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Posts posted by reconraiders

  1. Anybody know why google was ranking my website differently from two different computers? I was at school one day and made a search and my website came up as the first result. I was chatting with my friend at the same time and he searched the same query and it came up like the 10th result or something. We both made a few more searches in the next few minutes only to have the same results (respectively). Anybody know why that happened?

  2. Definitely learn CSS! If you want to be a web designer/developer or anything like that, you definitely should at the very least, understand how CSS works and a little bit about it. CSS is still gaining more and more popularity. I think in the future there will be more and more CSS on webpages and less HTML markup. If you HAVE the time to learn CSS, you should definitely do it.

  3. What if "history" is all just a bunch of lies. What if the world was created in the 20th century and we have just been fed these lies of evolution over thousands of years. What if all the people of the world were created at the same time (but different ages). Let's say... 1960... You might be born in 1970 and you might have an uncle Ted who always talked about the great depression and world war II... but what if he was just "created" along with all the other people in 1960 and he was just programmed to be however old he was, and programmed to have memories of his life before then. Hmmm.......

  4. Can anybody here please explain to me a little bit about PHP template systems. I've seen them in forum systems that I've used before like phpBB and MyBB. I've never really understood how they work exactly. I'd like to make my own sometime too. If you can give me any simple advice or complex, that would be cool. Or just point me to a good tutorial or something maybe? Thanks.

  5. I am currently running bidvertiser.com ads on my site. They seem to be a decent CPC site. Ever since I got kicked from Adsense, I've been looking for a good CPC site like this. I have been with bidvertiser.com for a while now. The site I run them on isn't really high traffic. Actually it gets hardly any traffic. But I do like the way bidvertiser.com works. They have a good user interface that is easy to understand and use. The adverts themseleves are pretty good. They let you customize them fairly easily. The code they give isn't exactly XHTML compliant, but I asked them if I could change it so it was, and they agreed that would be okay. The payout isn't anywhere near as good as Adsense though. I really wish I was still with them. To say that bidvertiser.com is better than Adsense is not true at all. I need to make a few good websites that can get a lot of traffic and then maybe I can make some money with bidvertiser. But until then, I'm just getting by barely.

  6. freehostia.com has worked very well for me. They are totally free and don't require any kind of posting or anything. They give you a decent amount of space and bandwidth. The only thing I have a problem with is the 500kb file size limit. A lot of images these days are much larger than that, so I have to do some resizing of photos with photoshop. Another problem I have to deal with constantly is working around the disabled mail() function. Other than those two problems, they are a great free host. 99% uptime is pretty accurate. They have a nice ticket system for support. They respond very quickly and courteously to your requests for support. Their web based control panel is very nice and clean and powerful. I definitely recommend them as a free host for a small website using php and mysql.

  7. My Adsense account got banned for "invalid clicks" too a while back. It must've been from other people <- snipped -> too often. I never clicked my own ads. I must say, that is one thing that I find very stupid in the Adsense program. I mean... if I have some competition or just somebody I don't like, I can go to their websites and click their ads a million times and get them kicked off of adsense and potentially lose thousands of dollars. I also sent Google a series of persuasive and pleading emails to no avail. They seemed to be so certain that there had been "invalid clicks". I think I might try to figure out a way back in somehow. I was thinking maybe signing back up as a corporation, with somebody else (a friend) as the contact name. You could probably try that; or just sign up under a friend's name and just have them transfer the money to you after receipt. But that means you have to trust your friend with you hard earned money :lol:. Trust me with you life, not your money or your wife :D}

  8. A lot of free web hosts have disabled the mail() function so you cannot send emails using PHP. Does anybody know of a script that makes a function "like" mail but is able to be installed in a web accessible directory and called included into another script and called like that? Or maybe you know how to make such a function? I just really need to find a way around the free hosts turning of the mail() function. I need to figure out a way to send emails.

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