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Everything posted by nol

  1. Personally i'm not really the rich kind of guy, and my wife sure as heck knows it, and she doesn't come from the wealthiest family ever, so what I did was for our engagement ring, I got a 3 month advance, for our wedding I got more like 6. It's not too expensive, but it isn't soo bad that you will go broke for the rest of your life. I think that it depends on your type of woman, if she isn't too demanding 3 monthish should do just fine, if she is demanding or is used to nice things, you might want to go for the 4-5 month advance on your salary.
  2. Personally, I think that is very honorable thing to do. It is saying that hey look this isn't my first time, the guy I did it with isn't with me anymore, and there is a small possibility I could have contracted a disease, well not really small, but very very small, but still its the right for the other partner to know. On the side of the guy though, I don't think it is necessary or very smart idea to tell a girl you have had sex with x amount of women, I think it is the partner's job to say that you have had sex before, but thats as far as it needs to go.The girl might be still feeling attracted to the other guy or have some small feeling for him in this case. Although, I don't really think it is a huge deal. She might be feeling guilty about something, maybe she just wanted to get it off her chest that she has. Doesn't make her a ****, but I would think she is honest. Definatly wouldn't make me want to get with her more, if not less, but still. I think you can get my point.
  3. I remember my first kiss, it was my 12th birthday, and the girls name was Jamie something I don't remember her last name, but ya, there never really is music or lights or fireworks or anything like that, it just doesn't happen, but as a guy, I don't really care. Honestly, it doesn't matter to me if it was amazing or just alright. I knew it was never going to happen, but at least my first kiss wasn't anything that was embarassing (at least I hope not, if it was I'm sure I would remember more about it). But ya, if there really is anybody that has the perfect kiss, I would be amazingly surprised.
  4. Religion won't help anything. Personally I pray to one god, but that doesn't mean I believe he is a man. Or a woman. Or a African American. Or a white person. Or a Hispanic, Or anything of that nature. I believe there is one all mighty energy, that created what we call life.However me surpressing my religious views onto you won't make a difference whether or not the world will be better. If there was no religions, we would still have violence. If we did not have gangs, we would still have violence. Violence is human nature in my eyes. We can't contain it, and it is our way of solving things. Getting rid of religion will not get rid of violence. Getting rid of violence will not take away religion.I believe that in order to achieve world peace, we either need a lot of ganja, or we need to start sympathizing towards others. Otherwise I doubt we will ever have world peace. It is just impossible to fit everybodies needs and wants.
  5. There are laws against students becoming randomly strip searched. First of all, there has to be reasonable cause. You can't just have somebody come up and say this dude has such and such in his locker, it has to be proven by having a couple people say it, and then you can search the locker. They are very uptight even about searching locker. However, if you are suspicious enough to be searched, that's your own fault, you shouldn't have been so suspicious. There are procedures that go along with search and seizure acts. First off cop usually has to be same gender, has to be in closed off area, and really, thats it. It's not like they are going to make you take off to your naked skin, they only make you take off pants and shirt, shoes, maybe socks, thats really it, its a simple search. Personally going through this search numerous times, it is a pain in the butt, but hey, you get out of class. Honestly, I think it should be enforced. Anything to scare kids away from drugs like that would be great. Just telling them about how bad drugs are will make them want to do them more, but if you do checks like this, maybe they will be way too scared and they will see the reality. Personally at my high school, we had arrests made nearly weekly in our classes, the officer stationed at our school would come to the classroom, as the student to stand up, handcuff him, walk out, and we would continue our classroom discussion. Some schools are way better then that I suppose, but that's not the way it was for us. Barely any of these arrests were due to drugs though, more violence and harassment issues as our school wanted to cut that down to way way minimum. But anyways, I would definatly support strip searches in schools if it keeps illegal activity amongst teenagers down.
  6. That is sick and inhumane. I love my daughter, I never cared what gender she would turn out to be, but because she is a girl, I love her the same as if she was a he. I mean, I would of course maybe have my views a little different, but I love having a girl, I hope to maybe have a boy in the future, just so I can experience both having a son and a daughter, but if I were to try again for a second with my wife, I wouldn't be disappointed if I didn't get a son, I would be still happy as its another chance to make my presence here in this world, live longer.
  7. Amazing, wife of 61 years..how does he do it? That is crazy, I hope he had an amazing 100 year birthday, thats a lot, I somewhat hope to live that long just so I know what it is like in the future, but then I don't think I could go on that long, I don't know if I would really want to much longer then that.
  8. Sky I disagree with you, the reason why marijuana is truly legal is because they couldn't make alcohol illegal. Back when they had the prohibition act in the US, they found out that people were getting stoned and it was way worse so they legalized alcohol, and made marijuana illegal. Dumb move. Government can control it, and they can make money off of it, I mean look at it right now, people in the highest point in marijuana's history in the US, people were making millions, maybe even billions off smuggling in the marijuana. Government can't control it right now, but if you think about it, would you rather buy a drug off some dealer on the street, (this is the same drug), then buy one from a store that the government regulates? I would rather get the safer option, at least that way I can be sure it isn't laced with crack.
  9. I wouldn't be surprised if you got some sort of laced marijuana. I've heard of people getting the totally wasted effect when you add some acid to it, or some LSD, maybe some more hardcore stuff. I doubt that it was straight up mary jane because that doesn't usually happen. Eyes turning that bloody color is normal for those stronger doses when you get the 2-3 joints in. Head feeling light is normally what marijuana does, and memory loss and numbness is just normal. Probably you just got a little bit more THC then you guys are used to, packed in one joint, or blunt, and it might've been laced with something, but it would be hard to tell.Psychological dependancy is hard to get off of, but I've never seen or heard of the ocassional marijuana smoker having such an addiction. I have heard of some extremely hardcore users, that are physically hooked on that drug, but otherwise I haven't seen it. I don't know what you would call high grade marijuana, theres not really a grade of marijuana, theres more of types ie dank, purp, haze, cheeba, sweedish cheeba, etc etc. Depending on the kind you get I would guess its a different effect and taste but otherwise I'm not so sure on that aspect.
  10. I just preordered Modern Warfare 2, I decided after I saw the world premiere of the Trailer, that theres no doubt in my mind I will be getting this game, who else is with me?
  11. Personally I've never had a problem with zits or acne, I just seem to be lucky. I did get the occassional pimple, but thats pretty much it. I just took the tips from others that have given. Basically its simple, stay off the fast food as much as possible, not only will this help health, but will help acne go down. Same with greasy foods. If you have to touch your face try using the back of your hand, less oil and grime is there. Wash your face with soap and wipe it down well with a wet towel, this can be done in shower, or just on your own. Don't pop your zits! Pimples are sometimes okay, but zits can get gross. Make sure to wash your face immediatly after you pop them though so your skin doesn't get even more oily.Anytime I'm stressed it also seems to have something pop up. Try to feel relaxed, sure get stressed when you need to like finals, but if theres any way possible to feel relaxed, do it. Those are pretty much my only natural ways I can help you with, if you do those you will be fine and only ocassionally get a pimple or two, which is completely normal, but your face will still be fine.
  12. Medicinal use is already legal, in California theres a triangle of cities, and inside those cities there are schools to learn to grow Marijuana, and it is legal to grow up to a certain amount without being ticketed. The marijuana of course has to be grown for medicinal reasons, but of course thats never going to happen, but they do grow it outside in the open, sure with a fenced area to stop people from stealing, but still, it's pretty known whether or not your a pot grower in that area of california. Marijuana technically doesn't come from the ground though, not naturally at least, its a fused plant made with hemp and THC, but otherwise I agree, theres no reason we should be restricted on things we can grow. I sure understand Cocaine, especially Crack Cocaine, that makes sense, ban it to heck I don't care, I don't see how that drug interests anybody anyways (same with inhalents what the hell were people thinking?).
  13. I don't see why people think that marijuana thinks it makes people peaceful, because it doesn't. I do support marijuana becoming legal, I will say that straight out. I don't see why the government deserves the right to restrict us on that aspect of life, its our choice, sure drugs like crack cocaine, or even regular cocaine or even heroin, those drugs are hardcore. I never want to see those legal and in the stores. However think of it this way.Marijuana right now is a safe drug to use, very little addiction, sure some side effects that can be worse then cigarettes, but you don't smoke marijuana as much as you smoke cigarettes, the occasional smoker of marijuana will smoke 3 joints in a month. Usually thats one session. An occassional cigarette smoker will smoke maybe a pack a week. That is a huge difference. Marijuana doesn't have much of an addiction, cigarettes do, which causes people to get a little stressed out trying to get more money for another pack (for poorer people anyways).Marijuana does NOT make you peaceful. It makes you calm and relaxed, it does not mean it makes you want to go hippie supporting. Thats so false it's unbelieveable. Micheal Phelps wanted to just get calm and relaxed after he did an amazing job support America, do you blame him? I sure as heck don't. He does what a lot of Americans do, and I believe there is nothing wrong with that.Now all those I just typed was the physical and emotional part. Lets talk about the real problem with Marijuana. The deaths, now, we all know it takes so many joints to OD from marijuana it isn't even funny, but what about drug raids, and deals. That is where it hurts us as Americans. There are so many drug dealers and drug lords as you call them, that if we did make marijuana legal, a lot of them would be out of business. Marijuana would be put in stores, and become a little bit safer(more exact amounts of THC etc). Not only that, but less deaths over the drug deals would happen. We would also be paying less from our taxes to hold these so called criminals because they had an ounce of marijuana on their person. Marijuana could be taxed like heck just like cigarettes, and people would be fine with it. We would earn money that way too. People who were in the Marijuana drug trade would be hopefully working legit jobs, and paying taxes (ok it's a stretch but we can all believe right?). More taxes for our government. I don't see how any of that was bad right? Alcohol causes more deaths a year, marijuana I don't think, or I've never heard caused an indirect death (from non-laced marijuana anyways).
  14. Anybody see this fight on pay-per-view? I saw it, and I thought it was awesome, Lyoto is a freaking beast, KOed Rashad Evans I think it was the second round? Anyways, there was some nice fights on. I think Lyoto how he speaks is just pretty funny at the end how you can barely understand what he is saying. He is 13 or 14 and 0 now, and he holds the belt in the light heavyweight division.
  15. I truly don't see what is so wrong about smoking marijuana personally, it's a personal life choice, and in my eyes, it is way better than drinking alcohol (causes less deaths), and a better habit then cigarettes (I believe marijuana is a cleaner habit). Therefore, I think it should be 100% legal, but thats a different subject.I don't think that marijuana is addicting physically, I can see how it can be mentally I suppose, but it doesn't happen to many people. I've seen marijuana become more addicting to people who don't do it often, maybe just that first time, and then they are fixed on that one time, wondering why it wasn't as good as they thought because they probably didn't know the difference between fake marijuana and dank, and that's just the way it is. I've personally spoken to people who are somewhat mentally wrapped around marijuana, they have never hit a joint or a bong or even a blunt in their life, but they are wrapped around whether its a good thing or not for them to do, and that's the only addiction I've seen towards marijuana. I've never seen somebody need a hit this minute or this second, it just doesn't happen. Basically, it's just an overall cleaner habit.Does anybody here know how hard it is to die from OD on pot? I think I heard you need over 1,000 joints in a day. Thats freaking insane. Lets call 1 bowl $5, just for the sake of putting a price on something, x that by the size of the bowl, we will call 2 bowls 1/8 oz. Times that by 8, you have 16 bowls, which we will call 32 joints. Right there you are in the 100s, and you aren't even close. People have to be freaking lifted in order to OD.Lets take alcohol. One bottle of sky is pretty cheap right? I think it's about $40. Drink half that bottle, you will probably die.^Don't take any of this that I smoke pot, I won't do it, and never have, until it's legal, I take all this knowledge off people who have smoked marijuana in the past, and most have gotten slapped with a hefty ticket.
  16. nol

    Gow Review

    I have just borrowed this game from a friend, so I might as well write a review up about it right? Game Name: Gears0fWar Personal Rating (1-10): 9.8/10 Game Storyline: The Storyline in Gearsofwar, is that earth has been destoryed by Global warming, and they mvoed to a new planet called Seris (I think thats the name) and then, the original inhabinits pop up to say hello, to then find humans on there home, so, you guessed it, they bomb the crap out of the humans, most are dead except for a few, these few are some like Marcus and Dominic (or Dom), as you venture through the alien infested planet, alot happens, it turns out there is a wepon that can destory the big colony, so you sett out to find it, and after you do, you blow up the whole colony, so they think... XBL Experience (if any): Althought GearsOfWar only allows 4on4, you still get an amazing expierence out of it, the guns are even and the maps are intresting, its good how they realease maps aswell Maximum users in game: 8 Game Creators (company): Epic Number of Achievements:56 Number of Gamerscore: 1250 Tips: Duck Cover and ROLL Overall Gameplay: I was blown away by the gameplay in gearsofwar, its absolutely FANTASTIC - the graphics and sound enhance giving it a great expierence.. Screenshots: Presentation: 9.9 This proves that we should stop global warming... this game is freaky, and I definitly think that if I had a choice, I would hang myself then go through this stuff Graphics: 10 The graphics really did make thsi game stand out, gearsofwar has really got, amazing graphics, a perfect combination of beauty and destruction, great gradiants and amazing characters. Sound: 10 The Sound in this game is one word MIND BLOWING, it gets you so hyped up, the character voice and the explosions, all the guns and the variety, its abosulety a 100% to sh!t your pants! Gameplay: 9.8 With the Graphics and Sound at this level, its easy to become addicted to the multiplayer and campaign, its so intense and packed withe excitement, everything is fair no matter what, the maps are even and one thing beats another. Lasting Appeal: 9.3 The campaign will take roughly 13 hours, but its a great 13 hours, Epic has created amazing multiplayer and crazy leaderboards, all you want to do is get the 100th HeadShot! or your 1000th Kill 9.8! Outstanding! Gears Of war is a Amazing, if you havent played it, you definatly missed out.
  17. pixel2life.com has my most favorite tutorials on there, from programming to photoshop its amazing.
  18. nol

    Hello I'm New

    Welcome to Xisto hope you enjoy your time, and glad that you will be able to contribute to the community positively.
  19. I'm glad you know where it is at with the whole family thing. I am truly sorry for your loss, and know it can be tough at times, but your back and we all have to move on no matter how big the loss, its what the person would want us to do. ON a lighter note though, I'm glad to see you back, even though I'm just coming back myself, but its good to see your still sticking around ruling the forums
  20. Storyline - 7/10 Opener 9/10 Actors 8/10 Special Effects 10/10 Easy to follow 8.5/10 Conflict 8/10 Conclusion 9/10 Ok now that I have the scoring, I will post the actual review. Storyline - 7/10 The storyline overall was pretty good. For beginners, it did do a good job of starting over from the beginning. I did notice some people were kind of mad that it did not follow the regular Star Trek storyline of the past, however it was overall really interesting to watch. There were a few things I did have a few issues with, including the fact that I didn't get enough information about certain things, and was just expecting to know from the beginning, which I'm sure most Trekkies knew, but I felt kind of dumb not laughing with the rest of the audience when there was something funny and it just flew right over my head. The movie overall did have some comical parts so its not just for those Trekky people, which I will get into later, and it is overall an amazing storyline, so if you have been debating whether to go or not, well I say you should definatly see it. Opener 9/10 The movie starts with a great opening scene. Kind of hard to follow at first as I didn't know who any of these people were that were in the movie, but I did understand it after a few minutes into the movie, and starting getting the gyst of things. I think that people could definatly get into this movie if they really tried, but its not one of those movies where you have to put a huge effort into knowing everything as things come together pretty fast. Actors 8/10 The actors were just great, I believed who they were, what there were there for, and that they were enjoying themself or whatever emotion they were trying to portray every single second of the movie, the man who played Spock was just phenominal, and did a great job not showing emotion for the most part. I don't really think theres much more I can say on this part except that the actors were great. Special Effects 10/10 Special effects was where I was outstanded, they used it in light moderation, where I can awe at the talent and effort put into making this movie, yet I can sit back and not feel like I am being pounded with every little thing they put in there just because they can, not because it helped the movie in any sort of way. The enemy vessel was amazingly well detailed, and thought that it's movement was just cool overall. Easy to follow 8.5/10 I've never seen one star trek episode ( I know its bad, but it never looked like it would interest me ). The plot was somewhat difficult to follow in the beginning. But for those who have not seen the original episodes, fear not! It does not follow the storyline of the whole episodes, and its pretty much starting over from scratch, so if you have been meaning to see the movie, but scared you might not understand whats going on, well you will be fine! It comes together very nicely in the end. Conflict 8/10 I like the way they made the conflict sort of reveal itself near the end, you don't exactly understand what is the problem really, except that they are getting attacked until nearish to the end, where you find out. I like this as they reveal what basic knowledge you need, without just coming out and saying it like some movies, which somewhat makes it predictable (other movies, not so much this one). Conclusion 9/10 The main reason I like this conclusion is because it leaves you kind of hanging, but gives you some sort of ending to come home with so you don't go home completely empty handed. Do I think there will be more Star Treks? Yes definatly. Do I think I will probably go see the future Star Treks? MOST definatly, I was pleasantly enjoyed by this film, and it wasn't one of those films that they rushed to get out there, it looked really, really good, and I am happy. Overall 59.5/70
  21. I think your routine is pretty light for a teenager, and would depend on size/time the teenager wants to put into the schedule. When I was in High School I would weightlift every day so my routine would fit accordingly, IE Arms one day, legs next, switch off. Cardio + Abs + Stretches every day as those are so importnat no matter what. The one thing I would definatly add to your routine is stretches AFTER you work out, this helps reduce soreness the next day, and keeps your muscles nice. Plus it can't hurt right?
  22. Do you guys think using Creatine (AKA powder protein boosters) is cheating? By cheating I mean the way we define steroids. We think people who use steroids cheat at sports, so how does everyone feel about Creatine?Personally I feel if people want to use it, it's up to them, all it really is is a bunch of protein to help muscles regenerate a bit quicker. But other people think differently, so I'm pretty curious on what others think. Is it something thats bad or no?
  23. yep np eddyruiz. I still believe he is looking for more people, so please, please any flash programmers, looking to get paid, please contact him as soon as you can, it would be very helpful to everyone that is a member at that site!
  24. Link isn't there anymore but still, isn't that something to be 100 years old and have met babe ruth? Thats amazing, if I was that old, I think the only thing so far I would be proud of is voting for Obama, but thats really it, I haven't met too many history altering people.
  25. YA I totally agree, but that can get a little hard, I suggest starting a website, but on the side try some GPT sides (https://www.points2shop.com/cashle is a great one), that pay out to paypal, takes a little bit of work, but its worth it, use that to get some traffic to your website, as your website gets popular, put up some ads to earn ad revenue, and then you will be set .
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