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Everything posted by longtimeago

  1. I think you are from India and you use the service provider BSNL Broadband, anyways let me explain to you how it is done , this port forwarding is generally done for a common purpose that is to run a webserver from your home pc which is behind a ADSL router.All you need to do is make some cofiguration in your router and thats it prot forwarding is done.Step 1: Login to your router.this is generally done in a ADSL Router by typing the gateway address in the URL bar of your browser,in the browswer just type Step 2: The router need authentication , if you have preset any password use that password and login to your router ,else the default password for the ADSL modem is admin and the username is also admin, now that you have logged into your router.Step 3: Now go to WAN Service and Disable the WAN service which your router provides and under WAN , select Virtual servers, in virtual Servers you have to enter the outgoing port and the incomming port , for example if you want to set up a webserver all the request will be comming in port 80 and now , enter Port 80 in the incomming port and in the outgoing port enter your internal IP address (usually and the port in which your internal allplication is running ,eg. for IIS its port 80.Step 4: Save and exit , now to update the configuration , you have to restart your router.Hope this provides you with the necessary solution :P
  2. hey its quite simple , i understand that you have 64 static IP address, actually with one static IP address itself you can serve many host computer , all you need to do is set up a small LAN and i will explain it to you step by step,1) Get a Router or any device ( any end device some times firewall too ) which can perform NATing for you, NATing is nothing but Network Address Translation2) have a Switch ( Preferably Cisco's 24 port switch ) . Take a Ethernet Connection from the router or the end device which you have used to do NATing and give it as input to your Switch.3) Now that your switch is connected and given an Input and you can use the remaining 23 ports to connect 23 other hosts.4)You can take a line from this switch and give as input to some other switch and so on.Note: All you have to note here is Addressing these , just set the ethernet port in the router ( end device which you use ) and this will act as the gateway.Now if you go for subnetting Calculate the subnet mask correspondingly or just keep it as broadcast address it done! But remember to take care of the Addressing . . . :P
  3. Can you be a little more clear , you want your PC to act as a node and your PDA to act as another NODE ?? so that you wanna browse on your PDA ?? Your aiming at making your PC a Server and the PDA connected to it a Client ??
  4. i would say , a clever IPOD is nothing but an Iphone , but comparing about the battery life , IPOD had more battery life than Ifone , and moreover IPOD is Sleek , its worth mentioning about Itouch here , i would call the advanced version of Ipod is Itouch ,thats simply like a paper and it rocks..and performs the same and even more operation than an Ipod.
  5. i have worked with IDE for doing J2EE and i suggest is one of the Best one if you want to do J2EE Programming , It has that intellicence property.Its not intelligence. Intellicence is one where when you type the starting letter of any function, here function means inbulit function or starting letter of any keyword immediately the drop down box appears showing all the things available for with the starting letter which you have typed.This property which is called as intellicence is of great advantage for programmers and developers.
  6. I guess we cant make a direct comparison of which is good Java or DotNet, Dot net is a platform which supports various languages like C , C++ etc. and a direct comparison wont be effective between these two, but however i guess there are some key aspects of java, Java dooes not allow multiple inheritance , where as C# .Net too doesnt allow multiple inheriatance , so if you study closely you can get some similarities and dissimilarites between java and .Net. However each has its own advantages. So we can call both as good.
  7. Actually there are two types of portable hard drive , any hard drive which is connected through USB and which is external is considered as portable hard drive , the two types of portable hard drive are , one which uses a flash disk inside it and the other is one where a normal hard disk which we use in a computer ( which uses a rotating disk) is fixed inside a casing and the appropriate power supply and a USB connection is given to the casing which makes it a external hard drive, now comparing these two external harddrives , one that is the external harddrive which uses a flash memory is very slim and it has a beautiful look , whereas if you take a look at the other one it is bulky as a normal hard drive. The diffrence is that in the hard drive which uses a flash memory only an USB input is present and the other one has two inputs , one is USB another is a power supply , and if you see the cost the flash memory external hard drive is much costly than the one which uses a normal hard drive with a outer casing , I have used both and i like both.You see external that is protable hard drives has its own advantages, its like a Mega Pen Drive
  8. So i guess this may reflect to all people who are under google adsense . Because they may slow down the payment to normal adsense subscribers . Already i have heared people telling that Google simply eliminates certain number of adsense accounts as fraudent clicks and i dont know how far thats true, may be if it is true the number of eliminations may go higher
  9. Making online money is fun , but please be careful. Many pranks are there in todays online scenario.Make sure that you dont give your credict card information to all the online agents who claim that you can earn through then , they may misuse your credict card information,especially do not trust those sites which asks you to make a credict card payment through adult websites.
  10. Some people think that giving to God is an obligation while some others tend to think that it is a commitment that involves sacrifice. Some others think that it has come as a tradition, while quite a few attribute it to the continuous teaching and pestering of Gods servants. But, have we ever thought of it as the grace of God! For it is absolutely true that without His grace we will not be able to give freely and wholeheartedly. If we have God's grace in us it will show itself in giving. If we want new grace, we must exercise what we have in giving. And in all we give we ought to do it in the consciousness of the grace of God that works it in us. Paul writes about the grace of giving in chapter 8 of his second epistle to the Corinthians, (Vs 2) The characteristic giving of the Macedonian church teaches us how to give. They gave of their own accord/ very liberally/ beyond their power/ with sacrifice. Friends, we have to accept the fact that there are many among the poor who give liberally than the rich. This is because they do not hold fast to what they have but simply let it go. If we want to be good givers, especially for the work of God, let us follow the Macedonian example. Let us ask God to give us that special grace so that we will also receive the abundance of joy as the believers in Macedonia, by such giving. If only we have this grace, there would be no reason why the Lords work should suffer.
  11. Yeah this is what i am tending to say , i wanna get a copy right or a patent so that none will copy the system and im sure that such a system do not exist till date. So can i know how to get a patent or a copy right to something related to that for a paper ?
  12. Dear friends , im intrested in the field of security and especially online security and i have done a paper that is a finding on Online security to abolish Phishing completly. So the problem is that if i post it online some one is going to steal it . There is a non profit organisation by name IEEE which helps in people publishing their papers and getting a copyright. If anyone knows how to do it please let me know .Moreover as an engineering student is it possible for me to get patent for my paper. If so please let me know the procedure for it .Ultimately my aim is to get the AntiPhishing algorithm known to the whole world so that it may be useful to many and on the other hand i dont want it to be forged , what i mean by this is i dont want any one to steal the same . So if anyone can provide me with details please tell me .
  13. I had enrolled myself in some of the online earning stuffs , but i really wonder why almost many of them are fake ?? All they say is to earn a specific amount of cash and then it can be redeemed , so as i did and finally what happened was that they did not do anything nor replied to my query . Eg. AWSurveys .Its like Many sites do cheat the users.The only thing i have found out through this online earning is that , they pay to very few people and in turn what happens is that those few people promote the site and write testimonies because of which others are cheated.Now my Big question is that why do these online earning sites redeem every single penny we earn so that we are not cheated instead they say a big amount and once that is reached only it can be redeemed.If there is any Legal site which redeem every single penny we earn to paypal please let me know . Please dont promote sites which cheat others.
  14. A lady worked in a factory where delicate silk threads were woven. Once, the ball of thread she was working with got entangled hopelessly. The standing instruction given to the workers was whenever the threads get entangled they should immediately call the supervisor who had the knack to disentangle the threads. Inspite of this the lady tried by herself to remove the knots. The more she tried, the worse it became. At that moment, the supervisor arrived and found the work in a dreadful mess. ?I was doing my best to remove the knots? said the lady ?The best thing you should have done is to have called me? replied the supervisor. In a few minutes he worked on the complicated knot of threads and removed all the tangles.Dear friends, how often do we entangle the threads of our lives by our foolishness and disobedience! How often do we try frantically to unravel the mess by ourselves! How hesitant we are to call our Master and allow Him to deal with the problem until the whole situation goes beyond control! In this text we read about the disobedience and faithlessness of the Israelites which is recorded in the Bible, Instead of trusting the promises of the Lord, they believed the false news of the ten spies. They refused to listen to Joshua and Caleb who gave encouraging reports about Canaan. They rebelled against the Lord. Because of this, the Lord?s anger burned against them and he caused them to wander in the desert for forty years. Had they called upon the Lord and listened to His good counsel they would have reached Canaan quickly. They would have avoided so many complications. So let us also not heed to our flesh. But, before things become more complicated why not we lift our hearts to God and plead for help?
  15. Many modern Christians have lost sight of what the Bible means when it talks about repentance. They think that repentance is feeling sorry for what they did, while continuing to live just as they have lived before. True repentance means to change, to turn away from, and to go in a new direction. A person must first acknowledge that he is a sinner. When Isaiah was convicted of his sins, he said, (Isaiah 6:5) When Peter met Jesus he got convicted and said, (Luke 5: 8) This process of conviction is brought about by the Holy Spirit, and not by ones own effort. True repentance cannot take place unless there is a move of the Holy Spirit in the heart and mind of a person. After conviction of sins and repentance, a person should have the determination to forsake sin. He should change his attitude towards self and sin. Again, it is only the Holy Spirit who can give a person the determination necessary for true repentance. One cannot be a Christian and live a kind of life he wants to, because when Christ enters into the heart He wants to be the Lord and Master of every area. He demands complete surrender of ones emotions, intellect, will, talents and abilities. Jesus demands Lordship over all things. He wants you to yield everything concerning your social life to Him. He must have first place in everything you do or think or say, for when you truly repent you turn to God for everything writes Billy Graham in his book, Peace with God. So friends, do not be a Christian for namesake. Truly renounce all your sinful ways, make a complete turnaround from sin and walk towards the merciful Father who is ready to accept you into His outstretched arms. So lets pray this simple prayer .. Lord, I am sorry that I kept sinning against You. Forgive me and help me to change direction and walk in Your ways. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.
  16. Recent surveys have shown a decline in morals and ethics. Integrity seems to be a forgotten word. By definition, integrity means soundness of moral principle and character, complete honesty and uprightness with no masking of intent. Its opposite is hypocrisy. It means that a person must be openly honest, making certain that he conveys no false claims either in word or in life. Integrity excludes lying, stealing, cheating, and every form of deception. Integrity makes a man completely trustworthy. Proverbs 19:1 says, The Bible describes the blessing one receives for his integrity. A righteous man that walketh in his integrity, blessed are his children after him. In the Bible we find these words of advice, (Deut. 16:1920). When General Dean was a prisoner of the Communist forces in North Korea, there came a time when he was told that he was soon to be executed before a firing squad. He was given time to write a letter to his wife, in which he included instructions for their son. Under these most severe circumstances he wrote briefly but powerfully, Tell Bill the word is integrity. Today the Lord instructs us so: I tell you, the word is INTEGRITY! Shall we take an oath today to remain completely honest and upright in the sight of God and all men? Lets do it ..........
  17. (Ps 91:15) The chairman of a large shipping company was staying in a hotel room in Canada. He had everything, but at that moment he was so overwhelmed by the pressures and demands of his life. Inspite of being one of the richest men, he was wallowing in self-pity. He did not eat his food, and he could not sleep worrying about his business, investments, decisions, family, health, and even trivial things. Suddenly he cried aloud, God, it's a joke, isn't it? Life is nothing but a joke. Then it occurred to him that he has just talked to God, after a very, very long time probably since he was a little boy. He started praying, telling God about all his problems, anxiety and worries. Suddenly he heard a voice, It doesn't have to be that way. And a great peace enveloped his heart and soul. After he returned home, he told his wife about this incident and she said, That's the message of the Bible. Jesus saves us not only from sins but also from all our anxiety. We can cast all care on Him. He will free us. 'It doesn't have to be that way. Of course that man has struggles. He still has to work hard. But now, he has a source of strength. PRAYER! During times of stress, he prays. He says, "Prayer clears my head and reminds me of who I am and whose I am. I think back to the day in the hotel room in Canada and how depressed and lonely and lost I felt, until I heard God's voice saying, 'It doesn't have to be that way.' Dear friends, dont we identify with this gentleman? Dont we worry too much about almost everything? It doesnt have to be that way. Let us pray to the Lord and be freed of fear and anxiety. Prayer is surely a strong weapon that the Lord has given us.
  18. Hello friends , just now i came accross a particular type of script which is capable of masking the URL which is seen in the Address bar of the webpage , that is by implementing the particular Java Script when the user visits a page eg. http://www.mysite.com/ , then it is possible for the admin of http://www.mysite.com/ to mask this site and display some other website in the viewers address bar. I came to know that such a script can be written using Java Scripts , Can any one get me the Script ??
  19. Thank you for your help and i have found a solution, the same can be obtained using C# , C# has an inbuilt class known as the Bitmap and with C# i was successfully able to code a program to get the mean RGB color by giving the Image location as input.
  20. hello friends i am doing a project , in that i am inneed to fine the mean RGB value of a particular image , is there any program in any language which can do this ? the input to the program will be any image ( can be linked in the program) and the putput must be the mean RGB value of that particular image , is this Possible ? If so please post the Coding , no matter in what ever language it may be written.Thanks in Advance
  21. ahh friends , so now what i decided is to get rid of even human bots , so the only way is that to protect my webpage , i mean if there is a way out to protect the Registration page in my phpBB2 forum with my user name and password and share the same with my friends whom i wanna have in my forum then i can be totally free from spammers , i mean both human spammers and BOTS , so please let me know is this method possible .Thanks in Advance ..
  22. Hello friends , i have been hosting a website which has a phpBB2 forum and i have a lot of spam accounts inspite of the captcha which is present in the registration form . So i had already posted that matter and all the solutions did not stop spammers from creating a account . All that i could do was just stop them from posting in the forum, still spammers account ID are visible in the members List So now i thought of protecting the webpage itself with a password . Let me explain it to you clearly , my phpBB2 forum is intalled in a directory by name "phpBB2" So i tried to protect this "Password Protect Directories" option in the cpanel . I selected this directory and i applied a username and a password so that when people try to access my forum they will be prompted as we are prompted when we try to login to our cpanel. But unfortunately this did not work for me , So please kindly help me regarding this .Still if i can get the above thing to work , i will not be in a position to advertise my site because of the password protection. Its ok provided doing so i can avoid spammers.Adding on is it possible for me to protect the REGISTRATION form page alone in my phpBB2 forum with a password ? So that when they click register in the forum they will be prompted for the same as we are prompted for the cpanel password, so that i can give the username and password to all the people who i want them to join the community , on the other hand i can display a message in the registration page , "If you dont know the password contact me through mail and get it inorder to register in this board" . So is there any possiblity for that .All this i do just to keep away spammers from joining my forum. So do Consider my case and help me out .Thanks a Lot in Advance ...
  23. There was a guy by name Lee.Lee was prescribed by his doctor some medicines for his heart condition. This medicine, Lee was told, could cause depression. Lee was an optimist, but the medicine created a negative reaction in him. He found himself dredging up negative experiences from the past, times he had failed, times when things went wrong and so on. He started worrying about his health. Finally he got so depressed that he got on his knees and said. Lord, I have to fight back. I know you dont want me to live like this. Please help me. The next day, Lee decided to try a new approach. He started thinking positive things to crowd out the negative feelings. He took time to read the Word of God and pray, His prayer consisted more of thanking the Lord for all the blessings he had received in the past. He took time to listen to good music, to read a good book or informative article, and to get some good exercise. And slowly he began to find that despite the medication he could control his feelings successfully! So friends, do you struggle with negative thoughts or a habit that is causing bad health? Do not allow your feelings to master you. Whenever your mood dips, immediately get in touch with Gods Word which will strengthen your soul. In Psalm 42, we read how David found relief from his depressed state by putting his hope in the Lord, and praising Him. In the next Psalm he made a positive statement. . (Psalm 43:4) So then, cheer up. Start taking a series of steps that will make you glad. Force yourself to enjoy life with His grace. The Lord of hope will certainly fill your heart with inexplicable joy.
  24. Once when Dwight Moody lost his father at a very young age, he had to leave his mother and brothers to find a place where he could get some help. He was supposed to work for a very old man and his wife and to earn a few cents to support himself. But, he felt so homesick and he wanted to leave. At that time, when he was standing on the pavement near a shop, an old man approached him and gently tapped on his head and asked, ?Are you the little boy new to this town?? When Moody answered yes, he started talking to him about Jesus, God?s only Son who came to save him, a poor little lad in the countryside. And then he put his hand in his pocket, pulled out one cent and handed it over to Moody. This touched Moody?s longing heart. He learnt later that it was the habit of this old man to meet any new boy entering the town, tell Him of God?s love and extend a helping hand to meet his needs. Moody said later, ?I may not be like that man, but down into my pocket goes my hand, and I take out some money and give it to every forlorn, miserable child I see. I think of the old man who lifted a load from me, and I want to lift a load from someone else.?The good Samaritan also did something like that. He met the dying traveler on the road, gave Him personal attention and extended a helping hand. And that is being like Christ! So, Moody advised people, ?Do you want to be like Christ? Go and find someone who has fallen, and get your arm under him, and lift him up toward heaven. The Lord will bless you in the very act.? Dear friends, if we really want to imitate Christ, let us go and find out someone who needs help and lend our hand to lift him or her up and show Christ?s love. Let us be load-lifters and glorify God always!
  25. I tried downloading many hacks for my PHPbb2 forum , but none worked now i understand that all i need to do inorder to avoid these spams are i must change the format of my registration form and add some questions like what is 1+1 etc. so that spammers cant use Bots and spam my forum , But i am unable to install those hacks and stuffs in my forum , can anyone help me in doing this, If i let you know my Cpanel Login information , please can some one do it for me and give , if so kindly PM me pleasee , Im not wellversed with this , so i need to get rid of these spam ..Some one help me please some one...
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