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Posts posted by Mermaid711

  1. I think you misunderstood me completly on that subject. This idea of mine wont change how orphans are treated. You are just giving special education to special people.

    Which, is descrimination, and unconstitutional. What if a certain kid's parent flips out over that kind of thing, that their child wasn't chosen for the "special education"?


    You meant you cant train yourself to be a leader, you born leader kinda thing?

    Yes. You were either born a leader or a follower. You can train a follower to become a leader all you want, but that doesn't make them a leader. That makes them a follower of the leader's ways.


    People dont born good or bad. Their environment and experinces make them. A 10 years old child can only be bad if he/she experinced some bad, tramatic events. Thats why you're testing their mental health. By the way, Im repeating myself... Yes, humans are complex, yes we cant see right through them. But you are dividing power among hundreds of people who are raised in a controled environment.

    You, sir, have crappy grammar. And, no, that is not true. People who were destined to be criminals have been scientifically proven to have a difference in their grey matter in their brains. And brain washing is just cruel. The people of the society aren't really people if they can't think freely. And it doesn't matter if you DO devide the power among hundreds of people if they all were brain washed to think the same way. What are you smoking?


    In my opinion... if this idea is wanted to set in motion, the biggest problem would be finding good teachers. The people who starts the revolution should be saints becasue their "good" will be taught on those children. This is difficult but not impossible. By the way, as I said in "democracy perfect?" topic. Democracy is not about freedom, it's about safety. Demoracracy hampers the decision progres thus making it slow and sometimes resulting in lousy decisions but in return it gives safety from ambition of humans becasue the power is been dividing among thousands.

    Yes, but that's in your opinion, which from this standpoint seems corrupted. And there aren't any saints that are currently alive, and it would take hundreds if not thousands of years, because there will always be people who want to rebel. And what? Democracy isn't about freedom?! And no, it does not make it slow, it does not hamper the decision process. Democracy is about what the people want. And what the people want is best. Sure the people screw up sometimes, but have you noticed that democratic countries' constitiutions last alot longer? I live in America, and our's is the oldest functioning constitution.


    You sir, have no idea what you are talking about. So, I hate to be unfriendly (well okay that's a lie) but I suggest you read up on the facts first.

  2. Actully Mike, voting doesnt make you "Nobody rules me"

    Actually, no, but that's not what he's saying. Us Americans are ruled under the ideals that the only person who rules the people, are the people.



    "...What are you going to do with the other millions of children that aren't selected to be taught the government ways?..."

    I dont understand, what about them?


    What are you going to do with them? You can't just abandon them.


    "...what would happen if they got a really corrupt person in there..."

    That's why you are raising only "good" ones from childhood and that's why there isnt only one person in rule but a closed parlement.

    But then they're not leaders. And you might teach them the ways, teach them to be good, but you can't always weed out the bad people. Someone who comes across as a good person can turn out to be an advocate of the devil.


    And I suggest you get familiar with quote tags. You're going to need them.

  3. Hi there.I keep having realistic dreams.I mean, they are so realistic that they fool me into thinking I've done something that I really haven't done.Like last night I had a dream that I sent a text to someone and I looked into my outbox and it wasn't there. It was so wierd. And I could have sworn that I sent it to him. It was really strange because I woke up in my dream, sent the text, and went back to sleep in the dream. I was so freaked out in the morning. . . I was just wondering, is this normal? And I can also feel and smell and taste, which I don't think that you are supposed to do that in a dream. . . hmmmmm . . .EDIT: Also, EVERY dream of mine is in color. I've never had a black and white dream. But I hear some people do. Is this normal? And I rarely if ever forget my dreams. There are some dreams I had a few months ago that I can describe in vivid detail like I had them last night.

  4. →Boys are not hard to figure out. [well some are :D]←

    And niether are pez despensers.

    →I think I have ADHD Too. ←

    Dude that's awsome

    →Boys are not dumb. ←

    Are you sure about that?

    →Not all whites hate colored people.←

    i know that. I'm white and my best friend is black.

    →When the power of love, overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.Definately←

    fo sho.

    →Have you noticed that iPods and cellphones are the only things boys brag about being the smallest?Um... wth?←

    Just think about it for a second.

  5. Hey man, don't be judgemental. First of all, it's not about jupiter. Yes i know the name of the song is drops of jupiter, but no, it's not about that.And I'm not looking to become the next whitney houston. I'm just looking for something to do on the weekends when I'm grounded.and okay, thanks.But I'm in band. I play the saxophone. I can read music. I know my scales. I just want to know what makes an interestingly beautiful sound

  6. What the heck?!?!?!?! Are you TRYING to be a communist?!?!?!?!Since I've heard the terms Brain wash, abandon, take over, give up, people have no say, ect. repeatedly, how is this the perfect government idea? Shoot, I'd rather live in the society I live in now. What are you going to do with the other millions of children that aren't selected to be taught the government ways? And if people don't have a say in their parlement, what would happen if they got a really corrupt person in there, and the general public couldn't do a thing about it, except watch their country meet it's demise?You're idea won't work. Sorry.

  7. What are some easy to learn chords on the piano? I already know some of the major chords:C: C+E+GD: D+F#+AF: F+A+CG: G+B+CYeah so I want to learn how to play the piano with chords. I know the basics, like which notes are where and what not, how to keep time ect. . . So yeah.And also are there any song writters here? What I also want to know is what makes a song, such as Drops of Jupiter, so beautiful?

  8. ok these have been puzzling me


    if mineral water has been trickling down millions of years why does it have a expiary date on the bottle???

    So you will buy more of it.

    do blind people dream? Do They Dream?

    Yes. Why not?

    Square root of pie?

    Who cares? Type it in on a calculator.

    hotdogs come in packs of 8 and hotdog rolls come in packs of 10 why?

    It's a government conspiracy against you.

  9. When you say boys are as hard to figure out as pez dispensers, do you mean they're hard, or easy to figure out. Because I would say some of us are, some of us aren't.The awesome guys, the good guys, the ones that won't use you are mostly the hard to figure out ones.
    Girls are was harder to figure out tho. e.g. the girl that says no to being asked out and is cut when you're going out with someone else...

    I'm saying it's not that hard to figure out. I mean, how hard is it to use a pez despenser?


  10. So here are some random thoughts I had, I sure hope this isn't considered spamming hahaha.Boys are as hard to figure out as pez despensers.Al Gore is a hypocrite.Gravity is not my friend.Estrogen is a *BLEEP*.Sex is like Russian Roulette.Hollister collogne smells really good.White people turn more colors than colored people. So whities have no room to talk hahaha.Boxers are awsome.I think I have ADHD.The world is supposed to end the year I graduate. Crap.Algebra is the devil's tool.Life sucks and then you die.When the power of love, overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.Boys are dumb.Have you noticed that iPods and cellphones are the only things boys brag about being the smallest?I think I suffer from FMS I think I suffer from PMSI think I suffer from your dad hahahaaSometimes, I think everyone is plotting against me.Duuuuuuude. . . . ohmygosh. . . hahahaha I don't know.So umm yeah, those are my thoughts. I'll add more later.

  11. Umm, actually, the USA has been a superpower in the world ever since the mid-1800's. England is a powerfull force and always has been and always will be, but they weren't even able to keep the land they aquired.But that set aside, I can NOT stand liberal media. I can NOT stand anti war stuff. I can't stand any of it.I find it strange, that the democrats look at us funny, like we can't handle or fix problems we cause. It's because we're too busy cleaning up after your welfare rat arses.Rawr.

  12. So I live in the great country of America. The land of the free. With purple mountains and amber waves.Yeah you get the point.Well I was watching the news recently, and I've noticed it's alot more grim than it was five years ago. All we see now are bank robberies and rape victims. . . when not so long ago we saw happy things on the news, more often than once in a blue moon.A big problem is with hold impatient and unaware americans are about their surroundings. The other day I saw a heart breaking story on the news. A little girl was getting kidnapped (it was staged, but only the people involved with it knew what was up) in broad daylight, and no one stopped to help her. But the big problem is in our politics. Those damn democrats can't even pick a presidential canidate. Well, okay, the kinda did. But one of the nominees is too hard headed to drop out. But if we can't make up our minds about things like this, what makes us think we're ready to take on a war?And a lot of people have jumped political ship because of the all too volitile mixture of media and war. You can't just pull out of a war when we haven't finished the job yet. Duh.And what about the economy? We're in a slight recession. But it's not the gloom-doom thing the media likes to make it look. Don't even get me started on global warming. That's just something feuled by Al Gore, a man who uses private jets. I wish everyone wasn't so stupid and didn't believe everything they saw on tv.So we're all a bunch of idiots. And us, the kids of the nation, have to pay for our parents stupidity.

  13. I'm not sure if this would work for me or not. My skin is strange. It is extremely dry, to the point were it gets all flaky. But by the end of the day, my face is flooded with oil. Why? It seems so strange to have such diverse skin. Is there any way around this problem?

    I sorta have this problem. I have splotches of oily and dry skin all on my face. So trying to find facial products is especially tough. The lemon juice soaks up extra oil. The brown sugar is a great exfoliant for dry skin.

    Just follow the instructions!

  14. I tried this, this morning. I mixed the following ingredients together.1 lemon2 spoonfulls of brown sugar2 asprinJuice the lemon and then put the asprin in the lemon juice. This should soften the asprin to the point where it could be mashed up with a spoon. Then add the brown sugar. Stir thouroghly (or however you spell it)Then get a wash cloth and soak it in warm water. Then wipe your face down. Then soak the same washcloth in hot water, ring it out, and then lay it over your face for about 5 minutes. (to open the pores.)Then apply the mixture over oily areas of the face and leave it there. Apply it to dry areas (make sure you have alot of the asprin in this part) and scrub.Then apply an oil free moisteriser.

  15. As someone else stated, I, too, laughed my *bottom* off when I read the title.First of all, I CAN NOT STAND any form of anime or manga (with the exception of Pon and Zi- They're so cute!) because it's nothing but flashing lights and annoying sounds.Luckily, I don't have to put up with many "Narutards" at my school because the only people who read or watch anime (again, with the exception of Pon and Zi) are the social hermit crabs who never get out and do anything or talk to anyone.But yes, I see what you mean, and yes, I am very sorry for you.In Anime's defence I did like that Princess Mononoke movie (I watched it back when I was like nine or ten.)Oh and I'm not so sure weather or not Pon and Zi is manga or not. Just google Jeff Thomas and see what comes up and then message me and tell me.

  16. Wierd dreams are nothing to worry about. I have them all the time.Dreams are just a playback of your subconsious thoughts.I think the wiedest dream I've ever had was when I woke up pregnant sleeping next to some guy I didn't even know. I thought it was wierd. But it got wierder. I wasn't even in my house. I was in my friend Jacob's house. So I woke up to go get some coffe.And in my kitchen were two of my friends, Kyle and Phil. I asked them how they got here and Kyle said that I married his brother paul, who his mom didn't like talking about that much. But the strange thing was they were both talking in british accents.It was sooooooooooooo messed up ^_^

  17. So I was reading CosmoGIRL! (yes, I do in fact read that magazine, thank you very much. ^_^) and I was reading an article on teen millionares. And most of the people there got rich doing the things they did in there spare time.Well in my spare time I draw these little bears that are like people, and they're pretty funny cartoons. I have emo bear, preppy bear, and nerdy bear, but I need ideas for more characters, and I need to know if it's worth doing.Cheers!

  18. So as you have probably read in many other topics, me and some friends are making a movie about a Jewish boy and a German girl in the Holocaust. So I need to understand the faith.What prayers are important?What are some important traditions?What are their morals and basic beliefs?I don't really think that I will need a copy of the Jewish Bible because we have a Christian Bible, and that has the Old Testament in it.Just tell me what I need to know.And just so you know, I'm not interested in taking up Judism.

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