted for bush, but we must know that our media is representing us with a very different situation than american media! People in america are under constant BUSH-MEDIA supervision and are being pumped with "right" information on daily basis. This is the true problem - people don't know what is really going on because they are metaphorically INSIDE THE BOX and cannot see how things are outside if they are not enough educated. We are looking at them from the outside of the box so we know what is going on...but they cannot do that!So please stop thinking about "stupid" americans and THINK IF IN YOUR COUNTRY THE SITUATION IS THE SAME and you are inside of a box also... :lol:It is interesting and very refreshing to think in that way and it is important to have this constantly in your mind if you want to be trully aware of what is going on around you...greetz
  11. Well..I really like your site, it is great! The thing is that it is so happy and live with all the shiny colors and stuff - i think that it is perfect for what it serves for - a few pictures and blogs of a couple! I doesn't need to look too professional, because that would ruin this cosy feeling one gets when one enters your site...Just keep up the good work and don't fix too much :lol:greetz
  12. To truefusion: I like this style of writing with three dots at the end because I think that my thinking is nothing more than that - my own point of view...And in NO WAY I THINK THAT MY VIEW IS THE ONLY OR THE RIGHT ONE! So this is why three dots are imo the most appropriate ending - they leave things open... Well..I have a few questions about Him: Who is God if you refer to God as Him and where is God in your opinion... I believe GOD is the Good that is in everyone of us.. About Attachment: As far as I see things one should NOT be ATTACHED to ANYTHING INCLUDING GOD! Because God is just there like a finger who is pointing you the right path...BUT you should not get attached to this finger (GOD) but go down your path... Let me rephrase that: Good (or GOD) in you is like a Raft that took you to the other side of the river (or showed you your path)...if you want to continue your path you shouldn't carry your raft with you (or be attached to God)... I totally agree with that.. To WindAndWater: Well I have read lots of buddhist books...those books that are buddhism itself not those ABOUT buddhism and they all teach you the same...I find the same ideas in the bible or any other Holy Script that was ever written - as I've pointed out before - There are million ways to the top of the mountain.. Greetz and may God (or whatever you name the divine force) bless you on your path... They say: "Once you step on the path, you are to find an end one day!"
  13. Well the thing is THAT YOU SHOULD NOT BELIEVE IN GOD!!! If you just believe in god than it will bring you happiness and you'll do more good deeds which is good, but it won't give you answers to everything...What I'm saying is that if you just believe without any real proof that is of no use for real-life questions BUT IT IS GOOD IN A WAY YOU'LL DO MORE GOOD DEEDS AND PROBABLY BE A BETTER PERSON....LOOK AROUND YOURSELF, how things are all in place in nature, after every winter there is a spring and after day there is always night...this cannot be coincidence as far as i see things and i do not believe in GOD (as someone with a white beard up there), but I believe that there is something GOOD in everyone of us which is more or less hidden (this is why we have killers - even in them is good but it is soo well hidden)...Other than that I think that people talk too much about GOD!! Noone knows the answer to the question WHAT IS GOD ACCTUALLY??? And people point their fingers in the sky - it is up there..come on..Well the truth is that we all seek HAPPINESS and if you look around yourself long enough (many lives), you'll realize that pure joy on this planet without suffering is IMPOSSIBLE...this is why people tend to believe in something like GOD..But this is not a good explanation for me - I cannot just believe that there is something that will help me if i don't help myself...So I realized that the only way one can be happy is that one is NOT ATTACHED TO ANYTHING and ONE JUST LIVE THE PRESENT MOMENT! I think that if you are capable of not being attached to anything (things, mum, dad, kids, job, car, ANYTHING), you won't have to believe in god...greetz
  14. Usually this type of topic starts an usual MUSIC-WAR Hope this won't be the case in this one...Well I LOVE Trance music....I listen to it hm about 15 hours a day I guess...I used to listen other types of music too (like rap, r'n'b, ...) but when I heard trance for the first time it was just a SHOCK for me...This is the most fulles music one can imagine - it makes you feel in heaven...The good thing about it is that it makes me even more happy if I already am happy and it helps me get through the sad times in life...I think that without trance, right now, my life would be quite boring and I'd miss something BIG!Well if you wan't to find out what trance is (because many ppl just don't know what that is and think it is just another type of techno/rave or something) you go and listen to:Armin Van Buuren - A State Of tranceThis is his show which is broadcasted every week in 20 countries around the world...Greetz
  15. Well the problem is that, that day of yours and everyone elses ends at some point - constant fullfilment and pleasure is not possible with longing for material or psihical enjoments! As you said that you'll eventually snap out of nirvana ) That is kind of funny, because the whole point of nirvana is that when you see things celarly as they are, your ego does not exist anymore - there is only happines and what is there left to snap out?? For example: Your ego is an empty cup filled with air....that cup is your ego and it is preventing your real self to find its way out of this LIMITATIONS (these limitations are your ego) of this cup....if you realize how things really are, you brake this cup and when that happens you are one with that air outside the cup! This is why there is no turning back - the ego is gone...and that means pure happines! BUT as I should have added earlier... there are many ways to the top of the mountain and each and everyone of them leads to the top! We'll all reach the top and realize the truth one day...but everyone has his own path! greetz
  16. I am very happy to see that there are so many answers to this topic...I read all of this and here is what i can say after all that... All of you ppl are suggesting that there is still this "I" "self" in heaven or in hell....Well the thing is as long as this " I " will remain, you cannot be happy, cos' you'll always want something more - there is NO such thing that would make your EGO happy permanently!! If you know one..please let me know and I'll be more than happy to give it a try....I PERSONALY DON'T LIKE PROMISES LIKE: "In heaven all will be great and we'll all love each other" I like proofs and proofs are the daily life we live in...JUST OPEN YOUR EYES AND SEE!! Well the major probelm IS OUR "I" "MYSELF" "EGO" or whatever you name it, THAT MAKES IT IMPOSSIBLE FOR US TO SEE THINGS JUST AS THEY ARE... Let's think that way - IF WE ARE NOT ATTACHED TO THIS "I" and DO NOT ATTACH OURSELVES TO ANYTHING ELSE - AREN'T WE TRULY HAPPY THEN??? This is called NIRVANA and it goes BEYOND HEAVEN, because it includes no such thing as "I" - you realize that you are one with everything - AND YOU CAN ONLY ACHIEVE THAT ON EARTH as a HUMAN BEING (this is why sucidie is totally wrong imo) "I" is just an empty cup, thats making it impossible for us to see that we are ONE WITH EVERYTHING AROUND US!! JUST BREAK THE CUP!! IF YOU ARE UNATTACHED TO THINGS and SEE THINGS AS THEY ARE, YOU ARE HAPPY RIGHT HERE & RIGHT NOW! There is no need to go somewhere, because nowhere - even in heaven will you be trully happy, cos' your EGO will NEVER STOP WISHING FOR THINGS AND THAN ATTACH TO THEM ---> --> And this is the cause of all our suffering! Think about it and please reply... greetz
  17. Hehe, nice one Opaque:) Well, most of the people would say that these are just stereotipes, but i find it very interesting that many stereotipes turn out to be damn true in the real life
  18. Well, I think that these 10 commandments ARE and ALWAYS WILL BE the basic rules by which everyone smart enough to understand them should live. But we have to be careful, because there can be many interpretations and this is why you should really dig deep into them to realize what they are really tryin to tell you - it is the same with everything else on this planet!Well if we take "Don't lie, don't steal, don't kill" This is all true but what was really meant by that. Let me give you an example: "One day when the world war 2 started there was this family who was hiding 3 jews in the basement in the closet. Then 3 germans came and knocked on the door. Father of this family went to open the door and he was asked if there are any jews inside of the house. His answer was NO! - now if he was stuck to these commandments (don't lie) than he'd have to say that there are 3 jews hhiding in his basement but then they would almost certainly die. But he lied with GOOD INTENTION to preserve the lives of these jews! And here this is acctually the basic thing you should understand...WHEN YOU DO SOMETHING WITH GOOD INTENTION than THAT IS GOOD! Even if you lie, steal or even kill (you kill hitler and preserve lives of millions!) it is unimportant as long as you know deep inside that you are doing it with good intention...AND BELIEVE ME; WE ALL HAVE THE CAPABILITY TO DIFERE GOOD FROM EVIL...it is inside of us!So, YES 10 commandments are good and true, but we have to really think about them and see what they are tryin to tell us...Greetz
  19. Well I have a lil' question for everyone... Do you think (if you believe that you go to heaven someday), that after you go to heaven , you are happy and you will be there forever? Or are you comin' back to earth one day after all your good deeds will run out? I mean if someone made 10 good deeds and the other one just 5 of them, they'd both go to heaven, but the one with 10 good deeds would be there longer! There we have another hierarchy which results in unhappiness! This is not good at all my friend "I do good deeds to go to heaven one day" This is very wrong thinking IMO, because your good deeds and intentions are soon goin to run out and you'll go back to earth to achieve the realization that the problem always is YOURSELF. You want things and YOU are not satisfied with what you have... The realization of how things are and calming our mind is more important than going to heaven as this will end one day! BUT if you realize how things are, you ARE NEVER GOIN TO DO ANYTHING BAD AGAIN (and not for the sake of going to heaven, but because you'll KNOW that it is affecting your mind and your future - you will KNOW it is WRONG) greetz
  20. Yeah, death is the one thing we are afraid because we don't know much about it or do not trust people who remember how it was when they died in they past lives...I think that it is not important to think in this way, because it is more important HOW you live than HOW LONG you live! If you live your life with a purpose (whatever it is) which aims at something higher, not just sex, money and cars, than you can easily say that you are living your life to the fullest..But we must not forget that you can never squeeze the lemon to the end! If you grant yourself one whish there is certainly goin to come another and another and so on till you die...If you are too connected with all the material things around you, you are bound to suffer and also your death will be painful, cos' you'll see this loss of material things (people, love and everythings else included!!!) as something being taken away from you, not realizing that each and every thing in our earth-life is given to us for free but it is TRANSITORY! You cannot escape from that! All you can do is realize that and brake all the bondages in a way that you REALIZE THEY ARE TRANSIENT. This is where real happines is! If you believe me, go hit yourself with a hammer, because you shouldn't believe me! YOU SHOULD TRY IT OUT, not believe in it :(greetz
  21. It depends of the situation i guess...I have light blue, dark blue, blue iwth sort of green stripes and many more If i go out in the evening i'd wear those more dark ones and if I go to sql i'd wear more light ones...I think the darker they are, the more formal! But this is just my taste and opinion..
  22. Author of the page http://winxponmac.com/ organized a competition with a great reward for someone, who is capable enough to run Windows XP on new iMacs with Intel processors. Rules were the following: 1. You should run Win XP and not Vista or any other version of Windows 2. The outcome must be a classical dual boot between OS X and Win XP 3. Virtual equipment such as Xen or WMware is strictly forbidden 4. The first contestant who is going to send the solution (with pictures) is the winner On 16.3.2006 the competition was over and the winners are narf2006 and Blanka. They succesfully bypassed EFI - limitations and sent instructions and a movie, which showes the installation and boot of WinXP - they won a prize of $13.854. Well it really pays of to be a programmer these days greetz
  23. Hm, it depends of the topic i guess...Usually i do read them, because i like to reply on more philosophical discussions and this is why you must here others opinions, to compare them wit yours and it is easier to express your opinion in like that....But if i am posting to a certain thing that is not of much "debate" nature than I usually just scroll to the bottom and than write a reply...Of course EVERYBODY SHOULD READ ALL THE ANSWERS WHEN IT COMES TO QUESTIONS...if someone asks something and somebody have already answered him, you dont read it and you'll post the same thing for no reason - you can quote and add if you think something is missing etc.All in all, I'd say 80% of the time i do check other replies :(greetz
  24. I don't know..is it just me cos' i am getting older or are games today too complicated and don't have as much playability as they had in the times of age of empires 2 and so on...I played Warcraft 3 and now world of warcraft and i must say that with all that heroes, special powers, and so on it is just too pumped up with things that destroy the simplicity that such a game needs imo. So I must say that graphics are good and the whole single player missions, but as far as playability is concerned, i don't know, it just doesn't work for me!greetz
  25. KIM I couldn't agree with you more! I am so glad that htere are people in this world who can still think and use common sense...greetz
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