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Posts posted by reconraiders

  1. Well since it is a highschool class I would just go on the internet and learn as much about what you're studying in class and then use it to get an easy A and make fun programs and show off a little bit. I learned everything I know from internet tutorials :D. I take programming classes in college now and I learn next to nothing from them. I am only taking them in order to get my degree. They are pretty much just easy A's :XD: Oh, and for Midori - I'm on a 100% scholarship, so I only pay for the books. And actually, the books are pretty useful :)

  2. I've been considering transferring my domains to GoDaddy. Currently I use ENOM.com. They are super reliable and quality service. The only thing is, each domain is $35, and that is just a little too much for me. I think GoDaddy has domains for around $10 or so. So I will probably switch to them. I just hope they are as reliable as Enom.

  3. It's amazing how we can be so intrigued by nothing. LOL. But yes, this is a very amazing discovery and it brings up lots of questions. I just want to know all the answers now, but we won't really know for hundreds or thousands of years - or maybe more. The universe is very vast and very interesting. There is so much that we don't know about.

  4. Frames are terrible for SEO and can have compatibility issues. If you want a professional looking and performing site, you should not use frames. Go the CSS route and you will be much better off. Although I believe the static menu is a thing of the past, but it might have a comeback. I do seldom see it employed in an effective manner that actually makes the site look and work better, but most of the time it isn't good and detracts from the overall appearance of the site. But if you must use the static menu, use CSS NOT frames. :XD:

  5. I could not live without the ceiling fan above my bed! I also have a triple stack fan thingy next to my computer desk for those long sessions of programming... Even with the fans I still have to run the A/C during the day. It's just so dang hot and humid here. Damn you global warming! I keep my ceiling fan running 24/7 though. Even in the winter months I usually keep it running. Although last winter the lowest temperatures were only in the 40's (F) so it's not really that cold. I want to move to Alaska or something.

  6. I have been using treasure trooper for a little while now. I am really perplexed as to why some offers get approved and others just sit in the pending offers page forever. I complete offers that are almost identical (the ones like "enter zip code" or "enter email address"), and some of them get approved and some of them don't. Why are some not getting approved? And what can I do to get them to be approved? I'm losing lots of money! Please Help!

  7. One of the funniest movies I've ever seen! Oh man... I couldn't stop laughing! It was great. Not only was the subject matter pretty comical, but the way it was delivered was just superb. The thing that makes it so great is that it's not just dumb humor. The movie is just FULL of smart comedy and quality (although a bit trashy) dialogue. If you haven't seen this movie yet, you should go see it.

  8. Yes, I'd also really like to know how much you spend on those sites. In particular treasure trooper. I use them and have made about $30 so far. All the offers I complete are free though. A lot of the offers I completed were never approved either. They just sit in the pending offers section forever. Why is that?

  9. All good points so far. I pretty much agree with all of them. Web 2.0 is about interactivity and participation. Here are some key features of a web 2.0 web site.Sleek, clean, colorful designCSS designJavascript and AJAXBadges that advertise "FREE" or "SPECIAL OFFER" etc.BIG, round, curvy fonts that are easy to readEasy to navigate sites.Various types of "subscriptions" or "memberships" like forums, mailing lists, e-zines, etc.There are plenty of other things but I can't remember much more.

  10. There are other companies besides adsense as well. If you don't get accepted or if you get banned from adsense, you should try some of them out. I use bidvertiser.com they are not too bad. If you are on adsense though, make sure you be careful with it. Adsense can make you a lot of money, but if you're not careful you will get banned and lose your money.

  11. First things first, have you created the database using the database tool that is NOT inside PMA?
    In the cpanel there is a tool called "MYSQL DATABASES" in there are the tools for you to create the database itself, you cant create any databases within PMA on T17, you need to use the tool i mention. I dont think you need to create a new user to use PMA but bare in mind that to use a script, eg PHP with a username you will need to create this user using the tool i mentioned above.

    Once thats all been done try getting the raw SQL code from your export and just nav to the database you want to create tables in and paste the code into the SQL box under the SQL tab and that should work.

    If this is what youre already doing then try checking the permissions for your users in the tool i said above, if there are no users then create one and give it full permissions, you could try a ROOT user if it isnt there already, if it is then give it full permissions and try again.

    Exactly right on! That's what I was going to say. I'm sure that is the problem.

  12. you must have <a href="..... for EVERY image AND don't forget your closing tag </a>

    Just change your code to this and it should work. Notice the "href" property of the <a> tags. You need to change that to the actual locations of your pages in order for the links to work.

    <p align="center">	 <a href="index.html">		  <img src="../public_html/images/Home Button.jpg" alt="Homepage of GuitarPick.com!" width="177" height="34" border="0" />	 </a>	 <a href="lessons.html">		  <img src="../public_html/images/Lessons Button.jpg" alt="All sorts of lessons from GuitarPick.com and other sources!" width="182" height="34" border="0" />	 </a>	 <a href="">		  <img src="../public_html/images/Theory Button.jpg" alt="Music theory lessons compiled and supplied by GuitarPick.com!" width="181" height="34" border="0" />	 </a>	 <a href="">		  <img src="../public_html/images/Links Button.jpg" alt="Links to webpages that contain music/guitar related items that GuitarPick doesn't supply." width="171" height="34" border="0" />	 </a>	 <a href="">		  <img src="../public_html/images/Videos Button.jpg" alt="Music and guitar related videos! Feel free to submit some of your own." width="177" height="36" border="0" />	 </a>	 <a href=""><img src="../public_html/images/Extras Button.jpg" alt="Extras such as banners, graphics, wallpapers and more!" width="182" height="36" border="0" />	 </a>	 <a href="feedback.html"><img src="../public_html/images/Forums Button.jpg" alt="[UNDER CONSTRUCTION]" width="181" height="36" border="0" />	 </a>	 <a href=""><img src="../public_html/images/Feedback Button.jpg" alt="Comments? Suggestions? Please give is your honest comments and support!" width="171" height="36" border="0" /></a></p>

  13. Ahhh. I just took a look at the source code from your site. It seems that you have the IMG tags correct BUT you don't have the <A> tags correct. You don't have every image linked. You have "Home, Lessons, Theory, Links, Videos, and Extras" under one link and "Forums and Feedback" under another link. You need to make a link for EACH image and edit each one separately. The code for each link/image should look like this...

    <a href="blahblah.html"><img src="something.gif" /></a>

    Using the DW navigation bar might be better for you if you don't know much about html.

    btw. I don't even really know what spry is but I'm pretty sure that's not spry. :P

    If you need any other help just post :P

  14. Hmmm... I think you might be doing something wrong. You should be able to change the "href" property of EVERY link in the "properties" window of DW. If you click on a particular tag or element in the design window it will show the properties of it in the properties window. Also, dreamweaver has a cool feature that allows you to create a navbar just like yours using a very simple interface. Just click Insert->Image Object->Navbar (I think). You just fill in the image location, the href, etc. You can even have DW create rollover navbars using this. You should try it out, it might work better for you.

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