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Everything posted by DeM0nFiRe

  1. The Ragdoll physics in The Source engine are actually kind of pathetic. I mean, it's kind of cool to watch but it is very unrealistic. Other engines have done a better job with this. The problem with ragdoll physics is that the joints do not account for the limits of the human bone structure. Euphoria from Natural Motions does a pretty good job at it. I'd recommend you watch their video.
  2. See, now this is deceptive. That is not the first flying car, it is the first street legal car that can fly. There's another "Flying Car" That was made like 5 or 6 years ago, and it flies well. Check out this: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  3. Nah, Visual Basic is a bad first language. The Syntax is so much different from any other language that it can make it hard to learn other languages later. I'd recommend starting with Ruby or Python, since they have syntax similar to C/C++ but are easier to work with. I always feel that learning proper OOP first is most important.
  4. Are you people completely mad? The games are free only for you to play them. They make their money off of advertisements and cash shops. On private servers, they don't make their money. Bottomline line is that you have absolutely no right to do it. When you download and install the client, you agree to a license that says you will refrain from doing just that.
  5. There do exist Browser-Based FPS games, they use Shockwave. However, I am fairly certain that an easy way to make one does not exist.
  6. Well, if you ever get to doing higher detail stuff, look me up :DLike I said, we are past the proof of concept stage so we need some higher detail stuff.
  7. Yeah, sorry man but we need high quality stuff. We're beyond the simple testing phase now.
  8. Well, I suppose when it comes down to it, people are willing to pay them millions of dollars to play, so they will keep doing it. That's just the way the world works sometimes xD
  9. Well, I think the idea is that you can paint it to be whatever design you want on it. Also, using a high gloss paint probably wouldn't be as good as, say, painting it whatever you want with another paint and then adding a gloss to it. (As far as I am aware Gloss Paints don't work well if you are trying to paint a design)
  10. So I was looking at the similar topics piece for a thread I was on, and I noticed 2 things.The first thing may not be worth fixing, but it's not all that effective at determining what is related. For a thread about Circuit City, the top matched result was a thread about GTA Vice City. (Yeah, it matched the city which is kind of funny)The second thing should be able to be fixed pretty easily. That same GTA Vice City result I got was from 5 years ago! 0_0 I think it'd be nice if you just added filter to make it from, say, the past 90 days.
  11. Actually, not all Circuit Cities are closing. As a matter of fact, none are closing in Massachusetts. They are just closing them in certain places where, I believe, they had too many to begin with.
  12. Well, you've got to understand that this is in a completely different category of the job of a doctor or engineer. It's a lot easier to learn to become one of those things than it is to become an athlete. (Actually, for the most part you're born with it or you just don't have it, at the professional level)As for the increase in salaries, Daryl Strawberry was what? 10 years ago? The national average for gas then was like $1 Inflation always takes it's toll.Another point to be made is that people are willing to pay for the seats that pay for the players. Games at the professional level are regularly sold out, so why would they reduce the price?
  13. Heh, w3Schools Won't helpo in learning C/C++ unless they've changed since I last went there.Also OOP is not exactly the same for every language. There are going to be some little differences that you are going to have to learn for every language.
  14. lol, "Why would it be done" would be a completely different discussion XD (Oh, and if any of you jerks change my past I'll kick you in the face )As far as can it be done? I kind of doubt it. At this time, I think it's gonna stay in the sci-fi stories.
  15. Umm, actually it does not matter at all which one you learn first. They are completely different from one another, and learning one will not help you learn another. I would say learn PHP first, because if you want to make money on websites, PHP is where you'll probably make the most
  16. Right, which is why I said it is the theoretical speed limit. Matter, theoretically, cannot travel faster than the speed of light. Wormholes are quite theoretical as well
  17. Hehehe, yeah exactly it cannot be proven. All of this is, of course, theoretical. It'll be fun to see who is right later on XD
  18. I took one of these when I was like 8, which was too young for the age brackets, so it said if I was a 12 year old I would have had a 144 IQ. I kinda think that was bogus, that would have meant my real IQ would have been like 160 XD I haven't taken any of these recently, so who knows what I'd have.
  19. Well, actually, time travel is obviously a fact. We are traveling through time right now. Time is the 4th dimension, the other 3 being height, width, and depth. And, to a degree we can theoretically control the speed at which we travel through the 4th dimension. As I stated, and miladinoski re-iterated, by moving quickly through the first 3 dimensions you can theoretically slow your progression through the 4th dimension.
  20. rpgseacherz, that's a nice theory, however it's kind of hard to argue. How can you prove or disprove that theory (Which is called solipsism, the idea that everyone's reality is independant of another's) Either way, I am talking about physically travelling through time. Time, physically speaking, isn't something that is percieved by humans, but is something that is measured. (of course, that assumes that time physically exists. There's still no agreed upon way to define time, as far as I know)adriantic: Your idea is actually pretty farfetched XD You see, the speed of lht is the theoretical speed limit of the universe. Electro magnetic waves all travel at the speed of light, and theoretically the fastest matter can move is approaching, butnever reaching the speed of light. What you are thinking of is called the (I think) Twin Theory, although you butchered it a bit XD. The closer you are moving to the speed of light, the slower time will pass. The Tiwn Theory states that if two twins are born, and one is put in a spaceship going close to the speed of light and the other stays on earth, in 20 earth years, the one on earth will be 20 years older, but the other will not have aged as much. Now, this is just a thoery mind you.
  21. Lol, EA actually tried to buy the Xbox as well XD They try to buy out everything, I am surprised that they are downsizing.
  22. Well, here's the problem with time: How is it measured? Like, if you want to make a rope shorter, you take out some rope. What is rope? Well it is matter, you just decrease it's mass and you've got less matter. How do you do that with time? Well, theoretically, time in a system can be measured by the amount of entropy (The tendency of a system to try to change it's state from current to an equilibrium) in a system. For instance, if you were watching a video of a ball bouncing and there was no light changes or other movement in the scene, how would you know which direction time is flowing in the video-- how would you know it is not being played backwards? Well, as the ball runs out of entropy, it is going to bounce less and less each time until it can eventually reach equilibrium (Which would be the ball not being pushed back by the ground with a force greater than the normal force due to gravity). That being said, the only way to reverse time would be to add entropy to a system. The problem with that is that, unlike every other quantity in the universe, once you run out of entropy it is gone. Entropy is not conserved in a system like mass or energy.EDIT: Sorry, I explained that backwards. As the ball continues, more entropy is added to the ball but at some point no more entropy is added because the ball will reach equilibrium. We would have to take out entropy from the universe in order to turn time back.Entropy is added to a system as it tried to reach equilibrium, but once it reaches equilibrium, no more entropy is added.
  23. Wow, rpgsearcherz you are just antogonistic. And you kind of proved my point, by the way. All of the things you listed can be learned without doing a 2D game first. Azeen, taking a class is a good idea, however doing some tutorials first is also a good idea, as rpgsearcherz said. Now, tutorials are, by no means, a replacement to classes. Instead, they can be used to prepare you for the classes. The thing is, a lot of intro to comp. prog. classes will teach you the wrong things, so it's best to find out the right things from a good tutorial (Like that on cplusplus.com) so that you can take what is given in your first year of classes with a good eye. Tutorials will most likely not, however, be able to teach you some of the more advanced stuff.
  24. No, before I lost the $2.14 my amount was round. I had $21.00 and then it went down to $18.86. on my xisto account. I guarantee you that I lost money in my xisto account.
  25. Well, I was actually thinking more along the lines of getting something for the pain, but maybe it is just something that Tylenol could help. The hospital, at least where I am, would definitely deal with it though. I've seen them deal with some pretty darn silly things
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