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Posts posted by reconraiders

  1. I was wondering if anybody has had any success with this type of advertising. I have run ads like this on my site before but I've never made any money from them. The trouble is, people might <- snipped -> and check out the website. They might even look around and find something they are interested in. But almost always, they don't buy something on that particular visit. They usually would just come back to that website at a later time to buy whatever they want. If they do that, they skip my in the process, so I get no commission. But the advertiser gets free advertising.}

  2. I don't really use email that much. I do have a million freakin email accounts though. But it's all pretty much the same to me. If I can send and email, then it's good enough for me. But if I had to chose a favorite, it would probably be gmail. Even though I hate google, I like Gmail because you get free SMTP which is always good. I do like lycos too because it's nice and clean. No clutter.

  3. google adsense is open to all not just in northern america, if you are a non US resident then you will have to send them an email that certify that you are a non US resident, this email will include personal information.
    now what's good about google adsense?
    they will send you your profit right into your door, but only if your total profit is 100$, if less then you will have to wait for another month until you gain the amount of profit they required.

    i've subscribed to google adsense once but my subscription got rejected because my site contains materials that are agains their TOS, why i got rejected, well my site is all about Airsoft (electric guns) that are considered as lethel weapon in some countries...

    rather than google adsense you may also subscribe to commision junction whre you can choose your clients (eg. ebay)

    I ran google adsense on my airsoft team's site before. They had no problem with it. You should just be clear about them not being weapons.

  4. METAL! You gotta play some sick crazy metal! The kind of metal that makes you cut off your own genitalia and eat them. The kind of metal that makes you rip the tail off the neighbors cat and hand it with it. LOL Just kidding... but yes... metal... I love metal. :lol: But I do play pretty much everything. Classical, country, rap, metal, pop, reggae, and everything in between... A lot of people say "everything" and don't mean it... but I mean it!

  5. That was the official size until a few months back but then all the package 2 plans were upgraded to 500 MB storage space and 10,000 MB bandwidth. They might need to change the description then, but if you want, I can give you a screenshot of the CPanel where I have 500 MB storage and 10,000 MB bandwidth.
    And for Freehostia.com, I figured out Xisto way before I could even make up a decent site, and then I never had to try anything other than Freewebs.com which was way back... :lol:

    And Xisto "Pwns!" any other free web-hosting service anytime, I bet Freehostia will never be as good as Xisto. :D

    Okay cool! I just applied for hosting here at Xisto. No need for a screenshot. Thanks! I'm beginning to see all the glory that is Xisto lol. Although I have a feeling I'm going to get tired of posting in forums all the time. I think once I get some money I'm just gonna go for the paid hosting at Xisto - Web Hosting. That seems like quite a good deal. $33 a year for ALL those features they give you! 33GB a month b/w. Unlimited everything pretty much except storage and bandwidth.

  6. yes, its really very expensive. And I think PHP is very better than cold fusion. Its cheap, easy and fast.

    It's not just "cheap" PHP is FREE!

    Try to work on your grammar. It's much better, not very better. Anyways, I have never seen a site out there programmed in coldfusion..ever. I commonly see HTML and a little more PHP but never coldfusion. I only know about it through this site. Otherwise I would never know it existed. But if it's anything like PHP, then it would have to be fairly decent.

    Never seen a site in coldfusion? Check myspace.com; lol There are lots of sites out there with CF. Not as many as PHP, but still lots. Only reason there are less CF sites is because it costs $$$ to get it on a server. Marcromedia/Adobe or whatever likes to charge lots of money for their "superior" scripting language.

  7. Poor guy!!!
    You don't know to play with rules, rules are there to be broken. But there is a art of broking it too.
    I have made $100 from adsense purely by clicking on my ads myself. How?
    I used to change the IP address by disconnecting and also cleared the cookies and then 2-3 clicks per day earns me $1-2
    Isn't it great!!

    That's pretty messed up. It's probably not smart to post that here either.

  8. Domains 9 in Xisto while 2 in FreehostiaSubdomains 99 in Xisto while 9 in Freehostia
    Emails 99 in Xisto while 3 in Freehostia
    Mailing list 99 in Xisto while 0 in Freehostia
    FTP 99 in Xisto while 1 in Freehostia
    Database 99 in Xisto while 1 in Freehostia
    No limit for Database space in Xisto while it is limited to 10 MB in Freehostia
    Bandwith 10 GB in Xisto while 5 GB in Freehostia
    Storage capacity 500 MB in Xisto while 250 MB in Freehostia
    No of files limited to 50000 in Freehostia while no such limit in Xisto
    File size is limited to 500 KB in Freehostia while no such limit in Xisto
    So everything is open now and you yourself decide where you want to go.

    Okay... I'm confused as to what Xisto Offers. Up at the top of the Forums index page it says package 2 offers 150mb space and 5000mb bandwidth. However, you say 500mb storage and 10000mb bandwidth. I believe it also says this on the Xisto homepage. What's the deal? Can you explain to me?

  9. A while back I used something like this but for some reason the links were getting messed up. Whenever I would click a link with parameters in it (?page=2&action=view) from a page that already had parameters in the url, it would add the parameters to the page. I would end up going to a url "index.php?page=1&action=add?page=2&action=view". I didn't understand why. Is there a setting in php to adjust to fix this?

  10. I use Dreamweaver for all my XHTML, CSS, PHP, JS, etc. Although I do use dreamweaver for webpage editing, I don't actually use the design view. I hand code it all. The only reason I use dreamweaver is because of the colors to make reading the code easier. Also the little drop-down code hints make things faster.For Graphics I use Photoshop 8 CS. I don't do anything super-duper advanced with photoshop yet, but I'm getting pretty good.For animations I use Flash 8 Professional. Not good at all. I only know a little bit of flash/actionscript. I can really only make simple animations and buttons and stuff.

  11. I've been using freehostia.com as a free web host for a while now. They have been very very good to me. I actually have several accounts with them. Their system is set up very good. Easy to use control panel. All kinds of good stuff. PHPMyAdmin is preinstalled. They have elefante script installer which can install a nice selection of scripts like phpNuke, phpBB, OSComerce etc. The thing I like most about freehostia is how clean it is for a free site. There are absolutely no forced banners or ads of any kind. Whatever you upload is exactly what gets served. They allow lots of things other hosts don't. They only thing they don't have is the mail() function. I have been using the free hosting for a while and I think I'm actually going to switch to paid hosting with them. They are a really good service. The cheapest paid hosting plan is $1.95 a month. It gives you 10GB bandwidth and 500MB storage, which I think is pretty good for the price and the service. They also have domains at freehostia for $9.95 a year(not bad). Their support system is really good too. They use a ticket system. They say there is a 24hour guarantee response time to tickets with the free hosting plan, but I have never had to wait more than 2 hours for a response. For the paid hosting plans it is 1 hour response team guaranteed. If you're looking for a free or cheap host with all the best features and php,mysql,perl. Freehostia is definitely one of the best.

  12. [1]Then the earth would not be in the condition it is now.[2]Then there would be no such thing as "memory."
    [3]This statement changes everything except for my statement for number 1. Unless this outer unknown force made the earth look like it is now, history is not a lienot to say that i believe in evolution.

    You must also bring in the fact that people are born through other beings. So simlpy being "placed here" is not possible.

    This is the point of my theory though. All those things you just said might only believe because you were made to believe that. Anything's possible
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