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Posts posted by Mermaid711

  1. My points exactly. I think anyone who is not albino or has different colored irises should NOT get the surgery. It makes perfect sense for an albino because it protects their eyes, preventing the blindness that most albinos face.However using it for cosmetic reasons is absolutely absurd. Do I want blue or green eyes? Yes and no. Yes because I want what I can't have (well I guess I could have it lol) and because I absolutely love those colors. No because I don't want my vision to deteriorate. All but one or two of my light colored eye chums has to wear glasses or contacts. You know why? It's the same thing with lighter and darker skined people. It's how light colored people get sun burn all the time and most of the time darker skinned people don't. I love having 20/20 vision. I wouldn't exchange it ever. Not even for eyes that change whenever I so please.And no truefusion, I looked at stats from like seven different sites. 5 out of 7 said that people with lighter eyes typically are given more oppourtunities. Why? Hell if I know. Is it right (morally)? No. But we can't change people's perspective and preference. If I was an employer I wouldn't turn people away for this reason, because typically brown eyes see better.And as for SM's comment, I agree. I remember a comment from one of my ex boyfriends. He said anything bigger than a handfull is a waste, and being a larger busted woman myself, I know what kind of pain something like that is on your back. It's horrible. And stupid. Very very stupid.However I would consider getting the surgery done if they had glow-in-the-dark implants. . .or implants that chang accoording to your mood :)

  2. Posted Image


    Well, I was out looking for makeup the other day (I'm in color guard so I have to wear it- it's a requirement.) and as most of you know my eyes are an orangy-amber color, so finding makeup that makes that color stand out is a pain in the *bottom* (but I love the color it looks when they look a bright amber so it's okay.)


    Well anyway I got frustrated at the store and so I went online and looked up stuff about eye color and what tones look good where and what not, when I came across this interesting Panama-based website. It's URL is http://www.newcoloriris.com/rg-erdr.php?_rpo=t and it advertises a surgery in wich they implant something in the iris. Well on the site it says people with brown eyes and darker eyes in general haven't typically been quite as successfull in many fields (but mostly acting and modeling) as people with lighter colored eyes. So I go do a little research. Is this true, or just a marketing ploy? The fact is, it was true. Brighter eyes are prefered over darker eyes, especially in the entertainment and fashion industry. And the cruel irony of it all is that, I'm hopefully going to be going into the acting industrie.


    Now am I saying that darker eyed people are ugly? Absolutely not. I think that Jessica Alba is beautiful and she has chocolate colored eyes. Anjelina Jolie is pretty and her eyes are very dark. And not to mention the brown eyed men, Joe Jonas, Josh Dumel, and many other men. However in my life I've only gotten 3 compliments on my eye color. Yes, only 3. And one of those three compliments was given by someone who probably hates me now. Am I asking you to comment on my eye color? No. Because I don't like being lied to.


    Now would I ever have the new color iris surgery? Probably not. They show a video of the surgery on their website and I'd be affraid that I'd be the lucky person who goes blind. Would you? What are your thoughts?

  3. Another thing to keep in mind is their diet.Crabs NEED lots of calcium. They also need carroteen.Crabs that have carroteen deficient diets have dull shells (The shell's color changes slightly each time the crab molts) and a crab is just plain in trouble if it's diet is calcium deficent.To give the crabs the needed carroteen, I grade baby carrots and put it in their dish. I use the hermit crab food recipie on http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ to give them their needed calcium.Feed them lots of BRIGHT veggies and fruits, but I cannot stress to you enough how important it is to make sure that the fruits and veggies are free of pesticides. Also don't let grabs get a hold of seeds or pits.But since they are omnivores they do need a source of protien. They are praticularly fond of anything fishy, or any kind of non poisionous crustation. Crabs are cannibles, it's a proven fact. That's why it's important to isolate a crab when he is showing signs of molting. This is because for some reason, hermies find a freshly molted exoskeleton simply irresistable.And that's another thing. If the hermit crab molted it's exoskeleton, DO NOT discard it. When the hermit completes his molt he will eat his exoskeleton for the calcium in it. Do not replace the hermit crab back in the main tank untill he becomes active again, which is after he eats his entire exoskeleton and his new exoskeleton has hardened. This is because if you wait untill any point prior to that, he will be extremelly vulnuarble to the other crabs.

  4. So I have two hermit crabs, and I love them, they are so much fun. Hahahaha. So I'd figure I'd inform you on how easy crab care is so you don't have to tell your children NO when you go to a pet store.


    1. NEVER LISTEN TO ANYTHING DEBBIE NOAH SAYS. She is a hermit crab expert. . .a hermit crab MURDER expert! She's the hermit crab lady on expervillage.com that looks like michael jackson.

    2. Make sure your aquairium is big enough for your crabs. The little plastic box you get from the mall kiosk or boardwalk shop isn't going to cut it.

    3. Don't give chlorinated tap water to the crabbies. It causes their gills to blister and ultimately they suffocate to death.

    4. NEVER try to remove a crab from it's shell. It would rather be ripped limb from limb then be removed from it's home.

    5. Don't ever put your crabitat in a window, or in draft. We don't want our crabbies to turn into crabsicles or crab cakes now.

    Okay those are the big rules.

    Now for how to set up the crabitat:

    1. Make sure your crabitat is big enough for your crabs. I have two crabs and I keep them in a critter carrier that is roughly 5 gallons. However unless you live in a very humid climate, I suggest you use a glass our acrillic aquairium to house your pets (make sure you have a lid though, crabs are excellent escape artists.) And be sure to have enough room for the air exchange.

    2. Place your substrate. My biggest crab is about an inch in a half tall, so I made my substrate three and a half inches deep. The sand you pick needs to be deep enough for the crabs to burry themselfs in. If you live in a cold climate, make sure the substrate is deep enough for the crab to burrow itself in and not get too close to the under tank heater.) I think that the best substrate is play sand, however if you can find CLEAN beach sand, use that, because it's loaded with the calcium and salt that crabbie needs. However if sand has a diesel or oily smell to it, throw it out or return it.

    3. Give the crabs something to play on. Crabs love climbing, so a piece of wood or climbing grid would be adequate.

    4. Hermie needs a hermie hut. Or anything he can go into and hide. They sell some nice ones made out of coconut.

    5. Your crab is a living animal and therefore needs to eat. Crabs are scavengers, so they eat pretty much anything. They like something different in their dish each time you feed them, and they are paticulaly fond of tropical fruit and stinky sea life. If you go to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ you can find a good crab food recipie. Crabs also eat vegitables (be sure to give them carrots, as they need caroteen). And BE SURE TO WASH OF FRUITS AND VEGGIES BEFORE YOU PUT IT INTO THE CAGE! Crabs can be killed by pesticides. A personal favorite of my hermit crabs is when you mix strawberry and banana pieces (just pinch it off) and make a mini fruit salad. You can put your food into and shallow non-metalic container. Crabs need fresh and salt water. NEVER put table salt into crab water. Use sea salt.

    6. Spritz your crabs everyday, once a day, with non chlorinated water.

    7. Clean your cage once a month.

    8. Anytime you get a new crab, give all of your crabs a non chlorinated bath. You do this my putting a dishrag into a bowl and soaking the rag with the water. Place the crabs ON TOP of the rag and let them smell eachother. Keep an eye on the new crabs because you don't want any fights now.

    9. If you're hermit crab burries itself, do not dig it up. He just might be molting. It's best not two disturb your crab, unless it's been more than four weeks, then sniff the cage to see if it stinks. If you smell dead fish, it's time to discard of the crab.

    10. Never keep one hermit crab alone. Despite their name, they are actually social animals.

  5. First of all, why did you not use protection when you were having sex with the first girl? And why on earth where you having sex with her? I bet you're not in love with her, and that's not okay. Anyway, you can't expect your current girlfriend to not be pissed off that you got another girl pregnant. And what Saint_michael said, I have seen a woman become a lesbian after a man did something like this.You should have worked things out with your ex. I don't blame her for not letting you know squat about your kid, and I can honestly say that for the well-being of your child I hope it doesn't change any time soon.And you can't expect her to not shout at you. Besides, isn't this just a tad hypocritical? You would probably be very angry if your girlfriend let you know that she is talking with her ex, so it isn't fair for you to yell at her, much less dump her.And I do agree with the next comment that followed mike's. She does deserve better than you. They both deserve better than you. I've put up with this *BLEEP* before and it's not worth the time for her to put up with your immature crap.ANDYou're not taking care of your responsibillities if you walk out on your pregnant girlfriend. That child is your responsibillity. That child needs a good father, but then again you really don't seem to be good father material so maybe the woman will meet a loving and kind man who will be there for it instead of your flakey *bottom*.Like kobra500 said, take a break from women. You obviously don't know how to handle them. Just because you are a man does not give you the right to "put her in her place." She has every right to go off on you. She has every right to be pissed off at you. And you deserve every last bit of it.And to NinjaNT, I've seen a woman go lesbian over something like this. As for piper's comments, SM is more right than you are. I personally (being of the female gender) disagree with a few of his thoughts, but dude? You are wiggity wiggity wack!

  6. Pain is one of the things the Human body is blessed with. And I mean it when I say this. When your nerves transmit the pain to your brain, the brain is the organ which triggers the rest of the organs into self-defense. Your skin needs to know that it's not in a good condition to trigger a self-defense, which is faster regeneration of skin and production of melanin. Cocoa butter works as endorphin, which is an endogenous morphine-like substance which relieves your brain of pain or stress, or, blocks the signals from reaching your brain through the help of a barrier; name I can't recollect right now. It might be the Blood-brain barrier but I am not sure since I am not a Medical student. Feeling the soothness then hampers the skin's ability to regenerate itself and get halthier. Peeling and lack of ease are thus, important.

    No, your brain can sense that your skin has been burned even if the pain has been soothed. Your skin will peel anyway and regenerate on it's own. Yes, your skin falls off on it's own. You have a layer of skin that is almost mature enough to serve as your outer epidermis on top of the layer of skin you have right now. Why? Because your skin falls off constantly (think finger prints). Dust is nothing but dirt, lint, and dead skin cells.

    And no, cocoa butter does not work as an endorphin. An endorphin is a harmone released during certain activities or after a stimulus has been stimulated, such as sex or self mutilation. Cocoa butter just temporally cools of the skin.

    Smoothness does not hamper your skin's abillity to regenerate.

  7. Yes like csp4.0 said, peeling is actually good for you, and no, csp, the ozone concentration here is better than it is in the land down under, so you don't get burned as fast depending on your skin type.And cocoa butter is good for burns. It's soothing.However like he said I do recomend that you get an aloe vera plant. It does work better when it hasn't been processed. (I know because my little sister is very fair complected and gets burns alot.)I've heard vinegar is good for kitchen burns. It may just work on sunburn but you should really look into that first.

  8. That first picture of your doggy was a very professional looking shot. It was from a good angle, the positive and negative space was balanced, the lighting was decent, and yeah.How ever the other pictures weren't exactly as good.I thought the cat picture was hilarious. Really. But it was fuzzy. (No pun intended.)Now it would be nice if you would tell us the type of camera you have so we could tell you if it was good or worth upgrading.Also try different angles, and lighting. Don't use the flash so much, because if you're photographing an animate being, than it will cause red eye, and if you're photographing something shiny it will reflect, and anything else just looks bad with that kind of flash.And your brother needs art lessons.One more thing: Practice makes perfect with image editing software.

  9. Well, I'm caucasion but i have darker skin, and I've only had burns about 3 maybe for times in my life.What helps is:1. Staying out of the sun. (Duhhh)2. When you do go back out into the sun, use a sunscreen that is SPF 50 or higher. Make sure it has UVA and UVB protection.3. Apply aloe vera after you wake up, after you get out of the shower, and before you go to sleep.4. Silk and smoother clothes don't hurt as bad.5. Don't be affraid to take a REALLY cold shower every day. It will soothe the pain.6. Apply cocoa butter once a day.7. This may sound stupid, but don't spend too much time near a light source.Yes, if you are trully burned badly, you will peel. Now you can avoid sunburn by using sunscreen or by SLOWLY developing a tan over time. However if you are either Albino or a REALLY white white girl, this probably won't work.

  10. While it's best to see you gynocoligist if you start having problems, you're probably not pregnant unless you've been sexually active rather recently. Women's genitals are self-cleaning organs. So it's typical to get discharge soon after your period. But if you have any menstrual fluid in your. . .um. . . woman parts. . .and it mixes with the discharge, you get a pinkish brown discharge.It's best if you see your OBGYN though.

  11. I am working class female. Hear me RAWR!


    Obviously, you have never read the bible, or you would know that it was Adam who sealed the deal on sin entering the human race. After all, he ate the fruit second. Had he not done that, some of us could be living forever, others wouldn't be able to. And women aren't always at fault in the bible. As a matter of fact, most of the time it's a man. PETER denied Jesus. Judas betrayed Jesus. Cain killed Able. And it wasn't written by old geezers who couldn't get some. You're just not very sharp are you?


    And yes, sexism isn't a huge problem in the world, however it is in the corprate world, where women only get paid a fraction of what their men coworkers get. But that's being fixed slowly but surely.


    And most men I know are decent people. They see women as equal beings and treat them with the respect they deserve. Most men won't see you as a sex toy. There ARE good guys out there. Not all of them are trying to get inside of your pants. As a matter of fact most of them want to be a loving guy to you and be there for you no matter what.


    This is a generalization and isn't true in all cases. Yes there are perves out there who engage in the prostitution business. But did you know that there are male prostitutes?


    Think on that for a little while.


    And @truefusion:


    I agree with your posts alot and you give alot of food for thought when talking about Christian objectives.


    However with the way that they get the embryo for stem cells, it is possible to reproduce without a male's intervention however the baby would be a clone.

  12. Okay, if anyone else here is blonde, you know how I feel. You feel my pain. Hahaha.Anyway, in American and most of Westeren culture, there is a stereotype that all blondes are ditzy, airheaded, and very stupid. This is all in fact, NOT TRUE!I'm blonde, and I make all A's and high B's. I'm in the National Junior Honor Society. I'm in band. I play tennis. I take ALL Pre-AP and AP classes. I don't cut corners. I'm not an airhead.As a matter of fact, most blondes are not any dumber than brunettes. The truth is, hair pigmentation has nothing to do with one's intelligence.And you may have seen a blonde have a blonde moment. Do you know why they have these? Because society puts pressure on us to act that way. Well, I'm putting my foot down. I refuse to be characterized like that.Anyway, people always crack blonde jokes to me. When really I can out smart them. When I was in kindergarten, I took an IQ test. My score was 130. Genius level is 145. I'll let you do the math.So we're not stupid, we're not dumb. So shut up.

  13. Okay here is my theological reasons for being a Christian. Well as theological as I, an almost 14 year old can get lol.Okay. First of all the creation. Both science and the Bible say that the world will begin and will end. You must seperate these out. I believe there was Adam and Eve, but I'm not sure that the world was created in seven days. Althogh I do believe that the seven days thing is symbollic for something.Anyway, for all of you big banggers out there, I can see and fully understand why you think the world started that way. However you can not create something out of nothing, at least not in this universe. So something, by physics, must have sparked that bang. I think the world began in a bang, but God sparked it. In science it states that energy can not be created or destroyed. But yet it exists. So how did it come to be? And what about matter? I want you to go and try to create new matter. NOT A NEW SUBSTANCE but a new matter. A set of molecules that weren't there before. You're not having much luck are you? Didn't think so. So therefore it can not be done by us. Okay now I want you to go set off an explosive of some type. You might uproot some dirt and rocks, but are you getting new matter? No. So therefore if it is impossible to create matter in our univers out of something, than we don't really exist, because if you can't create something new out of something that wasn't there before, you definetaly can't create it out of something that's not there. So if it is impossible, like I stated before, we do not exist if that is the case.However last time I checked we do exist. So there must be some other form of creation or creator. I'm not going to get into the whole where did the world come from, how did God get there topic.Now for our purpose. If there is no God to live for to please, then our only purpose is to reproduce and take up space, which really is no purpose at all. If there is no God, why do I exist? Most people I know believe in the "everyone was born for a reason" thing. But none of us really has a reason for being here now do we? No. Except to further the nation of God. And have you notice how since the uprise of other religions AND atheism in the world, crime has gone up? You can't deny the stats. Everything points in one dirrection. So long story short- if there is no God, we have no purpose. If we have no purpose, we have no reason for existing.And you also may ask, "If God loved me, why is this happening to me?" God gives you experiences so you can do something amazing with your life. People from dysfunctional families probably have the most potential to live normall, healthy lives when they leave home and start families on their own. God gives you your talents and passions for the very same reason.The end of the world- In the chapter of Revelations, this is where they discuss where Jesus will come back again. I've noticed that a few of those prophicies could EASILY be fufilled in todays time, as where when paul, john, noah and all those people live it couldn't have come to pass as easily. I can see the end of this world happening in our life time. Heck, for all we know, the magnetic field on the earth is supposed to flip and cause mass extinction anyway. Anyway, in Revelations there is mention of two Christians who go over to convert non-Christians and get shot where the entire world sees. You think this is not possible? Just wait untill Billy Ghram and one of his buddies goes over to Iraq. Cameras will be everywhere. The broadcasts would be streaming. And then BANG! Osama's henchman shoots Billy and his friend. It's really as easy as that. That I fear, might be our first sign the end is approaching. Then we have the trials and tribulation. All that stuff. It's slowly falling into place.Maybe I'm just dumb and need to go sit under a rock. But that's why I believe in God.

  14. Okay, I'm just warning you now: This may be, by far, the dumbest topic you will ever read. So if you don't like reading the stupid random thoughts of an almost-fourteen-year-old, I suggest you navigate away from the page as soon as possible. :(I had a random thought today (supprising right? Lol, I know) :(Guys alway talk about how comfy boxers are. And I'm not a dude, so I wouldn't know, but I bet they're right.After all, boxers don't chafe, they're nice and breezy :D they can breath, they're not skin tight, and they come in awsome patterns (polka dots are my favorite!) and you never hear about boxers suddenly snapping and causing someone to almost go blind (yes, there was a woman who bought a thong and it snapped and cut her cornea.)And I wondered, why don't girls have girl boxers? And why do we pay $100 for a clothing item that no one should be seeing any way? And why do we pay so much for so little? It's funny how nothing that I do makes sense to me. I mean, we do have girl boxers, but most people wear them as like sofe shorts or something. . . And honestly, we're getting closer! Boy cuts!I just think that someone should start making a line of girl boxers. . . it would be rather interesting.

  15. Well, at first I didn't have a problem with that- people coming to look at our house. But what happened today changed that.


    For anyone who has ever moved/sold their house, you know what having someone look at your house is like.


    Now I'm one of those people who is so neurotic about people stealing my stuff that I do/did the following things:

    I put everything upwards of 50$ in my safe.

    I put all breakable items out of the reach of little ones

    I sleep with my cellphone (I am a freak, I know this.)

    I make sure my cellphone and iPod are with me at all times.

    I have multiple signs up in my room that say don't touch anything.

    I hide the safe in which I put everything.

    I hide my laptop.

    Now, you think that if I do those things everyday, I won't have any problems when people come and look at our house, right?




    The people who came and looked at our house appearently had a little girl, who wasn't much older than about six or so. Well, I AM your typical girly girl who loves stuffed animals, and shiny glittery things, and I also love the beach and some Asian things.


    I had two Hawaiian necklaces (I forgot what they are called) in my room and a small Japanese fan.


    Well I come home after these people leave, and I was really hot. So I decide to turn the overhead fan in my room on. Well, with the horrid Texas heat, it wasn't enough (hey, I'm a fat kid, okay?) And so I get my small hand fan (like the ones that open and close [the Japanese fan]) and I open it and decide to use it. Well, a couple of the little foldy-thingies (I have no idea what those are called lol) are messed up and the fan won't close properly, but it wasn't that big of a deal because I could still use it right? NO! It was messed up.


    I also had the Hawaiian thingies strung about my room.


    Well, me being as OCD about having people at our house as I am, I KNEW nobody in our family could have caused this mess. After all, we were at my grandmother's house.


    The people who came and looked let the little girl go through my room and play with my things. This pissed me off to no end. If you've read some of my previous posts here, you know that badly behaved children are one of my pet peves. I mean, behaving bad in public is bad enough, but when you go to someone's house and mess with their stuff and don't even bother to fix/replace it? That's just low.


    I also noticed alot of my things were not in their proper place.


    I swear I was so pissed.


    Well, moral of the story is, if you have something that some stupid kid would want to play with, put it in your safe along with the rest of your things. Sadly though, my safe is like a table-top safe and will only hold my cladough rings, my money, my camera, my bluetooth curnel, and my iPod and cellphone.


    Also, if you are moving and plan on taking your small children to look at a house with you, keep them on a short leash. . . or better yet, don't take them at all so you don't have to have their imput on the house and you don't have to deal with their pissiness when you end up not going through with the house.

  16. Well I have a pretty good friend who does not believe in God, Christ, or any of that. I'm really worried about his eternal salvation.I want to bring him to Christ, but there are a few problems.He is very egotistical. He will NOT change himself to anyone else's ways. Believe me, I've tried.He hasn't had the greatest past. His father left him and his mother when he was a little boy. His mother then for some reason became a lesbian. She doesn't really ever have anything to do with him, except for when she says horrible things to him. As a matter of fact, my mom has really had to be his mom for the past year or two. He's been pretty screwed over in life. I can't really explain everything.He's a really great person, a really sweet and funny and smart boy. I just want to be sure that he won't spend the rest of eternity in Hell. But I don't know where to start.So could you please give me a few ideas?And for the Atheists, I don't want any smart *bottom* remarks. I don't want to hear "Well, he's right and you're a delusional retard." If you can't say anything germain to the point, don't say anything at all.

  17. Here are a few things I just thought I'd let you know that I hate.Two-faced people.People who don't shut up and stop whining about the war.Stupid people.Liberals.People who are on welfare who really shouldn't be.Your dad. Hahahaha just kidding.Badly-behaved children.People who don't pay well when you babysit their demon children.TAKS testing.Algebra.My lack of talent.How easily I get bruised.Taxing.Hillary Clinton.Barrack Obama.Ted Kenedy.Al Gore.Ummmm. I'll add more later.

  18. You've done your part.Now sit back and let him do his. If he likes you, he will persue you. Just don't call, text, message or anything like that. Saying hi in the hallway is great. But no texting or calling. This is usually how I figure out if guys like me or not. A guy who puts forth the effort to contact you USUALLY is into you.Just go out with him for coffee, or go to the movies with him in a group of your mutual friends, so that way he's not uncomftorable, and you can talk to someone if he starts to shun you.I hope it works out, and thanks, by the way, for your response in my breakup thread.<33 Sarah.

  19. NO! NO! NO!It's a bad idea to pull out when we haven't finished the job. I mean, do you WANT to go through another September 11th? I hate it when idealists try to act like they know what they're talking about. I mean, if you weren't idealistic, you wouldn't besaying we should pull out.ANYWAY, we can't pull out now or else things will just revert to the way that they've been before we even got involved (you know, with the dictator and all?) And you can't say that things haven't gotten any better either, because there are people over there now who have the right to vote, and actually want americans over there.And honestly, you can't look at what NBC or ABC or CNN has to say about the war, because those are biased, antiwar, and most of all, liberal-oriented stations. My dad has been to Iraq, and he said that the news station that best gives out information is FOX news.So anyway, why can't we pull out of Iraq? Here's why:Entering a war, such as this: the second Gulf War, is like building a new building where an old one once resided.First you have to tear the building down. (Get rid of the dictator- CHECK!)Clean up the mess. (Execute the dictator, and get rid of his policies- Check, for the most part.)Start laying your foundation. (Give democracy to the people- Check for the most part.)Build your metal frame. (Build a fair and balanced parlement or government- Check, but it needs work.)That's what we've got done so far. You still have to do this to our little "building":Work on the exterior. (Better the public relations)Insulate it. (Establish a good economy)Do the interiors. (Public service)Plumbing. (Criminal Justice.)Electirical engeniring. (Fairness and freedom)And so much more.So if we pull out now, the Iraqi enviornment will implode on itself.It's just not a very good idea.

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