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Everything posted by sheepdog

  1. Heard on the news the other night that the piece of garbage, scum bag, creepy, worthless, disgusting, sick, twisted, buttwipe that kept those poor 3 young girls, children practicly, captive for ten years has committed suicide. Guess he sure couldn't take what he dished out, he kept those girls for ten years and he only lasted 4 months in prison. I am quite happy to know that his is no longer wasting the oxygen on this earth. Nobody that would commit such a horrific crime deserves to live. Keeping those children chained in a basement, raping and torturing them, beating them when they became pregnaunt until he literally beat the babies out of them is not the type of crime that should expect any mercy whatsoever. Good riddance to bad rubbish I say. Life in prison was too good for him. His life was not worth all the food he would eat and the air he would breath while locked up.
  2. sheepdog


    Good idea, about selling stuff, but all I would have to sell is dogs, and since so many of our members are out of even air shipping range, that probably wouldn't work for me. Anybody in the USA need a Lhasa Apso?
  3. Gosh where is everybody? This post has been up for a day and a half and no replys? That sucks! I miss the good old days when this board was really hopping busy and you could get all kinds of information fast and easy.
  4. Yes, Buffy the Vampire Slayer episodes would be nice right now, if I had the time to spare watching TV. I am happy about one thing, they finally brought back episodes of Farscape, one of my all time favorite Sci Fi Shows. I love all the Star Treks too, but Farscape is so cool with it's totally different story lines, a completly different contept than Star Trek. That's about all the TV I get to watch right now unfortunatly. And they didn't put it on until 10 pm, which messes up me getting up early, which I really need to do right now. Need to start my fall dog shearing, and it is still way too hot to do that later in the day. The more we dig into that dang trailer over there the worse it gets. We have a mountain of trash piled out frount, I literally mean a mountain, and it has been too dry now to set it on fire. They have been inside cleaning with scoop shovels the trash was so deep. Got all the trash out and now they are shoveling broken up sheet rock where holes were knocked in the walls. When we took our final count, there were only 2 windows in the entire trailer that were not broken! I dread to think what the plumbing is going to be like. Idiot had a frost proof hydrant sticking up threw the bathroom floor to fill the bath tub. A lot of the floor is going to have to be replaced where it has rotted out. I am beginning to wish I'd just tossed a match in it and walked away, would of been cheaper to go buy another used trailer somewhere. I let the new kid move into what I call my pottery trailer, it's the trailer I lived in before my father passed away 23 years ago, I have left it stay empty for the last several years since the last renter I had pissed me off so bad. A friend of mine and I were going to set it up to make pottery in, we had a kiln and wheel and all that stuff, but then he moved away so that sort of went down the drain. I'd still like to do it though, if I could ever find the time. I also planed on using it for sign painting and other craft projects that I really can't do around here because there is no place I can leave something set up to work on where it wount get messed up. I don't have a lot of spare time for that, I can just work a little while at a time, so the trailer would of been perfect for those short periods when I can (and need too) sneak away from this place once in a while. But now the problem with that is it also needed a little work done on it to make it liveable. Mostly plumbing stuff, and it was a sight cleaner than the other one so they just moved in it till we could get the other trailer fixed. Unfortunalty, fixing up both places is about to bankrupt me.
  5. Well, now this month it came again at the end of the month, a couple days earlier than it did last time. As a matter of fact, that makes twice in one month it came due. And since I have managed to get behind on my mycents I thought this time I might just use pay pal to catch it up, but I can't get that to work. I don't think I can type up enough stuff to get them caught back up again. I've been away a little while and there are still hardly any new topics to reply to. I'm about to get between a rock and a hard place here.
  6. And there in lies the problem, the dedication and motivation when your tummy is growling from hunger pains, and you have a burning desire to scarf down a huge bowl of chocolate ice cream!
  7. We have all sorts of cool titles for contributors here, we all come up threw the ranks as we post and get involved with the forums. I have made it to Trap Double Mocha Member. Not really sure of the significance of that title, but it sounds cool any way. Anyway, it's all just for fun and doesn't really mean anything, though I suppose one can claim bragging rights for being a long time member of the group.
  8. I've managed to get behind on mycents for my web hosting, and right now I've been pretty busy and don't think I can spend enough time to catch them up so I thought I would catch up my overdue balance with a Pay Pal payment, but when I tried to do that all I got was an invoice and no way to finalize the payment. I clicked on make payment, had Pay Pal showing in the drop down box and everything looked right but there was no way to finish the transaction. Anybody know how that works?
  9. Ha, bet you thought I was talking about camera film! You all should know me better than that by now! I have 2 main problems when taking pictures of dogs. Which I have to do a lot, people want puppy pictures if they are even thinking about buying a puppy. Wish there was a way around that because I hate taking puppy pictures. The little devils never hold still long enough to get that perfect shot due to the delay in the digital cameras. But anyway, that isn't the problem I want to discuse right now. I need some tips on lighting. When I take pictures of black dogs, you can never see any detail. It looks just like one big black blob. My camera has a flash, and I take pictures inside, with a 100 watt light bulb overhead, and also 2 windows in the room, one south facing and one on the east side of the room, so it seems plenty light. The other problem is oddly enough, white dogs. Or even partially white dogs, of which there are many with white on their legs or faces. I do my very best at keeping pups clean, which is no easy task, I can assure you. But even if I bath them right before a picture shoot, somehow the ones with white legs especially always look yellowish in the pictures. This is very bad, because it gives the impression the pups are urine stained, which they are not. They actually look white in real life, they just turn yellow in the pictures. I really don't know what is causing this or how to go about fixing it. Any input is appreciated.
  10. Was just wondering if anyone here uses any of the free or paid advertising sites on the internet and which you find are worth the time and effort you put in placeing ads? I have some unique problems, as many of these types of sites do not allow dog for sale ads, like Craigs List. I have pretty good luck with Puppy Find, which is of course, as you may gather from the title, strictly a list for dogs and pups, though it is a bit costly, $20 a month. I've tried many others, and get some inquiries back from some of them, but it takes so much time to go trew all of them and then keep the ads updated and it just turns out ot be extremely time consuming and I wonder if it's worth the effort. What sites do you folks use? (and do they allow pet sales?)
  11. I was just reading the topic header for this section and was wondering what Manga is? Never heard of it. All the other listed possibilities for hobbies I have heard of, and actually tried several of, but never that one. If I had time for a hobby, I would love to do wood burning. I actually have two big thick slices cut out of a burl of wood sitting in the closet behind me that I bought at the swap meet to make wood burnings with. I thought since they were a matched set, about 1 1/2 foot tall and a little over 2 ft. long, they would make a nice small bench, it I could find someone who did wrought iron work that could make the legs and the brackets to put them together for me.
  12. No, those aren't perenials. All are anuals, that have to be seeded back every year. We till up the bed every spring and I reseed it. Seed saving is a major undertaking around here. I could never afford to buy enough seed to plant a bed that big, it would cost many hundreds of dollars. I just made my first seed harvest this past week, it had been put off a bit too long as it was, but I don't like to harvest seed when it is rainy, but this week I had no choise in the matter if I wanted any seed. I did manage to pick about half of a small bucket of flower heads. It may be a good trick now to get them dry enough to jar up and save back without them molding from having too much moisure in them. And I found something I have NEVER seen before. We have had so much rain and it has stayed so wet, that the spent flower heads that I normally harvest for seed have actually got tiny baby plants starting to sprout out of the seed heads. I have to say it's pretty weird to see a plant growing right out of the flower! Sadly some of the flower heads were wet for so long, they are probably to rotten to save seed out of. Many of the plants on the outer edge of the bed have been beaten down by all the rain, and those at ground level are rotting. It is not looking like it's going to be a promising year for seed harvest at any rate. Surely it will dry up pretty soon. LOL, it better anyway, or I may start having a lot of trouble finding my dogs that are out in the back in large ground runs. The grass is growing faster than we can mow it. Tried all last week to mow but it is just too wet and it rains just enough every single day to keep us from mowing.
  13. Well, since I don't actually pay it, it's taken out with mycents, I never really paid attention to the due date. But it has always come to my email address and was paid on the 7th or 8th, not on the first. I actually get 2 emails, one saying it is due and then right along with it another saying it has been paid. Or, since mycents are being credited very often, I get the second email saying how much more I owe.
  14. Well, that's true of course, I was just thinking that maybe they changed the settings to where everybody's came due at the same time or something like that.
  15. Gads, I'm going stir crazy today! Been stuck on this stupid computer for hours. We stayed home from the swap meet because of the predicted rain. I only got outside for a little while this morning before the rain started. Managed to take a few new pictures of my flower bed I wanted to share with you all. Since I took the last pictures, all the orange Cosmos has started to bloom, and the bed looked fantastic for several days, with all the understory of pinks and purples and a bit of other colors, then when the cosmos shot up it got taller than the rest of the flowers and made a beautiful layer of orange over the rest of the bed. It looked fantastic until the rain started beating it down the past few days. I went out a few minutes ago and took a quick tour around the place on the 4 wheeler, in the rain, guess I'd rather be wet than crazy. Bet I've sent off a hundred emails today, and I am definatly sick of being on the computer. I hate being stuck in side.
  16. I recieved my bill for my web site yesterday, which was August 2. I thought that was really strange because it has always come in on the 7th or 8th before. As it happened, I was 77 cents short. Then this morning my mycents updated, with a whole $2 so I suppose I'm ok now, I was just wndering about the change of due date.
  17. We didn't get much of a crop in 2011, I suspect that is why we have been so deligent in our efforts this year. I think Hubby spends more time looking out the door at the tree's watching for the pests than he does watching the tv. Just when we thought we were winning the war, somehow the rebles brought in reinforcements. We thought we nailed the last 2 yesterday, though one got away with nothing more than a balded tail. But one came back today, and it was a different one than the one that got it's tail pelted. Hubby mentioned this morning that he has gone threw entire squirrel seasons in his youth when he was hunting them and desperatly needed them for food when he didn't see so many of the blasted things. Another new battle plan, now he just sneaks out the garage door instead of the front door and that way he is right there by the apple trees before they know he has stepped outside. That worked on the last 2 anyway. I'll be glad when this war is over, and so will our 2 house dogs. I think they are getting tired of hiding under the bed. Both are terribly gun shy. Good thing they are pet dogs and not hunting dogs!
  18. Ok, I have an RCA mp3 player and have a bunch of songs on it, but it still has a lot of room left, and I know I have more songs that I haven't found yet to put on it. But what I need to do is be able to print out a list of what is actually on it, so when I am going threw my cd's I can check to see if I have that song yet. When I am playing the MP3 player on my computer it uses Window's Media Player. I can highlight a song or songs, but when I right click on what I have highligted I can't bring up "copy" I only get Add 2 list, Remove from List , move up or down or open file location. Need copy but it's not an option. Anybody have any clues how I can do this?
  19. 2012 saw a time of peace in the region and a bumper crop of apples and not even a flash from a fluffy tail running away from the scene of the crime. A wonderful time of peace and harvesting lots of great apple products, lots of sauce and dried fruit treats, and all you could ever want of eating fresh off the tree of the best tasting apples in the world. Sadly 2013 saw a huge increase in the thieving activites of the insergent population of apple stealing rodents. We saw as many as 6 at a time in the tree. And this year we have a very poor apple crop. Certainly not enough to share with a whole herd of the dang rodents. And in the past two years, neither our aim nor our eyesite has seen any improvement in either hubby or I. So this year we have had to resort to drastic measures. We had to bring in some heavy artillery. Namely a 20 gauge shotgun. Boy, you wouldn't believe how much a shotgun makes up for bad aim and bad eyes! We did try to use our new pistols for the first few battles, but they just weren't cutting it for us. Thank goodness shotgun shells are not as hard to purchase as 22 shells are. A quick trip to Wally World and we were ready for Squirrel Wars 2013. We also came up with a great new battle plan. I would let the old man get out the back door and wait with the shotgun out behind the house, then I would take my pistol out the front door and go after them, when they ran off and headed back to the woods, Hubby was waiting to blast them with the shotgun. We really wrecked hell and havoc on them that way. The past couple days, I've only seen one in the tree's at a time, and today, for the first time I saw my new dog go after one, so his days are numbered for sure now!
  20. Well, things aren't really going a whole lot better. My new Sheepdog decided to try to take a chunk out of me when I tried to give him a dose of wormer. Fortunalty, I'm fast and he's not. And now he lays around on the inside part of the building, so unless I get down on hands and knee's I can't even reach him to pet him without crowding him, which I'm not really willing to attempt. He is one weird dog. I've owned a LOT of sheepdogs in my life and have never seen one as goofy as he is. The former tenents did show up and do a little cleaning this weekend. I haven't had the stomach to go look and see what they did manage, but I'm told it has a long way to go by someone who was brave enough to go look. The trailer needs probably over $200 worth of new window glass put in it. They did board over the front door so you can't see how bad the insdie is now. I'm sure there is a lot of the sheetrock walls that need replaced, I saw 2 or 3 holes last time I did look in, and I'm sure the floor is rotted out in places. I suspect the plumbing is shot too. Sadly, the 2 dogs I really did want are gone, no where to be found, I've checked with all the neighbors and no one has seen them. I have a bad feeling a neighboorhood thief picked them up. Guess I need to find out where he lives and go see if they are there. And of course, the 2 mutt dogs are still there, and all those bloody dang cats. So I called him yesterday to see when they are coming back to clean and he started giving me this song and dance about how his back is hurt and he can't do much bla bla bla, maybe in 2 weeks when the kids go back to school, and I have never in my life met anyone who had so many excuses for everything! Just one damn excuse after another, by the time I got off the phone I was about to burst into flames I was so pissed. You know, absolutly nothing is that poor guys fault! These people give trailer trash a bad name! What really worries me is that they have 5 children that will probably grow up to be just like their parents. It's just so sad. I told him I had someone interested in renting it but they would't touch it until he cleaned it up and I couldn't wait for 2 or 3 more weeks till school started for him to get around to it. I tried to be civil, but I was probably not very nice about it at all. I sure didn't feel like I had any real obligation to be nice to that jerk anyway. Amazingly enough I have found someone desperate enough to want to rent it if we can get it cleaned up. I'll have to give them several months free rent, and spend a small fortune getting it fixed enough to be liveable, but that's better than letting it sit empty and having someone tear out all the walls to strip out the wiring to sell for scrap metal. Actually, I have a new hired hand, my long time employee just went on one too many drug binges and quit, and this time I had had enough of his garbage so I didn't take him back like I have the last several times he's done this. (by the way, he is the father of the worthless renter, so I know worthlessness breeds true.) Thanks to all for listening to my rant. It helps a little to have an outlet for it, other than going and beating the crap out of the guy. It's a rainy day, I sent hubby away to go buy me some new tires for my 4 wheeler, so the house is quiet, I am too tired from a hard day yesterday so it's a perfect time for posting here.
  21. LOLOLOL, I didn't think I would live long enough to hear that typing instead of talking to a computer was old fashion! I had Via Voice program in one of my earlier computers, I messed with it some, but I felt stupid taking to a machine, and usually I worked on it late at night and my talking would of disturbed the old man's much needed sleeping, so I really didn't fool with it all that much.
  22. LOL, the cab drivers I know couldn't afford anything as late model as a Toyota Prius! We always used station wagons, wore out 2 Chevys and one Plymoth. Well, actually we didn't wear out the Plymoth, I crashed it. Got it completely wiped out when somebody ran a red light. Didn't do me much good either, but I survived it with a probably cracked rib and a jillion tiny punctures from small glass fragments. That wreck ended my career as a cab driver. Now the Chinese might add some tech stuff, but as far as improvements over the originals, I kinda doubt that! No offence to anyone Chinese here, but lordy they stamp out some awful cheap garbage! I don't think I'd care to trust a Chinese car. Heck, even the can openers they make tear up after one can the metal is so cheap!
  23. Haven't lived full time in an RV, but we have one and use it for several weeks at a time when we are on vacation. Gasoline generators are not very fuel efficient when it comes to making electric. And even if you have a propane refrigerator and heat, those small bottles of propane are 10 times higher in cost than to have a large propane tank filled. So having a smaller space is probably not more cost effective than having a regular size home or apartment. Of course, it's a lot easier to move when you are in an RV if you don't like your neighbors!
  24. sheepdog


    Yes, it would really thrill me to see some farmers, or at least some gardening enthusists. Thre is always so much to learn about gardening, exchangeing ideas with other gardeners is always very helpful. So many here are just mostly into computers, which is great when I have a computer problem, but in my case, there are other things in life I like a lot more than computers. (Ok, actually that list is probably pretty long)
  25. Sorry guess I didn't explain it well enough, I'll give it another shot. It's just a section in my new kennel building that we never finished and put dogs in, it's the size of what would be 2 dog runs on the outside of the actual building itself, but it has a roof completely over it so it doesn't get rained in. I have lots of space to spread out screens so that I can dry whole flower heads when they have matured, and then later I can shell them out (a huge time consuming job) and then put them in jars and store them until the next spring when I reseed the flower bed. Everything I do in that space is seed related, buckets for harvesting, jars for storing, trays and small bowls to save small amounts of special seed, even a notebook that I keep track of what I have planted where, and scrap paper and pens so I can label jars if need be.
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