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Everything posted by sheepdog

  1. While certainly not on the same level with honour killing, arranged marriages are still way near the top of my list on things that are barbaric and totally stupid. I can't for the life of me figure out why a woman is less valuable or less human and less important that a man. Or should have any less rights. Or why should things be equal? Like if an arranged marriage got some poor girl a real jerk of a husband that abused her why shouldn't HE be the one to be murdered to protect her honour? Only seems fair to me. I've always believed in womans rights. Freedom to do what ever any man can do, be it own property or vote. Equal pay for an equal job. It's mind boggling to know that it has not even been that long since a woman could actually vote. And while in this country we are mostly equal, it's even more mind boggling to realize that in some places a woman is no better off than a sheep or cow.
  2. Well, at least I have managed to find my way back in now, and I have been able to check my mycents but boy what you said about it being Lifeless, I don't know what to do about that! I only have so much imagination to come up with new posts to make. And there just isn't much of anything that a person can reply to. So sad.
  3. I just saw the funniest thing on TV news this afternoon. Apparently, some teenager went on face book and really trashed her parents. The dad was none too happy, he took her lap top away from her, layed it on the ground and emptied his pistol into it. Shot it all to hell and told her if she wanted a new lap top she could go get a job and buy her own. They had the whole thing on video.
  4. sheepdog


    Did you have a deduction come out to pay for your web site? My web site payment comes out of my mycents account on the 8th. of every month.
  5. As much as I complain about the government in the United States, I have to say, I'm certainly glad I live here and not in some freaking barbaric country where women can be murdered for any complaint that a man might conjure up. I can't think of anything more disgusting and shameful than such a practice.
  6. We just about got ourselves in a mess today. We are out of fire wood. Tonight is supposed to be one of the coldest nights we have had yet this winter. And they are predicting a pretty good snow storm tommorow. Hubby went out to cut some wood, and the very first cut he made got the chainsaw stuck in a tree. He came back to the house to get the wedge, and couldn't find it. Hunted for 1/2 an hour, still no wedge, so he headed to town to buy a new on. Of course, it's Sunday, and there was not a wedge in this pathetic little town to buy. So he came home and hunted somemore for the old one, finally found it and headed back to the woods. Well, wasn't just a few minutes that he was back to the house, had the wedge stuck along with the chain saw. So then he went to work on the other chain saw. Worked on it awhile and then discoverd much to his dismay, that he could not find the gas for it. It is a different brand of saw and takes a different gasoline/oil mixture than the other saw, and using the wrong gas can burn it up. After a great deal of swearing, and a call to the hired man to see if he knew where the gas can was, (He didn't of course) I went with him to look and we finally found it. I suppose it was nothing short of a miricle that the other saw actually did start and run. He managed to get the saw and wedge out of the tree finally, and actually cut a little wood. At least enough for tonight. So I guess we will be back out in the snow tommorow cutting enough for one more day. Dang, life can be tough sometimes. But at least I sold a puppy today.
  7. The fact that farming has never been a high paying job has always been a big part of the problem. I know, I've tried it nearly my whole life. Even when I had other employment, I still had the farm too. With livestock, by the time you buy a little feed for them, and keep them wormed and other things that are absolutly needed, there isn't enough money when you sell off the kids or calves or whatever to pay the cost of what you have put in them. It's kind of a sad state of affairs. Especially when you realize that you have to have farmers or you won't eat. My fears is that the huge corperations will eventually take over, and then they will forse changes, and we will then have to pay at the grocery stores whatever they demand. Not something you really want hanging over your head. When you control the food supply, you control the people.
  8. Yesterday I made a few changes to my web site, added some new puppy pictures, that sort of thing, and of course made the mistake of refering several people to look at the new pictures up on the site, now today I've discovered that none of the new pictures are up. all the old junk is still there. I KNOW I hit save when I made the changes, and got the message box that showes them saved, but the changes are not on my site. Any clues as to what's going on? I use Front Page.
  9. Years ago I saw a recipe to make a rootbeer carmilized topping for popcorn, just like carmel corn, only rootbeer flavored. I remember it called for a can of rootbeer, and I even bought the can of pop, but I managed to loose the recipe before I ever got the chance to try it. Anybody ever heard of this? Sure would like to give it a try.
  10. Wow, I'm sure glad I don't have the problem with my pups getting their shots as you do with dogs in the clinic. I'd be so beat up and busted up I couldn't walk three quarters of the time. I'd just get healed up from vaccinating one litter then I'd have to do another. Seems like I give shots every day around here. Ok, maybe not really that often, but it sure seems like it sometimes. I did have a very simular cow situation like yours though. And the tip of my index finger on my right hand is still just a tiny bit crooked because of it. We had a very friendly cow we had raised from a calf on a bottle, she would try to sneak up on you and would suck your entire arm up in her mouth if she would get a chance. She was a full grown Jersey heifer by this time. She was following me one day and trying her best to climb into my hip pocket, and since she had grown a pretty nice sharp set of horns I was trying to discourge her so I picked up the only thing I had handy at the time, which was a flat large rib bone, and I swatted her on the horn with it, only problem was my finger tip was between the bone and the horn, busted the end of the finger, it was sitting about a quarter of the way to one side. Made me say many bad words.
  11. sheepdog


    Wow, talk about different strokes for different folks! I'm just the opposite! I love to drive. Always have. Always will. I couldn't wait to get to drive. I had to wait an extra year, because when I turned 16 we were living in one state and getting ready to move back to Missouri, so my folks wouldn't let me get a licence in the state we were in. Totally ticked me off. I even drove profesionally for 3 years. As a Cab Driver. In those 3 years I probably racked up more miles driving then a lot of people do in a lifetime. Probably averaged 100,000 miles a year. I enjoy being outside, and being in a car is practicly the same thing to me. Just roll down the window, and hey, your outside! With glass windows all the way around you, it's just as good as bing outside to me. I could never stand being inside somewhere where I couldn't see out. I think I may have a real mild or minor type of claustraphobia.
  12. Of course Dinosaurs existed. How on earth would they have managed to keep silent all those people from all over the world that have dug up dinosaur bones, handled the bones, carbon dated them and put up the displays in the museums? Just can't happen. They are real. Just extinct. Like a lot of other animals that we do know for sure did exist, that are now extinct. Doo Doo Birds, passenger pigeons, and prarie chickens, all can be proven to have existed in written memory, but are gone now. Dionsaurs have just been gone longer and we only have fossils to know they were here at one time.
  13. Hey, if we don't nag, nothing will get done! You know, the old Squeaky wheel gets greased thing. Believe me, I will be glad when they get all the bugs worked out and this place gets back to something that resembles the normal every day workings like it used to. And it would help if we had some new folks coming around, It's hard to make replies to posts when some of the topics even way up near the top of the list and on the first page were started 5 years ago.
  14. Well, once again, we are back driving the original Aspire. The second transmission went out of the newer car, and since we were out of tranny's and still had the engine, the old car got the engine out of the junker we bought. The timing really sucked, with the new car having 5th gear out, when I got sick the old man didn't want to take me to the hospital in it, I sure wish he would of, the ambulance cost over $1,900!!! That hurts! I had kinda been missing the old car. The new one only has an am/fm radio, the old one also has a cassette player, which I have an adapter for so I can play CD's. and in this area we don't have any decent Oldies Rock stations, so now I can have my music again at least. And the old car has a lot better suspension system, we can haul 20 bags of feed instead of the 12 that bottoms out the newer car.
  15. sheepdog


    Gosh, the poor kid! Why is it when it rains it poors?When I was a real young kid, maybe 3-4 years old, when I had a toothache, my mom would put her finger in a bottle of wiskey, and rub it on my gums. It actually worked pretty good. However I did grow up liking the taste of wiskey, so it may not be the best home rememdy in the world!
  16. The world of medicine has certainly come a long way in just a few years. Take my recent gall bladder surgery. Instead of gutting me like a fish, they were able to make 5 small incisions, all pretty much under 1 inch long and get that troublesome body part gone. There is one thing though that I certainly wish they could figure out a way to avoid. Pyror to surgery, they still insist on starving and dehydrating a person almost to the limits of one's endurance. I had not been able to eat the day I got sick, I did eat one slice of left over pizza, but I barffed that up in the doctors office right before my trip to the hospital, so I was really quite empty. But they wouldn't let me have a drink of water no way shape fashion or form. I begged long enough and they finally gave me some ice chips to suck on. (great with my bad cold sensitive teeth, but better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick) Probably just as well, because if they wouldn't have I was ready to drink out of the sink in the hospital room anyway. I should point out, I am very big into consuming liquids. I drink at least one gallon of tea each day, and often more than that if it is a really hot summer day, plus numerous glasses of water also. So no liquid at all for a whole day really had me running on empty. Now I know they claim you can vomit when going under anesthesia, and this is supposed to be the reason, and I do know that it does happen, I've seen it happen numerous time when having puppies fixed for hernia repairs or what have you. But why can't they come up with some way around this problem? Surely when people end up in the ER for emergency surgery they don't wait a day letting them starve before helping them. In honesty, the stopping of my digestive track was worse than the surgery it'self. When you add to the fact that the antibiotics they gave me probably also killed off the digestive bacteria in my system, and then my severe dehydration and starvation on top of everything else, getting it going again was severe agony. Squimish people, stop reading here. After an hour and a half on the toilet 2 nights after surgery and let me tell you I thought I was going to die after all. The pain was awful. I was pretty sure my guts were going to rupture. Ended up sending the hubby out in the middle of the night to the local Walmart for an enema. I'll not get any more graffic that that, but just let it suffice to say I hope I never have to go threw that again!
  17. Thanks for replying. It's really strange, and I don't need any more confusion right now. I did for the heck of it, leave the site and check my email and then hit KC on my favorite's list and came right back here this time. Still can't get in to check my mycents balance, maybe that will work later too. Sure hope so.
  18. Boy, I turn my back on this site for a little while and it seems everything goes haywire! At first I couldn't even find the site, and now when I try to check my balance amount all I get is a file not found page. I can get to portal home, just no farther. I know my credits have got to be getting low, I've been having a really bad time and just didn't have the energy to sit here at the computer and type.
  19. OH My! That is sad! There is absolutly nothing like the taste of a real fresh, completely ripe home grown tomato! The ones you buy in the store are basicly tasteless cardboard if you've ever had a real one. You really should try a tomato plant, just once, so you will know how good they really are. But of course, then you would be like me and never want to eat store boughten tomatoes again.
  20. Welcome!I'm with Mrdee though, my first thought was professional what? Feel free to chat, it's how you rack up those hosting credits.
  21. While I can't answer any of your questions, computer geek I am not, still want to say Welcome to Xisto! I'm sure others here will have no problem understanding you. I don't even know what minecraft is. When I first read it I thought maybe you were into jewelry making!
  22. As much as I may of hoped for, my troubles have not yet ended. This has got to go down as one of the worst winters in history. Not the weather mind you, that fortunatly has remaind decent. The rotten economy lead to the worst Christmas sales I have ever had in nearly 30 years of puppy raising. I have never seen sales so slow. I had wanted so badly to get to take a vacation this year, my brother in law had a heart attach and we really wanted to get out to California this year to see them but there was just no way we could afford it. My foot was just about to get to the point I could walk around and do my work, still wearing the deck shoes, but something was better than nothing I guess. We had a week of really nice weather for January at least, so I got busy and started prunning all my fruit trees. I got the vast majority of that chore done finally. We had to cut wood one day, so I tried an old pair of snow boots, by taking out the inner lining I could get my bandaged foot in it wilth only minimum pain. Once my foot was down inside the boot it was fine, it was just pulling it on that hurt. I just couldn't get past the idea of trying to wear the deck shoes out to cut wood, and end up droping a log on my poor foot though. We managed to get a pretty good load of wood split and loaded, nearly 3 rick. I thought that was good for a couple old fat people!But 2 nights later I woke up in the middle of the night with some pretty bad pains in what I thought was a strange place to have pain. It was basicly below my ribs, but above my stomach. I got out of bed and walked it out, it passed in about 10 minutes or so. I layed it off on loading all that wood. Went back to bed, then got up about my normal time, felt ok for awhile, but then got to hurting a little, and just generally feeling cruddy. I just said the heck with it and when back to bed. I woke up again about 1 in the afternoon and actually felt pretty good by then. So I figured out I had just needed some extra rest. I headed off to the kennel and bathed some pups, had some people coming to pick up a puppy on Saterday morning real early so I thought it would be easier to bath the pup then instead of getting up before the crack of dawn on Saterday morning to do it. But by about 3 pm the pains came back. I messed around the house for maybe an hour hoping they would go away. They didn't. So about 4 I asked hubby if he thought his doctor at the health clinic could see me without an appointment. To his credit, I have to say Hubby practicly grabbed my arm and drug me out to the car within seconds of me even asking about a doctor. He knows me. I do not ever seek medical attention unless I am pretty sure death is eminent. Fortunatly there weren't many people in the office. While sitting there waiting to be seen I got worse, even had to make a mad dash for the bathroom to throw up. I can't even remember the last time I threw up. The doctor finally saw me, poked around on me for a few minutes, doing the "does this hurt" thing, and yes, I nearly screamed when he poked, so yea, it hurts doc. He looked at my old man and said, "She's really sick, I'm calling the ambulance." So they loaded me up and headed for the big city. No lights and sireens though, dang it. They started an IV in the ambulance and gave me a shot of something, don't know what but it sure did take the pain away thank goodness. The hospital ran it's battery of tests and eventually decided my gall bladder was on the fritz. So they scheduled me for surgery early the next morning. All went well and I got to leave the hospital later that same day luckily. I told them I didn't have insurance and was not going to stay anyway. That's probably why they went ahead and let me go. It's been 2 weeks now, recovery has been pretty slow. And as iff all that wasn't bad enough, on day 3 after surgery the inspectors were back wanting to recheck. I ran them off. Told them I just had surgery and could not do an inspection. They were not happy. I didn't give a hoot. After the pain and damage they caused making me do inspections with my burned foot I wasn't about to kill myself for their pleasure. They came back a week later, and we did the follow up inspection, and as I suspected, even though I told them right up frount I could still not bend over and pick things up it wasn't 5 minutes into the inspection they were asking me to pick up a dog so they could see the tatto number. They are such complete *BLEEP*s. Well, that's enough of my sob story for now.
  23. OH Please! Where do you guys come up with this crazy horse hockey?First of all, I know chicken when I taste it. And besides, how can you grow a chicken in a tube and have the pieces all come out in normal chicken shaped pieces? While science has had many far out new advances, I don't think test tube chickens is on that list. Also, to my knowledge, there are no featherless chickens developed by chicken breeders yet. Now there is what they call a Turkin, or naked neck chicken, these birds have no feathers on their necks. I don't know why they call them Turkins, since they are in no way related to Turkeys. It is a fairly popular breed of chicken, I'm not sure of the exact reason for the developement of the breed, unless it is to simplyfy butchering. If you've ever plucked a chicken you know the neck feathers are a bit of a nusance to pluck. As to beakless. Well, no, not quite. Broiler chicks and laying hens have their beaks clipped shortly after hatching. They only take off a bit of the tip, and it is to prevent cannibalism that is rampant in chickens housed together. It prevents them from pecking and killing each other. Chickens are mean, cantankerous birds, and if one gets a tiny blood spot on it, the other chickens in the flock will peck that chicken to death.
  24. I was pretty pround of my state when I heard on the news the other day that St. Louis Missouri held the first in the country celebration of our troops returning. They held a large parade, and the news media said there were a hundred thousand or so people that turned out! That's quite a large gathering. And the interesting thing, it was all started by 2 guys who used their face book pages to promote it and raise funds to have it. My hat's off to those 2 fellows for doing such a great job.
  25. sheepdog


    Oh dear, that sounds really bad. Sorry to hear about your grandaughter. I see this post is from several days ago, I hope things are going better for her now. Hope you can pop in and give us an update.
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