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Posts posted by reconraiders

  1. Wow, Godaddy is just terrible. Well, their shared hosting is anyway. I used it for awhile and it was always really slow. Then, after a few weeks or so, they said I was using too much CPU time and they booted me off. All I was running was a phpBB forum. Not a fan of them, and I wouldn't suggest them to anyone. It's too commercialized anyway, they restrict a lot of stuff and they really need cPanel -- instead they have their own crappy control panel. Oh well, just don't use them :-P.

    Use Xisto! It's FREE! You have nothing to use and plenty to gain :P

  2. It would help if you put the line numbers of the errors. PHP usually outputs a line number in the error message. But as far as I can see you have an extra "(".

    function cacheItem($key,$data) { $key = md5($key);
    00033 (($fw) = fopen(($this->folder."/$key","w"));
    00034 fwrite($fw,$data);
    00035 fclose($fw);
    return true;

    on the third line down it should look like this:

    $fw = fopen($this->folder."/$key","w");

    I don't really know what all that 00033 is about... line numbers? your code is confusing :P But I hope that helped... if not post back and try to explain it some more. Maybe copy and paste the error message and the code.

  3. Thanks for the review.
    Myself Freehostia has never been a good option, and the MAIN REASON: Is the file size limits!
    I can't install script files if they're bigger than half a MEGABYTE, something which is OUT OF THE CONTRARY to me :D

    But good enough for those HTML files and "lower" quality images :P

    I agree that is one of the biggest cons for freehostia. I like to have multiple sizes of photos in my photo galleries: the original - about 1.5MB, a medium one - about 100KB, and a small thumbnail one - about 25KB. But having that 500KB limit really SUCKS. lol

  4. Hmmm... I read that page from the link you posted. I'm not sure that problem is the same as mine. Dreamweaver shouldn't have anything to do with it. I think it is just some bug in the programming that doesn't allow it to work to well with opera. It's not a huge problem. I probably just need to add an exception for Opera somewhere in the JS, although I don't know where or what to add. If you can replicate my problem it might help. Use Opera v9.23 on Win32 and go to my sample image gallery and click an image to enlarge, and while it loads, hover the mouse over the image. It should remain semi-transparent. You can then try again and click an image to enlarge, and then make sure the mouse is off to the side of the screen somewhere so it is NOT hovering over the loading image. It should work properly and the image should be fully opaque. To me, that means the problem probably lies somewhere with the "onmouseover" event? or maybe in CSS in a ":hover" pseudo class.

  5. Well the problem with merging is if the user accidentally submitted the post twice the post would have the same text written twice in it, which in my opinion would be kind of inconvenient for the user to have to go back and edit it, but I guess it would be his fault in the first place that he clicked on the submit twice :P But I don't know, if eskimmer is a php coder, he should be able to write his own solution probably based on some of the ideas some of us members have provided for him.

    Well that's why there is the time limit between posts. Two things are happening...
    1. The user is not allowed to submit more than one post within a certain amount of time (30seconds or so)
    2. If the last post is by the user that is posting now, the two posts will be merged.

    That should pretty much cut out all the double posts. I'm sure there might still be some crazy circumstances that will allow double posts, but if you do those two things you pretty much prevent them.

  6. I use the Lightbox JS script for displaying images (seen here). It works great, but the trouble is, in Opera when you click an image to view a larger version, the image will load up and everything like usual but if your mouse cursor is hovered over the image the opacity will get stuck at less than full. When an image usually loads the opacity starts at very opaque(maybe 0) and fades in to full opacity. But for some reason in Opera, hovering over it will stop this function from finishing. Take a look at the script and see if you can help me figure out why this is happening or how I can fix it. I hope somebody here can help me :P

  7. Depending on your forum system that you use, you might be able to find a plugin that will MERGE double posts by the same user. I know I have this plugin installed on my forums using MyBB system. You can even adjust settings like how much time between posts it has to be for them to be merged or what to use to separate the merged posts (<hr /> or something). Of course, if there isn't a plugin available for your software, you could always make one yourself :P

  8. There's no reason you should have to "weed" them out on your own. I would get a new forum system like MyBB, SMF, or AEF or something. OR you can get a modded version of phpBB that has a CAPTCHA image at registration. PhpBB always attracts bots that automatically sign up. So you need to get something with a CAPTCHA image to stop them from signing up.

  9. I couldn't tell you FOR SURE whether this is true or not. I can tell you that my website gets ranked very well even though it doesn't have a whole lot of links or traffic. The little traffic I do get comes from google and other search engines. I get search phrases that I never thought anybody would use to get to my site. I really really believe this is because the W3C XHTML and CSS standards compliance of my website. There's not an extreme amount of content on my site, but anything that is on there gets crawled by google extremely fast (an hour or maybe a few hours) and I get 1st page search results for very small insignificant keywords. I also have a pretty fair amount of meta data in the head of every page on my site, so that might help too. But the point is, in my opinion, my site gets a lot more traffic than I think it should. lol. But I guess I shouldn't complain.If you're debating whether to redo your site in xhtml or not, my advice would be to just go ahead and do it! If it's too much work, I'm sure there are scripts out there that will do it for you. Or you could just make a script yourself. I may not be sure that it will help search engine results, but I am sure that it will not hurt! You gotta stick with the times. Eventually HTML 4.01 will die! You might as well just start cleaning up your code now, rather than waiting til it's too late. Then once you get it clean you can put a nice little "Valid XHTML" link on your site. :XD:

  10. Hmm... that is a lot of space. It might come in handy for a web server. Too bad you would need an insane computer to be able to search through all that space in a timely manner. I'd rather just stick with a network of smaller HDDs. Faster and more efficient I think - considering the technology available currently. Man... I have a 20GB hard drive and I still have plenty of space. And I am running Visual Studio.NET with the whole MSDN Library. And we all know how much memory that takes up!!! Damn you Microsoft! Memory hoggers! Having a 30PB hard drive would just allow microsoft to create even more memory consuming software. Just imagine Microsoft Office 2020 - required HD space - 980TB required RAM 128TB... :XD:

  11. I personally recommend wordPress. No particular reason for this recommendation I must say. I don't really work with blogs very much. You can get a blog hosted on a website made specifically for hosting blogs. You could get a subdomain like "yourblog.blogsite.com" or something. Or if you get hosted here at Xisto, you can buy your own domain and host your blog there. All you would have to do is install wordPress through the fantastico script installer included in the Cpanel with Xisto hosting. Then you can have "yourblog.com". :XD:

  12. Also it should be noted that PHP is OOP language!

    It's actually not even really OOP. You just use classes to make it kinda OOP. It's pretty half-assed though. The newer versions are getting more OOP-ish though. :XD:

    Also... Ghostrider... in the example script you don't really need to close the PHP with "PHP?>" you can simply use "?>". Like this:

    <?php//bunch of php code goes here?>

  13. I'm sorry that I am not contributing to the problem you have posted. I just wanted to mention that you might have more responses if you posted a link to a working example. I'm not sure about everybody else, but I personally don't like downloading a ZIP just too look at some HTML and CSS to help somebody out. I mean, I'm willing to help... but I do work in the computer programming/web design business... so I AM pretty lazy... lol. So instead of posting a zip file, just upload the files to a test server or something and then post a link. Or even post the code in "code" tags.

  14. Adsense is probably the biggest PPC Ad Publisher program out there. It is one of the safest and most secure to use. It is also one of the easiest to use. The terms and conditions are rather strict and they are very well enforced (I know from experience). Adsense also has a rather high minimum payout of $100. If you can get accepted and you don't get banned, I recommend this program over any other PPC Ad Publishing Program.Bidvertiser is made for lower traffic sites and thus has a little less strict terms and a lower minimum payout. The system is still pretty simple to use and actually offers a little bit more customization of the appearance of the ads. There are a lot less users on this ad network however and the relevance of the ads may be very low. If your site is smaller, and has a fairly low amount of traffic - or you just can't get accepted to Adsense or YPN (or you got banned), then you should definitely try out bidvertiser. They have the option to pay through paypal which is a BIG BIG PLUS! It is very convenient for a lot of people.So basically... If you can, use Adsense! If you can't - then go over to bidvertiser! If you do go to bidvertiser, PLEASE PM me so I can give you a referral link and you can help me earn money :XD: Thanks A lot in advanced!

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