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Posts posted by Mermaid711

  1. Oh my goodness, I couldn't agree more!It makes me want to shoot myself in the foot when those little n00bs go on the shoutbox asking, "Does anybody know where i can get [insert your runescape item here]?" So I reply, "Does anybody know where [insert n00b's name here] can find somebody WHO ACTUALLY CARES ABOUT THEIR RETARDED GAME?" The only thing that bothers me more than compulsive gamers is compulsive naruto fans. Am I saying gamers and naruto are bad? Absolutely not. It's their blagging that drives my up the wall.

  2. That computers can actually support boredness. that when im searching the web or trying to do something to spend time, sometimes i get so bored i am about to hit myself in my face. it feels like i have used the computer so much that i have found out everything i need to know and dont need it anymore. besides scripting my webpage, i dont really need a computer, but i have an urge to buy a mac. so now im just plain bored...and i have problems with my pc...it would just help if i could get a completely customized computer that has everything tuned to my needs including the os. it just gets boring, im sick of gaming, get bored of just going to forums over and over. i guess i need to start hanging out with my friends more cuz the computer doesnt help me get ride of boredness...

    Well DUH!

    Sorry, but God made people to be social, not mouse potatoes.

    People who are mouse potatos need to go out and hang out and make new friends. The computer is whats causing a lot of you mouse potatos to be 40 year old virgins :)

  3. Nops, i dont think men, and women can be equal, becaz the nature of women have very soft, women always have softheart, so they can't do hard jobs.

    Excuze me? Oh no you didn't! As a matter of fact Mr. Male Chauvinist, we can handle hard jobs. More and more women are joining the military AND FIGHTING ON THE FRONT LINES!!!

  4. Haha, the other day I was babysitting and the kids were watching some cartoon that was about just that thig! :)I think people shouldn't waste there time on this kind of thing when they need to be social :)Besides, haven't you ever heard of SecondLife or Kaneva? Why create a virtual you, when you can use programs like that to create a better you?

  5. Today, I went to the movies with my best friend Monica. We saw Evan Almighty.First of all, it spoofed the story of Noah.I find it more entertaining than Bruce Almighty. I also find it more family friendly than Bruce Almighty was too. There was a lot less language in it.The acting was a lot different too. Steve Carrel is a lot more impulsive it seems than the guy who played Bruce. Morgan Freeman was excellent in this movie too.The special effects were okay, but I found them to be a little bit on the cheesy side, but it must have taken a very long time to do all of the CGI. They worked with real animals in this movie too. It took a very long time for them to train them, i guess :)But none of the less, Evan Almighty is a very good movie which you need to take your kids to.

  6. I think that women are equal if not more to men.Get ready for my feminist rant.I'm sick to tears of the male chauvonist mentalaty that we are below men. I'd like to see a man try and give birth to a baby. The other day I wanted to hit my uncle over the head with a shovel because he was going on some rant about how women are poor leaders, and women shouldn't be presidents, and how women would be horrible wartime leaders and blah blah blah.Like tikiprincess said, we posess the womb, we keep the human race going, we raise the kids. We cook the meals. And most importantly, we don't act like apes when we see someone like pamela anderson.

  7. Well, in the Bible, it says money is the root of all evil.Studies show that people who have more money are generaly less happy than those who have less.The other day in church, we talked about this guy that won the lottery and his brother hired a hitman to kill him, so he could have a share of the fortune.I wish sometimes we never thought of money, the world would be a much happier place.

  8. Welcome to Mermaid, finally, an Introduction, and a very detailed one at that.
    Couple of questions:

    Where does the Polish language skills come from? Are one of your parents of Polish decent? Or is your community of Polish decent?

    With all of the skills you describe in your Intro, like acting, etc., I am curious about whether you are involved in any Community activities which benefit from your skill sets. Are you active in any Theater Groups? Or do you volunteer at using your Sign language at a Local School for the Deaf?

    Just curious.

    ahhh yes. Im a polish american. my father is polish but born in america and my mom is uhh.... i dont know because her grandmother was adopted. so i could be full blood polish, but i don't know.

    I was in a couple of theater classes. I praticipate in plays, and although i havent been on tv yet, I am trained to act profesionally.

    I learned my sign language from one of my bestest friends jacob. He is deaf.

    As for my picture, my head shots are getting out dated so I've got to get them re-done. I may or may not post them here. we'll just have to see!

  9. okkay first as i am new so thanks for teling me rule and is not there any rule not to ask dumb qestions? anyhowthe question is so clear to you i want to download themes for my nokia 6030 is there any diffuculty in reading ??
    if u know any site giving free themes that i can download it on my nokia 6030 on gprs ??

    You don't have to be rude. What's clear to you may not always be clear to me.

    Sorry if I didn't understand you at first you dont have to be a butt about it. :)

    Try google.

    Be careful what you post. I hope you dont get warned or banned for rudeness.

    Any good themes site for my nokia 6030 plz share with me.

    The word 'theme' can mean a lot of things. You were unclear and now you are being rude when there is no reason to be. Not all phones use these so called themes.

  10. i believe that everyone is concerned somehow of how they look, and at a certain extent, becomes obsessed with maintaining the look. of course, hygiene is very important, but i know there are some that you are somewhat obsessed with doing. so i want to ask everyone if you have some obsession when it comes to hygiene.


    personally, i am obsessed with keeping my teeth as clean as possible. i have developed a daily routine for myself and i spend so much time just to have that contentment when it comes to cleaning my teeth. i also have a monthly routine for whitening my teeth using stuff that can be found on my kitchen.


    so for cleaning my teeth, i spend about 10 minutes max brushing my teeth without using toothpaste to get rid of the dirt that has attached to my teeth. i even look at the mirror just to make sure i don't miss a tooth for cleaning. personally i feel like i want my teeth to be clean first before i apply toothpaste, just like the routine of using facial products (ie. using soap and cleanser to start off with taking care of the face). then after i clean my teeth, i put on a small amount of toothpaste on the toothbrush, about the size of a peanut, and brush my teeth again for the same amount of time, also taking care of the tongue, cheek and gums. after that, i gargle with water and put a very tiny amount of toothpaste and brush for about 5 minutes. if i have mouthwash, that last routine is replaced with gargling with a mouthwash.


    my monthly routine of whitening my teeth requires lemon (i use a local equivalent called kalamansi or lemoncello) and baking soda. i put the baking soda on the brush and squeeze the lemon on it. bubbles will form which i use to brush my teeth. you could also use hydrogen peroxide as substitute for lemon.


    i also do flossing almost everyday (and especially during days when we eat meat) because i get frustrated when specs of meat gets stuck on my teeth.

    My obssesion in keeping my hands as clean as possible. i've nearly dried out my hands from washing thm so much.


    You really shouldnt use lemon juice or anything acidic on your teeth. You'll end up with all the enamal that protects ur teeth gone, and it wont come back. your safer off using white strips.

  11. Lets start from the begining:


    Scientists ***THINK*** that the universe we inhabit began with a small burst of extremely hot light, and it began expanding from that point. The universe today is still expanding, and faster than ever. so if it is still expanding, in the endless void that the universe is in, there should room for others. I am aChristian, and I think Heaven and Hell are in two seperate universes.


    How ever, should we try and leave said universe, what would happen from that point?


    But my question is in why the universe began and how it came out of nowhere, and so that's why i turned to religion.


    "For we walk by faith, not by sight." -2corinthians 5:7

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