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Everything posted by sheepdog

  1. Welcome Potterhat!I think you will like it here just fine. One of the things I like best about this site is having so many people from all over the world contributing. Sometimes I am shocked and amazed at how things work around the rest of the world. It certainly is interesting to hear other peoples stories at any rate.I like music, but pretty much just oldies rock and roll, and only in the capacity of listening to it, not playing. Always wanted to learn to play some kind of instrument, tried guitar, but I'm double jointed in the fingers of my left hand and it's nearly impossible for me to put enough preasure on the strings to make them play right without my fingers popping off.
  2. Congradulations to Mozart! And hey, I'm sluggish and my legs aren't working so well tonight, they are pretty tired. But I guess neither Mozart or me is ready to throw in the towel yet!
  3. Wow, I had no idea that kind of garbage goes on in any society in this day and age. That is pathetic.
  4. My question is who snopes Snopes? What gives them the ultimate authority? From what I have been hearing lately, Snopes is funded by George Sorros, who is a big Obama supporter. There are just too many inconsistancies in the various renditions and excuses for the birth certificate. And what about all Obama's other personal information? How many have stepped forward and said they went to school with him, or actually knew him from somewhere? Nearly none. Shoot, look how many woman crawled out of the woodwork when Herman Cain was still running for the Republican nomination? I also keep hearing how he went to college on a student visa. If you were a citizen, why would you need a visa? And speaking of collage, where did he get the money to go to collage. Supposedly his mother was raising him with no help from his father, and was for at least a time, on food stamps. Just who paid for his collage education? And not only who paid for it, but it seems Obama has never had a job. Never done any real work. How does that happen?
  5. Rainy mood, Yuck, that one sucks. Rain storms can be fine if you are wanting to go to sleep, but if you want to be alert and bright like to study, I don't think it would work worth a hoot. Rain can be depressing after awhile. Personally, I'd way rather listen to old time rock and roll in the background. Always makes me feel brighter and more alert.
  6. Well, it would be nice if you could, but let me tell you, when you get old you get really stubborn and set in you rways and nothing short of dynomite will shake you loose from a lifetime of routine. You'll just have to love Granny the way she is. She isn't likely to change.
  7. Sound like you do have a good family, not everyone is so lucky. Families can be a blessing or a curse. Sadly, I suppose there are a lot of people who would prefer never to even see their families again. They say you can choose your friends, but you are stuck with family. If you have many family members that are disagreeable, it's more likely to be a curse. Sad but true.
  8. Our own vacations are somewhat simular to yours, as to we go to visit my sisterinlaw, but that's were the simularity ends. Even though they get up earlier than I normally would, we don't have to get up if we don't want to, and meals are planed around everyones schedule and nobody misses anything. I don't think I like your style of vacation. I mean, what's the point if there is no time for recreation or doing other things you enjoy. I do see we have something else in common, I'm not much of a morning person either. I mean really, aren't vacations supposed to be for you to get some rest and have a little fun? Your's didn't sound fun at all. Except eating of course. Nothing like a good meal with friends and family. But you should of had a lot more freedom to do other things that you wanted to do in order to call it a vacation.
  9. Ah, this could be fun! And I think my answers are going to be a lot different than everybody elses. What is the first thing you think of when you hear the word "shopping"? Well, usually, it's do I have any money so I could actually buy something if I saw something I wanted or needed. Or, if it's about shopping locally for something we need, the first thing I think of is I wonder if the old man needs something from town so I can get him to pick it up so I don't have to go shopping. What is your favorite shopping store and/or website? I rarely ever buy online. I do like browsing threw Ebay though, love to type in dog and something to see what I can find. For example, dog jewlery, or dog grooming tools, I'd love to find a used Mars Coat King for grooming, they are way to expensive to buy new. And it is hard to find anything like pins or earrings with dogs on them so Ebay is a good source for finding unique items you wouldn't see otherwise. What merchandise do you buy most frequently (excluding groceries and other absolute necessities)? I suppose I can't count dog food, on this one can I, since that could be considered groceries for the dogs anyway. So next off would have to be vaccine and other medicines for the dogs, wormers, antibiotics, that sort of thing. Though those and cleaning supplys could probably be considered necessities too. I am not really much of a consumer. Possibly this time of year I may splurge on things like plants, trees, vegtable and flower seeds that sort of thing. How often do you make a purchase on a SINGLE item that costs $100 (USD) or more? Oh, all the time. A load of dog food is way more than that, and we do that every week. Picked up vaccine this weekend, another $300, renewed my domain name, for 3 years that was over $100. So there's 3 things in just 2 days. How do you like to shop (store, online, email/phone)? Definatly in store. I like to see exactly what I am getting. And I spend way too much time on the computer just answering emails and working on placing ads and maintaining my web site to want to actually spend time shopping online. When was the last time you seriously shopped for a loved one (if ever), such as for a Christmas gift? Christmas would be about it. Especially since my poor loved one's birthday happens to be on Christmas, so it's 2 holidays on the same day. Do you browse, even if you don't have money to spend, or plain di... Oh yes, I definatly like to window shop as they call it. Partially because I seldom have any money to blow. Also, sometimes if I don't have the money, getting out and going shopping can be theraputic, it might inspire me to work a little harder and try to make a little more money if I find something I'd really like to have.
  10. Sadly, I'd say nearly all parents push their children into the direction that the parents wish them to go. Irreguardless of the childs interest or appitude in that department. Not sure why it's like that but it is for the most part. I suppose the parents do have the childs best interest at heart, they want their kids to have a better life than they did, so they might try to influence them not to repeat the mistake the parents might of made, or the parents have been successful in whateve they endevored to become and so they think that is the best course for the child. Rarely is the child given a chance to decide for themselves. Often the parents are blinded to their childs natural inclinations. They might notice how far the child can throw a ball if they are hoping for a profesional athlete but not even notice that the child can totally dissesemble a toy or some household item and put it back together again in the right working order. I think one thing a parent can and should do is at least make sure the child has a well rounded education. It may not make a lot of sense to force piano lessens on a child for 6 years who only wants to draw pictures, but a few months worth of lessons may be a good idea to give any interest the child may not of realize they had to surface. The more exposure a child has to different things the more well rounded and intelligent they will become as adults. Just because a child isn't a profesional piano player, that doesn't mean they wouldn't enjoy a concert or music which they may not do if they weren't exposed to it as a child. People have more appreciation for things if they know how difficult those things can be. So, if I had the job ahead of me to raise a child, I would try to find a balance of the best of both worlds. Try to play up to and encourage what the child showed inclinations towards, but also encourage them to seek out and experiement with other things that they may not even realize they are interested in until they try them.
  11. Yes, I know exactly what you mean. People look at you like you might be a little crazy if you claim to have dreams that fortell the future, or even see things that have already happened that you only witness in your dreams. I'm actually glad it hasn't happened to me all that many times. It's a little creepy. And then whenever I have just a normal dream I worry that a friend may be in trouble you don't know wether to say anything to them about it, because one, you don't want them to think your nuts, or if it was just a regular dream, you don't want to worry them either.
  12. This weekend was our anual pet breeders meeting and educational seminar. Held in downtown area in Springfield, at the convention center. Outside during a smoke break, I was approached by a young woman trying to get signatures for an petition for a vote during our next election. I do know a little bit about how these things work, the people carrying the petitions get paid so much for each signature. Now don't get me wroung, I have nothing against the way anybody tries to work to make a living, but when I asked the girl about what the petition was actually about and for and what it would do if it was voted on, she didn't have a clue. Not even the slightest idea. Seriously, if voters are to make an informed decision when they go to the polls, why don't the people promoting their ideas be at least able to explain the details of just what it is you are signing up to change? For any other job your employer is going to train you. Even if it's washing dishes in a restuarant, you will be taught not to leave food stuck on the plates that might cause someone to get food poisioned. When it comes to elections and things that effect our lives and our freedom should not that be important enough to have the facts availalble when someone asks? Can a person care so little about what goes on in the world that just to make money they would go around so totally uninformed just to make a little money? Where is this girls pride in doing a good job if she didn't even care enough to know what she was collecting signatures for? And even if her goal was simply to make money, did she not realize that by not knowing what she was doing she wasn't going to be able to convince people to sign the petition and therefor was not going to make much money anyway? Anyway, I just found it upsetting that something as important as this was treated so carelessly by someone just out to make a buck.
  13. No, it's never easy. I actually don't think it's supposed to be, or should be. And the thing is, you will spend your entire life trying to figure it out. No matter how old you get or how smart you think you are, there is always something else to learn or experience. I guess that's actually a good thing. The brain is like any other muscle or organ in the body, if you don't use it you loose it.
  14. It seems no matter where we are we are always at risk. I'm sorry this happened to you. Its never a good thing to be the victom of a crime. But it happens all the time. The biggest reason this continues is that for the most part, the criminals get away with it. I'm glad to hear you reported it at least, it's just a shame that nothing came of it. Criminals will continue their bad behaviour as long as there are unlikely to be consequences for their actions. Now, since the police can't be every where all the time, it is up to each and every one of us to put a stop to unacceptable social behaviour. And there are plenty of ways to do this. You don't even have to carry a gun, though that helps emmensly, or be a strong man or black belt karate expert. Even if you are not the actual victim, you can provide additional information about the criminals to the police that the actual victim may of been to started or scared to notice at the time of the inciedent. If you see someone snatch a purse and run away, you can stick out your foot and trip them as they go by you. If not that, watch and see where they go, and if they meet up with anyone else. Shoot, in this day and age, nearly everyone has a cell phone camera, a good picture of the criminal will help a lot in making an arrest. There are all sorts of things every single one of us can do. And until we do all that we can to as the McGruff Dog says, take a bite out of crime, it will continue to make us all feel insecure and take some of the pleasure from our lives. If you are the victim, even if you are unarmed and a small person, you are not completely defenceless. Grab the arm reaching for you and bash it down on the car window, or give it a good twist, or even bite the devil of of them. It's hard to grab something when you arm is broken. And a broken or bitten arm is hardly worth stealing a trinket for.
  15. This is one area where animals have it better than humans. If an animal is suffering from illness, disease, or old age, it is acceptable social behaviour to have them euthanized. In some instances we are even considered immoral or cruel or selfish if we allow an animal to suffer past the end of their normal healthy lives. Yet humans are expected to live out their entire lives, even if every breath is agony, and suffering. I personally see no point in laying on your death bed suffering untold agony until you die on your own. If you have no chance of recovery, it should be left up to each and every individual to have their suffering ended in a human manner. As long as it is their choise of course. If grandma is bed ridden, or comotose, the grand kids shouldn't be allowed to put her out of her misery so they can get their inheritance quicker.
  16. Seriously???? People spend 7 hours on Facebook? Is that in one day??? When do they find time to eat, sleep, visit real humans, work, play and in general have a life?
  17. If you seriously like this girl you better tell her so! And do it soon. Brushing her off as a joke is going to hurt her feelings, and drive her away from you.
  18. Comparing the intelligence of a human to a computer is a lot like comparing a rock to a seed. Put a rock on the ground and all you have is something to stub you toe on. Something that never changes, unless you hit it hard enough to break it, that will just lay there nearly forever. Put a seed in the ground and before you know it, you will have a wonderful plant growing, one that could feed you, or give your grandchildren shade to have a picnic in, or one that will give you a rash. Irriguardless of the outcome of the seed, it will change and develope into something. I really don't even see computers as having intelligence. All they really are is a big fling cabinett that people put things in. They are strictly storage. They only have what people put in them. Granted it's probably a lot easier to find something in a computer than a crambe full file cabinette, but that's just due to better organization in the computer.
  19. Oh Cool! Thanks! Now I'm going to have to go dust that thing back off and try again. Maybe on a night when I'm not quite so tired. I am going to stick with the mixing bowel for the dough though. I can just see me with egg running all over the table in the little flour volcano.
  20. Hummm, now there's something I never thought about. Different parts of the world having different meanings for dreams. I guess since we don't comonly see elephants in this country, they would probably have a different meaning then they would in a country that had them frequently seen about the country side. Most of my dreams I can trace back to my mind venting off steam when I get stressed out from other humans driving me crazy. However, I have a few times had dream that were actually happening or showed an actual situation. I remember one in particular, I had meet this woman at our local growers market some years ago, we were both vendors and got somewhat aquainted, not close or best buds or anything like that, just friendly and talked to each other when we were together at market. She never told me a single thing about their home. Then one night I had this dream about her and her home. Some weeks later she invited me to a party at her place. Imagine my shock when I found that her home actually looked just like the one I dreamed of!
  21. Great post!Of course, if you figure out the answer to this one you will just be one step away from actually discovering the meaning of life.......
  22. sheepdog


    Welcome Heximal!You've come to the right place for talking computer stuff that's for sure! Despite my best efforts to get everybody to talk about dogs, computers stuff still rules around here! That of course, does not stop me from dogging everybody! :)Ok, if not dogs, how about gardening? It's almost planting time! Wouldn't happen to have a green thumb would you?
  23. I recieved an email today with a link that I will paste below. This is really upsetting. Can we be that screwed up in this country? I know we have a lot of young people here, would like to see some input from all of you youngsters. Just what has happened to the American dream? Do you REALLY think the government should provide everything for you? Do you feel no responsibility at all for your self? Have you no ambitions, moral fortitude, independance, or pride? And where did this feeling of entitlment come from? When did we stop thinking that it is up to each of us to make something of our lives and expect the government to do it all for us? Watch this clip and tell us how you feel about it. Personally, it makes me pretty ill. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  24. Our great neighbor state to the north, Iowa, now has some pending legislation that is completely and undenialably unconstitutional. They are proposing new licencing requirnment for dog breeders, and here is just a part of what has been proposed. More information can be found here http://www.akc.org/government-relations/legislative-alerts/iowa-considering-detrimental-changes-to-breeder-regulations/ including emails from the Senate Commerce Committee involved with this bill. Did you catch the part about no ability to appeal? If passed, any petty beuracrate could deny you your right to make a living without any recourse for you. No trial by a jury of your peers, no chance to present your situation to anyone. This folks, is not the American way! It is a sad day when you loose your liberty over trying to make a living with a few dogs, and to have your rights stomped into dust. Believe me there are enough animal rights wacko's out there that they would have a hay day with this legislation if it's passed. The ability to impose their warped sense of values that make animals equal to humans would see them shutting down every kennel in the state. Forever, with no chance for the breeders to fight back. I don't know about the rest of you but I am more than a little sick of other people being able to enforce their own opinions and values on me. You can't smoke, you cant' raise dogs, or children or do anything that any body else doesn't want you to do.
  25. You are SO right on! This is one subject I find really frightening. Have you seen any of the Google earth satalite pictures? Let me tell you, it's not even safe to sunbath naked in your own back yard anymore!
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