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Posts posted by Mermaid711

  1. Hello there,

    I am an artist, but I am not currently looking to submitt my work to any other sites at this time. Let my site http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ gain some popularity.

    I will not submitt ENTIRELY COMPLETED art works to you site, but if you need a template or any small stuff I can do in my small amount of freetime, or when I'm not grounded from everything, let me know. I will be more than happy to help. Plus, we can do a link exchange so that I get advertized on your site, and You get advertized on mine, so on, and so forth.

    I'm just going to let you know that it is going to be very very difficult to get artists to join you for free. This is the kind of thing that people pay hundreds of dollars to have done for them.

    Anyways, I hope you have the best of luck and let me know if you want to link exchange.

  2. So they basically make myspace webpages? That really clever, myspace is constantly growing by the second. More and more people want to ahve their own myspace. They also want theirs to be the best. I know the people I meet would have almost contest like situations where they want to see who has the best designed . Also most friends, and most veiws and all that.

    Hmmmmm Forbez, me thinks you have something!
    I could hold "Best Myspace" contests on my website! Hahaha I'm genius!

    Also, if you have an idea of what I should add to my site, feel free to fill me in!

  3. Hahaha thanks.I'm sure you have good skill in photos, it just takes a while to find what the subject your are masterfull at capturing is. It took me forever, but then I found I like taking pictures of mainly in animate objects and landscapes, but taking pictures of people is fun for me to :rolleyes:And look at me, I'm not but 13. And If I can do it, I'm sure you can too. =]And for the rest of the trapsters, soon I will have pictures of my stay at sky ranch up and pictures of my stay at Fredricks burg this weekend.If you have any suggestions, DO NOT HESITATE TO INFORM ME! I want your CONSTRUCTIVE critism!

  4. Here is a link to an article about Ashley Qualls and her popular myspace goodie site http://whateverlife.com/

    And a story about how she took $8.00 from her mom and turned it into over $1,000,000


    I can honestly say I'm rather supprised. First of all, 17 year olds don't normally make that much money in less than two years... I don't think my parents make that much in two years... I'll have to ask. There is sooooooo much spam ads on her site... it takes forever to load, but let me tell you, she has LOADS of content. If you can't find something on her site to put on your myspace, than your either A.) a VERY small minority, b.) Picky, or C.) Like me and you got sick of putting up with spam.

    I have seen some of her graphics, she has SO many... They are truly amazing.

    I hope my website http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ will measure up someday :rolleyes:

  5. Wow. But first, lets take a moment to reflect on the fact that we live in a world where a hanus crime like rape occours every day.Okay, done relfecting.Another thing I saw somewhere... I can't put my finger on it... was that if the man has you out of your clothes and pinned down, with out a weapon (or at least with a weapon that he does not have immediate control over) to go for the eyes with your finger nails, and to dig in to his testicals with your fingernails. I'm not a dude, but I heard it hurts :rolleyes:And at OpaQue, nice having to have a MODERATOR put quote tags in on your post. Aren't you an ADMIN?

  6. Ummm... Intresting views :PI say that death is the lie, because death is the absence of life, and since we don't TRULY know what happens on the other side, so therefore we must enjoy the little and insignificant existance we have, because we don't know. I veiw death as our spirit's and soul's journey to a better place... to live with the God and His Son... The One who we KNOW loves us, and we stay there for eternity.Perhaps death is only an eternal sleep... i have no idea.but I say they are both true, however death is simply the absence of life.

  7. Ok you guys need to know your stuff the Mayans didn't just make this stuff up they used highly advanced mathematics to figure out the orbit of the earth,sun, venus, and mars they had one of the most advanced calenders ever way more accurate than the one used know and there predictions where made based on the calender because they believed time repeated itself in a way that it could be predicted and its very possible that what there saying is true but its not like the world is going to end it will be the end of the world as we know it and the birth of a new one

    Ummm, dude? No need to be so rude... I'm sure they realized this... Maybe YOU need to know your stuff about the Xisto members first :P

    Well, I'm not here to start a fight, so lets look at my opinion.

    2012?!?!?! That's supposed to be the year I graduate! I don't want to go in the prime of my life!

    I seriously doubt that the world is going to end in 2012... but we never know... But we don't even know what happens after we are gone so I'd rather go in my sleep when I'm 120 and really really old and while I'm sleeping so I don't know it's happening... or maybe that's just me.

    But even if the Mayans are right I don't want to go!

    How does that song go?

    "Everybody wants to go to Heaven, but nobody wants to die."

  8. Well, being a Christian myself, I do say there is a God.Some atheists, have to see to believe. If they do not see it, hear it, smell it, taste it, or touch it, it isn't real to them. They see faith as a silly thing. And lets face it, it can be sometimes.Here's the thing about the CLOSE MINDED atheists (not the ones who have at least given a religon a try) that bothers me, They alwasy say, "well, if God loved us, why would he put bad things and EVIL(there will be a reference to this word later in my post) in the world?" Well, first of all, let me insert some scientific references (since you guys love science so much :P) This will make more sense later in muh post B)You believe in heat right? Yes you do... or I would hope you do.You believe in cold right? You do? Well, I don't believe in cold. you know why?Cold is an adjective used to describe the absence of heat. You can lose heatand lose heat, untill you reach the point of absolute zero, and then after, you can not lose more heat. We use the word cold to describe the lack/absence of heat.You believe in Light? You should.You believe in darkness right? You probably do.But, you shouldn't. This is because darkness, yet again, is an adjective. It is an adjective to describe the lack or absence of light. you can have no light, dim light, normal light, and bright light and so on. Light can get brighter and brighter and brighter (I don't know what the limit on it is... but whatever.)But darkness has a stopping point. Once you reach pitch black, you can not go any darker.Do you believe in life? I have doubted it before, but I do currently.Do you believe in death? I guess so. But technically speaking, there is no such thing as death, because death is only the absence of life.So do you believe in Good?Do you believe in Evil?Well, I always see good spelled like God with two o's.But anyways, there is no such thing as evil, because evil is only the absense of good, or God, wich is good, so therefore the thing we call evil is only the absence of God.And, the other thing about atheists is they go by observations (MOST OF THEM, I AM NOT BIASED). The ones who have to see to believe. If they do not see it, hear it, smell it, taste it, or touch it, it isn't real to them. They see faith as a silly thing. And lets face it, it can be sometimes.So, if you are one of those atheists who go by hat I just stated, go find a mirror. Look at your forehead. Can you see your brain? Can we hear your brain? Can we touch your brain? Can we smell your brain? Can we taste your brain? No we can't. So by your logic, it must not exist. but oh wait a minute, you're alive and breathing, so we ASSUME it does. but you see faith as a silly childish thing. So therefore, it is silly and stupid to think that your brain exisists... OWNED!Sorry, i just thought i would through that in there.As for the Do I believe in God, I do, because he has done so many wonderfull things for me... things that could have never happened otherwise.

  9. Well, in an effort to get my hosting credits back up to where they need to be, I figured I would ask what everybody is doing this Halloween. I wouldn't be supprised if not very many of you people are not celebrating, because it is a predominantly American holiday.Me and muh friends are having a Costume party. Me, Jacob, and Kyle (two of muh homies B)) are going as goths... it should be intresting... ask saint michael B)Well, that party is on the saturday before, so that leaves the actuall halloween night for me to find something to do. I might go to ANOTHER party, or trick-or-treat, getting candy from the boys at muh school :PYou guys should totaly see my costume!

  10. Wow, in my school, people seem to be getting dumber by the second. I can't stand it! Here are some of the reasons why I think they are stupid:The gangsters- The ONE day that we didn't have to wear standerdized dress to school, the seventh graders got into a Crips vs. Bloods fight, and thanks to them, we are never going to have a free dress day again!The people who have a complete lack of awareness for those around them- in our school, there is a door where everybody gets so bottleneck around. We have a rather large middle school, and we have only four minutes to et to class. My locker is by this door. There is a little girl who stands right in front of my locker and makes me tardy to class everyday, because by the time she moves out of the way, everybody is cramed by that door ready to watch the wannabe gangsters fight. Another case is the lineman on our seventh grade football team. He was running down the hall and knocked me in the holly bush.The seventh graders who think they are bad- They don't have anything on us. We had a girl pregnant when she was y'alls age. We had a kid expelled from school for bringing axe, blackcats, and a lightbulb and making a sort of bomb out of it (even though other than the shrapnell it couldn't do much damage) We had legit gang fights. We had a kid arrested. And oh so much more.Slutty girls- They make me sick. Do they not reallize what they are doing? Clicky people- After our standerdized dress, we don't really have this problem anymore, but it does occour to a degree. I don't see why people have to be so close minded and refuse to hang out with people just because they are a little bit different. It's rediculous!Cosches who think they are the be all end all- The girl's athletics coach (which nobody likes- and i don't blame them) thinks she knows everything. Well, I have to be at tennis practice at 7:15am. I asked her If i could get her keys and unlock the lockerroom so I could put my stuff up, and she was all like, "No, because you don't need to be in there before everybody else." And she caused me to be late to tennis and I had to do lunges and poles... not fun >.<So I'm sorry if this will be regaurded as a waste of your time, I just needed to vent.

  11. Ummm, there isn't really anything you can do about that in your country. As a matter of fact, should you even be complaining?I mean, at least you don't live in the U.S.A. in the state of Texas. I know alot of people who are sapping my tax dollars because they are illegal, and there is nothing being done about it. And when kids who are susspected of being illegal get called into the office because they are being deported, they pull out the "Oh you f****** white people! You STOLE this land from us! It is OURS!" card. It is not yours, we won it from you fair and square. But seriously, at least you immagrants are legal.

  12. Well, first off, there isn't a drama catagory in the entertainment section, and I think drama deserves credit like movies do, so if this is in the wrong place, please let me know and it won't happen again.If any of you have ever seen the play,"The Elves and the Shoemaker" than you are familiar with the charecter Sneerella Twerm. For those of you who are not, Sneerella Twerm is the antagonist. She is a mean greedy woman, who is bent on kicking out the protagonists Matilda and Lockhart from there home. But what saves them from being kick out by muah is these little elves who can make delightfull pairs of shoes. Sneerella is a mean hearted person who likes to yell.I think I am going to have fun eith this part, because it involves running in circles and screaming, all of wich are my loves :P And I always wanted to be the villan in something... because I am EViL!So for those of you like FolkRockFan who live in texas feel free to come and see meh at the Warehouse Living Arts Center in C-Town.

  13. Well, as most of you guys know, me and muh friends (yes I meant to spell it muh not my) are making a mmovie in a town called Emhouse, Texas. For you people like FolkRockFan and I who live in Texas, you probably know it's in the middle of nowhere. Anyways, there's lots of woods and places for things to hide, a couple of farms and plantations, some doublewides, and yada yada yada. My friend who came up with the idea, who might I add is dirrecting, wants to do a horror. But here's the thing. The lead actor and I, the lead actress, are not horror-oriented. We are both romance, comedy, and drama/tradgedie oriented. So the writer, who is yet ANOTHER friend of mine, can't decide what to write on.There's not that really happened in Emhouse that is scary or something we can write about, exep the ledgend of Crybaby bridge, which I have yet to learn what's so spooky about that... But go figure.If you have an idea of what we should write about please feel free to let us know.And sm, no spamming please =]]

  14. For those of you who live in my town, (which I'm assuming none of y'all do) you know we got a new band dirrector.She's a "n00b" to band dirrecting!First of all, she has never directed before, and she came in and totally screwed things up. For those you in band, you are probably familiar with the term chair test, but for those of you who aren't I'll fill you in. In most band cases, every now and then, we have test to recieve chairs or rankings in the band. Well last year, we had our end-of-the-year final "exam" and I was SUPPOSED to be first chair in synphonic band (the better of the two bands.) But thanks to the band dirrector, that's not happening, and so we are arranged by last names. Well, that's not fair to me, because my last name starts with a K.Well, now she is getting in the way of my personal life and keeping me from doing stuff with friends. She is forcing us to practice 90 minutes a week, and the only 90 minutes a week that I'm not doing stuff is on tuesday night, in which I'd normally do things with friends. well thanks to her, I can't even do anything with them anymore! And I guess it wouldn't be so bad, but there isn't a need to practice, seeing as how we don't have chair tests. I'm guessing that she was the kind of band geek that didn't have any friends or a life.Well, she gets the wise idea to scheduel a concert RIGHT on our tennis match next week (against waco.) Well, the tennis scheduell is put together in July and comes out in august. Well, she SWEARS that it wasn't on there untill recently. Well, guess what? WE TOLD HER AND TOLD HER AND TOLD HER for the past month that there was going to be a schedueling conflict and she was like all, "Oh no, because I would have seen it earlier." And then I ask her if we could put it on another day and she said it wouldn't be fair to the football and volleyball people. So it is fair to us that we can't go to our match?I hate band. I never wanted to do it. But my mom thinks it's ok to walk all over me and pic my classes for me.

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