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Everything posted by sheepdog

  1. I got a terrible fright this morning when I went to my favorites list, clicked on Xisto and got a file not found page. I tried several times, tried typing it in, nothing worked. Anyway, I did a Google search and finally found a link that would bring me here. I don't understand what's going on. I'm also worried I won't find it again. And I don't have anybody's personal contact information from here to email or anything. Right now I DO NOT need any more stress in my life. I've had a couple really bad months. Can someone tell me what's going on?
  2. A few years ago, I purchased a samsung S860 camera at our local swap meet. It seems to work just fine, nice little camera, it does take pictures and everthing, the only problem is I can't get my computer to recognise that the camera is plugged into it and can't download pictures. I've tried everything I know to do. I went online and downloaded the instructions for the camera, drivers, etc. Nothing seems to work. I even took the camera to my sister in laws when we took our vacation to try it on her computer to see if it was just my computer. That didn't help either. I had just pretty much given up on it, but today my regular Cyber shot camera started acting up, I think the power button is getting weak, I like to never got it to come on. Since we are broke as usual, buyig a new camera is out of the questions so I got out they Samsung and have been messing around with trying to get it to work again. The only thing I can see right off is that the cord I got with the Samsung to hook it to the computer says it's Kodak, but the plug into the camera fits just fine, so I don't see why that would be a problem. I sure would like to be able to use this one, for when my other one bites the dust, which I'm now paranoid will happen at any time. Any suggestions or ideas would be appreciated.
  3. Gads, I can't believe how annoying these camara's can be. After pushing buttons for an hour, I finally pushed the right one and everything went back to normal. Of course, if it happens again, by then I won't remember what I did to fix it either.
  4. I can pretty much eat anything that doesn't eat me first. Almost. One good healthy thing about me is I have a cast iron stomach. I feel bad sometimes for hubby, nearly anything and everything bothers him causing stomach pains. About the only thing that ever bothers me is soy protien and sometimes beans. You know those cheap hotdogs? They do make me belch like crazy. Funny thing is, hubby dearly loves corn bread and beans, and chili, and those are about the only thing that gives me stomach cramps.
  5. I'm finally back. I have had 5 whole weeks now of pure hell. Today is the first day in 5 weeks I have been able to put a pair of real shoes on. Ok, that might be a stretch calling deck shoes real shoes, but hey, I'm thrilled even with those. They are those stretchy nylon things and are probably a size or 2 too big, but they are stretchy enough I can get my still bandaged foot in them. I still have 2 raw spots on the right foot. It still hurts, but nothing like it did. It was so painfull there were a number of days I could do absolutly nothing except lie down or sit with the right foot up on a sort of foot stool I made up with a trash can and a pillow. Any time the foot was down the pain was just horrible. My entire foot and ankle stayed swollen up until just last week. One day, when I pushed it too much, the swelling went all the way up to my knee. I find it very hard to believe how much grief damage from a burn on the skin can do to the muscle and nerves under the skin. Now the pain is mostly reduced to a dull burning sensation, but the anoying thing is that every once in a while I still get a sudden sharp pain like some just stuck a knife in my foot. They only last a few seconds, but I never know when one is going to hit, and they are bad enough that I usually yelp which causes my poor old man to jump, (he can't take loud sudden noises, you should see him in a restuarant when somebody drops a plate!) The poor guy has really had it rough right along with me. He has been great though, getting stuff for me so I don't have to walk any more than is absolutly nessesary and bandaging my foot most of the time. Needless to say, it was really hard to keep up with things here. Believe it or not, I couldn't even sit at the computer too much, as long as the foot was down, it hurt. I would of liked to be able to at least keep up with my computer stuff, updating my web site, posting here, and answering emails. But even that fell by the wayside. So, guess what happened next!? The stupid state kennel inspectors showed up. Crap. I had to do a walk threw with them, causeing me unbelievable pain, that was the day my leg swelled up all the way up to my knee. And what a frigging joke! I got wrote up for some REALLY stupid stuff. Like my dogs not having shades IN DECEMEBER!!! Now please tell me why dogs need protection from the sun in December? (Remember we are in Missouri, not California or Florida) The inpsector justified it saying they could get skin cancer if exposed to the sun. Just to clarify, I have some really large runs, on the ground, and they all have trees growing right in the runs where the dogs are, or around the edges of the runs. In the summer the dogs all have plenty of shade. In the summer. Ya know, when they need it. What really pissed me of is the way they wrote it up, it said the MAJORITY of pens did not have shade. That is a flat out lie, I have nearly 100 individual runs of varrying size, and nearly all of them have permenent shades over them, there are just a few of the really large runs, I'd say no more than 8-10 that don't have structures added to them that rely striclty on natural shade. So that is hardly a MAJORITY. But of course when they write it up like that it makes me sound like a terrible animal abusing person. Such *BLEEP*. They also wrote me up for one dog that had hair loss, I had to take her to the vet, pay good money (not to mention more pain from hobbling around on my cripple foot) for him to write a note to tell them that the dog was not missing any hair. That dog did not have a single hair missing. I had groomed her and hand stripped out the longer hair over her back end so the hair over her back side was shorter, but there were NO bald patches or hair loss of any kind. But I still got wrote up for it. I suppose there has to be a sliver lining to every cloud, at least the inspectors gave me a few pairs of those plastic booties they have to wear to prevent cross contamination from one kennel to another. Those worked so much better pulling them over the soft fuzzy house slipper I'd been wearing than tying a plastic grocery bag over it, since the baggies didn't fit just right and left a corner sticking out that I kept tripping on. I probably would of broken my neck eventually with out the booties. So, tommorow starts a new year. I sure hope it turns out better than this year!
  6. Well, I would describe it as positivly yummy! Good eggnog is thick, like a milk shake. It has a sweet, rich, creamy flavor, and is spiced up with cinnimon and nutmeg. I'm sure all store bought brands would be automaticly pasturied so there would be no need to concern one's self with worries of salmonilla that you might come into contact with from raw eggs And there is no raw egg taste about it anyway, if that is a concern.
  7. sheepdog

    My Animals

    I am going to have to give you the same advice I give to a lot of other folks. It seems that there are way too many people that really worship vets, and take their word as gosple. So this is what I have to remind people of. 50% of all Vets graduated in the bottom half of their class. Simple fact. But obviously it's completely true. Not all vets are that smart. There are some really good ones out there, and some not so good. If your dog gains her weight back and is in good health there is NO reason to put her threw another heat cycle.
  8. Well, I was hoping someone else would come along and say hi to you also, and tell you how to do the signature thing, since I'd like to know too! Anyway, Welcome to Knowldege Sutra! Or Welcome back, which ever the case may be. Don't let any lack of confidence keep you away, look at me, I post all the time and I don't know beans about computers or much of anything else for that matter.
  9. Well, that makes perfect sense, but there isn't any reason why you couldn't have say, a "base" with all the free stuff, and then let people choose the additional channels they want to go with it. Say for example break up the most popular channels into 4-5 different groups. Then say, for $25 per month you can pick 3 channels from group one, 5 channels from group 2 and 20 channels from group 3, and so on, and then go up in incriments, for $35 let them pick 5 channels from group one and 10 from group 2 and 25 from group 3, and so on. You could still have all your paid for special event and new movies that people can buy like they do now. You would want to have the groups put together with some serious thought, not only in popularity, but so people could get the ones they really wanted for not so much money. Like you would want to let them pick a fair size number of channels from the group that you put all the cartoon channels in, for familys with lots of kids and not much money. Keep the educational channels like History and Discover, and Nova in an affordable grouping too. Actually, you'd just make my day if you would put fox news and the Sci Fi Channel all in the lowest price package.
  10. Well, I made some calls today. Got the old proverbial run around. Tried the county clerk first, when I gave her the address the lady I talked to said she was out in the county and they wouldn't have any information. She told me to call the police. Well, I tried them, they said they had had no calls on her, (I almost giggled and told him I really didn't think a 90 year old would be out doing any drive by shootings or muggings) They told me to call the Sherriff. Anyway, they said they would check out her former residence and the did send an officer out there. There were toys and stuff around the house so I knew she was no longer there. I guess the deputy went back later and talked to the people that lived there now, they told him she had been moved to an assisted living complex. The Sherriff's department was really nice, and actually helpful. They were nice enough to give me the phone number which I called, but the the people there said they had to check with her first, they didn't know if she had a phone in her room or not, and I really didn't get a lot of info, but I do know she is alive at any rate. Just wish I could talk to her.
  11. Great time to try the quote thing. We got pulled over the other night coming home from a meeting. Some A-hole with a cell phone called the cops on us, (who by the way was tailgating us with his bright lights on) we had passed a police car on the side of the highway, and moved over like your supposed to, however, it was a windy night and we moved over too far and hit the rumble strip on the edge which jerked our car over even farther, and he called the cops thinking we were drunk. Wish he had that cell up his @$$. We had to sit there for 30 minutes to be harrassed. Cop asked why we weren't wearing seat belts and I just flat told him I didn't and wouldn't wear one because I was scared to death of burning up in a car. The old man has medical problems so he can get away with not wearing one. Amazingly enough we didn't get any kind of ticket.
  12. Actually this is not the case. PETA does very much promote the vegan lifestyle. MANY pages of their web site are dedicated to convincing people to convert to being vegetarian. They have had in the past several different programs into which they go into schools and preach to children, telling them their mothers are murderers if they feed them meat. Here are just a few examples. http://features.peta.org/how-to-go-vegan/ At this one they try to get you to sign up to become a vegetarian for 30 days. http://www.peta.org/living/food/accidentally-vegan/ http://www.peta.org/issues/animals-used-for-food/ http://www.peta.org/about-peta/?PETATags=Vegetarianism&PETAOrTags=0 This one is particularly enlightening, it's their frequently asked questions where they include one page to how anyone who is pro life (anti abortion) should be vegetarian since they should not want to promote human life and not animal life. There are lots of other pages too, including some where you can purchase their cookbooks etc, but you can pretty much be all have a "please make a dontation to us" button. While I was searching these out for you, I even watched the video by Paul MCartney, gosh what a crock of hog wash. Describing cows as "gentle?" Good grief. I get so tired of these stupid celebraties who have never been anywhere near the business end of a cow sitting there telling us about how they are such wonderful, gentle creatures. I can say with fair certainty that old Paul has never been cow kicked. I do also find it rather insulting that they compare a 3 year old human child to a pig. The video was filled with misinformation and outright lies. Have to admit, I do prefer the way our local butcher does our occasional steer. He comes to the farm, we put out some feed for the steer, he puts his head down to eat and pop he gets a 22 cal in the head, all 4 feet jerk up off the ground and he hits the ground with a thump and it's all over. Never even twitches.
  13. Ok, so far the update has not thrown me for a complete loop like it usually does when something changes. I know there are always a few odd bugs to work out, so I don't want to be a nag, but I did find a few things that didn't work, or worked differently. I tried to put a small peice of a post in quote tags in my post like I often and the "wrap in quote tags" button didn't work. But what really bugs me is that when you scroll down the topics list, if you click say for instance on Pets and animals, and then hit the back button if there is nothing there you end up going all the way back to the very top of the forum lists, instead of going back to the spot where you were when you picked a forum to look at. It makes it hard to remember where you were, and you end up going all threw the long list again. Kind of a nusance. I do like where you have the space already waiting for you to reply to this topic at the end of each thread. I just haven't figured out how to respond to a post that isn't at the end of the thread or to one particluar person who has responded, and since I can't get the wrap in quotes to work, it makes it harder to figure out who I am replying to. But hey, I'm glad they formum is getting some attention from the owner, so I'm not going to complain too much!
  14. Oh no, I was not crazy enough to get out and brave the hoards of crazy Christmas shoppers. I stayed at home where I figured I'd be nice and safe. Yea, right. Hubby was telling me about how some shopper had maced 20 people that were ahead of her to get into a store before them, I hope they locked that witch up in jail, how stupid is that?! At least I was safe from that insanity. I also managed to survive our first real try out of our new wood splitter, (see my post from the other day here http://forums.xisto.com/topic/77315-we-got-a-wood-splitter/) with all my fingers intact. It did tire me out considerable, so I was pretty willing to go out to dinner that night when the hubby sugested it, since it was otherwise my night to cook, and also Friday night is crab leg night on the all you can eat buffett at our local chinese restuarant. So he really didn't have to twist my arm to get me to go. Dinner was great, but after dinner when we got home things started going down hill real fast. My tooth started hurting. It's been bothering me for awhile now, I figured it was abcessing but I try not to take antibiotics unless I just have to, so I had been using my prescription mouth wash and hoping it would clear up on it's own. Sometimes it does. But not this time. I started down my list of home remedies for tooth ache. First thing I tried was the sensitivity tooth paste, earlier in the week that had been stopping it real quick. That didn't work. My next trick was to go digging threw the deep freeze to find my chewing tobacco. Now before you start thinking I've gone all redneck hillbilly on you, no, I only chew when I have a tooth ache. Tobacco draws the poison out when you have an absess. Usually, anyway. But no, not on my black friday. Next thing you know, I'm rumaging in the liquer cabinet, hunting some wiskey, all I could find was Ameretto, but figured that would work in a pinch, soaked my mouth with that for awhile and that did take the pain down a notch or 2 but it was still pretty bad. I figured my only course left was to start on antibiotics and just deal with it till it quit hurting. Hubby had the good sense to go to bed early, avoiding my grouchy she bear wrath, and by then I was getting pretty tired and ready to give it up for the night myself. I still needed to make a big pot of tea for the next day, which I did, and decided I needed to cool it off quicker by putting it outside on the back porch overnight, since I was low on ice and it doens't cool off that fast in the house. It had only been off the boiling point for a few minutes. I managed to get it out the back door, despite the screen door sticking and not wanting to come open, and having a hot pot in both hands leaves only elbow's to hit at the door latch, anyway, got out and was standing there reaching out to put the pot and it's gallon of hot tea on the porch rail and I'm not really sure what happend, but somehow I dropped the whole pot. It hit the deck and splashed nearly boiling tea all over my feet, even splashed up some on my arm. I had just gotten a brand new pair of warm fuzzy socks that I was so proud of, they were nice and thick, and they soaked up that hot tea like magets so my feet got a real good dose of heat. It hurt SO bad for a minute I just froze and couldn't move. The pain was just terrible. I knew I had to get to the tub and get some cold water going on my feet but I couldn't even move, at least for a few seconds, which did indeed seem like an eternity. I stumbled across the house squalling "it hurts, it hurts," woke the old man up, he thought it was my tooth and I was hurting too bad to even tell him what had happened. I finally made it to the bathtub and started the cold water running on my feet, socks and all. I was actually afraid to take the sock off at first, I was pretty sure it had melted right into my foot from the way it hurt, but fortunatly, it hadn't. So I spend the next hour or two running back and forth from the couch to the tub, I'd only be out from under the running water for a few minutes before it would start hurting again. Hubby brought me the big jar of Aloe Vera I had in the refrigerator, so I'd go from the cold water to the aloe, sit on the couch a few minutes and then back to the tub and the cold water. My right foot caught the brunt of the damage, I thought both feet were cooked but my left foot and arm never even got a blister. The blisters were coming up on my right foot in less than an hour, and what really had me concerned was that my whole foot actually swelled up. I didn't realize burns caused swelling, other than the blisters of course. I did eventually did try to go to bed, but I was still hurting too much to actually sleep, which is not normal for me, usually when I have pain the only way to deal with it is to go to sleep. Trying to sleep with my feet out from under the covers is no fun either, my feet are always too cold and I like them covered, but not this night! So the next day hubby went to town and got me some burn lotion and spray, and some non stick bandages, and a big pair of soft house shoes. I covered the blisters with the lotion and bandages, and managed to get it in the new house slipper, then covered the whole mess with a plastic shopping bag so I could go work at the kennel for awhile yesterday. But the swelling and the preasure on my foot made it pretty hard to do. Not to mention, it was raining, so even with the baggie on my foot I couldn't work outside, had to get hubby to do the chickens. Last night I finally opened the blisters to let off the preasure a little, I know your not supposed to bust them open but they would of busted on their own before much longer anyway and they were driving me crazy. I used a sewing needle cleaned with alcohol and just put a few small holes in most of the blisters, just enough so they could partially drain. Put a pillow up on the trash can to set my foot on, because our little dog insisted on sitting with me and I just knew she was going to stick a claw in my foot. Sitting with my foot up did get the swelling to go down anyway. So today, it was back to the bandages, house shoe and baggie, and I managed to get some more cleaning done inside the kennel at any rate. And while this is not something I am going to add to my list of ways to cure a tooth ache, at least after burning my feet friday night, my tooth stopped hurting!
  15. Ok, now I'm really staying off Face book! If the governement is going to track me as a terrorist I don't even want to go there!But seriously, my godmother is not going to be on any such social media. She was 80-90 years old. I did ask her several times if she was going to get a computer but she never did. I do keep in touch with my Aunt online, had always hoped my Godmother would get online so we could communicate more frequently.If I can find the number again, I'll call the county clerk's office on monday. Will let you all know what I find out.
  16. After borrowing our friends splitter for several years, we finally found one of our own! I guess Craigs List is good for something, even if you can't advertise dogs on it. It was actually our buddy that spotted it on Craigs List, and told us about it, and not only that, make us a short term loan to buy it. Suppose he was hinting at something? Anyway we got a whale of a deal on it, really cheap, $300, I think the guy thought there was something seriously wrong with it or he wouldn't of sold it so cheap. But the old man fixed it right up and it runs like a champ. Seems to have plenty of power too. We took it out to the woods this afternoon for it's first real workout (and my first wood workout of the season, I'm hoping it was a small enough load today to not make me real sore tommorow.) We put some really big sticks of wood threw it and it worked great. The only thing I don't like about it is that it is a lot smaller than the one we were borrowing, and there is very little room on the beam to fit a stick of wood on, it makes me nervous to be wrestling around a big heavy chunk of wood that close to that demonic looking wedge. Wood slips just a little and you end up with a seriously mashed finger, and I have to type too much to get my hands hurt. But anyway, now we have one of our own finally. I'm sure glad of that. Was kind of a hassel running the borrowed one back and forth all the time.
  17. sheepdog

    My Animals

    However, we are going to have Dido neutered, but we have to let her get into season once more, without any contraceptive injection or anything.Why wait? Every heat cycle your dog has increases her chances for mamory tumors. She can be safely spayed just as soon as you wean the pups, and maybe give her a few weeks to regain a pound or 2 before stressing her out with the surgery. If you wean the pups at 8 week, you still have 2 months before she will cycle again. That's plenty of time for her to recuporate from raising the litter.
  18. I find this information about farming in India very fasinating. No wonder the growth in that country is so big! At least they are smart enough to realize where their food comes from. While they may be getting tons of high tech jobs, or at least answering telephones, they haven't forgotten they have to have food to buy with all that money they are making. With the benifits in place for farming, I suspect that there will always be people who can't handle the life style in the big cities and will be more than happy to stay down on the farm as long as they can make a decent living. I feel much that way myself. Young people may all do a stint in the big city, but when they get a little older (and dare I say wiser?) they may had back to the farm in droves.
  19. Thanks for the information. I just don't want to sign up for Facebook. Not sure why at this point, I just keep hearing about all the viruses and stuff you can get, and now you are warning me about text messages too, so I just think I will stay away from that pit. Since I don't even have a cell phone, I guess that's a crazy thing to worry about. The fact that Facebook was recently hacked is not helping to build my confidence very much either. I did google her name, and all I came up with was an obituary, not hers, where she was mentioned as a surving aunt to the lady that had passed away. I think what worries me more than the fact that she might have passed away is the fact that she hasn't, and may be stuck in a nursing home somewhere. I did a short stint in my long job history in a nursing home. All I can say is I hope like hell I die when I get old. I truely hated that job. The management was more concerned with keeping the place sparkling clean than the care and comfort of the elderly people that had to live there. I remember one old man who was always in a wheel chair. One day I saw him come walking up the hallway just lickity split, really shocked me. I found out later that they kept him TIED DOWN to the chair so he couldn't get up and walk because he "dribbled" and would mess up their shinny clean floors. What really frosted the cake was when I heard one of the nurses, who probably weighed in pretty close to 300lbs herself, talking about how he was getting fat! You have no idea how close I can to slaping the stuffing out of her and telling her she didn't have room to talk, and he wouldn't be fat if they'd turn him loose and let him get some exercise. Anyone who is stuck in one of those hell holes and doesn't have any friends or relatives that check in on them regularly get treated much the same as a carcuss hanging in a meat locker. You know, I bet that's pretty close to being right about how there is only six degrees of separation between people, at least in this country. There may be a few more if you look at the entire world. But here in the USA we do so much moving around and traveling and getting involved with people in our lines of occupation or just interests and hobbies, I'm sure we all know someone who knows someone who knows someone........I definatly do like your last idea of going up there, and the chocolate cake part!!! Not sure I could find her house, it's been probably 10 years or so since I was up there, I stopped by to see her after delivering some pups to Chicago. Or maybe I was coming home with some, been long enough I don't remember. That would of been back about the time I was having some dog imported in from Hungaria and Ohara was the closes international airport that had quarenteen facilities. Anyway, thanks for the input. I'm going to keep digging around. May call the County Clerk on Monday and see where that leads me. If anyone else has any ideas, I'm all ears!
  20. sheepdog

    My Animals

    Velma is absolutly right on target. The biggest killer of dogs, especially females are mamory tumors and Pyometra. The Pyrometra is a fast killer, by the time you even realize your dog is sick, she will be dead in a matter of hours, especially in cases where the infection is completely internalized and there is no vaginal discharge. There is no better excuse for spaying and neutering than these two problems. I believe even her personal experiences to the 7-8 out of 10 is probably pretty close to acurate for all unspayed females. Oddly, Pyrometra is not as much of a problem in dog that are bred regularly as in those that just have a litter or 2 and are never bred again. But the mammory tumors hit all of them, bred or just unspayed pets. As far as dry puppy food, if they will eat it, it's fine for them dry. I've had pups as young as 2 weeks crawl up into the feed dish and try to chew it. I once had a litter of Bull Mastiff's that didn't even have their eyes open and were trying to chew dry dog food, but those things are just greedy little eating machines to start with. It actually helps them cut their teeth, so as long as the momma dog doesn't snap at her pups for getting into the feed, they should have it available 24/7 for snacking on. It helps mom too if she can eat a bite whenever she wants. Most dogs will let their pups eat, about the only ones I ever had any trouble with were my mastiff breeds. They are all unfit mothers. I never really understood that. I raise a lot of terriers and while they dearly love to fight each other when they are grown up, they make the best mothers when it comes to taking care of their puppies.
  21. I have a god mother who lives in Oglesby Illinios. I haven't been in real close contact with her over the years, but did keep somewhat in touch, a few letters and phone calls every year, and Christmas cards, that sort of thing. I tried to call her today to wish her a happy Thanksgivingand her phone has been disconected. I fear the worst, she is quite elderly, I'm afraid she has most likely passed away, but how can I find out? I did google Oglesby but didn't find much, there was a face book page I would of liked to have posted on but I'm not a member of face book so that wouldn't work. I did find a number for the county clerk, but nothing for the police station or much else. I really don't know who I should call anyway. I would appreciate any input on this.
  22. sheepdog

    My Animals

    To get the pups started on solid food, just pick a good quality puppy feed, and soak it for awhile, until it is soft and offer it to them. Seems to be more palatable if you soak it in good hot water, and feed it while still warm. When I have it available, I soak mine in goat milk, but there is some dissagreement as to wether or not it can cause a calcium inbalance in the pups diets, but it certainly does get them to start eating it a lot better, and it has never seemed to bother my pups. They recognise the smell of milk, which is their usual food up to this point. Sometimes pups will just start chewing on the dry food if it is in with them, but since I don't think you are leaving food out for them because of mom growling at them, they won't get that chance. That kind of makes it harder to get them started, plus pups should eat frequent small meals to grow well, since they have a high metabolisim rate and tiny stomaches and can't eat a lot at one time.Yes, it is perfectly normal for the mother to loose weight when nursing pups. Any dog who is truely a good mother will do this, and will do it no matter what or how much you feed them. Making milk for all those pups takes an extreme amount of energy. she will gain it all back after the pups are weaned, don't worry.
  23. sheepdog

    My Animals

    I think she means he is already spoken for, not gone as in dead and gone. Well I'm glad to see I'm not the only one that was wondering about that! I've just looked at that and looked at it till I was about cross eyed and can't figure it out. I even went to your profile to see if there was a bigger picture my poor old eyes could focus on better. Yes, I tried cleaning my glasses, that didn't help either.
  24. LOL, I figured by now everybody knew I sold pups. Can't leave this time of year, it's supposed to be my busy season, but this year it's not working out that way. Can't really take a vacation if I don't have any money. It's funny how used to you had a business and thought you should get a web site to promote it, and now people want web sites to start businesses. Seems like it wasn't long ago at all that I started seeing the first tv commercials that included a web address, and now nearly all of them do. What are you planing on selling or doing to make money with your site? With so mamy competing web sites, it's not easy to find a way for sure. What are you researching? Maybe a part time job would work better for you. It is almost easier these days to find part time work than it is full time with everybody cutting back.
  25. Thanks for responding, my site is back up now, guess it was just some minor glitch, but it doesn't take much these days to send me into a full blown panic attack! I have been busting my hump for the past few weeks trying to sell, and boy is it ever slow! Never seen a Christmas season as slow as this one. Last year wasn't anything to brag about, but boy is it ever worse this year. Nothing I do seems to help. I really want to take a vacation this year, didn't get to last year but if things don't pick up that's not going to happen. Thanks for the tip on the side bar comments thing. I'll have to try that next time I want to reply to one.
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