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Posts posted by Smack

  1. Puppy update: all twenty-one puppies are in pens outside. They're probably thirty or forty feet from my bedroom window. One thing about puppies is that they Never. Shut. Up. I swear, they even yip and yap in their sleep.

    I think they are probably like that because they are in pens, dogs do not enjoy being cooped up.

    I agree with you about giving the animals away to the public being better than the humane society. Most of the time the shelters already have too many animals there which leads to bad conditions for the animals.

    By the way, try changing the type/brand of food you're giving them - some foods don't sit well in their stomachs sometimes and leads to stinky poop and/or diarrhea.

  2. Yeah, it looks like an old website with a background that doesnt flow nicely.. know what I mean? Imtay is right, download some more brushes, try deviantart, they have a LOT. And I belive you have the perfect font for that type of signature, but as Imtay says, add some effects to it, if you want some tutorials on adding effects, try pixel2life.com. Also, try resizing the image, make the height less because you have a lot of empty space you don't need, take for example Imtay's signature. It is the perfect size, plus it looks as he is standing in a fog because some of the brushes are over his thighs - which makes the NE looks menacing. Good start though Ridwan. ;)

  3. Yea I used to play it - but my subscription ran out and, just like you, I don't want to pay - LoL. Though the real reason I didn't renew my subscription is because I wanted to focus on college - something some of my friends and college and I chose to do because our grades were slipping a little. Too many raids! Haha. The game is fun, though there are a lot of jerks in it. I love the PvP - though it's fairly one sided. Arena is awesome it's my favorite part of the game.

  4. Hm? I don't quite understand you, I mean your reasoning is right. But the teacher chose who she took? I figured the whole class must go? Usually the only ones that are forced to stay are those who have failed or gotten into trouble and maybe are on in-school-suspension.If she just chose who she wanted to go that wasn't fair and if I were you I'd submit a calm, professional, typed complaint to the administrator of the ISD - or maybe go to the principal first.

  5. Hmm, in my opinion, yo-yo-ing is a hobby, a child's game, or maybe.. a talent. Sport? Nah. There isn't much of a physical aspect to it.Gah, and why are Poker tournaments on ESPN? Seriously, it's not a sport. All it is, is statistics. It should be on an academic channel, maybe TLC or something.

  6. I'm Mexican-American and live in Texas and over the past few months I've noticed a rise in racism around me as well.


    Jokes don't bother me, they're for entertainment purposes and I understand that.


    The things that bother me are the ones straight to your face - though most people don't have the balls to do that. And the little things. It's the little things that bother me most.


    For instance, a white friend and I applied to a job at the same time. I already had experience in the field and he didn't. But guess what, he got an initial pay of a dollar more than I? Why? Maybe it wasn't race, but it's hard not to perceive it as being that as all the managers at the place were white.


    Another little thing is when I go to sit down somewhere, and the only se at may be near an ederly woman. I sit down and what do you know? She gets up and stands in the corner. Now seriously, I don't bite.


    One that that annoys me the most are how cops treat me.


    So I'm driving the speed limit in Houston, going maybe 3 miles per hour under the limit and I get pulled over. My car has everything right with it, inspection, registration, insurance and all. The officer asks me to step out of the car. Mind you I'm being polite with my yes sirs and no sirs - so it's not my attitude that made this happen. Then next thing I know another cop pulls up behind the one that has me pulled over. Needless to say, I don't see this going well. So know what the first question I'm asked? "Do you have any illegal immigrants hiding in your car?" Oh and my car is a small '95 Ford Probe and my white girlfriend is sitting in the passenger seat, the only passenger in the car. When I say no, they drill me with questions about my girlfriend. Then the other officer drills my girlfriend with questions, not believing she is my girlfriend. Don't know what they had on their mind? Maybe they thought I kidnapped her? Then they ask me if I'm carrying illegal drugs or large amounts of money, when I say no sir, he slams me up to the car and puts handcuffs on me. They search my car and find nothing - I've never been convicted of anything - wasn't on drugs at the time - it was 10 am in the morning - and I was going to the Houston Museum because my girlfriend had a school function there.

    Bull *BLEEP* stuff.


    Then last weekend when I'm going to the mall with my father, sister, and girlfriend. We pull up in my fathers brand new Impala and walk into Dillards, well outside are two cops on bicycles standing next to the door that were looking at us the moment we got out of the car. Well, I realise I forgot a game that I was going to trade in for another one in the car, so I get the keys from my father and go to get the game. So when I get to the car and get in the back seat to find the game, the cops ride up to the car and start drilling me with questions, 'this your car son?' 'what are you doing'.. and some other pointless questions. So I'm like, look, I haven't done anything wrong why are you asking me these questions? They both give me a mean look and ride away.. What was the whole point of it? They surely seen me get out of the car?


    Oh and I'm half white - and don't know how to speak Spanish - so I have no accent what so ever.


    So what is the deal with all of it?



  7. Smack, that in England you can spend many years behind bars just for defending your property and life from armed burglars... I hope you don't want to see that happen here in America.

    Lol! Where I live when someone walks into my house and I fear for my life I can give them a headshot and not get in any trouble. Haven't I told you before I live in Texas? Jeez I figured you would of knew about that new law.


    Besides, although I think there should be tougher gun laws in America along the lines of those in Europe, I don't see it happening anytime soon.


    Alright so now you can go to CNN and see the video this guy sent to NBC along with some pictures. 2 years ago a judge declared this man mentally ill. Seems the judge was right. Decide for yourself, listen to what he has to say.

  8. They're supposed to be used for emergencies, not for personal stuff.

    That's just an opinion. They are supposed to be used for whatever you want, it's your thing.

    I would like the old Super Mario Bros game on my phone, that would be awesome. But my phone is one of the cheap ones because IMO buying an expensive phone is counter-productive because in a few months a new one will be out and I would be just like 'damn I should waited!'

  9. Since Intel was the first to make a microchip processor and successfully market it, they will always be on top. And plus, Intel currently outperforms AMD.Everyone knows 'Intel Inside' though they may not know what the hell it means or why they would want a computer with it, they know they want the computer that has the Intel logo on it.Basically, they have the computer-illeterate people hands down.Plus, now Intels are also in Macs. ;)

  10. And that is what is truly wrong with our "justice" system... I understand that if they allowed us to beat those who break and enter would probably lead to lots of "oh but he came in my house so im allowed to murder him" type cases but i like to think that if someone broke in and threatened me and/or my family i would be legally able to beat him to the ground so hes no longer a danger, i wouldn't kill him, but definitely make sure he was no longer a threat and then make sure he never tried that again!

    In Texas if someone breaks into your house and you fear for your life you are legally allowed to shoot and kill the person.

    I don't ever see guns being illegal in Texas. Unless the national government steps in.

  11. The movie is genius. I can't believe people are trying to sue him, he didn't do anything but listen to people, they let their true selves be shown to the public, haha-4-you! Those college kids made a damn fool of themselves and they deserved it, they can't say that he got them drunk.. they did it themselves, they said it themselves, they need to accept it. DA's.The movie has done good in the awards, which is should of. Everyone should see this movie, except for maybe the little ones as it does have some graphic images in it.

  12. One of the funniest things about this "idea", is what hypocrites the supporters are. I bet 90% of all the people who complain about how little people are doing via the internet are using an electricity company that sources most of its electricity from "dangerous" fuels.

    That's true, but what other choice do people have? Not everyone can afford enough solar panels to power their whole house. And your source - it's laughable. They obviously have an agenda their pushing, look at the title! Haha.

    Here is an article in the New York Times (the newspaper of record) citing a UN report saying that people have caused global warming.

    Here is an article on Grist citing a report by the Pentagon on global warming.

    Here is a link to the Pentagon report in a pdf file.

    Here is a NewScientist report citing a White House report that says people are, indeed, the cause global warming.

    Here is a BBC news article citing a UK government report about global warming.

    I could find many more sources but I'm tired of doing that. Also, if you believe that global warming is false because you believe if the glaciers melt that sea levels will lower - you're quite funny. ;) Besides - that isn't what the problem is. The problem is all the fresh water that is affecting the ocean after the glaciers melt.

  13. Your post doesn't sound very intelligent. You say the hippies are gone? Nah, the hippies are just retiring and are a strong voting force. With age -> more people vote. Those so called anarchists you speak of weren't actually anarchists but people saying they were cause stupid teenagers like the idea of it. It sells.

    Your post should be merged into this thread as thats what that topic has turned into. Wanna know what I think? Read the posts under that topic.

  14. I would have to say iPod is my favorite because it's easy to use. Plus it goes good with my Apple iBook. ;) In the past I've had a Rio MP3 player and it flat out sucked! When I tried to load songs on it, the damn computer would never recognize the player (with all the stuff installed) and when I'd try to get it to work on other people's computers the same thing would happen. Then when I managed to get the computer to recognize it after like 50 tries, the damn program it used would end up freezing throughout the transfer. Rio players are pieces of sh. iPod - plugin hit the sync button and its all good.I haven't used Zune before but the only cool thing I see about it is the ability to share songs, but then that sucks cause I've heard you can only listen to the song a handful of times before it's deleted.

  15. So my eye problem is in my imagination? That is funny the doctor has always been telling me its because my eye isn't the right shape! Damn that doctor! I'm suing because he is the one that caused my eyesight to be blurry! ;)


    Seriously who could ever believe that? Besides there is no way we could ever see the rings of Saturn! Of course I believe there is at least some truth to these things because relieving strain on your eyes will eventually have a positive effect on your eyesight. It's known that having bad eyes and going on without correct will put strain on your eyes that will make them worse. So, consequently putting less strain on your eyes will at best make them better but will most likely only allow them not to become worse. So it would be a good thing to practice but I would never expect a result like being able to see the rings with only my eyes.


    But speaking of that isn't there an astronomical event that will allow everyone to see those rings of Saturn?


    Earlier this month I heard a report on television, maybe CNN, that said that video games can actually improve your eyesight. But of course too much of a good thing is, consequently, a bad thing!

  16. Well I don't know any examples of that but I've heard of scientists talking about sending items through wormholes. With a black hole at one end and a white hole at the other. It's a funny idea. It was on the whole idea that black holes exist on Earth just that they are so minute we cannot detect them.Of course, a way to get your cinammon roll to him? Good 'ol snail mail! ;)

  17. My favorite of the two would definately be an outside cat. All of my cats have been outside cats and have roamed freely. What I like about outside cats is that you don't have to feed them everyday - they can hunt for themselves. They aren't constantly annoying you and you don't have to worry about their fur getting all over your stuff. Plus it's nice to come to your door after a long day and find a dead bird on your doorstep - loyal cats seem to leave them for you as presents. Over the years I've had 4 outside cats that have lived for a long time. All of them have at one time or another left dead birds as gifts to the family. Of course we don't do nothing with them except throw them in the garbage but it's the thought that counts right? I also like the fact that cats basically teach themselves to use the litter box. All ya do is have to show them where the litter is and somehow they instinctively know what the thing is for.


    The only kind of dog I like is one that is outside. I hate inside dogs. They poop everywhere because if there is no one to let them outside they just go whereever they choose. Plus if you leave them alone they will tear up the whole house. Over and over. You cannot teach a dog not to do this, none of them learn, when left alone they go crazy.


    Outside dogs, however, are great. That's where dogs belong, in the outdoors with a great room to run around and play. It bothers me so much when people have dogs penned up in an area that they don't even have enough room to reach full running speed.


    My favorite pet that I've ever had has got to be a ferret though. My girlfriend and I currently have two females which we keep in a cage in our room. They are so fun to play with. They do this little dance and make this 'dook' sounding noise that brings a smile to my face. They can fetch and do easy tricks such as roll over. They also come when you call them. They aren't very loving at first but after you develop a bond with the ferret the ferret will love to sleep with you (which can lead to squished ferrets!) and cuddle with you. One of the best things about ferrets though is that they don't mind being caged up, just make sure to let them out at least an hour a day for exercise and their fine. Get tired of playing with them, back in the cage you go! A cute thing about them is they are really heavy sleepers. I mean, your ferret will fall asleep in your lap on its back with its head hanging off your leg looking as if it's dead. When you pick it up it sometimes it will remain asleep and limp as if its dead! It then turns into a doll because you can do whatever you want with it! Make it dance or set it in a pose and eventually it will wake back up. I swear its so funny though the first time it happened my girlfriend panicked and thought our poor little girl was dead! She was about to take her to the vet when I dropped a plate which made a loud crash and the ferret jumped up and ran to my girlfriend for protection, it was so cute! Anyways, the ferret is my favorite pet.

  18. Well. World of Warcraft is a great MMORPG, I'd have to say it is the best one out there. It has great graphics, support, and friendly people within the game. And plus you never run out of opponents to fight or mobs to kill.Tibia (tibia.com - free) is a decent MMORPG that will remind you of the old Nintendo. Its really repetitive.. and, in my opinion, it is too easy to cheat on. Set up a macro somewhere leave the computer come back and you've gained a couple of levels. At higher levels the game gets extremely boring and the loss you're dealt from death scales with your level which means when you die at higher levels you can lose 4 days of 'work.' When played without cheats this game is a great difficulty and fun.Shadowbane (chronicle.ubi.com) is another great free MMORPG that is based solely on pvp. You can build a castle and attack others' castles while competing for resources (mines) around the world. It is awesome pvp. But be warned you need a decent computer to compete in this world. It has great group pvp and single pvp in anywhere in the world, see someone thats not in your nation and be prepared to fight.EDIT: Anyone know any good MMORPG's for the Mac? Dofus is turn based and you can only play the free version until level 20 or so, I think. And Shadowbane is choppy on the Mac. Any suggestions?

  19. Lol yeah I've seen that show as well. Genghis is in many children movies (odd eh?) as the bad guy or there is usually some character that resembles him. Contrary to popular belief he did not conquer the whole of the Mongolian Empire. It is rumored that he kidnapped a princess and while trying to enjoy the 'fruits of war' she cut off his family jewels which lead to his death. Funny end for the player of the 13th century eh? haha.

  20. Yes, I too agree the film was good. Before seeing it I figured it would be just as stupid as Anchorman was. And it was. I love the part after they both get kicked out and Will is at the children's arena.. well I won't spoil it, but that part was hilarious. The play between Shazz's sexual comments and Jimmy's ews was comical.The most odd part of the movie was the rival skaters.. echh. Though since they are married in real life it made it a little easier to bear. I bet there were some scenes that made the two actors sick to their stomach haha. I loved their skating routine at the beginning of the movie when they were introduced.. everyone was speechless.

  21. So, I wake up this morning and turn on the television and am greeted by a how-to story on CNN. "Let us show you what guns the gunman used and how easy it is to get them!" Isn't the latter part, how easy it is, counter-productive? "If you wanna do it - here's how!" .. ;) I agree with you shadowx, whomever made the decision to still let other students into the university after the first shots should be fired. After something like this has happened they should of closed the University for the rest of the day not allowing anyone to enter.. Besides I thought that was what 'lockdown' meant?Offtopic: Why was this topic moved to health and fitness, it definately does not belong here. Seems as though its inititial spot was well placed..Update: They have now identified the gunman. He was an English major from South Korea. His name is Cho Seung-hui. And President Bush is supposed to speak on the VT campus at 1 PM ET, I believe. Though I may be wrong on the time.

  22. I never mentioned owning a gun. I'm talking about an attitude here, a philosophy. I'm talking about a population of people who, apparently, would sooner just stand there and get shot then actually rush the bad guy with the gun. You don't even need a gun to win that fight, all you need is sheer numbers. Did you know that many of the genocidal crimes committed in Germany during WWII were done by soldiers holding rifles that had no rounds? It's true. All the ammo was needed on the fronts of the war so many of the soldiers weren't actually armed! If the victims had only made up their collective minds they weren't going to be "victims" any more, it would've been over for the German occupation of places like Poland, or the Warsaw Ghetto(?) (can't think of the exact name right now) or any of a number of other places. It's all about having the "Superior" mentality it takes to survive oppressors or having the "Inferior" mentality of someone who'll just stand there waiting for the bullet with their name on it to strike them down. Superiority denotes a Darwineon(sp?) attitude of survival of the fittest and smartest. That's what superior means. It means only those with the "Superior" attitude of survival will make it and the others who've already given up will not. So which are you?

    I'm sure many times you did mention owning guns. However, I do agree with you that some could of tried to rush the lone gunman and could had possibly saved many lives in doing so - but at risking their own. On 9/11, some in one of the flights, my mind slips at which, rushed the cockpit and was able to make the plane crash in Pennsylvania. (I hope I'm straight on this) So I agree with you that we should stand up for ourselves. You can look at the VPC for statistics on who stands up for themselves when crimes are occuring. Or maybe it was on the Gallup poll. Either way the study said men are more likely to stand up for themselves than women, but women, when armed, are more likely to use that force. Odd, eh? ..Anyways, I would have to hold to the theory that more guns = more crime.

  23. There has never been a genocide committed against an armed populace.

    Have you seen people in these poor countries? Children carry machine guns. They have the ability to wield guns better than many hunters around the world since they are brought up by the gun, it is their only protection in a world rife with war.

    All it takes is for the government to fall in an area and then anyone with a gun can be king, remember New Orleans?
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