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Posts posted by reconraiders

  1. I'm in the process of making a photo gallery script. I need ideas on how to make a batch upload script. I want the user to be able to upload files to a folder via FTP and then go to the admin section of the gallery and add the previously uploaded photos to the MySQL database. I guess what I need it to do is find all the files in a specific folder and see if they are already in the database, if they aren't in the database - add them. Any help would be appreciated. I figured Xisto would be a good place to get help with this :P

  2. I used to exercise nearly every day. I used to be in top physical shape. I could run 2 miles in about 11 minutes do 150 pushups in 2 minutes and 150 situps in 2 minutes. My current state is quite embarrassing however. I almost never exercise. I don't have enough food to do so. I'm poor :P I have lost a lot of weight because of this. I hope to gain it all back (my weight and my strength) within a year though. I just need to make some money first so I can buy food. Then I can exercise. Then I can be superman again!

  3. if you have money to start with I would recommend getting involved with domains. You can purchase some domains and park them and run ads on them while you have them. This will give you some income. You can also try selling the domains. The best way to make money with domains is to get expiring domains and sell them back to the previous owner. But if you don't have money to start with, you can make websites for free. You can host them for free. You can run ads on them and make money from that. Then you can get enough money to start buying domains and making more and more websites. Or you can go the suckers way and just fill out surveys and read emails and make pennies :P

  4. Reconraiders: I don't know where you read that a turbo mixes exhaust gasses but if you read my short article you'll see I've described the part of the turbine that is driving the machine as being in the exhaust, but it's turning another turbine (fan) that's outside of the exhaust, pulling in outside air.
    I wrote up that entire article without using any reference material whatsoever, just pulled it out of my memory and understanding of what I've learned on the topic over time. I've been fascinated with this subject for at least ten years now and I've spent that time thumbing through mags at Wallyworld such as Diesel Power and others reading what I can and continuing to further my understanding. I take it as a compliment, on one hand, that you think I "copied and pasted" the article from somewhere. On the other hand, though, you can not make an accusation like that, EVER, without backing it up. I'd ask you, nicely (for now), to edit your post and retract the accusation. I never would stoop to the level you've accused me of. Put up, or shut up.

    I was referring to the first post by musicfreak. :P Your post was good. Oh and you're not directing that second part toward me are you? I didn't say anything about you copying and pasting. Your post was much more informative then the first post in the thread.

  5. turbos do not mix gases from exhaust. Turbochargers use the hot exhaust from an engine to spin a turbine. This turbine propeller is connected to a second propeller by a shaft. The second propeller spins along with the first one, but this one is sucking in cool clean air from outside of the engine and it is forcing the air into the engine. This raises the compression and gives more horsepower.

  6. Myspace used to be more about the music and the scene. It was pretty cool for that back then. It has become so popular now though, it is unbelievable. It is rather uncommon for somebody to NOT have a myspace. Often times when I meet new people I ask them for their myspace url. It has become just another way to keep in touch with friends. It lets you know where your friends are or where their going. It lets you know what their doing. It's pretty addicting too lol.

  7. For me, being standards compliant is usually the most important thing. I like to have everything xhtml and css compliant. That should make the html coding fairly clean (which is another thing you need to have). Organization is also very important. I usually start off every website with a root directory and inside of that I will have these directories: "images", "css", "js", and "inc". In college I took a class called "advanced web design" and the teacher recommended that we use only ONE directory for the whole site. Just place all your images and pages inside this one directory. Her idea was to simplify writing code for images and links. With only one directory you wouldn't have to have slashes and dots and relative paths. That was some of the worst advice she could've given though. You MUST organize your website. Keeping a relatively small file size is also important. Keep the graphics relatively small and light. Well, I guess we could sit here all day and talk about what makes good websites, but I guess I will stop now. Those are a few of the most important things in my opinion.

  8. When I saw the previews of this movie, I thought it looked pretty good. I really wanted to see it in the movie theaters. I never got that chance. But I did happen to watch it just the other day on cable and I was so disappointed. Does anybody else think this was a terrible movie? It draws you in and makes you like the main character(Nicholas Cage) and he appears to be the protagonist in this film. However, once you are completely on his side the plot turns and he ends up betrayed by everybody and ultimately dead. I was really disappointed with this movie. Also, it seems very feminist to make a movie like this. I guess the original was made at a time when things were a bit different. I don't know... something about this movie just pisses me off a little bit. I guess I'm most upset because I thought it was going to be good and it turned out to be not so good. :P

  9. For me it would have to be Pizza from Pizza Pizza. It has always been my favorite meal.

    Oh man oh man oh mannnn do I love some NY style Pizza! But I think any italian boy's favorite meal is his mother's spaghetti and meatballs! I think that is my favorite meal. But it has to be mom's. It's the best :P But still.... good NY style pizza is hard to turn down. Gosh I can't decide :P I love all food....

  10. Hmmm TikiPrincess... I say 8/10. I've always wanted to meet a nice Tiki Princess :P Although points off for bad form giving such a low score for such a bad reason

    Since it's such an old thread, reviving might not be so great, but hey it's a cool topic.
    tasty, I rate it it at a 5, not too shabby, but a capital letter might have mede you're name more Tasty :P <-- see what I did there!!!

    Hahahaha That's great!!!

  11. 768kb :P I used to have 56k for a real long time. So the jump from that to this is great for me. It's plenty fast I guess. But I do wish I had like 10mb. That would be super awesome. I just wish I had faster upload speeds really. Download speeds are okay for me. I just hate waiting hours to upload pictures to my photo gallery on my website :P

  12. All of the points in the original post are good I think as well as all the points in the replies. I really want to create a website that uses all or most of these things but I just can't think of any good ideas. I can do all the design and programming for it, I just have no ideas on subject matter. I'm not very imaginative in that area I guess. I can't think of original content. I hate writing web content (even though I CAN do it). If anybody wants to parter with me or start a group to make a nice site PM me. I will pretty much work on any site. I just need somebody else to come up with the idea for the topic and somebody to write most of the content maybe. I can do the design and programming.

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