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Posts posted by Mermaid711

  1. Well I am white, but one of my bestest friends is black. I see no need for racist comments, slurs, or even jokes.But what bothers me is when people refer to themselfs as a racist term. I.E Mermaid is polish, so she will refer to herself and her polish homies as a pollock, or an african american may refer to him/her as the "N" word. It sickens me, that Martin Luther King Jr. Got shot trying to free his people from this, and yet some of them revert to it.But i think racism is in NO WAY needed. :P

  2. Okay, so the other day i was in trouble for some STOOPID reason, and so i got bored and decided to play around with Paint shop pro 8. I came up with this poorly drawn angel, i'm sure the proportions are all off, but let me know what you think :P


    I really liked how the gold tones in the cloth and wings ties in with her skin tones... but that's just me.


    just let me know what you think kay?


    Here is the url:




    I have absolutly no idea what i am going to do with it.... lol


    [EDIT] The image is larger than the space for viewing on your browser and most browsers have an auto resise feature. be sure you view the full image :P

  3. I really don't get WHY you people complain. It's not as if though they're coming here to be spiteful. They're fufilling lower class jobs that average US citizens don't want to do. This offers a low paying work force and helps our economy. It's practically slavery, except they're being paid. Compared to Mexico, the US is El Dorado. ( Anyone who doesn't think the US is the best, if not one of the greatest countries in the world is just trying to bandwagon, because they don't have actual opinions. By GPD, America is one of the richest in the world. We're also the most generous. ) They're just trying to support their families. I'm pretty sure a majority of them AREN'T drug smugglers but I could be wrong.

    No, they are not JUST coming here to do so, all though most of them are, they are bringing bad gangs like MS 13 and Mexican Mofia over.

  4. Okay, so the other day we got a letter in the mail. Both of my parents are teachers and as we all know a teachers salary bites al ready, but it said that there is going to be something like a 20% tax takin out of it, and not just for teachers, anybody who doesn't work year round. Well I think it is wrong that the IRS can steal from someone who is working their *bottom* off to get money. Sure socialism seems nice, when you have a huge paycheck, like government officials do, but when you live in middle class america it isn't fair that we have to pay for people who are too lazy to work. Sure if you are disabled and unable to work I can understand that because you can't get money, so i will gladly give a few dollars to help those who are less fortunate and cannot do the things i can. I will also be more than happy to give up some money so i have a "safety net" to fall back on in case i get laid off. But what maddens me is that it is okay for people to not get jobs and sit on their lazy asses all day, living off of MY salary and do nothing to try and get off government help. It makes me angry that people choose to abuse the things we work so hard for. I think that there should be a time limit on how long somebody can live in government housing (with the exceotion of the dissabled.) I think that we should take free lunches out of schools (well not completly because some kids are the children of the dissabled.) And hand everybody who can't prove they have a reason to be sapping MY money a job section out of the newspaper and tell them too go find a job and not everything in life going to come to you easily.

    The private sector will always do a better job than the government.

    Welfare is a hand up- not a generational lifestyle

  5. Wow. you completely ripped off tikiprincess's topic. Mr. unoriginal :P

    Don't knock someone else's belief simply because you don't believe it. Calling someone's beliefs silly while emphasizing your own is hypocritical. Speaking of, you might want to take another look at the quote you've got on your sig...

    Thats what i have been saying all along. arza is VERY stubborn. That is EXACTLY what i have been saying all along :P

    Great minds think alike

  6. I'm currently going through the process of getting a teaching credential and have been seeing parents from that perspective. I have come to the decision that there are a lot of people out there who aren't fit to be parents. There's the mother who wanted to pull her 13-yr-old daughter out of school to watch the girl's 7-yr-old sister. Or there's the dad who taught his 6-yr-old son how to cook and administer his crack. Then there's the couple that still sleep in the same bed as their 11-yr-old. It sickens me to think that these people are doing this to their children. But social services can only do so much and the foster system can be worse on a child.

    Wow you're suprised by this? This kind of thing happens all the time in Texas. I have a friend who is really close, and her family is very poor so sometimes she must stay home to take care of her sister, while her parents work... The crack thing? makes me sick. The sleeping in the same bed with an eleven year old? That's just flat out wrong. What is wron with these people? have they no sence?


    As teachers, we only have 6 hours out of 24 to make an impact on a child's life. And that's only during school days! There's less than 200 days in a school year. In high school, we've only got the students for one or two periods, so it's even less. But there's rigorous training beyond learning the subject that you're teaching, at least here in California. We have to learn how to teach effectively, how to manage a classroom, how to resolve conflicts, and it's hammered into our heads that what we do and say will affect our students both positively and negatively. I wouldn't have it any differently because I do believe that teachers can influence a child's life in both good and bad ways. A teacher can completely demoralize a student in class and crush that student's self esteem, or inspire a student to reach new heights and help that student awaken the genius inside.

    You're a teacher? well so are my parents, but my dad is fed up with it so he's starting his own business. But by crack [[see my first reply ^^^^^]] do you mean he drug? You should report that immedieatly! And by law, aren't teachers required to tell if someone is being abused? But anyways, you are right. You don't have much time to impact a childs life.


    But sometimes it seems that our efforts as teachers can be futile when the other 18 or so hours are spent under the care of someone who obviously doesn't. I think that if there's an intense training program for a person to become a teacher, there should be an equally intense course or system for someone to become a parent. I wish we could regulate who is allowed to raise a child because there are people out there that don't deserve the wonderful children they have. And there are kids out there who deserve better parents.

    Of course, it would never happen...


  7. My favorite movies are:1.] Mean Girls2.] Zoolander [hahaha maybe because i was a child model when i was little :P]3.] Freaky Friday4.] 13 going on 30 [hehe]5.] Any movie i am in.... which im not in any yet :Pof course i have my guilty pleasures:[The little mermaid]hehe *cough* m_b *cough*

  8. I think I said this before somewhere else, but acting is a tough dream to follow. You have to be able to withstand the CONSTANT criticism about every aspect of yourself: your body, your hair, your ethnicity, your speech, the way you pronounce your a's, how delicately you step, whether your arm bends too much when you arch it, whether your breasts are too big, whether they're too small, can't you fit your fat size 6 butt into a tiny size 2 skirt, you're too bubbly, you don't have enough personality, your eyes are too close together, your mouth is too wide, your lips are too full, your left pinky toe is just a tad too long! Okay, I exaggerated on that last one, but all the other ones I have actually heard when auditioning. Judging from some of your other posts, I think that the audition process would be a bit too harsh for you at the moment.

    Actually no. I have auditioned for a movie before, and things are different from what they used to be. They film you in front of a back drop, and then send it off to the studio/casting director. But the only thing about that movie was that it got canceled because the director went bankrupt :P but that's another story :P


    And you're right, it's not what you know, how talented you are, or even how perfect you are for a role, it's who you know. A good agent will set your parents back thousands of dollars each month, and they usually take a larger percentage because they know that without them, you're nothing. There are also so-called "agencies" that are nothing more than scams used to prey on the hopes and dreams of others.


    Of course I'm right :P just kidding. Of course, those arent the only people i know. As i stated in the shoutbox earlier, I know the lady who played the grandmother in John Hughes's film 16 Candles and Helen Grifiths (an asistant casting director who was on a soap opera once, and now a kick A$$ acting coach :P) And I have connections to Linda Mcallister Talent. But the sad thing is that my dad SAYS we can't afford formal training, so i guess that option is out :D


    If you're really set on pursuing a career in acting, do local stuff, build up your resume. I'm not sure whether there's a Central Casting office near you, but try looking up films that were made in Texas and look through the credits to see who did the casting in your area. A reputable company will not charge you anything to register with them as an extra. You'll have to shell out a few hundred bucks for some professional head shots. If your neighbors were models, ask them if they can help you find a good photographer. They might know someone or at least tell you what to look for when interviewing a photographer and how to tell the difference between a good photograph and a bad one. Then you'll spend another couple hundred on hair and makeup and costuming so you can pose for about two hundred shots, just so you can find three or four that are acceptable. Submit those to the casting office. Then you wait.

    Hehe my resume isn't too shaby. Hey tiki, do you think doing the weather for a channel up in Dallas will count as experience??? :P Yes i know how much professional headshots will cost. They are crazy expensive, but nevertheless necassery. And the wait is crazy long, many will get over looked.


    In the meantime, get experience. Learn to play an instrument or sports or something so that you can add that to your list of talents. They may need a few girls to play the opposing team in an upcoming soccer movie. Or they may be looking for a girl who can play a harmonica. Take up dance or yoga, or better yet both, because these help you learn to control your body. Dance teaches you to move with grace and purpose, while yoga gives you flexibility and control over parts that you didn't even realize you could move.


    Hehe i took up dance once, it wasn't the best idea. but i do yoga :D it is fun! And i play three insturments: The ALto saxophone (even though i can play all of the saxes, but my sopranno skills arent very impressive :D) The piano, and the electric gutair.


    Anyways, good luck with your endeavors. I hope you do become one of the few that do succeed, but promise me you won't end up like Lindsay or Brittney!

    To late. I already shaved my head and the other day i was following this lady on my bike and she called the police and they found cocaine in my pocket :P JUST KIDDING! And what about paris? "mommy mommy mommy!!!!" :D

  9. Wait a minute.. Did you just contradict yourself. You don't like topics that whine about certain stereotypical groups, but you yourself whine about Emos. :P

    Yes, but I myself do not waste forum space on topics like these, get you facts straight first :P And don't wink at me.

    I do agree with you though- I find Preppies and Emos ennoying.

    I never said preps were annoying. if some of you guys looked at me you would think i was a prep, because i wear a lot of name brand things.

    I myself am in the Neek scene (Big in England me thinks), basically- cheap clothes; don't really care about image as long as you are neat. Intelligent, similar to nerds but with more social life. Good stuff. :P

    Wouldn't want to be compared to a nerd, mate.

  10. OH MY GOD! I am sick and tire of these "I hate [[enter your stereotype here]]" topics! NOBODY CARES!First of all, I think whoever started this topic is just jealous. And besides, you think abecrombie&fitch and hollister are expensive? just look at the prices on hot topic clothes. It's rediculously priced for something that makes you look like such a freak.And to all you emo kids- you are not as non-conformist as you think. You guys all dress the same, you all have the same hairstyles, and guess what! NOBODY CARES ABOUT YOUR STOOPID PROBLEMS!!! All of you emos need to quit being so melodramtic, quit writing stoopid poetry, quit dressing like a homosexual neckrophiliac, quit wounding yourself, quit listening to emo screamo music, nobody cares! You emo/goth (they are the same thing weather they like iot or not) think you are soooooo original huh? well guess what? you always say how you hate posers, but you guys are ALL POSERS! And just so you know, the emos are the most conformist people i have ever seen.Because somebody wears brand name does not mean they are snobby stuck ups, it is there preferance and you are stoopid if you hate somebody for what they wear. No one cares if you don't like us.Just for the hell of it, I'm going to start a vent topic that says "I HATE STOOPID EMOS!!!!"I hate emos. they are hypocrits.

  11. Here is the thing about people who go on rants abut how they hate labels- normaly they are fufilling a lifestyle that is just begging others to label you. If you stopped dressing like a freak emo kid, people would not call you an emo. If you stopped wearing abecrombie and hollister people would not call you a prep :P If you did not make such a big deal out of being labeled (especialy since this is what those emo freaks are all about) they would not call you a label. Simple as that. :P And anyways, if you react to them as much as it seems like you do, they will continue to label you because of the reaction you give. Sure you can tell them to stop, but this will only make it worse.If you don't like them calling you emo or cutter, don't dress like some undead freak.I feel this topic should be locked now.Get over it, labels are a part of life :P

  12. You should not be envious in this department either. Medical advances in years passed far favor the male problems than they do the females. For example, how many men do you know that have been neutered when diagnosed with prostrate or testicular cancer? But let them find a lump in a womans breast, and bang, off those babies come.

    No, not always. Actually, most women when they have breast cancer, do not get mastestemies (i can't spell lol) They now undergo chemo therapy and radiation. only when it is absolutely necessary do they undergo that operation :P And, buffaloHELP is right, there are many cases in which women's care succeeds the mens care. But the scale goes both ways. And anyways, they make sure the lump is cancer first DUH!

  13. Well, I always loved to preform. And my dream, event though it probably WON'T come true, is to do some stuff on camera. And being the daughter of two teachers, we couldn't afford formal training (even though my little sister gets to do soccer, gymnastics and who knows what else :P but it probably costs more than what i want to do lol.) so it was tough for me to get an agent. But the person who lives across the street from me and I were talking one night over a nice game of ping-pong."Hey Sarah, do you know who Michael Bay is?""Yeah! He directed Transformers!""Well you're not going to believe this but...""What? Tell me!""He and I used to go out when we were in the eigth grade.""Are you serious?"Yeah. The other day, a week or so before transformers came to this theater in town he called me and he was like "Oh my gosh Liz, I am doing great. I've gotten into all this movie directing!" and sure enough Me, matt Chris and Jane and Jhon went to see transformers and it said Directed by Michael Bay""Woah. Well next time you talk to him let him know who i am!""Do you act?""Yeah, but I've never done anything big.""Well, Did you know that Jane and I were in a Movie once?""No i didnt!""Yeah we were...""Oh cool! Anyways, I do lots of stuff, when I was Anna's age i was a child model.""Really? Chris and Matt were models too. Jane was a swimsuit model.""Really?""Yeah!"So last night it occoured to me- I need to make connections. I'm not going to get famous the easy way- and Liz is my way into it!So in the end, acting and fame are all about connections.

  14. haha so out of sheer boredom, i figured i would return the favour of tikiprincess making me a sig, so here is wha i came up with:


    Posted Image


    i know its not the best, nor does it really have anything at all to do with tiki, but let me know what you guys think about it :P


    PS tiki: i'd just stick with sm's sig that he made for you, or you could just have/use two, like i did :P

  15. Water will not work- It does not have the combustability of gas. And besides, like others have said in responce to this topic, we are running low on fresh drinkable water. Gas creates polution, but switching to water will just make things worse, i mean we don't have enough water for those living in poverty, much less to make cars work. I guess you have not heard of E8 ethanol? It's basicly fuel made from corn. That is what we need to look at. Corn is a referbishable resource, and a plentiful one at that.Our fuel sources: Coal, natural gas, and oil, are the remains of things that lived long long ago. Someday, our bodies will be submitted to the same process, that is if the sun doesn't nova before that point :P Anyways, back on topic, the hact of the matter is the only way water can be turned into a fuel is if you separate the hydrogen from the oxygen, but you have to do that through a process called fission, a highly dangerous proccess that i believe but am no sure can cause some sort of nuclear reaction.Besides, many families today can not afford water as it is, can you immagine what would happen if water was made into a fuel?

  16. Wait... compare the common man to the common women and man has some supiorer abilities. However the scale goes both way. And I dont believe how you said that was the right way to approach the subject, saying that a women is equal or better at anything a man could do. This only proves your ignorance in a broad matter.

    Watch it buddie. i know you are not dissin' my homegirl tiki :D lol, but for what men are superior in women do make up for in other areas (e.g men are typicaly stronger, but women tend to be more flexible) and in some cases women are better than men at somethings, and you need to learn it ang get over it. And you got WAY off topic :P thanks bud.


    And she is not ignorant By the way :P


    Sure females does pee in the bush, and they get monthly problems, but they also man great qualities. They tend to be able to transfer data between the right and left side oftheir brain quicker than men... while men typically use there left side (i think its left) more, which shows for their logical/common sense.


    Logic/common sence :P I'd like to meet a man who is logical/has some common sense, scine most of the men i knopw are stoopid male chauvinist pigs *cough* like some people on this forum *cough cough*


    And yes a male brain is generally 10% bigger, with 4% more cells... but a females brain has more nerves and therefore has a smaller more efficient brain.

    Size doesn't matter, honney bun. Like you said, just because it is bigger, doesn't mean it's better.


    Now beside intelligence, which I find we are all equally dumb, because you can have dumb girls, and dumb boys, and less dumb girls and less dumb boys, you can go on to the matter of the body. Both genders tend to have their qualities... men are hunters, agrressors... women are nuturers. This is simply genetic.


    Oh so your saying that women can't be better hunters than women? I beg to differ.


    If you don't like the facts, don't make up your own. Yes, some males and some females have the same qualities. Everyone is mixed.. the facts are simply based on typical/general results of tests. And yes, some girls can do everything a man can do and better, and some men can do everything a girl can and better.

    OKAY NOW YOU HAVE ME ANGRY tiki did not make up something, she was meerly expressing her opinions, she like i, is sick and tire of the male chauvinist thought of women aren't equal to men. The fact of the matter is, women have to put up with a lot more than men do- take the pain of child birth for example.


    Bla Bla Bla, hay kid its rule of nature, we can't go againest it. simple to say No way out. I suggest you to keep something with you, like artificial stuff , i hope u can Understand boys have some advantage on girls :P


    "Wow you have great knowledge about that stuff , i realy admire"

    Don't you bla bla bla us, UNDERSTAND? Yes men do have some advantages (although i HATE admitting it :P) but you must understand that God created us all equally, and in what ways we are not superior to men we make up for in other ways. And DUH of course she keeps stuff like that with her when she goes camping do you think she goes Au Natural... I sure hope not for her sake :D


    Always got your back tikiprincess :P

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