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Posts posted by reconraiders

  1. It used to be OK, but the other day I registered for an account and they asked for my phone number so I put in a fake 555ish and I got a message saying "we'll phone you to confirm your details" and I was like WTF is this? Damn them! :P

    I'm glad I signed up for a few accounts before they started that madness. lol. But it's okay, if you really need a free host there are plenty other easy to sign up for hosts like bytehost and all their sister companies. Or you can get a GOOD host like Xisto :P

  2. Try this...

    i unno if itll work for you but thats how i get to my cpanel - im runnin on a sub domain so it should work for you even though you on a domain cause im guessing its straight through the Xisto server.


    That's the IP I login to also. I'm not sure where the other IP you got came from. Theres a link at the top of the forums for cpanel login too. It points to this link and there is also a secure login just change the 2082 port to 2083.

  3. Even with all these errors I'm still sticking with Firefox just because I really don't like (trying not to say hate) IE. Hopefully they will get these problems solved and everything will work out.

    But you did say hate! lol It's okay, lots of people hate Internet Explorer (or anything microsoft for that matter) :P

  4. I love using firefox. The security is much better that IE. I also have the web developer toolbar installed which is freaking amazing! I love all the features of it. There are a few little bugs here and there with firefox. But I couldn't live without tabbed browsing now. I also like being able to selectively go in and delete cookies from certain websites. There are a host of other neat features I like about FF. I like being able to open Firefox and it loads the same tabs that were open when I closed it. I do think Opera is a little bit better than FF though. It runs faster and takes less RAM. It is also a little bit sleeker design.

  5. jlhaslip, in the sample you provided the image map isn't working properly. Maybe I'm mistaken. I believe a definition is supposed to show when you mouse over the image, but nothing changes when I hover over the image. Maybe I'm mistaken. But back on topic, I think it would be pretty easy to make a map with countries. It might be a little bit time consuming and take a lot of code because of all the coordinates; but it would be relatively easy in Dreamweaver or other programs. Making it in flash might be a better option and a bit more professional. Usually image maps are frowned on anyway.

  6. I don't like smokers much. My mother always would smoke in the house when I was a kid. I was exposed to so much second hand smoke. I'm sure my lungs aren't nearly as healthy as they could/should be because of it. I've never smoked a cigarette in my life. I think there should be laws limiting smokers more. That's like allowing murder. I mean it's proven that cigarettes are harmful and lead to fatal illnesses. Why should we allow people to walk around killing themselves or other people. I especially think we should take action against parents who smoke around their children, because I don't want other kids putting up with that like I did.

  7. Making web forms for your web application, either swebsite, blog, forum, myspace site or whatever, is a ask of the past, meaning, any experienced web designer and even any web developer, do not make web forms, programming them by hand, anymore, now we do it with the proper and right programs/tools.

    I don't think that's totally accurate. I know lots of programmers who always hand code everything. I know I always do too. I use dreamweaver for the color coding and for the quick complete things for tags. But other than those two little tricks I do everything by hand.

  8. I made a little something real quick. I'm not very good with javascript, so I'm sure the script could be made more efficient. But I think this is what you wanted.

    See a working example

    The javascript source

    function addField() {	id = document.getElementById('next');	cnt = id.value;	if(parseInt(cnt) == 16) {		btn = document.getElementById('add');		btn.disabled = true;	}	id.value = (parseInt(cnt)+1);	field = 'field'+String(cnt);	el = document.getElementById(field);	el.style.display = 'block';}

    The CSS to make the fields invisible initially
    #field6, #field7, #field8, #field9, #field10, #field11, #field12, #field13, #field14, #field15, #field16 {display:none;}

    The XHTML for the form
    <form action="" method="post"><div id="field1">Input 1 <input type="text" id="input1" name="input1" /></div><div id="field2">Input 2 <input type="text" id="input2" name="input2" /></div><div id="field3">Input 3 <input type="text" id="input3" name="input3" /></div><div id="field4">Input 4 <input type="text" id="input4" name="input4" /></div><div id="field5">Input 5 <input type="text" id="input5" name="input5" /></div><div id="field6">Input 6 <input type="text" id="input6" name="input6" /></div><div id="field7">Input 7 <input type="text" id="input7" name="input7" /></div><div id="field8">Input 8 <input type="text" id="input8" name="input8" /></div><div id="field9">Input 9 <input type="text" id="input9" name="input9" /></div><div id="field10">Input 10 <input type="text" id="input10" name="input10" /></div><div id="field11">Input 11 <input type="text" id="input11" name="input11" /></div><div id="field12">Input 12 <input type="text" id="input12" name="input12" /></div><div id="field13">Input 13 <input type="text" id="input13" name="input13" /></div><div id="field14">Input 14 <input type="text" id="input14" name="input14" /></div><div id="field15">Input 15 <input type="text" id="input15" name="input15" /></div><div id="field16">Input 16 <input type="text" id="input16" name="input16" /></div><input type="hidden" id="next" value="6" /><div><input type="button" id="add" name="add" value="Add a Field" onclick="addField();" /></div><br /><br /><div><input type="submit" value="Submit" /></div></form>

    The hidden input called "next" keeps track of the counter. Each time you click the add field button javascript will change the display property of the current element from "none" to "block". Then it will increment the value of the hidden input called "next". Like I said, this can probably be improved. I just made it real quick.

  9. I don't think I'll ever pay for forum software either. I might try making some of my own and make other people pay for it though! lol. But first I will release some open source software and make a name for myself. But right now, I use MyBB. I think it is the best free forum software out there. The only downside is that not enough people use it. If it becomes more popular it will be better. Because then there will be more mods and themes and templates. The more popular it gets the better. It has all the great features already though like custom XML/RSS syndication, a lo-fi or lite mode with no graphics, a really powerful admin system and lots of other little goodies! I definitely put my stamp of approval on MyBB. IPB is still good though (if you like wasting money).

  10. seriously, why use the while when you can use the foreach? for (and foreach), in my opinion, is more useful than while. php is supposed to make your life easier, you're not supposed to make it harder. anyway, try this:


    $songexploded = explode("|",$ttyo['songs']);foreach($songexploded as $single) {  echo($single."<br />"); }

    Yes master_bacarra is right! That's the way I would've done it for sure! You beat me to it though.

  11. Try out GlobalTestMarket and GreenfieldOnline. You will be pleasantly surprised by them. Do research on Google for them. They are two of the best survey companies out there by far. :D I hope your first site is doing good for ya!

    I was reading on the GlobalTestMarket website that the minimum before payout is 1000 market points. It also says that the value of your MarketPoints is fixed against the US Dollar at 5 cents per MarketPoint. So... to me that says that the minimum payout is $5000 USD. To me that means either this is a really easy way to make a lot of money fast, or (the more likely) I will probably never get paid because the minimum goal is set FAR too high for me to ever reach any time soon. Do you know more about this? Has anybody used this company and actually been paid?

  12. Man I love this car. I am a mustang fanatic for starters. But I absolutely love the Shelby cars. GT-350 and GT-500 are great. They are just pure, clean, beautiful, American Muscle. Nothing gets my blood pumping like a good American muscle car. So simple and effective compared to the high tech supercars of today. I love the sound of a pushrod V8.

  13. hi friends,
    first of all i would like to praise and congratulate trap 17.... Why??? because of places like these people can express some of there weirdest thoughts... and maybe some day someone would credit that ' OK, i got this idea from my trap 17 forum and that is why i have done this'

    now coming on the topic, i think that the person who has started this is an extremely imaginative person and he has used these qualities of his to the fullest... i would ask him to think of a career as script writer in hollywood...

    though i think that as far as from the stand point of inagination the theory is excellent but i have a certain creepy feeling about this theory... though i or anyone else can definitely not give any reasons against...

    but still good post..

    ok bye...

    Thanks for the compliments! I don't know how I came up with the idea. I guess I am just a skeptical person. I don't trust people. I always question everything. I just kinda thought - "well, what if this is all just a lie?".

  14. are you not able to just transfer the forums over to this other server? That would be better. It would be easier to keep track of. Although I would guess the reason you can't do this is because it's on some "forum hosting website" that hosts forums only and you don't have access to the actual files or databases.P.S. - Tramposch, nice avatar! I have one of those too :D

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