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Everything posted by scab_dog

  1. Good Softwares to Make Banners I need a good banner for my website 3dolla, I''m not a good banner creater can any one tell me a good banner making software that is simple to use. I might be able to use!! From .::DAMAN::.
  2. I Terrbyte 1 Terrbyte that would be cool, I have a 300GIG Hardrive at the momentn but i need a bigger one 1 Terrbyte would be nice!! Yeah I Have read articles about this disk on APC, They do have a DVD drive which could read it, but they are going through tests, Ihave heard that it would come out in Late 2006. I would prefer a 1Terrbyte Hardrive more than a Disk, A Disk you have to wait and burn stuff onto it, if you want to delete the files you have to wait another 10min. But if you have a hardrive you dont have to wait. 1 Terrbyte thats cool!! From .::DAMAN::.
  3. Spazz Rell good for a starter, Like nick i was far far worse. PS: Happy Birthday 29th March 2005 From .::DAMAN::.
  4. How Do You Make A Site Using Flash Mx If you notice the templates, only parts of the templates are Flash, so you cant make the whole website with flash, only the menu and stuff like that. From .::DAMAN::.
  5. PsychiccyberfreakI'm Intrested in it, I know all the languages and I'm just starting on PHP. But can I know what type of website it is!!From.::DAMNA::.
  6. Ever1 @ Xisto I found a picture of XBOX 2, I not sure if it is real or Not But Any way: I think This Xbox look manil like XBOX 1 but mre thiner. Do you like the XBOX 2 Picture? From .::DAMAN::.
  7. I agree with AngelA~, but I think the one you are using now fits perfectly, From .::DAMAN::.
  8. This is about new computers, but not about robots!! I have read in a magzine that ther is going to be a 6.4Ghz Computer coming out in Late 2006. Intel is working on it at the moment!! From .::DAMAN::.
  9. My hand sweets when i play the XBOX for a long time, but I bought a AIRFLO controller, this controller is cool, it has an inbuild fan so your hand dosent sweet.From.::DAMAN::.
  10. Domin thing I was wondering da same thing, just say i have a .co.nr domain name, I redirect it with my Xisto account, then i add an email account name ad admin would it still be admin@**.trap17.com or admin@**.co.nr!! From .::DAMAN::.
  11. Every1I just turned 12 Years Old..::DAMAN::.
  12. The image looks cool, but da link dont work!! From .::DAMAN::.
  13. Thanks for da advice, I'll do as you say. Ps: I didnt know how to post the posts in da right forum, but i figured it out now!! From .::DAMAN::.
  14. More Info Please. What problem do you have?If you want a poll use http://www.freepolls.com/ is a good poll provider. From .::DAMAN::.
  15. I want to know the same too: Just say I buy a .com domain would i be able to change my Xisto subdomain tto the .com domain. From .::DAMAN::.
  16. Loky I own a XOX too, Sony has more games but isnt that good compared to da XBOX. 3 GOODTHINGS ABOUT XBOX # XBOX has better graphfix # XBOX has an internal harddrive so you dont have to by memory cards. # XBOX has HALO but sony dosent!! 3 GOODTHINGS ABOUT SONY # Has more games than da XBOX # Has Add ons like Eye-Toy # ----------I'm not sure I cant think of any------------ But overall I would rate XBOX better. PS. If i was you i wouldnt be buying a XBOX right now, i would save up for a XBOX 2. From .::DAMAN::.
  17. I not sure, i must have been editing the website when you had a look try again!! From .::DAMAN::.
  18. Sorry!!I forget to upload my index.html file!!
  19. Hi Every1 I have been working on a website http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. Chech da website out do you think i need any inprovements. I have just emailed 2FLASHGAMES if possible i could become thir partener. AND that would be cool!! From .::DAMAN::.
  20. I own a XBOX, A Gameboy Advance. And Now I'm trying to by a SNES Super Nintendo is COOL!!Ps: I dont think the poll is any use I could only vote for one thing!!
  21. ....... and I think TRAP 17 already Has:100+ web space1GB+ transferunlimited emailunlimited subdomainsphpbb forum
  22. To Donnyouyang I dont know why you want to fo to another free webhosting service. TRAP 17 is da BEST. But if you do go to Xisto like vujsa said. Nut I personaly think that TRAP 17 is DA BEST . From .::DAMAN::.
  23. Demongaara Check out these websites for some free templates: #http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ #http://www.steves-templates.com/templates.html #http://webzonetemplates.com/ #http://www.interspire.com/ #https://www.freewebtemplates.com/ #https://www.templatesbox.com/ Those are some of the best Free Template Website I found on the WEB, I espically like the Free Layots. From .::DAMAN::.
  24. COOL That looks really good. Can you tell me what software you used to create the animation. Like WHYME I could stare into the picture and not get bored of IT. Can you help me with my animation!! From .::DAMAN::.
  25. Ever1I'm still trying to figure out how to do a wheeile HeHeHe From.::DAMAN::.
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