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Everything posted by sheepdog

  1. Another breed I have never owned, have only seen a few, they are really good looking dogs, and would certainly make a great personal protection dog. Unfortunatly, they are on the dangerous dogs list, like pits and rotts, making it difficult to own one. Getting home insurance and avoiding localities that had dangerous dog breed bans keep owner of these breeds busy trying to protect their rights to own one.
  2. I'll bet you think I'm going to say Sheepdog! Of the large breeds, they would be on top of my list. But for a small dog, in the house, nothing beats a mini schnauzer. They are smart, loving, and don't shed. I also actually like all 3 sizes of schnauzers, the mini's, standards, and Giants. I had a standard for several years as my house dog, and there was never a more loyal and devoted dog. She traveled everywhere with me and was so smart I could talk to her in full sentences and she certainly seemed to understand ever word I said.
  3. 2 breeds come to mind, the Chinese Crested, and the xoloitzcuintle. Seen lots of Cresteds, but only pictures of the X's. They are a athletic, muscular looking dog, and I rather like the look. But the Crested's with their weird topknots and fuzzy feet look more like aliens from outerspace than they do a dog. I have never owned a Crested, I've heard their disposition is very nice. And you wouldn't have to worry about shedding But of course the need for sun block on your dog would be a nusance. As a breeder, I would be afraid to have either breed in the kennel. Way too many people know absolutly nothing about dogs, and I figure visitors would run screaming to the authorities after a visit here screaming that I had mangy hairless uncared for dogs.
  4. No, it was not made up for television, chocolate is bad for dogs. Though it is bad in varring degrees. Theobromine, (I think that's about how it's spelled) is the culprit that is the actual poison. It is found in higher amounts in the dark, bitter sweet type chocolates. Bakers chocolate is especially bad. Milk chocolate has lesser amounts, and many dogs can eat a bit of it and not be bothered at all. Some dogs are less tolerant though, and may become ill with just a few bites of sweet chocolate, others can eat a whole candy bar and show no ill effects whatsoever. So not knowing for sure on your dog, it would just be best to not tempt fate and keep the chocolate where only you can reach it. As far as having a sweet tooth, most dogs don't care that much for sweets, but you will find the occasional individual that does like candy, but a lot of that has to do with the dogs owner. I've seen a lot of dogs that will eat whatever they see their owner eat, wether they like it or not. And another thing besides chocolate that should remain off the dogs dinner plates are grapes. They can also be toxic to dogs.
  5. LOL, your right, I don't even know what that is! But part of being a community is getting involved in things that others in the community are or would be interested in. I have a great tutorial I wrote on AI in dogs, but I'm guessing nobody here will be needing that info any time soon. I try to stay alert and find things that may be of interest, like the recent discovery that there is no longer any canine rabies found in the USA. That would be hopefully of interest to dog owners at any rate. Boy, now that's the truth! I've always wondered what it is that right at age 15 or 16 kids suddenly wake up one morning and think they know everything in the world there is to know. I saw my silly young brother in law one day arguing with his own mother that he was not 15 that he was actually 16, he was using numbers on a calander and counting years, he wasn't smart enough to realize the year he was born he was not one year old. What a duffass.
  6. PLEASE I really need to figure out a way to keep up my hosting credits. Since I am brain dead about computers, school, relationships, sports, games, etc, would really like to see more activity in this pet catagory. I got my first dog when I was less than 1 year old. And since I have now passed the 1/2 century mark, I think I may of learned a thing or 2 about dogs. So ask me anything. Really. I probably know it. Help me out here.
  7. I'm very sorry to hear about your mother. In reality though, you are lucky that she is still alive, those anurisims are very often fatal. It sounds like you are on the right track though, trying to be strong, and learning sign language, those are all positive things and ways to get around your mothers disibility.
  8. Congradulations!I hope to make it to my first anniversary too, and so far it looks good. I had a lot of people tell me just to pay some site for hosting that I would not be happy or could not depend on free sites, but I am too stubborn and too broke to really listen, so I gave it a shot anyway. And I am glad I did. So far my experience at Trap has been very good. Lots of friendly and knowledgable people to help out with any problems I may of gotten stuck on.
  9. Well, I really don't have a clue as to who makes the most, but if I were to venture a guess, it would have to be that poor sap that has to climb all the way to the top of radio and telephone towers to change the light bulb. If he isn't the higest paid, he darn sure should be!
  10. Well, you just hop right down off that fence and come stand here with me! What is the point of going to war if we don't go to win? Who cares if other countries think we are bullies? If there is a reason to have a war, then go in with all you have and get the job done.
  11. Interesting, I didn't know there even was such a thing as a baby moses law. It sounds like a good thing to me, with all the babies being dropped of in dumpsters, or being raised in situations that are not fit to raise a child in. I doubt if it in any way encourages teenages to be any more promisquious then they allready are, how many do you think stop and say, well, sure, lets have sex, I can always drop off the baby at the fire station if I get knocked up??? I really don't think that they think at all. Raging teenage hormones are a mighty force to contend with. I also don't think that droping off a baby lets the girl escape with out punishment for her actions. 9 months of pregnance is no walk in the park, and then there is the lifetime of wondering what happened to your baby...... and beating yourself up for all the stupid mistakes you made in your life.
  12. And isn't it a sad thing that we value entertainment and watching sports more than we value the education of our children? Personally, I would never want to be a teacher. Especially in this day and age. Putting up with a bunch of spoiled, squaling, whinning rug rats is not my idea of a good time. They can mouth off to you and disrupt the class and do pretty much whatever they want, and you can't do a dang thing about it. If you turn them over your knee and spank them you get nailed for child abuse. In many cases you can't even fail them if they don't do the work because some idiot decided that it would hurt their feelings and damage their emotional state. What a crock of crap.
  13. Ahhhh......so now it's video games? In my youth it was Rock and Roll, and of course, television. All works of the Devil, don't ya know!? (just kidding) People always have to have something/some one to blame. Nobody is ready to take responsibility for their own actions. Control of our own lives and personal freedoms are beimg taken away left and right by a government that only makes things worse by making new laws to further limit our freedoms. With metal detectors at the doors of so many of our schools these days, can any of you even imagine that at one time children carried guns when they had to walk to school in hopes of shooting something to eat for dinner on the way home?
  14. Welcome to Trap! I see you just joined. I haven't been here long myself, and have found it to be a great place. While baby goats are certainly way up there near the top of the cute list, I will have to agree that nothing beats a puppy when it comes to cute. I love to watch all the funny stunts they pull.I'll bet your dog is a real cutie. I think the blue roan is one of the prettiest cocker colors. Glad to hear you did the puppy classes, they can be a big help in making sure your pet grows into a great companion.
  15. Since there don't seem to be any other dog breeders here, or even goat farmers for that matter, I do have trouble sometimes finding posts that I could contribute anything of importance to. It is a bit difficult to keep credits up, and I definatly need to do that. Starting new topics is about the same problem, if they are to be of interest to other members here. I have few computer skills and at least this summer, have been struggling to keep my business afloat, which eats up all my time. Since I am older than probably 99% of the other posters it is also a bit difficult to relate to some of their problems. Sometimes I hate to say anything when I could because teenagers especially think old folks don't know anything anyway, and I also hate to come off sounding like their parents, in which case they (the young 'uns) darn sure wouldn't want to hear me. I have noticed over the years that all forums suffer slumps in the summertime. I think more people are outside enjoying the weather and doing fun summer stuff, and not spending as much time on the computer. So things will probably pick up over the next few months.
  16. Oh my god, that is totally creepy! What did they do? Remove brother? How old a guy was it? I would have to wonder how a whole human could grow inside another one for very long.
  17. After many years of strict controls and enforcement of vaccination laws it appears that it has finally paid off. There have been no dicoveries of rabies in dogs since 2004 You can read the entire story at http://www.reuters.com/article/us-rabies-usa-idUSN0741162020070907 Now this is not to say that dogs cannot get rabies. The virus still exists in the wild animal population, mostly in skunks, raccoons, and bats, but the host specific virus that inhabits our favorite canines is gone.
  18. I would really appreciate any ideas/sugestions for my current computer problem. I am on dial up, it has always been very slow, but for the past few weeks I have first off, had a TERRIBLE time getting a connection, and then when I finally do get one, I frequently get kicked off in a few minutes. It is makeing me crazy, I can't even keep up with my emails, and make my posts here, let alone work on my poor neglected web site. So far we have tried....2 times the phone company has been out to check the outside lines. They swear it is not their problem. We replaced the wiring and connections in the house. I did get a new modem, it helped somewhat. It is a little easier to make the connections now, I can get on in one or 2 trys instead of the 10 trys like with the old modem. However, I still can't stay online very long. Sometimes I get lucky and get 30 minutes or so, most time it's just a few minutes. Please help!
  19. Have you forgotten Mike Tyson???? He came back and made a few million $$$ in fights after acused rape, not to mention biting a guys ear off.
  20. Wow, if I only did 7 or 8 brush strokes a day I would end up with matts worse than a pound puppy. Interesting information, but what I'd like to know is how to get my hair to grow. It has been the same length (about to my shoulders) since the early 70's.
  21. Here in Missouri this late spring we had a hard freeze after the trees had not only bloomed, many were well leafed out. The freeze killed all the new leaves. Not only did we loose our entire fruit crop, I'm afraid several of my fruit trees will end up dying over it. And my English walnut tree that I have been coddleing for years over bug-goat-steer attacks really looks bad, the whole top has died out on it. It just has a few random, ugly sprouts comming out of the lower part of the main trunk. Some of the fruit trees put out some new leaves on a few branches, but then they have allready all started falling off. Now, the REALLY strange thing, 2 of my apple trees BLOOMED again this past week! Pretty weird to see the fall color change in the leaves and blooms at the same time. I sure hope it doesn't end up killing them.
  22. OH... I feel your pain. We had a run of 100+ temps here in Missouri that lasted for what seemed like forever, even if it was maybe just a week. A day or 2 is one thing to suffer, but after a week it seems nothing cools you off. Even the ground gets hot enough to warm the well water, so you can't get a really cold shower. I can tolerate a little heat for a little while, but when it drags on and on and on you start to believe that spontainious combustion of humans may not be just something you see in a sci fi movie!
  23. My only other major failure is with Garbonzo beans. I tried for years to raise them. One year they would come up and just be short scraggly plants, then die, sometimes they didn't even come up. One year, they came up, grew ok, then when the weather got really hot they stopped growing, but as it cooled off in the fall they started doing better but got frosted before they had enough time to put on beans. Finally after several years, I got a really good stand of them growing. The looked great and were filling out nicely. Thought I finally had my problem whipped. Then one moring I went out to look at them, and there was a large brown circle about the size of a dinner plate where the plants had turned brown and died, OVERNIGHT! Just hammer dead, looked like they had been dead for a week. A day or 2 later there was another round spot, just about plate size, dead. This continued for several days until the whole row was gone. I was really dissapointed. I finally gave up on Garbonzo beans.
  24. Yes, that is a bit of a problem for me. I do have several links to a physic on my site. She is my sister in law, and helps me a lot with my site, so of course, I'm happy to have a way to help her out too. I did even try to make them more "dog" orientated, she can do tarrot card readings for dog too..... I do go and check out the offers I get for link exchanges. I've culled several because the exchange link was in an obscure place on their site, or was hard to find, or if I allready have a simular link on my site. Or if the site looks poorly done, I'm otta there! There there is the problem of maintaining live links on my site. I do check all my links occasionally, probably not as often as I should because it is quite a chore, but I hear that dead links are actually bad for you site, so I try to keep them culled out. The dog breeding competition is tremendous, there are millions of them out there, so I have to really work hard at promotion, it's a major chore.
  25. Ah...Youth! I think at age 16 the urge to be adult burns the hottest of all the ages. So close, and yet so far! You feel confident in yourself, you think you have the answers and know what is best for you. Trust me, you don't. With age comes wisdom, and you have to go through all these stages in order to develope into the person you will be. And part of growing up and the things you need to learn are patience. Waiting for the privledges of adulthood is a leason you will learn, like it or not. Please re read Tiki's post here too. It is beautiful and elogant and right on the mark. Did a much better job than I could, I almost didnt' bother to post after reading hers!Hang in there kid, you will be surprized how quickly the time comes when you are wishing you were only 16!
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