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Posts posted by Mermaid711

  1. well buddy there is inbuilt red eye reduction in some cameras..its a special kind of flash...otherwise u can use image editing softwares

    Obviously you didn't read the "Newer digital cameras have a 'red eye reduction' flash.

    And don't call me buddy.

    Just don't.

    And yes, you can use digital editing software, but what about people who can't afford the software, or they can't afford a digital camera? This will help them, along with the rest of us.

    Read people.

  2. Red eye can be very problematic, and can make one's work look very unproffessional. Many compact cameras and digital cameras have this problem, but it comes very seldomly with professional equipment.You may be wondering, "How do I reduce red eye?"But first, in order to reduce red eye, you must know the cause of red eye.So what causes red eye?Red eye is caused when a bright flash goes off. Your eyes, or anyone's for that matter, do not have time to constrict when the flash goes off. So the light goes into your eye through the pupil, and relfects of the back of the inside of the eye, straight back into the camera.Ewwwwww nasty I can see the inside of your eye ewwwwwwww.Yes, eww. Photos look very "ewww" with red eye.But here is how to avoid it. Newer cameras in which are digital, typically have a 'red eye reduction' flash, or something along those lines. If you have that opption, more power to you. But if you don't, read this:1.) Increase the ambient light. (If you can)This is because most of the time red eye occours is when the pupils are most dialated, in the night. 2.) If the first is not available, ask your subjects to look into a light for a brief period of time.An odd request, yes, but it does help, since it alows the irises to constrict.3.) Take multiple pictures. This can be especially helpfull if the other two things are not available. The most likely picture to have red eye is the first one, so just through it out or keep it in your album, but the others should turn out perfectly fine.********If you can relocate the flash bulb, do so, so that the flash is located at a higher place than the suject. It should help.Also if you can find a flash filter, that will help, but that only works on close up subjects. They can be expsensive, however.

  3. OK. Religion is a very questionable topic. Because EVERYONE seems to get incredibly offended by it. This brings me on to my first topic. Why the hell is everyone so hooked up on religion? I mean. If you say something bad to someone. And its about say. Their fashion sense. It's what they think look good so they'll be like. I see you disagree but I'm entitled to my own opinion ^.^. You are all like ^.^ okay then =D everyones fine. If you say, I think your religion is ridiculous and implausible they'll probably report you for racism, maybe cry, possibly never speak to you ever again. Why is it that people treat religion so much more seriously than everything else.

    Okay, first of all, if you are hating on someone else's religion, you are not racist unless the person's mother is jewish, and that person is a practicing Jew. Yes, i know it's confuzing, go read some books on the holocaust, it should clear some things up. And I don't care what anyone has to say about my religon or anyone else's. It is my own damn opinion and they can get over themselfs.

    The thing that bothers me is that it is not acceptable to have a bible club on school campus, but if were a torah, Koran, (insert your religious book her) club, it would be all good. That's not fair. That's the problem.

    And as for the fashion thing: I would be quite offended if someone said I looked bad. A man obviously wrote this post, because men typically don't care what other's think, unlike women (or so I think- I am not a man so I don't know.)

    Also another double standard is that priests seem to know everything about everything. Ok so theres an enormous earthquake and like 300,000 people die D: Everyone goes all emo and the scientists and geologists and other people that have been well educated in this field. OK so the news team goes to talk about the lovely people in white coats about what caused the earthquake. Bonny ^.^ Then they go ask a priest what he makes of it...

    Ahhhhhhhh, I see where you're going with this. Have you noticed that the only religious figures you're using, are, infact, Christians? Just saying. . .
    Anywho, nobody ever asks the Priest here anymore, but then again, I live fat in the middle of Christian conservitive Texas. . .


    Hahaha, that's what I am thinking.

    Yeah, I was watching an actual newsflash about an earthquake in some place I'd never heard of and they ask a priest what he thinks of the disaster. And he's like:
    It is punishment from god. Those people must have been sinners and deserved to die.

    I was sitting at my TV just like D: WHAT DID HE JSUT SAY!?

    Well, I, too, wonder why they always ask the preacher guy, it is beyond me. But keep in mind most of the people who run the media like that are phsyco liberals who want to make conservitive Christians look stupid-licious.

    Just ignore it :P

    Why did they even ask him! He clearly knows nothing about why earthquakes happen and is just rambling about his beliefs. Why are his opinions. Yes that's what they are, opinions. Better than everyone elses?? I quote Thomas Jefferson when I say "A proffessorship of theology should have no place in this instituion" He's right. Just cos someone has some belief thats totally diifferent to most other people makes him no expert in this field!

    That brings up the whole, why does the media try to ask anyone. It was not so much the person's "fault" as it was the media!

    I'm not going to start a religious debate on whether or not god exists. This isn't the place for it. I just think religion is totally overexaggerated. Whos with me.

    Thank God. That is the last thing this forum needs. . . another religious debate. . . hahah

    I think people make a bigger deal of religion than it really needs to be. But it isn't so much the religious that are making a huge deal, as it is the Atheist.

  4. Well, I think that this whole topic is just completely asanine in the first place, not to mention a waste of webspace, but I'll put my two cents in.Thinking of ways of how someone should act sheerely based on skin colour is stupid and you know it. It is completely oay in my book for a white person to, quote un-quote "act black".Thinking in ways like that is prejudice and in some cases, racist.I think this topic is stupid and someone should hand the guy who started it's *bottom* to him.TOPIC LOCKED!

  5. Hi guys.Me and a couple of friends are going to produce "Anne Frank and Me" as soon as we find the copyright avalibilties (hopefully it is in the public domain)Anywayssssssssss, we already have a couple of places lined up to film or, well, in our case, tape onto a digital camera, so we really need to know what we can get.Most of my friends have digital cameras, most with video capabilities. Also, are there any movie editing programs that are cheap or free that i can use?

  6. Hi you guys.In my Pre AP ELA class, we have decided what to do for our "Now that you know, how can you teach?" thingamajig. We are going to make a gynourmous collage. I am in charge of art coordination(geeeeeeeeee imagine that :P) and so I am going to take a bunch of photos and run them through paint shop pro 8. Any ideas?

  7. It's a great book and a very important document from WWII. I read it in year six- the only thing is it's just another excuse to teach less. In Britain the history department bangs on about how the war effected the children and ruined their lives: personally I'd rather learn about how my Grandfather and friends fought, and Hitler (Who is undoubtadly a genius as far as battles are concerned) and his techniques of warfare and unions made with other countries. I'd also like to learn about the Nazi occupation of places like France and Norway (My home country). But instead I spend about three years learning about the bleeding avacuees and how hard they had it (E.g. Living with people in.. *Gasp* THE COUNTRYSIDE)! Anne Frank is pretty much the same- there are simply far more important people than her, for example; the Corey Ten Boom family and Maximilian Kolbe.

    Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yes, Corrie ten Boom. The hiding place. I love that book. But it is very hard to read during the first couple of chapters. . . I had to read that a couple of years ago. . .

    Yeah yeah, my grandma was a Rosie the Riveter (look it up on google) what do you have to say to that British boy :D

    Haha, just kidding :P

    Anyways, I don't need the book for a class, I need the SCRIPT because me, along with some friends of mine, will be producing the script. It should be fun. . .

  8. Well I guess that the theory is your eyes will stand out more if you use the opposite color eyeliner, which would be blue or purple in your case... but, haha... wow, that's just cool to have amber eyes... Since that's such a rare color though, I guess they'd stand out anyway. :D

    Yeah they stand out. . . depending on what i have on and the light and colour of the room. . . anywho. . .

    Yeah I tried the oppisite color thing. It does work. But the problem is I don't know what makeup is best for me, and I can't seem to find makeup tips for my eye color anywhere on the internet because of the rarity of my eye color.

    So my orange/amber eyed peeps speek up :)

  9. Well, today in my language arts class, we studied world war 2 propaganda, then we had to right an eleven sentence paragraph over how we could prevent it from happening again and what specific groups of people to focous education on.


    This isn't exactly my eleven sentence paragraph, but here are some ideas.


    Topics of education- Well, seeing as how some of the countries of the world are trying to make it seem as the holocaust didn't exist OR they're trying to make it look not as bad as it was, or they are not teaching it how it occoured. I think that we need to make a cirriculum, or at least a basis for a cirriculum, to teach how it all went down. I find this especially important because you know what they say about bad events in history (it's never the good ones :)) "If you don't know it, it's doomed to repeat itself." And, quite frankly, I have jewish, disabled, and homosexual friends (hell I might have some jypse friends [whatever a jypsie is]) who I do not want to become victim to that. Plus I find it rather cruel and inhumane for anyone to undergo that no matter who you are. I think that they should have anti-hate courses, in addition to the halocaust education.


    Rules of Society- Has anyone else noticed this besides me? It is becoming more and more acceptable to hate someone for their skin color, race, religion, disability, sex, soceoeconomic background, or sexual orientation now more than ever. It needs to stop. Now. It isn't okay for someone to be discriminated against just because they are different. No people, you know better than that.


    Disposal of Body Image Standards- If anyone here who is in the USA and over the age of about 16, you have probably heard about the Aryan race. The term originally came from a term to describe a person from Iran, or a persion. But the Nordic myths of Aryan supremacy is where the blonde-haired, blue-eyed people came from. I think that magazines like cosmogirl are premoting false images of perfection in one's body. If anyone knows how women can be at times, competing for the male's affection, the one who wins out (typically the blonde hair blue eyes) will gain a sense of supremacy. Well, before you go off on me telling me that this has nothing at all to do with killing 10,000 men, women, and children, you are right, but a sense of supremacy does not need to be granted to any specific genepool of people.


    For those of you who are familiar with adolph hitler and the affairs that pervert had with his wive, you know where the Nordic myths, or well, part of the Nordic myths originated from. We need to make behaviors like that severely frowned upon in this society.


    Don't let minority over rule the majority- The Nazis who actually knew what they were doing was only about 10% of the rest of the population. The fact of the matter is people, BE YOUR SELFS AS LONG AS YOU DON'T HURT SOME ONE ELSE!


    Ahhh it still needs work, but I don't want to type anymore. . . I might finish it later. . .

  10. Ummm, no sympathy there for you buddy. The fact of the matter is that your broke the rules. You should have had self controll when this kid was being asinine and picking on you. It is only sensless and imature to beat someone up because they pick on you. That kid wanted a reaction out of you. Sorry, but your principal is right. And the kid that was picking on you didn't through the first punch, and from the sounds of it, it looks like he didn't fight back much at all.Sorry bud that's life.And just for the record: Small, less than one line posts are refered to as spam and will have you removed from the forum.

  11. No it's not a weak argument. If someone is dumb enough to drive after doing anything that may (or may not) impair their judgment, or operate heavy machinery, or wield a weapon, then I wouldn't blame that on the substance.

    Ummm sense makes none. Imparing someone's judgment would disable them to make smart decisions. Or, here, let me put that in terms you can understand. It makes them stupid and makes them make stupid choices.

    Furthermore, no I am not a pot smoker.

    Suuuuuuuure you're not. . .

    I've never smoked anything nor drunk any alcohol in my life. Characterizing me as such because of the opinions I hold is absurd.

    No, the views you have are absurd. It's kind of obvious when you say "Pot isn't bad but ole granny's tabbacy is!" that you smoke or have seriously considered it. . . but then again this is the internet so we don't really know. . .

    It's an concept that I came up with the other day. Obviously it's got kinks and it's very rough around the edges, but give me a break, it's still a concept. It has major work to be done, and that'll be accomplished whenever I have time. I'd like to write up a paper on it at some point, but I'd definitely like all of your input to go into this concept. I'd like to know what you all think will work and what won't.

    It has kinks out the wazzoo. If it has major work to be done on it, then why put it for people to hand your *bottom* to you? Well, I think we all stressed to you the whole "what will work and what won't work" concept, but you're being stubourn after you said you will be open to our ideas.

    And as for the whole "Pot has yet to be accounted for any deaths and Tabbaco is wayyyyyyyy worse thing": What in the hell are you smoking? I WANT SOME!

    Furthermore, recent studies have shown that Marijuana doesn't carry anywhere near the negative effects that tobacco does. Obviously any sort of smoke will cause lung damage, but that is the users choice. Feel free to correct me (with proof of course) if I am incorrect in my statements.

    Tabacco is a long term killer, yes. But I know of people who have died within 15 minutes of smoking blunts. The fact of the matter is that this is an asinine concept to say pot isn't bad but tabacco is.

    And for the whole it doesn't have anywhere near the bad effects of tabacco: you must smoke pot because that is infact, asinine. The fact of the matter is that this is a recent study by YOUNG scientists and the study has yet to be refined.

    I was actually thinking about outlawing alcohol, but I'm not sure how free a country would be if it were outlawed, and the maturity difference between 16-18 seems to be negligible in most of the people I've ever known.

    Of the people you know, yes, but of the vast majority of people no. You don't know what you're talking about in the grand scheme of things.

    And anwiii, I've been reading your posts as well, you seem to be the one talking about things you have no knowledge about.

    Oh yeah buddy. That's reeeaaaaal mature. You seem to be giving people a reason to say those things because YOU have NO IDEA what YOU are talking about.

    Like I said, this is just a concept. I'd love for all of you to make changes and corrections and to post them in this thread. Personal attacks on my level of knowledge are useless and annoying. Instead of saying "Oh, you're dumb, you know nothing!" try saying "Recent studies have shown that marijuana usage can cause severe damage to the liver, etc." instead of insulting my intelligence. It's much easier to take you seriously when you back up your points, and you present them like a rational human being.

    Well, if you'd just stop giving us a reason to call you asinine or dumb, then wed, infact, stop calling you those things! Sheesh it's common sense!

    And just for the record, after the pot thing, it's been really hard to take you seriously.

    You reap what you sow.

  12. I was having an argument with a friend of mine a few days ago on the fact that all the Western civilizations are on a slow, but steady decline. Not necessary economical decline, but a far more important and with far greater consequences cultural and moral decay which in time will inevitable lead to the downfall of the Western hegemony.

    Um, excuse me, but I happen to be a western citizen, and I will tell you that these views are biased, and since what you cite in this post as your sources of information happen to be television and other media sources, you really don't know what you are talking about now do you Mr. Romania.

    I strongly believe in this theory. I consider its outcome not a question of if, but a question of when. You may call me a pessimist, you may think I see only the part of the glass that is empty, but we all see the signs. I believe the Western civilizations are at or have passed the peak of their development. Remember that after the shining Roman Empire came the Dark Ages... History is known to repeat itself.

    You still don't know what you are talking about. The eastern civillizations are just farther behind us (with the exception of england, russia and germany) and so you guys are jeallous :)

    And yes we all know that history is known to repeat itself, but uhhh THAT WAS IN ROMANIA!

    It has been nearly 200 years since the Civil war, and us westerners tend to learn from our mistakes.

    The signs are, in my opinion, easy to see. Global warming and the end of the fossil fuels will destroy the financial foundations of the West. The economies based on a great industry will be the first to go down. The increasingly bigger disasters caused by global warming won't help either.

    Yes, but I guess they don't have E8 ethonal over there. . . And there is increasing proof that there isn't such thing as Global warming, that the Earth has heating and cooling cycles. . . I knew Al Gore was full of Bull Shhhh.... Crap =]

    There is no scientific proof that those disasters are caused by the global warming, which is increasingly disagreed with by the people who actually have an education.

    And if you are so worried about the fuel, the vast majority of that stuff comes from russia and the middle east.

    But far more important is the moral decay of the West. Everyday I see on the news children shooting their deskmates, teachers or parents. We are all part of the "eat crap, get fat" cult (myself a McDonald's & KFC junky, although not fat at all) and more and more the giant multinational corporations control every part of our life, with the New World Order becoming an ever greater threat. The capitalistic world promotes all the wrong virtues it's masterpiece being the great money chase. The fast development of this world makes us loose our identities. The psychologists say that someone that does not remember it's "roots" is easily manipulated. And that is what TV does best...

    Fast food=BLEH!

    Sure I don't always have time to eat healthy, but I am not the american idiot you see on TV that gorges on junkfood. Weather you eat fast food or health food does not have anything to do with the downfall of a civillization.

    And being capitalistic as long as you're not a fascist capitilist is what drives this part of the world. you europeans have it all wrong.

    And the thing about the children shooting there schoolmates: that rarley happens. The media likes to make everything appear worse than it is in real life. My bes advice to you is ignore what you see on TV. . . that stuff rots your brain. . . :D

    Todays world no longer has the values it was built on. That is why it's decline is predictable and ultimately inevitable. It's just like a train going too fast... it will inevitably derail.

    Mmmmm yet again, no Idea what we're talking about. . . I'm going to hold my comment on this one. . . =D

  13. Well, after being disapointed of Above The Rest's government idea, even though he DID put up a decent argument for a 14 year old :) anyways, here is my idea for a government.I don't exactly have a name for it, so it frees the mind of the thinker who wants to come up with something. =]]It is based off of capitilism, but it isn't entirely capitilism (which for those of you who don't know, that means that it isn't fascism).The first aspect of this government is. . . well. . . the type of government. It is much like the government of America, only not so full of liberal socialists yahoos *cough* Nancy Paloci and Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama*cough*. There will be three branches, judicial, legistative, and executive. However, the power and government will not be so focused in one area but GENERALLY over through out the area. There will be a leader, I am not going to give specific terms because they DO mean different things. I guess you could call him the president. . . ANYWAYS. . . He or She will have the final say in things, however, they are required to get the corect information to make decisions before they make some totally biased decision.We will START at a diplomatic approach to wars, however, if the country does not accept our diplomatic approach, we will go to war, depending on the circumstance. We are not the Frogs (wow that was so politically incorrect :D) we do not run when there is a war.We will stand by our allies. We will not allie our country with any random country, we have to know their moral values and things like that.Avarage people will be allowed to vote to decide wether or not we should go into a war when and only when it is decidable. They will not be able to decide how the military should spend its budget. The reason for this is, I don't want some diplomat hippy pants making important decisions about something they don't support. The government will get to vote, and as stated before, we will then have the president's say.Laws should star RELITIVLY close to the same way. . . not entirely. . . but close. . .**************The second aspect of our government is the way of life of our people. Welfare benifits will be reserved primarily for the old and the disabled, then secondly for the low income and the recently layed off. There will be a time limit to how long you can stay on welfare, depending on your circumstance. You may choose the job of your choice, colleges will vary in order to meet everyone's intrest.Housing will not be provided by the government, unless you are of the circumstance stated above. Sorry, it's not fair to the good tax payers of this country for you to be a lazy bum just sapping up all the tax money, when you are not contributing to society. And if there is a plot of land that you want to build your house on or someone is already there, you can negotiate with the person who is there, or if they say no/ you can't afford the land then your just *BLEEP*. . . errrrrrr I mean stuff out of luck. Sorry buddy, that's life.Unless you qualify for welfare, all food items will be bought with your OWN money. Uncle sam ain't paying for your beef stew, son, this is why it is so important to get a job.Our community members will have a free lifestyle, with a FREE (yes, mermaid finally agreed to government funded items) school eduction, much like Texas's education system. These will be funded by the tax spent at stores, along with some property tax.Roads will be payed for mainly on spendeture tax. We will try to keep income tax as low as possible. But what is left over from the income tax will fund wellfare and government/millitary spendeture.****************Drugs will be illegal, smoking tobacco will not, and niether will drinking, but it will be highly frouned uppon.Possesion of prescription drugs without a record or proof of prescription is highly illegal. Doctors are required to document when there is a prescription issued.****************You're not Paris Hilton. Drink Drive, GO TO JAIL! You will have your license revoked 30 days on first offense, 90 days on second offence, and a year on third offence. You wil not be able to buy any alcohol of anysort unless it is isopropal (rubbing alcohol) for 30 days.*****************There will be border patroll. Heavy border patroll. but we WILL keep things realistic. *****************Abortions are legal, BUT there will be heavy recosidering to do before you get one. What I mean is, the mother will be forced to learn about the abortion process, she will have to view her fetus ect. . . .*****************Capital punishment is and WILL be used in the community. If you murder someone, well, you will either be forced to serve life in a jail or capital punishment.We will also use chinese water tourture. . . amd believe me, I know, it DOES work. . . There are no physical side efects, but there are HEAVY mental side effects.*****************Well, that's my view of how things should be. . . let me know how you see things, or what your view of my awsome capitilistic view is.

  14. You don't know anything about Marijuana, or else you wouldn't say that.

    Uhhh, excuse me, but I am perfectly capable of know what marijuana does. Medicinal marijuana is complete bull crap and you know it. That stuff ruins your grey matter (and since you probably don't know what that means, it means your brain) so it is infact, bad. The benifits of it, and I will be the first to say that there are benefits, do not make up for what is lost, few things are as grand and irriplacable as a human mind.

    I agree, Hillary Clinton is terrible.

    Yes, but you know what else? Hillary Clinton is handing Barack Obama's *bottom* to him. That guy wants to go and have tea with people who wish death upon us all. So why is a form of government from someone who wants to have Barack Obama as a president a good idea? Exactly. . .

    The middle east is a very vague term to use. There are plenty of perfectly fine middle eastern country (not necessarily American-ized, but fine in their own right)

    I agree. We do have allies over there.

    Political affiliation doesn't have anything to do with having your head on straight.

    No it doesn't, but people who DO have their head on straight are Republicans :rolleyes:

    Don't call me boy, you little punk.

    Do unto in all you do, as you'd do unto you. If you call me a little punk, I will have no respect for you. If you can behave like the adult you think you are, than I will be happy to respect you.

    Also, calling me a little punk only furthers your immaturity and ignorance and therefore gives me another reason to call you boy ;)

    Do you need some Bengay for that pain?

    Yeah Saddam was bad in all, but the Iraqis certainly don't love America (don't care what your dad tells you).

    The reason why that statement is so ignorant is because I have sources who have been there, done that, and they know more than you. Oh yeah, they also know more than you CNN does, seeing as how that channle is nothing but propaganda.

    The Iraqis want us over there, and qquite frankly, if you don't know what you're talking about, just try not to say anything at all. Everyone here would appreciate it.

    Oh, and one more thing. The Iraqis that you see on TV, on the internet, or in the newspaper/magazine are just the bad half, we're actually making AWSOME headway over there. For about every one to two guys of ours that we lose, they (the BAD Iraqis, not the good ones) actually lose anywhere between ten and twenty. The people at CNN or [enter your liberal *bottom* tv/radio station her] don't say anything about what is going good in Iraq for two reasons:

    1.) They want to make the president look stupid


    2.) Bad news sells. I mean, would you be more likely to buy a newspaper that says "Town struck oil recently- economics look great!" or one that says "A bus full of children killed sunday on their way back from the zoo"? Unless you are a major in accounting and economics, you are either going to pick both up or going to pick up the one about the buss full of children.


  15. Well, I am sure Hillary will win (unfourtenately ennough) and I am scared to death. She is the most liberal woman on the face of the Earth, next to Nancy Palloci.Who do I hope will win? Mitt Romeney, Rudy Gulliani, or Matt Huckabee. I really want Mitt to win, but he's not even going to get nominated because he is a morman, and that doesn't fly to well with the Christian right. . . oh well. . . And even though we dont want her to win, the polls say she is ahead, and stupid americans don't know what to vote for, so since they dont like ONE republican, they are going to vote for the liberal. . . They'll learn soon. . .

  16. 1. I'm not your child, don't call me son.

    Don't take it personally, I call everyone son.


    2. I said it's based off of socialism, not that it IS socialism. As in "I was kinda thinking of socialism at the time that I came up with this idea"


    Weather or not, socialism, weather it is total comunism or just the ideas of hillary clinton, is socialism *cough* a bad idea *cough*


    3. You don't seem to understand how the job system, the tax system, or the government provisions system works in this concept.

    Yes, but in THIS concept, which might I add is only a FANTASY and not REALLITY. The fact of the matter is that you need money to buy things in this world. And you have to have money in order to import needed things from other countries, there's no getting around the need for money, so don't pull out the liberal "Oh everything is free" card.


    4. You have no idea what you're talking about in terms of Marijuana. No, I'm not a pothead.


    I never said you were, bud. Sure I might have hinted it, but that's not what I said. . .


    And yes I know perfectlly well the difference between mary jane and cigarrettes. . . either way you look at it, they are both bad and should be made illegal. And dont even start with medicinal marijuana, that stuff is a load of bull crap.


    5. "Illegal drugs" are illegal doesn't make sense. You think I'm going to adopt the corrupt, US war on drugs system?

    It may not make sense to you, but it does to the majority of us. . . And well, it seems to be better than your system. Drugs are bad, they tear families apart, they ruin brilliant minds, and how exactly are you going to do when you have a bunch of crackheads and coke addicts running around, hmmmm?


    6. Humans in general don't always make the best choices. The difference between 16 to 18 year olds is negligible. And it's the persons choice, not yours, if they want to take the chance at stunting their growth.


    Then that person deserves to be slapped in the face. Sure it's not MY choice, yes there will be disobedience, but I believe that it is in the best intrest of the children that the drinking age isn't that low. . . or at least we should have some kind of alcohol awearness program. . . Eitherways, it's just not the world's best idea. . . but I have seen worse. . . everybody has to start somewhere. . .


    7. Then you don't ally yourself with that country any longer.

    Yes, but it's not what or who the allie(s) [it is spelled allie not ally, that's a girls name] are, but what they know. know the country before you have open alliencing.


    8. To suggest that our invasion of Iraq was in any way a good idea is literally the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Iraq didn't attack the twin towers, Osama Bin Laden != Saddam Hussein.


    No, it is not the dumbest thing you ever heard, but you want to know something? What you just said is the dumbest thing I ever heard. My own FATHER was in the military, he even went to Iraq, and let me tell you, it's not as bad as those liberal maniacs on CNN like to make it look. And who was in control of Iraq before we intervined? OH YEAH! Saddam Hussein! And you know who took him out of power? WE DID! He killed millions of innocent people and now he is six feet under, and we are being thanked by many Iraqis. They actually like us, they love americans, they look up to us.


    Get your facts streight, liberal boy.


    9. I'd like you to come up with a situation where following the laws in another country would break laws in America.

    The middle east. Go there, it's easy to break American laws.


    Just wondering, are you a Republican?

    Why, yes I am, but I am only thirteen. I'm not like the liberals, I have my head on straight, and I think for my self, taxes are bad, SCREW HILLARY CLINTON! and oh yeah, YAY FOR CAPITAL PUNISHMENT!


    But because I don't agree with you politically, and nor do you with I, doesn't make me any less smart then you. Nor, are you any less smart then I, we just have conflicting beliefs :rolleyes:

  17. I call it Eleutherionism, which is based off of the Ancient Greek word for freedom. It's fairly similar to socialism, but also vastly different. Here is the basic idea for it:

    As soo as I saw "socialism", i knew I wouldn't like this concept...


    Eleutherionism is an interesting concept. It's based off of socialism, but it gives the citizen much more freedom.


    I believe you already established that, son. And socialism? Stupid liberals. . .


    In socialism, everyone is paid the same thing for working different jobs. I want to expand on that concept. Different jobs will have different wages, increasing based on popularity, difficulty, and talent required. In order to get a certain job, you must study (after you graduate high school) for as long as you want and then you will take an aptitude test (created by people who currently/previously worked the job you want to have). You will need to get a certain score on that test in order to successfully get the job. If you don't pass, you'll either have to study again and re-take the test (you can re-take the test for a single job five times per year) or study in a different field. The government will provide housing and food for all of it's citizens. You will use the money you have to buy clothing and non-essentials (video games, computers, etc.). This allows all citizens to live a well-to-do lifestyle and enjoy themselves.

    Now, tell me son, WHY should the government provide expensive things for all its citizens? That's not fair to the lowerclass tax payers, ya know. I don't think that the governmant should have to provide anythings. I say the citizens get of their lazy arses and get a paying job and stop mooching off my paycheck!


    The government will work using the checks & balances system. A congress of 500 elected officials (directly elected by the citizens, who must be 18 to vote) will share equal power with the elected Chancellor (I like that term best for leader :D). They will share equal power in regards to military decisions, and any other government decisions.


    I don't think that is anywhere close to socialism, son. Socialism is where the goveernment makes ALL of the rules, and you have little say in it or no say. And I am not quite so sure that the avarage joe needs to be making military decisions. . . but that's just me.


    Abortions are legal. Drugs are outlawed, and sea ports and borders are HEAVILY monitored. Smoking is illegal. Marijuana, however, is legal. Alcohol is legal to sell to to anybody over 18. You can drink it at age 16, however.

    Abortions are legal? Baby killing is LEGAL?!?! The only time an abortion should be made legal is when bot the baby AND the mother are threatened (i.e. a fallopian pregnancy)


    Drugs are outlawed? So you mean my adville that I buy to help relive my blown out elbow is illegal? I think that youe should bee more specific, not all drugs are bad, just the illegal ones.


    Smoking is illegal but marijuana isn't? What pothead came up with that one? :rolleyes: I don't know if you know this or not, but smoking ciggerattes isn't nearly as dangerous as Mary Jane is. That's just flat out stupid right there.


    Booz can be sold to anyone who is over the age of 18... hmmmm... that's a bad idea because you are STILL growing at that point in time, and it can stunt your growth plus alcohol does not need to be in the hands of someone that young. And the 16 year-olds drinking??!?!?!?! That's a badddd idea, 16 year olds don't always make the best choices, ya know.


    Driving under the influence causes license revocation for a year, and you are not allowed to be within ten miles of any establishment selling alcohol or Marijuana during that year.


    I don't think that's very fair... A whole year? And what happens if your job is within 8 miles of a liquor store? So if I drink drive that I am going to have to quit my job just because it's down the road from a booz store? Rethink that one. . .


    This form of government allows for the government to ally itself with any other country. Congress and the chancellor will vote (the chancellor counts as ten votes) to decide if a country is able to be allied with.

    I thought the chancellor was equal to everyone else. . . And what happens if you allie yourself with a volitile contry that turns on you?


    The government will not intervene in the matters of other countries, and will not enforce it's will (unless it feels threatened and they hold a vote for it) upon other nations.


    Will it not now? Sometimes, a country NEEDS to be intervined woth, take Iraq for example. If it wasn't for good ol Uncle Sam, they would still be under the rule of Sadam Heuseign, and who's not to say we wouldn't have had the twin towers attacked again?


    You can leave the country at any time, but you will be sent to prison if you violate your Visa in another country while still a citizen.

    You can leave the country at anytime. . . I WANT OUT ;) And what if the laws are different in the other country, and in order to follow the laws, you have to violate your visa? Looks like a lose-lose situation to me.
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