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Posts posted by Mermaid711

  1. i keep hearing this and i have to say...... this is the dumbest thing i have ever heard. god, jesus, allah, the bible or whatever you beleive in has nothing to do with the end of the world. the only thing that does is the things that inhabit it. like us. we have more power than let on. just because someone has told you that there is this fantacy figure that will come to destroy the earth and rescue all good from it doesn't mean it is true. if the world is going to end it is because we are going to let it. it is very possible that we can stop anything that is of threat to the earth. it is just a matter of preparation.

    First of all, you should capitalize the first letter of eacho of the important religious figures, weather you believe in them or not :P sorry, that is just my OCD.


    And obviously, you have never read the Bible, or did not understand it, or you would be quite familiar with the chapter of Revalations, which is DEVOTED to the end of the Earth. And just because you don't believe in a God, or other divine being, doesn't mean there isn't one; take a look at your sig. :P And honestly, how can you say we got here by our selfs? Things don't come out of no where. not in this universe. it's physically im possible. so how do you suppose we are going to let it all go by our selfs? Don't bash my religon. And no. eventually, a force no matter what it is will come and kill us all, weather it be God, an astroid, Global warming, ice age, you name it. We as humans have these things called limits.



    lets see........... global warming. the collection of greenhouse gasses in or atmosphere causing temps to rise over time. easy fix pump just enouh gasses into the air to make our atmosphere weaker, or just stop pumping harmful gasses into the air that are makingi t more dense. know it is going to be impossible to get every single person in the world to be energy efficiant but even if 50% of our pop. was, that would be a huge difference.


    Good luck with that. It costs thousands of dollars to get appliences that we use everyday replaced. And if you live in america, even in the projects, you live in the top 2% of the ricest people in the world. most of the world lives in polverty, and more than 50% of the world lives a basic, primitive life styles. So basicly its us americans that are screwing it all up. And anyways, over the past century i believe, it says mean tempratures have only risen by one degree. Forget Al Gore and everything he says.


    ok........ death by comet or astroid. this one is a little more difficult. although we do not have the tech. now to stop an astriod the size of texas. it is very possible to create such a thing. they are now thinking of divises (or ships) that could possibly "tow away" or change the direction of an astroid to avoid a deadly impact.

    You are the most unrealistic thinker i have ever seen. We can't even go to mars yet, so what makes you think that we can to away massive armigeddin sized astroids? They say the next massive astroid is supposed to come in 2036. We don't have the time to build something like that.


    we even have control over death by nuclear bombs. that is easy. don't use them.


    Weren't you alive during the Cold War, were you. We don't always have that choice. There is always going to be some crazy @$$ communist dictator out there, who is bent on destruction, and to expand his empire, will use the threat of nuclear warfare. And of course, there will always be that free thinker who decides to rebel.


    my point is religion has no role in saving the world from distruction. if anything it is just slowing the human race down.

    I never said it did. Maybe if you take the time to actually READ my post, and understand it, you will not say such foolish things.


    i know what you are thinking......."well without religion everyone will turn evil" people can still be good to each other without religion. you can beleive in good nature and good will without submiting yourself to a fictional being.

    No, because i know many atheists who are quite honorable citizens. And you do not know if the being is fictional or not, you will not know untill we pass away, so just keep your mouth closed, and we'll all be happy, mkay?

  2. The end can happen any time.In the Bible, there is a chapter called revelations. It is full of SYMBOLIC things about how our world will end.It says it will end and Jesus will come when we leaste expect him to.We have no controll over it.And anyways, why are we all so worried about it? We're all going to die anyways.

  3. So recently my family drove down to galveston for our second vacation this year. I didn't spend quite as much time playing the Gulf of Mexico as i normaly would have, on account of a news report that said there was a flesh eating virus in the water, :P but it was cleared up so no need to worry, unless you are diabetic, have a weakend immunity, or have large ulcers, or open soars on your feet.But anyways, I'll share with you some of what i did :DI was a little pissed off because my all-time favorite restuaunt in Galveston was replaced with a gosh darn Hooters :D (thanks to that damn imminate domain :o or they weren't paying their taxes) but let's save that for the vent :DLets start of food. I will list the restuants in the order i ate at them.Shrimp and Stuff- I'll give it three out of five stars. It's a little hole-in-the-wall place, the food isn't anything special, but it's a good place to go to if you just want to shut the kids up... The guy who owns the place is a tad creepy though :DKasey's- Owned by Guido's (the oldest reasturaunt in Galveston) The food is pretty good, but over priced. The portions are large, and the servic is good, but still, the food is over priced.Miller's Landing- A good place to go for breakfast. Their pancakesa are to DIE for! And, scince it sits right on the seawall, you have a nice ocean view, as long as you get a seat by the window. :( And it is very much like a dinner, scince breakfast isn't the only thing they serve. And service is pretty damn good, unless you get the cranky old lady :lol:im The Mediteranian Chef- A very delicious Greek resturaunt. The gyros are delicious, and the atmosphere is excelent. I believe it is family owned and operated, scince everybody who works there is greek. Service is good.Fisherman's Warf- Nothing special. A Landry's subsidiary and chain. Food and service are good, but it is way overpriced. But if you feel like going there, be sure to try the angels on a horseback :o[Miller's Landing]The Cajun Greek- A good place for cheep food. Their gyros are good, not the best. They also sell crab for a good low price. It used to be a good place to after you came back from the beach, but now their trying to be "resturaunt-esque" which i don't like very much. But still a good place to eat :DSaltwater Grill- Five stars hands down. The atmosphere is like that of a New York cafe, but witha Gulf of Mexico twist. The service? Excellent. The food? Delicious. I ordered the seared (yes i eat raw/ semi raw fish) yellow fin tuna, and the apple cider salad. The seared tuna was good, it came with wissabi (well wissabi mixed with something, anyways :D) and asian slaw, and tomato and lemon. But the apple cider salad.. it was something else! It was delicious! What it was made of were various greens, carrots, grilled apple, candied pecans, and an apple cider vinnegerette. It almost tasted like candy. Man it was so good :D you have to visit this one. You MUST!!!Speculoos- Instead of going to Miller's for breakfast, we decided to try this french pasterie and cafe resturaunt. The chocolate scones and sticky buns are very delicious :P but should you want something more hardy and filling, the have many options, such as the philly cheese stake pasterie, and the breakfast crissont. And the guys who owns the place is funny.Beno's- A good place to go after you go to the beach. Delicious cajun food. Awsome poboy sandwiches. Decent service. Located right on the seawall.The Original Mexican Cafe- Very good authentic mexican food. Awsome atmosphere. But the whole experience was sort of ruined for me, because these MORONS decided o have a birthday party there for a daughter of thers, so there tons of kids running around and screaming, and their parents weren't doing ANYTHING about it :P but of course, we just HAD to be seated in the same room, only two tables awya... I guess i can talk about that one in the vent too :D[speculoos]Then on our way back home, we drove up into Kemah (Which was a bust because it was raining, and all of the fun rides were closed :D) and ate at the Aquarium. Aquarium-This is the place to go if you going for atmosphere. The havy tons of HUGE fish tanks, lots of fish, and if you're lucky, you just might see a dive go down into a tank like we did. But if you dont feel like driving around in Kemah, there is one of these restuarunts in Houston, too. The food is delicious, just over priced. The waitor we had was very nice and was always offering his help.Now for where to stay.This time around, we stayed at the tremont hotel, instead of the Galvez. It was a nice hotel, but i liked the Galvez better. The tremont does not have a pool, but since they ae both owned by the same hotel chain (Whyndam) you may use the pool at the Galvez, which might i add, has two hot tubs, and a swim up bar. :(Entertainment:There are tons of stors down town on the strand.There are many beaches, some of which you must pay to use, others which are free.Down town, there is this GYNORMOUS chess set, so we got bored of shopping and decided to play it. Just a word from the wise: Don't try and do it at mid-day. The heat and sun will kill you.We did this cool little dolphin watching tour thingy, and saw some dolphins :)and theres a whole lot more to do, i just cant think of it right now :PI'll post pics as soon as i become un lazy and upload them :P

  4. What on earth have you been smoking kid?First of all, it's a pain in the *bottom* to make a unique signature, and even harder to find one off the internet that fits you well. I think it's silly that you have to have images to remember such things! Besides, alot of times sigs can start to look alot alike.And like truefusion said, what if they were to change it?And does this topic REALLY belong in the vent?sheesh...

  5. And I thought I saw it all; but then this comes along.This is the creepiest thing i have ever seen. Who on earth wants to weat their grandmother, father, lover, you name it, on their finger! I guess it is better than keeping one of those boxes of ashes in you house, but it's just plain wrong! I mean, it sounds like a good idea at first, but what should happen if you lose the gem? thats a lot of money down the toilet right there. And it isnt like you can replace it, so yeah, it isnt a very good idea.

  6. Ok being the huge tennis player I am, I watch the foru Grand Slam tennis tournements every year. But we went out of town towards the end of it. I cought the part where Venus Williams won, becoming the lowest ranked Wimbledon champion, but I missed who won the mens tournement. I think it was federer, but i don't really know.If you know could you please tell me?Thanks :DANd by the way, did anyone cach the set where Serena Wiliams hurt her leg and came back and won?Pretty impressive!

    Notice from BuffaloHELP:
    Title modified.

  7. How corrupted is my school?


    Pretty damn corrupted.


    Im in the eighth grade, and there already has been a girl who has had a baby.


    People sell drugs in the bathrooms.


    People DO drugs in the bathrooms.


    You can barely walk down the hall without getting felt up.


    Two years ago, we had a bomb threat, and a fire started by a student.


    The seventh grade art teacher is a pervert.


    There are gang fights almost every day.


    People have had sex in the locker rooms after school before.


    Last year in the seventh grade, we had a kid pull a fire alarm.


    Kids walk down the hall with their asses hanging out of their pants.


    People bump and grind at school dances.


    There is grafiti all over our brand new band hall.


    People will steal your books and then mess them up so you have to pay a big fine at the end of the school year.


    Girls dress like hoochie mommas


    But, my school isn't as bad as it seems, it is a lot better off now than it used to be, now that it is under new management. But we are going to havwe to wear uniforms next year. :D

  8. Being a military brat, and having a parent who faought in Iraq, you get the real side of the story. And the truth is that Sadam was guilty. He led many radica Islamists, to kill inoccent people. I think he had WMD's. I'm probably the only one here who thinks Bush isn't an idiot. But, Sadam is the most hanus person to ever walk the earth.Now do I have a problim with Islamists? Nope, I don't have a problem with anyone unless they commited a horrible crime.

  9. So for a week that me and my friend becca are putting together to honor someone who's name i will not mention :D I spoofed drops of Jupiter:Now he?s back in earth?s atmosphereHis hair is soaked with Ashley?s tears hey heyHe rocks the hawk and isn?t afraidTo show us all it?s okay to change hey heySince the return of his stay on foxThere?s no reason to watch that old black box hey heyBut tell me did you sail across the skyDid you make it to Hollywood to see the lights all fadedAnd Simon?s opinions are over ratedTell me did you meet a super starOne who knew you?d go farAnd tell me, did you think of usWhen you were lookin? for yourself out thereNow he?s performing for the NationHe?s become a teen pop sensation hey heyYou?re dissed by haters who don?t really knowWho you are so just say so hey heyNow that he?s back in the atmosphereI?m afraid he might think of me as plane ol? JaneTold him a story about a girl who was to afraid to fly so she never did landBut tell me, did Gwen sweep you off your feetDid you finally get a chance to dance in the light of BroadwayAnd head back to Federal WayAnd tell me, did J-Lo blow your mindWas Idol everything you wanted to findAnd tell me, did you think of us while you were looking for yourself out thereCan you imagine no love, hate, American Idol Your fans always sticking up for you Because we know the haters are wrong Can you imagine no ponyhawk, besame mucho, five-hour phone voting timeThe best reason to drop out... and singing But tell me did you sail across the Sky Did you make it to Hollywood to see the lights all faded and that Simon is over rated Tell me did you ever meet a super star one who knew you?d go far and did you think of us while you were looking for yourself na,na,na,na,na,na,na,na,na,na,na,na,na, na,na And did you finally get the chance to dance on Broadway na,na,na,na,na,na,na,na,na,na,na,na,na, na,na And did you meet a super star Ever meet a super star na,na,na,na,na,na,na,na,na,na,na,na And are you happy while looking for yourself out there

  10. Obviously kid, you don't know how economics in this countrie works.The truth is we as americans are lazy, and expect alot. The illegal immagrants do not expect as much, because there is a difference in the amount currency is worth in both places. Now, little bobby from america who is american wants to be payed 7.50 an hour. But little Max who is from a third world countrie will do the exact same job for 4.50 an hour. Now who are you going to hire? If I was a big C.E.O. and wanted to spend as little on a business as possible, I'd hire the cheaper guy :DAs for us paying tax dollars to send illegals to school, that's where I start to see your point. First of all, I think tax in my town is completely ridiculous, and it keeps going up, and it is going to stupid stuff like free lunch and breakfast at schools.Now don't get me wrong, I don't have a problem with Mexicans, or any Forigner for that matter, just please, if you move here, please do it the honest and legal way.

  11. I so sick and tired of the stupid boys at my school.They can't seem to get it through their thick skulls that I am not a slab of meat.Do they not realize that maybe i really don't want to be felt up when I am at a party or going down the hall at school? Or that maybe I don't want to go over to their house when their parents aren't home? Or perhaps that my legs are closed untill he puts a ring on my finger?I swear I can't stand it. What is it about testosterone that make them act like that?I'm a human being, and I want to be treated like it. God gave me rights, and they are taking them away from me.I don't want stupid nicknames. I want to be called Sarah. The name I was born with. I want to be called beautiful, not hot. I want kiss on the cheek, not a slap on the *bottom*.Now, don't get me wrong, not all men are like this.Just the ones at my school. :D

  12. My wife got on my case this morning about my leaving the toilet seat lid up during the night when I got up to take a whiz. Apparently she almost took the plunge when she went in there in the dark and took a seat.

    You just answered your own question. :P How would you like it if you almost fell in a toilet, because your spouse is to lazy to put the seat down? Frankly, I don't like the idea.

    My response to her was that she never lifts the lid for me after she's done, so why do I need to put the lid down when I'm finished. Why can't everyone just look out for themselves when it comes to peeing? Is this too much too ask? Do women not want equal rights in the toilet area?

    We don't lift the lid for you because a.) Nothing (other than the bowl) is nastier than the underside of a toilet seat, and b.) She might have to use it again before you do. And you need to put the lid down when you are finished because that is polite, and what a gentelman would do :D So, technicly if you don't do it, it means you don't consider her very much, and you're a rude man. :P

  13. I must agree with tikiprincess.Have you ever seen those shows about police officers who bust multi-million drug hiests? You know when they take a small dab of cocaine and taste it to see if it is really cocaine? If they did that in real life you would get stoned out of your mind. Same thing with the House thing. LSD (AKA acid- for all of you flower children) is a hallucinant. It makes you feel and see things things that aren't correct/ don't exist. And anyways, he took two drugs that counter act eachother. Whatever drug is most powerful- in this case the one that causes the migranes- will have the effects show through. Besides, do you realize how much of a moron this charecter was for taking to drugs that do the exact oppisite jobs of eachother?And on another note, do you realize how much trouble you could get in if you got busted for acid? You could get a monster fine, community service, or worse- time in the slammer. And not to mention the rehab.But the worse punishment of all is the horrible things LSD does to you. People who take it have flashbacks- immagine when you're 35, and driving your kids to soccer practice- and then all of the sudden, you start seeing things.Like tiki said, TV shows are for entertainment pourpuses only.

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