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Everything posted by Renaissance

  1. Welcome to Xisto!This is an awesome community to be a part of, with lots of helpful and fun topics.See you around.
  2. I'm a bottom only person. May to October is boxers, November to April is flannel pants.Maybe it's because I move a lot in my sleep but shirts bunch too much
  3. Welcome to Xisto!As I'm sure you know by now, this is an awesome community to be a part of, see you around.
  4. I believe he means Kendo. Jodo also fits that description, as mentioned by our friend. Do a Google image search for visual confirmation.
  5. I don't know how pissed your ISP will get but you might try using Netzero's Free dialup as a test:If you were to use Netzero and the problem persists than the problem is most likely on your endOn the otherhand, if you were to use Netzero and be problem free, than it would be safe to assume that it's on your ISP's end.Just remember that Netzero's Free dialup may not compete in speed but it should be a good measure in terms of connection.
  6. If you are still interested in an FTP program that can CHMOD and supports Win98 I believe LeechFTP fits your needs. The programmer is MIA but it's very stable and light.
  7. He means the user; a limited user account with no password.
  8. Let me reply in general succession:Yes, what happened was somewhat childish, I admit that, but I have the feeling you've never been in a situation with a person like that. Let me give you another example, when we were younger he had to have the remote, we had to watch what he wanted, whenever I would go watch what I wanted on another TV he would follow me and try to maintain control. He's been like that since we were kids and lately I've had enough. He needs to get a life, and it needs to be his not mine! So yeah, I snapped, but it was a long time coming with due reason.As for legal action, not going to happen. As much as a moronic pain in the butt he is I'm not going to press charges. Suing him is the same. My dad insists he should buy me a new computer but our families finances are tight; mine, my parents, and my parents finances are effectively pooled.Let me state that he is indeed computer literate; he is a final year Computer Science major. Yeah, figure that one out, I'm his brother and I don't understand him. The way I see it he knows about the work and frankly can't care less, which is why everything in his schedule takes precedence; why my duties are trivial to him.Yeah, I socked him good during the fight (knocked his glasses clean to the floor) but I still have a burgundy burise from his nails. I told my mom that she either sets him straight or I'm moving out, but my mom wants me to stay home; the near mention of me moving out makes her upset. I think she got the message though; problem is I doubt my brother will.And yes, mental is a fitting word. I forgot to mention that the warranty is past gone.
  9. I may be off base but is it possible that you're getting disinterested with school? Kind of like a grade apathy.Does any of the following sound familiar to you? You feel a 98 can be achived without really working, you find homework too easy, class participation is a joke, you know more than your teachers, you're wrongfully portrayed as thi great student (tacher's pet perhaps), teachers give you a break because they know you can do better, every year is the same song and dance.If any of that sounds familiar you should figure why, and perhaps how you can fix that. In general though, it might be a good idea to make school more than just academics. Join a sports team or play production, tutor some kids that need help, volunteer some time for a good cause, that sort of thing.
  10. A password can be cracked, but "no password" can't be. A friend pointed me to a Windows guru's blog Read this: A no password account is safer because it becomes 100% point and click, and we all know that computers can't do that (yet).
  11. True. I agree to a degree; freeware and even cracked software is a high risk area, but with a little diligence you can download illegal software from a questionable site and not get infected, it's just that the average user is not knowledgeable or can't be bothered to take extra steps. Then again it could some sort of computer virus apathy I literally saw a girl say "Look at this virus I got!" and opened the email attachment on the school network...Anyhow, the best way to avoid viral infection (or at least minimize the damage) is to run a limited user account with no password. I was going to say "Don't DL questionable stuff" but let's get real.
  12. 'Tis the age of computer viruses...Seriously, there is and forever will be viruses and the best tool we have is our heads! A lot of people will say you need an Anti-virus but that's not really true. You only really need an AV if you practice poor computer management or have usage habits that involve risky or gray material. An AV fixes (or at least attempts to) the damage or infection of the virus making it a passive defence, whereas using one's head - not clicking the link, and be more aware is a proactive defence.
  13. Talk it out. You uncertainties and the awkward silence are combined, since you state he appears just as awkward then it would be safe to assume that he has relatively the same unresolved feelings you do. You have to address these uncertainties on both sides. Just be prepared for him to want something more (even if he downplays it); look for the signs.
  14. I agree 100%. It's the technology era, if you want the latest then you literally have to pay for the latest. Take the PS3 or XBox as an example. People who bought them right away spent on average $150 more than people who waited a year; they paid a premium to be on the leading edge...
  15. I have an 15" CRT monintor that would turn off at random intervals.High usage, low usage, non-usage, it didn't matter. Through some trial and error I noticed that it never happened outside Windows (for example it never turned off during the BIOS menu) and eventually I tracked it down to the monitor refresh rate.My propsed solution is to change your refresh rate to the lowest setting and see if that solves the problem. If it does you can do some trial and error of your own to find out what setting is best for you.
  16. I'm doing this while it's still fresh. A few hours ago I got into a fight with my brother and I'm still pissed. Before I get at it I should give you some background info. Even though I am 23 years old and my brother is 27 we still get asked if we're twins, which is weird since we don't look the same. I have qualities of my maternal grandfather and my brother has qualities of my paternal grandfather. We share interests in sports and movies but our similarities end there. I am outgoing and caring and can talk up a storm in the right situation. My brother is selfish, stubborn and introverted. I swear he tries to live vicariously through me, which I could probably live with, but he's also very controlling. My brother is the kind of person who likes to plan his day without other people in mind. and when he sets his mind on something he has to get it; it's his way or it's wrong. One time he got on an argument with my mom about which car door was broken, when he was proven wrong he not only refused to admit he was wrong but he insisted the door (magically) started working and the other one broke. I'm not like that, my mom raised me (us) to be caring and considerate, and I find I'm always working around him. Now as you can guess, when things go bad they go bad. Well today they went bad. I'm an admin for a website that is going through a bad server move, I'm working hard to save our work. My brother consistantly states that if I'm not getting paid there is no reason to make it a priority. I explain to him that I am still obligated but his selfish head doesn't get it. So when I pushed forward he persisted to get in my way. I ignored him and powered on my laptop, I was about to power on my USB HDD when he turned off the power bar! Now, the laptop has a battery so even though that bothers me I'd let it slide, however power loss to the USB HDD can cause loss of data. I was upset but not pissed (yet). I simply turned it back on. as childish as it was we preceeded to turn it off and on, until I held my finger on the button. He grabbed the powerbar and things got physical. At one point he had his nails dug into my arm so after a few attempts at getting free I shoved his USB keyboard off the table and he let go. Little did I suspect he was about to do something competely mental; he grabbeed the laptop power adapter (the AC wire with the black box) and whacked it against my laptop screen breaking it. Despite what came to mind I just said "you're in soo much trouble" and left the house (The laptop cost me $3k for uni and our finances are tight). Now the thing that really gets me mad is what happened after. Not only is he refusing to apologize but he told my mom that I started it, I guess I technically did but only after his passive aggressive interference, and he told my mom that I broke the screen when I grabbed the powerbar from him! I am so mad I can't describe it. If it helps any I'll tell you that swearing doesn't even come to mind. I told my mom that enough is enough and unless she straightens him out I'm moving out.
  17. Welcome to Xisto.I'm sure you'll enjoy the comunity as much as you enjoy the hosting. Keep up the postitive posting and you'll have enough credits in no time. Please remember to read and abide by the rules/guidelines.
  18. Renaissance


    Welcome to Xisto.I'm sure you'll enjoy the comunity as much as you enjoy the hosting. Keep up the postitive posting and you'll have enough credits in no time. Please remember to read and abide by the rules/guidelines.As for your webdesign, what design method do you follow: visual or simple? Do you use PHP and CSS or do you stick to HTML?
  19. You're normal, not the "normal"-normal but the normal-normal, er uh I mean that like you said it appears "normal" to be a jerk but it's just not right you are the genuine normal; by the way have you noticed how swearing has somehow become socially acceptable in the last 10-15 years? You are the kind of person that gives people hope that society is not going down the gutter
  20. I know it's been said before (by other people) but I guess it just lends to the truth; I use Windows Media Player for videos and Winamp for audio.Winamp has an arguably better playlist and a much better equalizer with highly functional presets. An example is the preset for Headphones/Laptop speakers, it greatly improves the sound quality/clarity.The one thing Winamp has against it are the memory leaks...
  21. Gmail. Hotmail is indeed improving but I find it's spam filter to be lacking and it's adds to be far too intrusive. I mean, sure Google doesn't have a multi-coloured eye candy user interface, but give me functionality over style anyday.I'd also like to point out that Gmail allows for remote access where Hotmail does not. What does that mean? It means that I can have 5 Gmail accounts and check them all at once using a mail client such as Outlook or Thunderbird; 5 Hotmail accounts would mean logging in 5 times.
  22. Very well done indeed. I like how you were able to blend your name in the corner. Some people lack that subtle touch, but you definitely have it!
  23. In regards to getting a job, I know it sounds flaky but you need a "sponsor" of sorts to vouch for how respectable you are. The information age may be upon us but the power of the "word of mouth" has not decreased; if anything it has inceased since people have generally become more suspicious.A good example would be to use a neighbor, or even uncle (with a different last name :XD:), as a reference who can say something simple like "He's helped me with yard work" or something to that effect.
  24. To me there are 2 modes of respect. The first mode is material involving personal space and property, while the second mode is immaterial in terms of intellectual respect and the such.The material mode should be given to everyone, and is in fact considered a human right; an example is the right to own property and not have another take or damage it. This mode is for everyone but is not taken seriously until you're about 18.In my opinion the second mode, immaterial respect, is something you earn, and should not be given. No demographic should receive instant respect. It's true that you should "respect your elders" but all that really means is that you should consider their greater experience. Think about it, a 19 year-old and a 45 year-old are both your elders, but what can be called your "default respect" is almost a function of their age difference to you; independant of their personality you have more default respect for the older of the two.I have a feeling your complaint falls between the two. My advice is to you that you have to earn the second mode of respect on a person to person basis which indeed takes patience. I know you don't want to hear it but legally you are still considered a minor, keep that in mind.
  25. Yes, defintely a warm welcome to Xisto. You seem to have a good personality, then again everyone here does, so I look forward to getting to know you.
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